Am I seeing this right? Bounceme is now unpostable? Let's make a mosaic that cracky could be proud of here, then.
The history of bounceme is depressing - marked by antisocial disorder, AIDS, and fail. I liked the time all the miscellaneous boards (mech, dolls, etc.) were displayed in the nav bar though. What was *your* favorite moment? (You can't say "the time she posted the thread" if you weren't there.)
vericode WAS "gonotion" but that was there and this is here.
I want 71 back. At least it's less of an obvious cesspoll
For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([email protected]), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
RIP in peace bounceme, i wanted to post this article on a thread there p good read
>>1252 I didn't know things were so bad. I've tried talking to her but there is a disconnect. I wish things were better for you Dolly.
Interesting article. But it does not go anywhere. What is the message?
Will Dolly and Camel ever return to explain?
The article seems to mix up cause and effect.
>>1265 Does Dolly not hang around with you people still? I would have thought that, given her state, she would feel quite at home among sad, depressed, drug-dependent, narcissistic wrecks like Marshall and Schwill. It doesn't surprise me to hear that Camel doesn't come to your deserted saddos' "chat" any more, though. Much like Kimi did, she selected the only usable human element in your saddening swamp of failure and depression and ran off with it. I'm sure if she does drop back in for thirty seconds at any point, though, you'll all be slobbering all over her as if she were your "dear loyal Crackyfriend". PLEASE try to muster just a LITTLE dignity from your flabby wrecks of lives and recognize when you have been ditched by people who believe themselves - and, sad to say, correctly believe themselves - to be too good to associate with you.
Is that you, alex?
>>1252 Wow, isn't such an article a bit too privacy-invading for a news site that looks somewhat mainstream?
>>1270 Oh wait, nevermind. I've just realised it's an interview.
Did they cut off a large part of Camel's comments? What does developing background stories for people have to do with misogyny?
>>1272 Yeah, she talked to me on skype for some hours and only picked a few things to put into the finished "article," according to no discernible principles of reason... I think the whole point of writing it was to meet a deadline or something. Got to love how she tries to describe the complexions of people she's never seen and never will see, when it bears no relevance to anything else in this pointless, probably mean-spirited, rambling "expose"
To answer your question, the Cracky thing involved a lot of objectification, admittedly of different kinds and severity. That one guy who asked her what she thought about Gordon Brown as PM, for example, harmlessly imagined "his" Cracky to be into current geopolitical affairs. Others, however, and the traces of this litter the many leftover sites of the Crackyverse - others fetishize her childlike aesthetic and make up elaborate things about her experiences with abuse etc. and it makes her MORE attractive to them. It's always been about "what does Cracky mean TO ME" and the occasional "gee, I sure hope she's happy and doing well for herself" does little to hide that.
I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose, but you asked what "developing background stories for PEOPLE" has to do with misogyny. Most of the time the guys who make up fantasies about Olivia that become so real to them... don't make them up about men. It's not an innocent playful thing, especially not when hundreds of people are doing it about ONE girl while they try to track her down and circulate photos of her from when she was a kid.
>>1273 In any case, it's not harmful because it's done with a misogynistic mindset (and probably in most cases, it's not done with a misogynistic mindset) but because it objectifies *that* person specifically. Surely there are girls who objectify their crushes and make up imaginary stories to love them more intensely as well?
Oh and, it's not like making background stories itself is a bad thing, the only harmful part is the actual stalking/harrassing/posting personal information & pics part. Background stories is just a personal thing, a way to make yourself happy, since you're probably not going to meet the person you're making up stories for (or even if you do, she will not like you, or you will not like her). Maybe it's harmful for the person indulging in that hobby, making him/her more shut off from social interaction.
I suppose what you're referring to when you say background stories is the cult-building, the circlejerk of sharing background stories etc. Well, since that's pretty public, I'd agree that it's not all that harmless.
So, Dolly moves on and leaves places like this? I got Jeff did this already. Other board owner, too? If this isn't a broad hint to us all...
