
Thread #1292

almost dead

Not synched.

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fix tc plz kthx
So uh, the tc on skyqueen doesn't work. You can sign in and people can see your name but when you type, it isn't visible. You have to come on the normal tc sight. Also, skyqueen itself seems to disconnect you quite a bit mid-post/just being on here.

This has been going on for maybe 2 weeks or so now.

Oh Christ, the "Lia Effect" again. Suddenly, as soon as I point up that the Tinychat has become a silent deserted mental ward, there emerges an inexplicable urgent need to express how wooonderful and desiiiiirable a place it is, and what a delightful pastime it is to stare at Marshall's neighbour's house on cam for 36 hours or to watch Schwill being automatically logged on and logged off from an empty silent room while he lies drugged or drunk on a sofa next to his computer waiting for the next check drawn on the blood and courage of his former comrades to arrive so he can prolong his disgusting parasitical pointless existence.
You people are the most tediously infallible experimental subjects for reverse psychology since Pavlov's dogs. I only have to point out the screamingly obvious fact that something has turned to shit for you all to hunker down and start gobbling it up likes its paté de foie gras topped with truffles.
I'll be interested to see what will happen next. Are even halfway mentally intact individuals like Camel and Science so cowed and terrorized by whatever I say that - like Lia a few weeks ago - they're going to try to make my observation that they've gone off and hung around in their own little gang somewhere else "retroactively a lie" by gritting their teeth and going through some travesty of chatroom interaction with human flotsam like Schwill and Marshall for a night or two? or will this desperate concern to "join in the fun in the Tinychat" turn out only to be a matter of the same three or four sad. lonely but boundlessly vain and narcissistic individuals actually HALLUCINATING the presence of the "cool kids" in their little silent psychiatric ward of a chatroom, and insisting "Alex is a LIAR, because Dolly WAS there, Camel WAS there....we are united by our common love of Cracky....I DO have friends, I DO....."
Ely, can you unembed TC and post a link to it or something?
>>1297 I know you're a narcissist and everything but please accept the fact that not everything is about you and your little world.
Actually, a surprisingly large number of things related to stuff that goes on here DO appear to be about me and my "little world" - but really, I think, only because the "little world" that I describe in posts like these is the world of the actual truth, whiile the world that the rest of you live in is the world of the lies and misrepresentation that have become second nature to you. The developments that I have referred to in my contributions to this thread are all real developments. The TC, which at this hour a month ago - when Camel was still busy staging whatever manipulative little piece of theatre she was concerned to stage at that point (I'm still not clear exactly what that was, but it IS pretty clear that I didn't dance to her drum very satisfactorily, so it all went awry somehow) - would have been a jolly, busy place, with three or four people on cam and lots of lively repartee, appears, just as I said it would be, to be dead as a doornail, and as depressing and charmless a place as poor sad Marshall is a person. I notice that Science has left the chat . which wasn't a chat, as no one was talking - as I've been writing this, and his presence there - brief and perfunctorym and leading to no actual visible social interaction - also confirms that my remarks about the "Lia Effect" were also not in he least a matter of narcissistic deluisons about my own importance, but again a simple matter of fact. Lia - as everyone knows but no one, of course, will ever come out and admit - decided to boycott the Tinychat when Camel got into the habit of spending every night in it. I'm sure they make all the requisite "feminist" curtseys to one another when they meet, but it need hardly be explained to anyone that each Crackygirl hates all the other Crackygirls with a passion (oh there's the alliance between Camel and her mentally ill Plain Friend, of course, that's an exception) and no two of them could possibly share a chattoom. As important to Lia as ACTUALLY
boycotting any chat she isn't sole and sovereign queen of, however, is vehemently denying and energeticallly covering up any evidence or perception to the effect that she does any such thing. As I say, when I mentioned to her over dinner a couple of weeks ago that it was quite striking that neither she nor any of her friends had been seen in the chat for months, her first action the following evening was - surprise, surprise - to turn up in the chat....because, after all, never let it be thought that she's anything but "niiiiiiiice" or, God forbid, that SHE of all people is a narcissist who thinks the world must revolve around her.
