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>> No.18  

Oh come on, don't try to tell me that it's just an accident of technology that the Patmos Gospel and all that bullshit is composed in a language approximate (approximate to the point of incompetence) to that of the King James Bible.

Clearly, the "thees" and "thous" are part of the deliberate attempt to create a "religious aura".

A sign in itself of vulgarity and of "how dangerous a thing a little learning is" because, of course, the fact that the English translation of the Bible which continues to mold our Christian rhetoric and sentiment today was produced in the late 16th / early 17th century is a fact of pure historical contingency which should have no relevance at all to religious language or feeling per se.

If what you are really concerned with in the "religion of Cracky" is some new truth or insight, and not just vain appearance and showing off, there is so need for the 16th century English, and all the "Lo"s and "Yea"s and "Fondly deem the Greeks" (whatever the fuck THAT means) at all.

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