>>1277 Well, you're kind of getting there - but you seem to be missing the most important point here: namely, that there is no "us all". I think Dolly's history demonstrates pretty clearly that she is not really going to "move on" anywhere, but is just going to go on year by year become more and more of a depressed, flabby - oh sorry, to adopt the mot juste of the Miami journalist "curvaceous" (ha!) - mess. The point is, though, that she is probably never going to sink so low in her own eyes at least as to consider herself fit only to spend time in the company of real terminal cases of repugnant depression and directionless sadness as Schwill or Marshall - the latter of whom I see sitting alone, forever alone in his bleak empty hole of a "chatroom" as I write. She's not going to leave the Internet - since it is her only source of validation, pathetic as that validation is - but she is going to constantly seek to create little spaces IN the Internet where she can consort with a somewhat better and more vital class of trash. I really don't need to argue for this, do I? I'm looking at the "chatroom" right now, and all I see is Marshall, Schwill, and some nasty little saddo pretending to be me. Although it is one of these things which belong to the category of "that whereof we do not speak" in the Crackyverse, it is patently obvious that all the "cool kids" of the community, now that I do not participate in the chat and the chance of a little exhibitionist frisson is no longer there, have just packed up and gone somewhere else to enjoy each other's company without having to look at disgusting, downbringing lumps of Cracky-loving depression like Marshall and Schwill. So please, stop using this ridiculous lying phrase "us all", as if some sort of a community exosted here. There are the fat lonely misfit saddos such as are gathered, in their sad twos and threes, in the chatroom right now. And then there are the halfway normal individuals, such as Camel and Science - who
comprise in themselves, of course, BOTH aspects of what is called "normality": a certain persisting personal functionality and capacity to lead an acrtive life, along with the fundamental coldness, callousness and utter unconcern for anthing except themselves and their own vanity and self-aggrandizement, and the necessary duplicity, two-facedness and dishonesty that goes with the capacity to function efffectively in the world. On all the evidence of what I see before me right now, the lying pretence of a solidarity and even of any minimal contact or interaction between these two parts of the tiny Cracky "community" is now at an end. Which may be a step forward in a way, because the hard-core saddos can now be left in peace to continue their burbling and sobbing over a long-vanished barely-pubescent giirl in peace, while everyone who was involved in this who had even a semblance of a life splits off into their own little social clique: Lia into her own little Lia-Land with her boyfriend and her now-local lapdog Rob, and Camel. Science and Kenny into their own little circle of tolerable attractive people who can finally give themselves a rest from the effort of pretending that they were anything but bored and physically nauseated by enervated, lethargic, mentally damaged human sloths of the sort that lie flopping silently and hopelessly around the "chatroom" now and forevermore.
>>1279 Oh Jesus....a phenomenon emerges, I now observe, that I am obliged to baptize, I suppose, "the Lia Efffect".
I call it so because I was amused to observe that, after I mentioned to Lia over dinner a couple of weeks back that nobody talked about her and her affairs in the chat any more since she hadnt been seen there for months and had plainly forbidden all her lapdogs to go there either - surprise! surprise! - she turned up there the very next night and even made a few perfunctory appearances for a few nights more. Just to prove once again, I suppose, "what a liar Alex Reynolds is" (if only one could make matters of fact such as her not having been seen there for months on end retrospectively "untrue" by sudden emergency action).
I now observe, as I say, a second example of the "Lia Effect" in the form of - even greater surprise! surprise! - the very people I just noted to have abandoned the chat "just happening" to turn up there five minutes after I noted it.
Enjoy your half hour's basking in Leyla's and Sasha's "affection" and Crackyfag "friendliness", Marshall. It'll only last as long as they think is sufficient to prove that they are not callous, fickle, manipulative, snobbish cunts. Because I assure you I won't be back to kickstart their pretence of "kindness" again.
>>1280 Oh come on, I'm in and out of here all the time. I can be accused of leaving straight away if nobody's around, but I'm staying to watch the text wall grow.
<3, S
I believe that, with a few exceptions, the comings and goings of crackyfolk. And the deaths and resurgences of various of the holy places are completely natural phenomena. I think real affection includes the trust to go and to come back when one pleases.
>>1280 People like you, no, you are the reason I avoid this place. You're drenched with hate and effortlessly spread your negativity.
>>1284 What I "spread" is the truth - which, yes, is "negativity", I suppose, when the truth is negative. In essence, the point I was making above is that Camel, Science, and Kenny form a lying, snobbish, hypocritical clique in much the same way as Lia and her people did. Science's retort to that just now - tarted up in his usual "kindness, niceness and <3" bullshit, was that he is still seen in the chat "all the time", but leaves immediately "when there is nobody there". I counted 9 people in the chat when I started writing this. All "nobodies" apparently. Quod erat demonstrandum.
So what was the original point of the article, or how was it presented to you? Did anybody expect anything positive to come from this? I wonder why even this drunken weirdo took part in this (with the helmet, who ever it is).
I can imagine that the reported changed the story in a way that gave her a better response. "Disaster porn" comes to mind...
>>1286 The way it happened, I guess Loli told her that she had a friend who did the same thing, and the "journalist" (lol, it feels so ridiculous to call her that) wanted to
>>1287 cont. I didn't "expect" anything out of it, but I certainly didn't think it would be so ineptly written. To my knowledge, Loli and Allie agreed on some things that Allie later ignored, and she made a fair bit of stuff up/paraphrased in order to (I *assume*) play up the "oh poor stupid unmonitored little kid" message. I
>>1288 cont. thoughtful, nuanced essay about Loli's THOUGHTS on the experience and on the phenomenon in general rather than all that
>>3181 This is true. She had, by assiduous and constant effort, attracted so many of them to her MyFreeCams site ("Oh Loli, I have loved you for ten years!" that she found it necessary to devote herself full-time to their cultivation.
Nothing to do with Dot. This is all about Gayry losing his nerve, the
>>3209 You have a limitless store of time and energy for trolling Cracky boards. Imagine all you could accomplish if you used some of it to, say, learn a new language or write a political treatise.
>>3209 you seem to be posting gay shit everywhere, what's the matter, so repressed you're still in the closet and can't face yourself?
>>3214 I think shitposting makes you truly happy. So be it!
>>3181 why is she so intollant intollerant i haven't seen any real pedo's on this board
>>3220 Dolly wants to be a victim. Denial of her victimhood is literally rape.