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File: 1222617836009.jpg -(632668 B, 2080x1544) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
632668 No.1   [Reply]

Ophelia aka lia


Do we have another Cracky fangirl here?

>> No.2  

Do want.

>> No.3  
File: 1222630218649.jpg -(207304 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.4  
File: 1222631901696.jpg -(684659 B, 2080x1544) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Alex (deLarge)

It's not supposed to work that way!

>> No.5  
File: 1222639226369.jpg -(270721 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The vapid whore who got chased off Britchan a week or so ago and has now apparently been reduced to pretending to be an interested Anon on fucking chansluts?

Do not particularly want.

>> No.6  

It's definitely a step up from her earlier camwhoring. Still, the parallels to Cracky are too funny and too weird to be conincidential.

>> No.7  
File: 1222694986405.jpg -(764732 B, 2080x1544) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Britchan has many drawbacks, one of which is the sheer terror the presence of a girl generates in certain posters, not the majority I might add, but the tone goes very quickly sour when the babies start posting.

Ophelia is really good fun when you chat to her, the contraction to Lia is coincidental. There is a more serious legal issue with some of her pictures in that she is underaged. That's been the driving force behind her ban and the removal of her original /sx/ thread.

TL;DR? Get a grip, Ophelia is a lot of fun, not some eating-disorder car crash crying about how awful her middle class life is.

>> No.8  
>fun when you chat to her
>serious legal issue with some of her pictures in that she is underaged


>> No.9  
File: 1222714221914.jpg -(561867 B, 2080x1544) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Heh heh, no laws about chatting up teenaged girls on-line. Chatting to... dammit, okay I'll come quietly.

>> No.10  
File: 1222890286645.jpg -(80547 B, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> If I played guitar I'd be Jimmy Page,
> The girlies I like are underage (check it)

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