[11:48 PM] alex: anyway, this is the best that can be hoped for here [11:48 PM] alex: you are shit, all of you [11:48 PM] alex: always have been, always will be [11:48 PM] alex: a decent man can only avoid you, all of you [11:48 PM] alex left the room.
[11:14 PM] alex: but Kimi really is just a cunt [11:14 PM] alex: or at least acts like one
[11:15 PM] alex: I think anyone who knows me KNOWS that I am a very noble person
[11:34 PM] grendel1: welcome dolly [11:34 PM] derplores: hi [11:35 PM] alex: die you cunt
[11:35 PM] alex: Kmi's bunch really are morally deplorable...no joke
[11:38 PM] alex: can we destroy Dolly for this shit now, please
[11:40 PM] alex: OK well this is why I cannot operate on civil terms in this chatroom
[11:41 PM] alex: you are an evil cunt for believing them Grendel
[11:41 PM] alex: and you are evil cunts, Lia and Science
[11:44 PM] alex: and if you dont believe that fuck you
[11:46 PM] alex: when some vicious cheap whore comes in here and says
[11:46 PM] alex: "Alex Reynolds tried to force me to pay him by threatening my landlord"
Yeah,well....Glad to see that Ely's board is being used for SOMETHING, even if it is only for THIS shit. People who do things like this only show themselves up for what they are, of course. This kind of "compiliation" technique is very familiar from the vicious aimed-at-idiots propaganda of retrograde, reactionary, tendentially fascistic political causes. You know - to cite an example from a political situation I don't necessarily think "progressively" about - you splice together a bunch of scenes of Palestinian men and women rushing about aggressively with sticks and petrol bombs in their hands, so as to give the impression that the whole nation suffers from some sort of innate aggressive psychosis, and carefully omit any image of the Israeli rocket attacks and ammunition volleys they are reacting to. The massve size and intensity of the latest wave of Alex-hate is to be put down to one thing: Dolly's nigh-psychotic fury at the facr that she has proven too fat and unattrractive to elicit more than one "pity session" from me as a femdomme or whatever it is called. She's pulled out all the stops on this one and recently linked the Tinychat to a chatlog where she is desperately begging Kimi to contribute whatever vicious lies about me she feels she can to the cause of hurting and humiliating me and thereby restoring Dolly's "honour". I won't try to deal with the lies that she DID manage to drag out of Kimi, because I should have learnt by now that that this is endless. Every attempt to correct a lie gives some other Lia a reason to invent a new one, and so it goes on and on and on..... I'm afraid I hold to the sentiments cited above, even if they are taken out of context. I am just so tired of the endless bitter attacking liars and of the people who sit around and say "we don't know who is lying here and who is not.....but it's probably you, Alex, because SO MANY vicious lies are being told about you SO OFTEN that some of them MUST be true". I think SOME people
>121 ad hominem blah blah blah blah
ad hominem more
>nazis did it, fascist did it, hence it's bad
>I'm the center of my universe, of dolores's universe, of kimi's universe and of every universe >I head dolores doesn't sleep at night and doesn't warmly reply to her boyfriend thinking of me not wanting to get dominated by her again. these straw men are meant to suggest has more important matters to worry about and to help others understand the context.
An interesting example of the quality of the Tinychat, by the way. Half an hour of people complaining about Alex "thinking he is the centre of the universe lol" while talking about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE but Alex. The sad, sick pretence of one of them that he is Kimi is, of course, also prompted ENTIRELY by the obsession with annoying Alex . [1:25 AM] kimi entered the room. [1:25 AM] rene entered the room. [1:25 AM] lyssa entered the room. [1:25 AM] guest-70657 entered the room. [1:25 AM] rabbitn2r92roao entered the room. *Type /help for a list of commands.* [1:25 AM] kimi: yes I am [1:26 AM] lyssa: does it pay well? [1:26 AM] rene: what's I miss? [1:26 AM] kimi: yes it does [1:26 AM] kimi: I work with steph some times [1:26 AM] rene: I like how alex calls everyone a coward for being a guest and then... [1:26 AM] kimi: she introduced me to this world [1:26 AM] rene: *shakes head* [1:26 AM] lyssa: but kimi was more like a cam worker I thought [1:27 AM] rene: you have an MFC too, kimi? [1:27 AM] guest-71743 changed nickname to alex [1:27 AM] kimi: no [1:27 AM] rene: kk [1:27 AM] alex: what are you shaking your head about Nigger-Boy? [1:27 AM] kimi: welcome back alex [1:27 AM] lyssa: looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool [1:27 AM] rene: "sex worker" is such a broad statement, I just assume everyone means MFC around here [1:27 AM] lyssa: he came back [1:27 AM] alex: little saddo Lyssa thinking this cunt is really a girl? [1:27 AM] rene: alex, do the world a favor, and stop breathing. [1:28 AM] alex: yeah, its pretty sick-making isnt it?[1:28 AM] rene: deep down you
rene: and have someone else call him on it [1:51 AM] lyssa: ,k [1:51 AM] lyssa: kimi, might I ask you, it's said sex workers have problems when they get older [1:51 AM] lyssa: are you worried about that? [1:51 AM] kimi: no lyssa this is just temporary [1:52 AM] kimi: Im also studying [1:52 AM] lyssa: oh [1:52 AM] lyssa: thats good [1:53 AM] lyssa: does ravrav study too [1:53 AM] lyssa: ? [1:53 AM] kimi: yes [1:53 AM] spelling entered the room. [1:53 AM] kimi: btw Im talking with lia on skype [1:53 AM] kimi: she told me alex treatened with raping her WTF [1:53 AM] lyssa: I believe it [1:54 AM] rene: wouldn't doubt it [1:54 AM] kimi: after what he did to us I believe it too [1:54 AM] rene: kimi [1:54 AM] lyssa: she's not likely to lie [1:54 AM] rene: can you please tell lia to a) hang out more often and b) stop posting alex's nudes on the [1:54 AM] rene: board :( [1:54 AM] rene: I don't really care about a) as much as b) [1:54 AM] guest-72193 changed nickname to spelling [1:54 AM] kimi: I think b) was dolores [1:54 AM] kimi: but I will tell her [1:55 AM] rene: oh gawd hahahaha [1:55 AM] rene: THAT WOULD NOT SURPRISE ME AT ALL [1:55 AM] rene: ~oh, victorbaton~
kimi: she said she will charge him even for chatting with her in private now [1:58 AM] rene: maaaaan, tell lia to add me on some type of chat thingie, since she doesn't go here anymor [1:58 AM] kimi: she left a couple of minutes ago :| [1:58 AM] spelling left the room. [1:58 AM] kimi: but I will tell her [1:59 AM] rene: awwww, srsly? :( [1:59 AM] kimi: yeah sry [1:59 AM] rene: well she has me on facebook, so it's all good [1:59 AM] lyssa: is it really so dangerous accepting money from him? [2:00 AM] rene: but yeah, if I could get like a paypal screenshot of the transaction posted on .71 [2:00 AM] lyssa: you could as well not tell him your facebook [2:00 AM] rene: ~that would make me soooooooo happy~ [2:00 AM] rene: man it's only a matter of time, before he musters up enough courage to start serially [2:00 AM] rene: raping people [2:00 AM] rene: though at the rate of mustering, it might take a couple of years... [2:01 AM] alex: this is actually all pretty useful....I can stick it up on this board as a permanent [2:01 AM] alex: record of how fucking stupid the Fat Coon is [2:02 AM] alex: you actually DO think you're talking to Kimi, don't you, Nigger Boy? [2:02 AM] alex: you sad fat stupid fuck
>mfw he were all trolling alex and it was hilarious
>>125 :) Here u go rene bb
>Someone posts some of his chat sentences around midnight >As worried and angry as he's abut this, he stays talking bad to "kimi" and keeping the log to reply for two hours. lol, I bet he lost some sleep about this
>>129 Yes, as I s made clear in the first post: lies annoy me, even infuriate me, if the latter form of language gives you any satisfaction (Oooooooohhh! we infuriating Alex! look at the big poo weeeee did Mummy!"). Kimi's lies and Dolly's lies make me furious - not because they are directed against me, but just because they're LIES! I get almost equallly sickened by the lies I read in newspapers or in academic essays. I'm just an honest, decent man - "lololololololollllll! hahahahahaahaa!"....monkey yelps and dog barks of all descriptions - and honest and decent people HATE LIES. But you're right that I shouldn't have wasted those two hours engaging with cheap, worthless scum like you. I won't be doing it again. The fact remains, though, that, for all your insistence that I only "delude myself" that I am an object of sadistic obsession for you nasty cunts - and that I only "delude myself" that you are BUTTHURT TO DEATH by me - you all DID spend two hours talking constantly and exclusively about me in the chat last night. What WILL you do now, I wonder?
Dolores !!dc6QPpwkRE
>>130 Except I didn't, though. I slept and cuddled with my boyfriend.
>>131 Oh look, the Strong Autonomous Woman has scored another point, goody for her! I think it's clear from what I wrote, Dolly, that I no more thought that you were present than I thought that Kimi really was. As we both know, the only time that you spend any significant amount of time in that chatroom these days is when you bring a few loyal sycophants from some other site along with you, because nobody that hung around the old Crackyhouse wants to even speak to you any more, you have become such a disgusting whorish travesty of all that site stood for. What you did was turn up for five minutes, vomit a lot of lies - both of your own and of Kimi's - into the room and then left - because no one was speaking to you - while all the tired old inveterate Alex-haters - whose grammar I corrected three years ago and who will never forgive me for it - lapped up your vomit and spat pieces of it at me for two and a half hours. This pathetic boasting about "all the love you have in your life", by the way, is maybe the most despicable thing about you. I didn't make a copy of the Pastebin thing you posted outlining your discussion with Kimi - this time, sadly, the REAL Kimi - but I don't know which of you was the more disgusting in it. If either of you had any moral sense at all, you would shiver with self-revulsion at the ugly, inhuman experience of the world and of your felllow human beings that it testifies to. "Louie and I are so much in love....Don't worry, I'm not a scared little sixteen-year-old any more." Do you not notice yourselves the strking resemblance between your "feminism" and the way that, say, a Nazi concentration-camp commandant doubtless looked at the world? He'd spend a hard day doing the unpleasant but sadly necessary work of exterminating the inferior races - a job that required him to be cold and hard, very much against his sensitive and loving nature - but then in the evening he would go home to his sweet Aryan wife and sweet Aryan children and there
he would finallly be able to show what a good and kind and gentle person he is. Your assuring Kimi that you are "deeply in love" and that you are a "proud and autonomous woman who is immune to the jeers and criticisms of men" really does sound VERY much like that sort of vile hypocritical morally despicable psychology. You see yourself and your one or two "significant others" as the only real human beings in a great sea of beings who - simply because they are men and do not belong to the minuscule class of men whom you have drawn into an alliance with yourself - have no souls, hearts,minds or dignity and deserve no respect or consideration of any type at all. You can "slut-shame" them, exploit them, jeer at them, spit on them, and then crawl back to a chat-room with Kimi or a bed with your boyfriend and hold forth to them, with a perfectly good conscience, about how much you "hate" slut-shaming and about how deep your political sympathy is with every kind of oppressed and exploited class of person in the world - apart from the exploited and abused victims of whores like yourself, of course, because THEY are all without exception Rich Powerful White Males bursting with vicious arrogant pride in their own vast wealth and power and when one of THEM is publicly shamed or in any way "taken down a peg or two" its time to throw all sympathy and pity out the wndow and dance around on their beaten and bruised bodies smearing yourself with their blood and yelping and screaming with exultation like some primeval, half-animal savage. It's not just disgusting, of course, but also very very sad when, as in my case,you seize pathetically on the chance of performing this savage jungle ritual on someone who not only resembles in just about no respect this childish caricature of a Powerful White Male that you've gotten from your Comic-Book Feminism but who also was motivated, in the little transaction that occured between us, not by sexual desire for you or moral-political contempt
