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File: 1424902221711.png -(9346 B, 300x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
9346 No.1   [Reply]


>> No.2  
File: 1424905292077.jpg -(48272 B, 499x499) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3  

What are we supposed to discuss? Your age?

File: 1343210838578.jpg -(121093 B, 484x387) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
121093 No.1   [Reply]

This is the photo that started my obsession with Cracky. What about you guys?

16 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.18  
File: 1343538867678.jpg -(90112 B, 484x387) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1 You know there's two different shots of your photo?

>> No.19  
File: 1343538940403.jpg -(81920 B, 484x387) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1 And this one.

>> No.20  
File: 1343575396533.jpg -(189944 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Oh Olivia why u tease me so with the short skirt?

Thanks for the rare btw, that was a rare for me.

>> No.21  
File: 1424925422141.jpg -(148471 B, 465x454) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is it bad that it was this one?

File: 1424735359201.png -(748305 B, 499x499) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
748305 No.1   [Reply]

literally gynocentrism: the board

>> No.2  
File: 1424738210500.jpg -(102036 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

after googling that, I realized you're right

I also realized that in order to find this long dead board, you had to have experienced the same gynocentrism (hope I'm using that right) that we all experience right now, so welcome newfriend!

enjoy your lifelong stay, because nobody ever stops loving cracky.

>> No.3  
File: 1424791188257.jpg -(82395 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's actually crackycentrism, not gynocentrism.

File: 1424269943307.jpg -(512790 B, 1504x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
512790 No.1   [Reply]


>> No.2  


>> No.3  
File: 1424780135724.jpg -(522646 B, 1000x1504) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


File: 1424601502833.jpg -(92562 B, 624x419) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
92562 No.1   [Reply]


>> No.2  



>> No.3  

fucking liberals im tired of your bullshit

File: 1298571586461.jpg -(448429 B, 768x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
448429 No.1   [Reply]

Stop with the drama now.

Now only post things that Olivia would like.

43 posts and 20 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.45  

Very un-recent.

>> No.46  

>>45 would you say like 2011? Or older?

>> No.47  


February 2007 (see: file details)

>> No.48  

How did you find your way here?

File: 1424485121016.jpg -(701756 B, 2976x1966) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
701756 No.1   [Reply]

Why haven't you moved on to worshipping the new Cracky? She's just as pretty, cute, sweet, loner, and much more fit and more artistic. Russian Cracky is best Cracky.

>> No.2  
File: 1424544787086.jpg -(46686 B, 300x391) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3  


Enjoy your beastiality porn and your ten year old memes here.

>> No.4  
File: 1424672976157.jpg -(39745 B, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I've come to conclude that the phenomenon that is "Cracky" is the deification of the sad, lonely, introspective feminine persona that's extant in all of us to some degree and likely a lingering part of our maternal and paternal nature. We yearn for someone to care for and in reciprocation hope to feel cared for. And to some extent, this persona may be seen as part of our masculine selves that we want to nurture so the very abrasive masculine side doesn't overwhelm our more sensitive and caring side. Though that's probably reading into my own nature there and may not apply to many.

It seems some of the most abrasive people need some sort of deity that will calm the beast within. For some of us, that is "Cracky". Of course not all are like this. Some nurture the masculine sides of themselves and culture by worshiping gods like Thor while others worshiped Luna, Selene, and various other feminine gods. And of course some monotheists would pick and choose to worship various aspects of their god such as christians that preach hellfire, muslims that preach terrorism, and those that preach conversely yet worship the same god in a way that's relevant to their own self expression.

The human mind's a strange beast. A lot of this is very mundane in nature but the mind is lusting for something more because it's comparatively a very hungry organ that sometimes doesn't always feel full so it finds more where there may not be more. Lia is just a person. It's kind of unfair to them to hold them to such status. Also I'm too old and too apathetic to thoroughly deify young women; I think it's kind of lame. In reality, if women know you deify them, at least 90% of them will take advantage of you to some extent. For you young guys, my advice is, don't put the pussy on a pedestal, as you've heard many times before. I've been burned many times by following my nature and treating m'lady like a sensitive flower. Not that you shouldn't treat women with respect but also respect yourself.

I'm going on some sort of analytical tangent again. I know bounceme isn't a blog but if you guys are like me, you like relevant and random observations so I'll post anyway.

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File: 1424369186705.jpg -(73375 B, 480x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
73375 No.1   [Reply]

Am I the only one who literally worships her?

>> No.2  

What exactly do you literally do?

>> No.3  
File: 1424447529551.jpg -(71161 B, 707x456) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No I worship everything Cracky.

The photos, drawings, the things she said and of course her looks.

>> No.4  
File: 1424658919834.jpg -(9557 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

don't stare into the sun for too long, you'll be blinded from the rest of the world

yet some argue that it isn't blindness, but a glimpse of otherworldly bliss, as if a piece of the sky was sewn into your eyes

unless of course, it's already too late. don't worry though, you're among friends

File: 1424432442059.jpg -(463024 B, 1504x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
463024 No.1   [Reply]


>> No.2  

looks like animal rape

File: 1423565987126.jpg -(136770 B, 988x783) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
136770 No.1   [Reply]

Let's pay some respect to the Golden Generation of Attention Whores.

'88 Applemilk1988
'88 Allison Harvard aka. Creepy-chan
'88 Trevor Ashton Richardson
'88 Bailey Jay aka. Linetrap
'88 Currybutt
'89 Cracky-chan aka. Olivia ****
'89 Tornionyymi

These men died for our sins.

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16 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.18  


Nice try...

>> No.19  



I wonder if Emiry ever upgraded to the hardcore anal porn that she was always meant to be in...

>> No.20  

She has the worst personality. One can only hope she'll never have kids so the cycle won't continue.

>> No.21  


she's just autistic anon. she has her charm, I like rewatching her intense japanese lessons from time to time, shes quite funny for a girl.

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