>>110 Oh yeah, it's absolutely riveting to observe the four people who still use it repeating over and over to each other : "The Crackyverse is dead", "No, it isn#t", "The Crackyverse is dead", "No it isn't", etc etc ad nauseam. Just accept it: The same kind of sad, vain, bitter little loser runs that place as runs this, Pedo Ely's pathetic fizzle of an image-board for people who are too ugly, stupid, uncool and uninspired to be allowed to hang out even on the Internet with "cool kids" like Kimi (read: shallow, vain, upper-middle-class bitches). Kill yourselves already and relieve the world of the burden of your mopey, nasty, sporadically maudlin resentment:
>>110 Oh, that means the pizza has gone? I suppose I'll wander over, but I miss TC.
http://pastebin.com/iLF1bcr1 who wants some Vomit Enema And Ecstasy 2.part1.rar who wouldn't want that
My life's been too busy for this shit.
>>114 OK, I take it all back: Since Dolly got a part in the new Fellini movie "Kathy's Wig of Wonders", she's miraculously managed to turn the whole thing around and the Crackyverse is better than it ever was, albeit without actually being the Crackyverse. Thanks to her, we had a whole brace of wonderful and exciting characters i the Tinychat last night, some of whom even knew vaguely who Cracky was: Boxxy Citrus, the famous Youtuber and Cancer Who Is Destroying /b/ ; Camel and her Black Boyfriend having free and unrestrained public sex for the torture and delectation of cuckold subs everywhere ; a poor orphaned survivor of Pol Pot's massive and terrible experiment in social engineering, to remind us of those less fortunate than ourselves, and an elderly gentleman with a home-made haircut (barber-money all spent on Shoes For Lesbians). All is now for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
>>116 No. If you missed her the first time, then you missed her. (I'd estimate the chance of it's having really been her at about the same level of probability as the chance of it's having really been Jeff who threw the "You don't get to say her name, pedophile! 'm gonna come at you like a spider-monkey, brah!" hissy-fit a few months ago - so, pretty probable, yeah): But the information that she was there again last night was, like just about everything else in that post, ludicrously false: