please say hello to olivie she misses you she wants to say hi she's going to die soon olivia says she will never leave you you don't have to worry life will keep going on and changing she will always continue to move you to go different places she is incapable of loving or hating you, don't be decieved
it just has the same file name now I have to fucking change the file name god damn it
ELY IT STILL SAYS IT'S A DUPLICATE I CAN'T POST THE VERSION WITH YOUR NAME IN IT I made you the bearded dude to the right of Enzie I also added Science's name
>>1036 PL-Chan was a girl on what is now called chansluts who Cracky spoke to. CRACKY SPOKE TO HER. merovin should probably be in the picture too at least give me a list of characters to paint preferably with reference pictures for each of them
>>1039 fuck if i know they probably just talked about weeaboo shit and girl shit and other livejournaly shit idk
>>1042 as i meant to say, but posting does not seem to work propely on mobile firefox, i think the site only tries to see changes between thumbnails, so if your thumbnail is the same, it will give a duplicate error