So I feel like I am working with a time line now. I have wasted these last several years thinking if I am patient Cracky will choose to reveal herself. It's nto going to happen and this is all falling down around my head. I should have spent my time wisely, actively trying to find her. So much possible data and I let it slip away in lazy indolence. How will I be able to rescue Olivia if I can't find her. What if she needs me and I am not there.
She probably would have done something about it if she needed someone
She probably doesn't need you rescuing her and probably turned out alright and just wanted to left alone. If you actually spent all these years waiting for her then you have bigger problems. This place was going to end one day and we all knew it. Some had contact with her, others could've found her if they wanted to and this is how things turned out. I think it might be better if things were left as is. The harder you fight against it, the deeper the hole you dig for yourself.
Imagine you later on find out she died 20xx. You wouldn't even know where to find her grave and what purpose it would have to visit it.
I've no doubt that she feels a need to be "rescued" like about 95% of the people in the world. But I'm equally sure that the thought of being "rescued" by the kind of person who uses plebeian pleonastic English like "lazy indolence" ceased to have any appeal for her around the same time as she ceased to be impressed by letters that began "It is really incredulous that you contacted me right now of all times" or however the fuck it went, i.e. around the time she reached her 16th birthday. She is a Rothschild, after all, a shoot from the tree of one of the most dynamic creative and intelligent bloodlines in modern occidental history. Do you not feel any sense of shame, self-disgust or just downright inappropriateness when you allow yourself to envisage some semi-illiterate, dull mediocrity like yourself "rescuing" her or indeed having anything to do with her at all? I really would suggest that, rather than clinging on to this girl after all these years - who really must be, at age 22, something ten times as extraordinary and patently superior as she was at age 15, when creeps like Dana had some hope of "grooming" her still with clumsy pseudo-references to highbrow literature they were plainly unable, themselves, to read or understand - you go and seek out some girl of special qualities and excellent genes who is, in 2013, even YOUNGER than Cracky was in 2005. That way, you might still have a chance of creating and sustaining for a few months or a year the otherwise entirely unfeasible situation of you being accepted and admired by a human being of some actual worth and quality. It would also enable you to get off your chest for once the nasty little pedophilic urges that this Cracky thing has always been about from the start.
>>1269 I just stopped by after some time off and this is the best post I've read on a cracky board, ever. Thank you, Anon. You've brightened my day. here's a Ricardo rare from his suicide set to show you my gratitude.
>>1342 Björk threw a lovingly-prepared Kir Royale in my face in a bar on the Boulevard Saint-Germain when I tried to raise this matter with her. Never try to engage a woman who's been with niggers in a rational conversation about human moral responsibility.