Science's brief, perfunctory, silent visit to the chatroom just now - I note that the room has returned to its currently standard "near-deserted mental ward" status now that he has gone - was (and accuse me of "narciissism" here if you wish, I think I am just stating something likely almost to the point of absolute certainty) surely motivated by the same vain, narcissistic,, deeply dishonest impulsion to "save face" and to stifle, so far as possible, the simple truth that he and Camel and the members of THEIR little "group hug" have abandoned the TC in much the same way that the members of Lia's snobby little gang (Sci, of course, was also one of THEM; he has pulled off the tour de force of combining sycophancy and treachery - which, come to think of it, is not such a tour de force, but a fairly commonly beheld sad and ugly spectacle of human meanness) did a few months before.
You live in lies, all of you - although you tart your lies up and disfigure them with phrases like the one I remember Science using to me a few weeks ago when we were discussing Camel's utterly morally repugnant trait of maintaining a close and intimate relation with someone through private channels like e-mails and pms while loudly and self-righteously denying that she has any relation with them at all in public chat: "She prefers to keep her private and her
public personae separate", as I believe he put it. A typical "Science" way of reformulating, restating, and indeed rethinking out of all existence the true and simple fact that the girl is a lying, treacherous, manipulative cunt.
But given that you're ALL pretty much that, I suppose none of you would find the stink of her or of her lying apologists very offensive. You'd probabyly perceive it as a fragrance, complementary to your own. Sadly, though, it looks like I was telling the unpleasant truth - yes, once again, I'm afraid - and that she and her particular, rather better class of liar and traitor have chosen to go off and do their own nasty dirty little "thing" among their own kind.
>Also, skyqueen itself seems to disconnect you quite a bit mid-post/just being on here.
get gud
I've been working a bit on night shifts, so have not been around much. What exactly did Lia do? (Boycotting the chat, as you say)
I imagine you're one of these perverts with an inexplicable hunger for knowledge about "all things Lia", so - sorry to disappoint you but I was only using her and her clique as one of several possible illustrations of the generally dire level of probity, frankness and concern for true representation of the facts in this pseudo-community. As anyone who has been around for a couple of years knows, Lia and her people have offered some prime examples in their time of stubborn denial of obvious reality in the cause of personal vanity and the desperate wish to seem like the decent people they really aren't (all the bullshit that heaped up at the end of Crackyhouse about "it still being about Cracky" and that only ended when Jeff actually closed the site because even he, despite his appearing to have some odd predilection for Lia, couldn't claim with a straight face any more that his site was any longer about anything but her and her chums; and - to cite again the more recent example of stubborn, vain reality-denial I cited above - Lia's recent perfunctory attempts to cover over, by half an hour's occasional presence in the chat, the fact that she issued instructions to Rob and I suppose other members of whatever is left of her coterie never to go anywhere near the place from the point on where it became a "level playing field" where Camel, for example, stood a chance of getting more attention than she did (more than a "chance", of course, as Lia is surely aware, since Camel - psycho bitch and inveterate liar though she be - is an altogether much more engaging and captivating young woman on every level.
And yes, it was indeed Camel's - and her own little group of loyalists and consorts, prominent among whom are Kenny and Science's - recent behaviour that I was really drawing attention to in citing Lia and her gang's tendency to behave like nasty snobs and sectarians and then run around polishing up a very thin facade of open-ness and niceness to all who happen to
come their way. It will, I am sure, no more ever be publicly acknowledged by anyone that Camel, Science and Kenny - and I suppose Dolly, whose general repulsiveness and looniness tends to be overlooked for the sake of her long-standing position as Camel's Plain Friend - have gotten sick of semi-comatose human shells and idiots like Schwill and Marshall, and those few junior-high-school-level semi-morons like Grendel who wander in and out of the chatroom and gone and started their own chat somewhere else than it was ever publicly acknwledged by anyone that Lia didn't come to the chat anymore - a chat she had completely dominated for several months and frequented daily and nightly - and that all those individuals in her thrall, like Rob, had - surely not by "coincidence" done exactly likewise. The dregs who remained, in both cases, in the chat were and are all too vain and narcissistic - even despite their constantly whining and sobbing about what wrecks and shells of human beings they are - to ever want to admit that they were ditched. And the people doing the ditching - Lia's gang first and now Camel's gang of rather classier but equally cold and heartless individuals - were and are too concerned with their reputations as "nice people! to ever want to admit, on their side, that they make distinctions between people who display a semblance of normality - along, as I've pointed out already, with normality's necessary coldness and nastiness - like Sci and unsalvageable disgusting flabby pieces of shit like Schwill and Marshall.
maybe i'll make a hide function, in the meantime, just use adblock or requestpolicy
tinychat should be fixed too, i tested for visibility of msgs send by embedded tc
Ah, I thought you meant that Lia had convinced people to leave the embedded chat or something similar. That's what I asked about. On other matters, I don't recall ever seeing you trash Marshall before, yet on those two paragraphs you mentioned him several times, which seems unusual from what I've seen in your writing standards, unless he wronged you in a particular way. To provide an example, shroud is not on your current protest, and I think he has done more to you and against you in like one week than Marshall ever did combined. No defending Marshall particularly, I just find odd that you have included him in your observations.