for you but rather by an impulse of gentle human affection. Satisfied as you may be about how loudly there jeer at this the very same dead-souled, contemptuous dogs who jeer at your "sisters" as "sluts", it remains true nonetheless: I gave you a little money and engaged with you in a sexual contact as intmate as any contact that CAN be engaged in over an Atlantic Ocean because I kind of liked you and kind of felt sorry for you, given that you are so pitiably unsuccessful in your chosen "profession" of Interner domme. You've been whining and begging to me for so many months now to throw you even a tiny proportion of the money I have thrown to other girls, and to do something with you which would give you the feeling of my desiring you the way I have desired RavRav or Lia that, on a morning when I found I had a little cash to spare, I finally relented and decided to brighten up your miserable day a little. I should have guessed what the result would be with such a desperately, insatiably needy person as yourself: a pathetic, disgusting campaign of self-publicization in which you have boasted and screeched to anyone and everyone who might be even vaguely imagined to want to listen about your "glorous victory, gained by your incomparable beauty and sexual attractveness, over the arrogance and contumely of the patriarch." Well, at least the question has been decided once and for all now of who has the more class, you or Lia. As I've said elsewhere, the latter looks to be shaping up fairly well know, as far as looks go, as far as the intelligent and constructive ordering of her life, and certainly as far as a certain dignified restraint in matters like this is concerned. You, however, for all your great vomit-bursts of shrill feminist rhetoric about "pride" and "dignity" are swiftly slipping, as everyone can see, into a pit of shabbiness and general ugly filth: touting your petty little "victories" around the streets like the lowest, most desperate and most vicious whore.
Dolores !!dc6QPpwkRE
Actually I've had you blocked on skype for months because you kept swearing you'd pay me and then stalling for time because you didn't have enough money and I was tired of having carrots on sticks dangled in front of me. Then you came into my MFC room, and offered
Dolores !!dc6QPpwkRE
>>135 posting error of some kind.. this site sucks
offered me money, to which I basically said "I don't believe you go away", and was then pleasantly surprised when you came through for once.
Also, if she's so much prettier and classier, why didn't you pay her money when she watched you fuck your asshole with her boyfriend? Why didn't you seek her out instead of me? Why didn't you ever object to my posting the videos, since I told you during the 'event' that
Dolores !!dc6QPpwkRE
>>136 what the fuck is wrong with this posting system it just like wouldn't let me press back or delete or anything and posted my post without me even telling it to I just
anyway I told you EXACTLY what I was going to do and you never said a peep... If I had known you were going to harass
If I had known you were going to WHY CAN'T I PRESS BACK SPACE ANY MORE THAN get so anally anguished over this, I wouldn't have bothered to post it, I mean really, you could have just said something and saved us both the trouble. Now it's this big, hilarious thing where I get high and make MSPaint collages about it for you and I just wish this board wasn't SO FUCKING TERRIBLY DESIGNED
Dolly, your questions are themselves indications of what an annoyingly pathetic and self-deluding person you are and why any contact with you must be avoided.
In the first place, please be aware of what you are telling everybody about yourself by repeatedly making such a big deal about this paltry little sum of money I gave you, as if it "proved" anything about anything. I suppose you've been looking at the websites of other, much more successful Internet sex-workers and have stolen a whole rhetoric of "money and female empowerment" from them and adopted it as your own.But there is an enormous difference between those women and you. They actually ARE sex-workers, and therefore have the right to build up a certain rhetoric around their profession, dubious as that rhetoric may be. The amount of money that you succeed in generating for yourself through showing your body, fucking yourself etc is so minimal that you are really not rightly to be described as a sex-WORKER at all. I think a more correct description of you would be: someone who begs on cam and offers herself as a sort of grotesque, clownish spectacle - mostly to /b/board pedophile types who used to masturbate to you when you were 13 - in exchange for 20- and 50-cent tips. You will never admit it, of course, but you and I and everyone know that you and your loser boyfriend survive basically on welfare since being kicked out of your minimum-wage jobs. I'm sorry, but waving little bags of weed in front of the camera is not going to convince anyone that you are Sasha Grey.
