[wish / faux / culture ]
Thread #1073
almost dead
Not synched.
Image 1373302411669.jpg (25 KB, 700x459, taxidermied_04.jpg )
Anonymous 2013/07/08 (月) 16:53 No. 1073
new rap song by jeff the cheff aka gackto!>>>/watch?v=9qczZlayuMM
Anonymous 2013/07/08 (月) 16:57 No. 1074
>>1073 (OP) he also got a new hairstyle, so don't be surprised
Anonymous 2013/07/09 (火) 00:21 No. 1075
Anonymous 2013/08/27 (火) 23:00 No. 1190
>>>/watch?v=IAZGfayKvJU new song, new hairstyle
Anonymous 2013/09/04 (水) 13:06 No. 1211
this time it's fo' real; a song about camel:>>>/watch?v=uZ3XDkRtfOE
Anonymous 2013/09/04 (水) 13:40 No. 1212
Image 1378302016605.jpg (1.1 MB, 1828x2304, slug.jpg )
yeff return to us, tomodachi chatroom is alive and well you are missed. not as a sideshow attraction; as a soul p.s. flow misted my eyeballs up, aint no lyin
Anonymous 2014/07/28 (月) 21:20 No. 3234
Image 1406583031019.jpg (70 KB, 465x574, black dick2.jpg )
I wonder what Camel's been up to?
Anonymous 2014/07/28 (月) 23:40 No. 3238
>>3234 wow such artist you're new picasso but should be picture of stalin now instead of nignog
Anonymous 2014/07/29 (火) 16:33 No. 3244
>>3238 She's a Trotskyist, ignoramus, so pretty much the polar opposite of a sucker of Stalin's dick. Would that there WERE a smidgin of robust "tanky" good sense in that brilliant but ballastless head of hers.
Anonymous 2014/07/29 (火) 17:44 No. 3245
Camel was fucking hot