[wish / faux / culture ]
Thread #329
almost dead
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Image 1363175031609.jpg (87 KB, 800x600, ff138840-5117-11dc-86f5-c90d0f36a9c0.jpg )
faux !Gaimx7WoNU
2013/03/13 (水) 11:43 No. 329
ask me anything
Anonymous 2013/03/13 (水) 17:06 No. 333
Why the fuck don't you post on chansluts?
Anonymous 2013/03/13 (水) 19:27 No. 343
Awesome! How did you find this strange place? Why no rage?
Anonymous 2013/03/14 (木) 09:49 No. 346
>>329 (OP) How come are you here? I mean, you are more than welcome to stay, and I hope you do... but still... I thought you were done with this little corner of the Internet.
SpookyHat !Y6tYfqxG7U
2013/03/21 (木) 21:50 No. 397
ye olde tripfags unite!
Mr.Jigglypuff !.3.ARJNqtU
2013/03/21 (木) 21:50 No. 398
i don't even remember my self any more, so long have i been gone!
TheBlueKing !oi1KBoSKJ6
2013/03/21 (木) 21:51 No. 399
king of what, exactly?
X !XPJ6fMDw9k
2013/03/21 (木) 21:51 No. 400
i'm still here you faggots
Daisuke !v/9aFU7rW.
2013/03/21 (木) 21:51 No. 401
Aimpoint !f5oeQHn6gY
2013/03/21 (木) 21:52 No. 402
sup guys
morale !GCr1XdiQoU
2013/03/21 (木) 21:52 No. 403
brb play wow
scatterbrain !rhO6b.HiQ6
2013/03/21 (木) 21:52 No. 404
okay hai <3
Tetsuo !R/rLuLKeEI
2013/03/21 (木) 21:53 No. 405
i'm so sad :9
R !hL8f7W8caM
2013/03/21 (木) 21:53 No. 406
not funny at all, nobody remembers me
2013/03/21 (木) 21:53 No. 407
we are the dead!
necrolich666 !0YU4uk/Hfo
2013/03/21 (木) 21:54 No. 408
and we're angry!
Crackykun !i8s/72A8Cc
2013/03/21 (木) 21:56 No. 409
ffxi needs me!
notalifelessfucktard !NOrufLSRl.
2013/03/21 (木) 21:56 No. 410
waaaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaa
Science !aRebjkPLqU
2013/03/21 (木) 21:57 No. 411
Anonymous 2013/03/21 (木) 21:59 No. 412
>>329 (OP) >>397 >>398 >>399 >>400 >>401 >>402 >>403 >>404 >>405 >>406 >>407 >>408 >>409 >>410 Samefag
Science !aRebjkPLqU
2013/03/21 (木) 22:00 No. 413
>>412 you missed one
wb !9Y0UTmCMPI
2013/03/21 (木) 22:01 No. 414
you missed some
rabbux !hxUSMjeOos
2013/03/21 (木) 22:02 No. 415
liek this
faggot !2LEFd5iAoc
2013/03/21 (木) 22:02 No. 416
Suede !JlWKjup6/I
2013/03/21 (木) 22:03 No. 417
blalbalbal alblbalba bla 15yo girls whoa oh shit this trip is all wrong
foxyfix !R/rLuLKeEI
2013/03/21 (木) 22:03 No. 418
I AM REAL SUEDE But this is from this other guy
Lunarsandwich !4ZvEOwCmqs
2013/03/21 (木) 22:04 No. 419
no i am REAL lunar
suede !Ez96fXED1s
2013/03/21 (木) 22:04 No. 420
I amr eal suede and your lunar is totally off
Anonymous 2013/03/21 (木) 22:04 No. 421
you're all faggots.