He annoys me inasmuch as he is one of the "useful idiots" who make it possible for actively nasty people like Camel and Science to pull off much more substantial pieces of shittiness. He sits there 24 hours a day lending an (admittedly pathetically tenuous) legitimation just by his presence to the lie that a "community" exists here. He openly and repeatedly admits to not caring about or believing in anything and yet he accepts the position of chatroom moderator (a "moral" function, even if only on the most modest of scales).
Anyway, I'll cede the field to the currently typing moron Alex-hater - oh, maybe not, seems I'm "the last Crackyfag"....a STUPENDOUSLY left-handed compliment from where I'm sitting, but I suppose a complement for all that.
But anyway, to sum up, and state the obvious: I pretty much hate all of you.
"Be better people, please", to borrow a phrase from the hippy-dippy, Demi-Dalai-Lama-Alpaca vocabulary that RavRav has been developing recenttly.
Oh and that's someone ELSE I hate: JASON LEE WEIGHT and his puerile, artificially and nepotistically sustained aaaaaaaaht....
Thatguy was right when he called you the last Crackyfag.
That's an oxymoron. You can't be a crackyfag if you don't like Cracky. This delusion of Alex being one has been perpetuated by himself and his groupies, nothing more. It has the same value as a statement as Alex's constant self-depictions of an honest, decent human being.
OK. I think this really IS the end. That other board has sunk into its own swamp so I suppose the two or three crypto-pedophiles of the "Cracky is holy, Cracky is Queen of the Sky" sort that used to shit up that place are going to be crawling in here now. The little piece of crap that this particular one has written gives us a taste of what we're in for. i.e.
(i) Pretentious semi-illiteracy (a hallmark of the Crackypedo since Dana days. Desperate to use s four-syllable word, this guy sees "oxymorons" where there just aren't any. The phrase "the last Crackyfag" isn't an oxymoron, since there is clearly no contradiction between the noun "Crackyfag" and the adjective "last". Nor is "Alex is the last Crackyfag". The term "oxymoron" is not properly applied to full phrasal propositions anyway, but even if it were, "Alex is the last Crackyfag" would not be an oxymoron, just a common-or-garden false statement, since there is no LOGICAL contradiction between its first element and its second. I COULD be a Crackyfag. I'm sure there are plenty of men in their 50s, God help them, who spend their time slavering inanely and inarticulately over photos of underdeveloped early-teenage girls. I just HAPPEN not to be one. (Try to read a good book on grammar, syntax or basic logic before you have another go at playing the "educated man" and (mis)using terms like "oxymoron").
(ii) Sad, narcissistic delusion that the obscure little categories and classifications of the Crackyfag's minuscule pathological pseudo-world are categories of any concern to anyone except the Crackyfag himself: Is this idiot really so delusional as to think that he has ever seen or heard me "perpetuating" the ridiculous idea that I have any interest in or attraction to this long-vanished scrawny 15-year-old schoolgirl? Has he really hallucinated the existence of such a thing as "Alex groupies"? Anybody who has any experience of me and my activities in this "community" knows very well that I came and stayed
for some (as I have to admit) very sad reasons - the Crackyverse gave me some access first to RavRav, and later to Camel (both of them, at the respective times of my paying court to them, young women much older, much more normal, and significantly more buxom and well-developed than the emaciated little half-child the rest of you sickos are obsessed with) - but certainly not for the sad and stupid reason of "loving Cracky" or even of pretending to love her. I despised this "Cracky" shit from the start, and said so repeatedly. I made no secret of the fact that my sole interest and incentive here consisted in certain of the Cracky girls and the vague and vacillating possibility that one of them might be interested in a sexual relation which really - once one has stripped away and subtracted, if such a thing is imaginable, the depredations and damage of decades of sexual loneliness, the Internet, and whatever wounds and traumas the girl in question had, for her own part, to struggle with - wouldn't have been so very different from a gentle, normal relation between someone of the male sex and someone of the female. That has repeatedly failed to work out for me, though. The kind of brutal coldness and savagery that I have suffered first at RavRav's and, more recently, at Camel's hands have finally convinced me - incredibly slow learner that I am - that lonely guys in their 50s have "nichts zu suchen", as the Germans put it, on the Internet among people of around age 20.