Given that all that is the case, you are totally misrepresenting the reality - i.e. basically, lying - when you speak about my "promising you money for months but always being broke" etc. This really does sound like something you've stolen from the website of a BEAUTIFUL, SUCCESSFUL sex-worker and just applied randomly to YOURSELF and YOUR pathetic begging. If you go back on Skype with Kimi I'm sure she'll be happy to confirm that, during the period you just talked about, I gave around a thousand dollars to her and to RavRav. If I told you I was "broke", that was simply because I feel a kind of pitying affection for you sometimes , did not want to hurt your feelings, and felt that telling that I COULDN'T pay you would leave that sense of "having power and being in control" that is evidently so important to you intact. If you want to know the truth, then it's this: I didn't pay you - and paid other girls instead - because the sexual kick I get from interaction with you is minimal almost to the point of non-existence. You are a depressed, constantly fucked-up loser with the body and - more and more - even the face of a 50-year-old Puerto Rican street-whore and sexual games with THAT have as good as no charm or attraction for me at all. If I threw you what is (to me) a bit of loose change a week ago and acted out a bit of bdsm nonsense with you, I did so for the same reason that some of the kinder guys who hang out in your MFC room give you a 100-token tip now and again: you're kind of sad and pitiful sitting there begging for tips night after night, and sometimes one feels like reaching out and helping you.
If things have turned sour between us since the "event" this has not been because I wanted you to keep it secret. What I object to is your folding it into your ludicrous, pathetic campaign to present yourself as a "self-empowered woman" using the "irresistible force" of your "beauty" (lol) to "seize power back" from the Rich White Males. I find it deeply morally despicable the way you have taken an act of generous kindness on my part and twisted it so it fits into this disgusting heartless narrative of a "war to the death" between men and women that you obviously like to pretend you share when you interact with Kimi. Maybe Kimi and RavRav ARE in a position to "play things that way", Dolly. They are both very strong, very beautiful young women and really DO have a chance of "taking back power" through their beauty, assuming one choooses to see and understand the world in these cold, heartless terms of an endless "struggle for power". But that's not a game YOU can play, Dolly. You are far too flabby, weak, ugly and needy to play the game of life according to those rules. The best you can manage in the way of "self-empowerment" is wheedling and pleadng for some "pity sex" and then treacherously rushing around with your fifty dollars and your video screaming "Look at meeeeeeeeeee! I am a powerful, self-directed princess! See how the wealthy and the powerful fall at my feet and give me all their money!" Dolly, you're just so sad. Rav-Rav - and Kimi in a way - have treated the sex-industry the way any really self-empowered woman treats it. They've made money in it - more money than a flabby little wreck like you could ever hope to make - but have treated it purely as a means to an end and have never built even the tiniest fraction of their self-esteem on it. RavRav has plans to build a life and a sense of her identity in quite other areas and is in the process of blotting out all the sex-work part of her life as if it had never been. You, on the other hand, know that you
will never have any sort of a life anywhere else - you are a drug-addled, depressive drop-out who can't even hold down a minimum-wage job - so you have become a sad, pathetic fanatic of a sort of Sasha-Grey-style feminism the way many depressed losers from the slums of Europe and America become fanatics of a travesty of Islam. What I object to, as I say, is my sexual interaction with you being twisted into a part of your ludicrous, shrill, pathetic jihad against Powerful White Men. But enough....
>>144 The land. This new board reply system is weird...
Dolores !!dc6QPpwkRE
alex you are another faggot son of a bitch, no good low life, i just wana let u know, you are punk, you are gay, you are punk little gay, worse than michael jordan, uhhh michael jackson
alex can peel a banana with his asshole
just so everyone knows the brown stuff on the bananas is NOT NUTELLA
the shit caked on the wine bottle adds to its ambiance
alex ur fat and bald and ugg
i feel bad for the wine bottle
if bananas could talk they would have rejected you