Trite Melon Form !NhIKu7u.Fs
2013/03/21 (木) 22:04 No. 422
i should have tested those before scribling them :_;
schwull !btr76hqMa6
2013/03/21 (木) 22:05 No. 423
so did you creack
Trite Melon Form !NhIKu7u.Fs
2013/03/21 (木) 22:06 No. 424
>>423 no yours was too hard
schwull !btr76hqMa6
2013/03/21 (木) 22:07 No. 425
wish !EMQCrACkyY
2013/03/21 (木) 22:08 No. 426
>>425 maybe i missed it lol 'emo' cracky
schwull !btr76hqMa6
2013/03/21 (木) 22:09 No. 427
so you missed another one
Crackychan !N1toQkxgzc
2013/03/21 (木) 22:10 No. 428
i meant this one!
Spiderschwull !btr76hqMa6
2013/03/21 (木) 22:10 No. 429
wish !EMQCrACkyY
2013/03/21 (木) 22:11 No. 430
>>428 this whole project was started to crack ysaQpxNyV6, but alas nothing so far
Spiderschwull !btr76hqMa6
2013/03/21 (木) 22:11 No. 431
>>430 she forgot how to type it herself
colorwatch! ??? 2013/03/21 (木) 22:14 No. 432
this one i never got either
wish !EMQCrACkyY
2013/03/21 (木) 22:16 No. 433
>>432 should run the program some more longer to find these, which were not found so far: Gackto:vlN.bu6Eu2 Rudolf:gfG/jZIKRk Crackykun:i8s/72A8Cc Rabbit:8YYwOrw3fU AntiCracky:Oc.siLXBx. 4TTCCP:CRackYUuGo Anything:LuLzxWq9oU Abyss:3GqYIJ3Obs KingSchwill:btr76hqMa6 Spookyha2t:DcN6r5PnAU Science:aRebjkPLqU Tomás:Wish/R67rs Suede:PEnIsHDBoY lia:ysaQpxNyV6 PedroBear:rM2INpedro LoliNurse:OUCRAcKYAA darrin:nq19BBWmGs Last:XkveQXZtoc Maddeth:fan6zYy4J2
wish !EMQCrACkyY
2013/03/21 (木) 22:17 No. 434
>>433 you already got crackykun, update your txt files already!
colorwatch! ??? 2013/03/21 (木) 22:20 No. 435
>>433 A couple of the are already above what was X again? #controlled or something?
Robbat !ZNmAXdsjFM
2013/03/21 (木) 22:21 No. 436
And this?
rabbit !5cyLp0x/IY
2013/03/21 (木) 22:22 No. 437
this one it is
rabbit !N/2R92ROao
2013/03/21 (木) 22:22 No. 438
one more
Anonymous 2013/03/21 (木) 22:24 No. 439
>>435 cricitcal
bla !XPJ6fMDw9k
2013/03/21 (木) 22:29 No. 440
ah close enough...
Anonymous 2013/03/23 (土) 13:11 No. 443
>>433 Lol, you'll never get mine. Sincerely, Rudolf.
Anonymous 2013/03/24 (日) 07:41 No. 446
>>443 you are not important anyhow
Anonymous 2013/03/26 (火) 04:03 No. 457
>>446 I least I have physically touched Cracky. What are your accomplishments? Regretting your life everyday ?
Anonymous 2013/03/26 (火) 05:46 No. 458
>>457 who are you?
Anonymous 2013/03/26 (火) 05:49 No. 459
>>457 >Caleb!gfG/jZIKRk 10/08/25(Wed)07:54 No. 5867 ok, you are Caleb. No further discussion needed. Funny how you would ask other people on the internet if they regretted their lives...
Anonymous 2013/03/29 (金) 02:32 No. 460
>>458 I'm Rudolf.>>459 To my knowledge, Caleb passed away November of the last year.
Anonymous 2013/04/02 (火) 18:32 No. 461
>>457 Is that an accomplishment? If you think of it as one. it probably isn't.
Anonymous 2014/12/02 (火) 11:44 No. 3535
>>460 I'm patrick