For me, then, this whole thing is finished. Although the rest of you, I'm sure, have rather different agendas - I'd guess that you divide up more or less equally between bored /b/board-type seekers after lulz and sick, sad, genuinely "Cracky-loving" pedophiles and mental cases - I would strongly urge you to accept that it really is for you as well. This board is more or less content-free, and the attached chatroom - now that Camel has tired of the little "let's-be-exhibitionists" game and gone off to
practice her wiles more seriously in some place she isn't going to tell the rest of us about - is likely to consist henceforth of two lonely ugly males of rather different ages but a more or less equal degree of mental damagedness and degeneration sitting silently across from one another, not talking, in varying degrees of stupor from drugs, drink, or general depression. If you want THAT, good luck to you.
So, TL;DR: You are a pedophile, a stalker, a sycophant and a deluded old man? Also, whatever you "suffered" from RavRav and Camel, you had them coming certainly. The problem isn't that you are a 50-year-old lonely man, it's that you are a 50-year-old moron.
I think anyone reading these posts can easily decide for themselves who the "moron" is here. You begin with the typical moron's insult of "tl;dr" and then on go on to prove that you are not only a fool but a liar, since you clearly DID read it. It's just that your hatred of me - which, as I say, probably stems from something as trivial as my pointing out that you can't construct a proper English sentence back in 2009 or 2010 - makes you blind to the fact that every one of the subsequent insults you throw at me is refuted by my post, and by the facts. I am not a pedophile precisely BECAUSE I am not a Crackyfag. I have never pursued any underage girl from the Cracky community, nor indeed from anywhere else. 15-year-olds honestly don't interest me (and please don't start with the Lord of the Rings crap again....I'm talking about REALITY, not cartoon figures flying through the air with magic swords). I am also demonstrably not a stalker, Despite RavRav's having caled me that for years, and despite her having lived for two years within easy travelling distance of me, she was never bothered by me in any way. The third accusation - sycophant . is probably the most ridiculous of all. I flatter NO ONE and am, for that reason, pretty much universally disliked here. And the fact that all that I have just said are PROVEN FACTS, not fantasies, is evidence enough that I am not "deluded".
Now fuck off back and sit in your silent deserted mental ward of a chatroom with Marshall and Schwill. You can all voluptuously inhale the stink of each other's love of Cracky and hate of Alex and the sense of brotherliness and comradeliness will make you feel soooooo much better about what shitty parasitical depressed, too-cowardly-to-kill-yourselves losers you are.
The only proven fact is that you are a pedophile. The proof is even in this same board.
Ha! The "proof"! Odd, then, how Dostoevsky was never arrested for murdering old ladies with hatchets or any reader of fiction for complicity in the totally invented events described in the books they read. This is the reason why apparently "friendly" invitations to drink a beer with Ely - or with Lia and her friends too, for all I know - are, on consideration, not really friendly gestures at all, and why I am a decent, simple-minded innocent for accepting them. Ely claims keeping this lying shit started by the fat nigger nobody speaks to here on this board is "harmless". As long as it supplies ammunition for the undying idiot hate of cunts like you, though, it clearly isn't.
So fuck the lot of you: Camel and Dolly for their ugly fascist mob-raising; Ely for storing the ugly record of it; and cunts like you for using it as the only cheap lying ammunition you have.
Let it go, Alex. If your desire girls raped you and you think it was injustice you encountered, state it in a sober way. Just stop your hateful and endless self-justifying.
I dread to imagine what kind of substance-abusing, multiply-sectioned wreck and travesty of a human being is recommending "sobriety" to me here. You needn't worry about me. I continue, despite my many misadventures and disappointments to navigate calmly through life, without the aid of drugs, alcohol, welfare or false friends, and I am convinced and comforted by the fact that, to quote the Crackyverse's favourite poet: "even the weariest river, winds somewhere safe to sea."
What I post here I post not so much to "vent" and for the sake of my own sanity as for the sake of something that all you people are likely just to guffaw at because - and to this extent you are to be pitied rather than condemned - you honestly have no experience of it or relation to it in your own lives: namely, the TRUTH. I am just so tired of hearing this phrase "let it go" to justify and perpetuate an awful arid, stifling atmosphere of LIES and LIES and MORE LIES. The Internet means never having to say you're sorry. You can lie for months on end like Lia and her people did in the final days of Crackyhouse, or like individuals like Camel and Science and Kenny are doing now.....well, were recently, I haven't been following their antics lately and the way it always goes is: if the lies are NOT exposed as lies, well, well and good, there's peace in the farmyard. And if they ARE exposed....oh then "let it go, just let it go, we all want peace in the farmyard, don't we?"
No, not all of us do. And those of us who don't don't not want it because we don't like peace. We like it as much as the next man. But we love truth, the sweet salvationary light of truth, more even than peace. 4chan has made the word "rage" very difficult to use in any way that won
won't elicit a superior snigger. But angry old man that I am, I still hold with Dylan Thomas - low as I rank him, generally speaking, as a poet - and say

"Do not go gently into that good night
But rage against the dying of the light"
the livvie river dried up years ago, never made it to sea :(
Well that's not my concern. I guess I'm just one of those men who just want to watch the world (miss obscure pretentious references to Algernon Charles Swin)burne.
I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in alex' heart.
So, this is your truth blog? Everything makes sense now. Still 90% of your text is you trying to make various people look less of worth than you. State facts and post proof. No paranoid "they're online just because I said it!"
Alex is a good shield to new friends which I appreciate. Hopefully the "article" on Dollsy won't draw attention to this hell. It seemed to me like Cracky propaganda, by accident maybe.
So you claim this is the underlying motivation for your endless acerbic drivel on these boards? It may explain why you react to certain posts. But let us try to understand what even drove you in to a position where you even feel competent to expose other peoples lies? There must be a much simpler explanation.

I think you are here for exactly the same reasons the people you claim to loathe are here: You are yearning for human interaction you can not get elsewhere, as fleeting and worthless it may be.

kljnhsdgoijweoh sgthis editor sucks big timesdf
I'd very happily be as complex and as much one of Barbra Streisand's "people who need people" (sorry, really, if ALL my cultural references are between 50 and 500 years old) as you suggest I am, because then I'd be "one of the LUCKiest people (I believe that's a high C) in the WORLD)". But the fact is that I am nowhere near as "interesting" - because nowhere near as twisted and sick - as "people I claim to loathe" like the mock-suicidal, self-harming, drug-dependent Crackyfags. The only thing I've been "here for" for the past few months, at least, has been Camel's luscious little Americo-Azerbaijani cunt. There is really nothing odd or even peculiarly touching to the heart of a Crackyfag in my character that cannot be entirely sufficiently explained by the fact that I haven't had sex since 2005, and had it rarely enough in the thirty or so years preceding that date.
Anyway, have to work....
Oh, and as to the "demands" that you make, I'm really too busy to get involved in some kind of full-scale exposé, complete with screen-shots and statistics, of the sad dishonesty of most people here. I think that anyone who keeps even half an eye on the Tinychat is aware of how clique-y and disloyal people who supposedly form this "community" tend to be. The TC has a tendency to become the marked-out "pissing ground" for small groups of people who, be it by "hard" means or by "soft", drive out and keep away whoever is not taking part in their particular "group hug" at any particular time. It's pretty much impossible for two separate "group-hugging" groups to co-exist peacefully in the TC, so there is also a tendency for one group - say Lia and her dogs - to implicitly boycott the chat as soon as another group - say Camel and thise she has a mutual validation agreement with - moves in and begins to use it regularly. And then there is Schwill, of course, who considers any TC that is allegedly about Cracky to be HIS pissing ground and really his alone, since he is the Bull Goose Loony Crackyfag (a title I certainly don't want to deny to the poor sad fat parasitical cowardly fuck).
I don't really object to any of this as much as I do to people's sickening DISHONESTY about it: Lia turning up in the chat for five minutes and conducting a teeth-clenched "friendly conversation" with a bitch she'd like to see dead and who would like to see her dead just to prove that "everyone here is really coll shit cool and nice"; or Science's real past-master pieces of everyday shittiness and two-facedness: blithely denying that he has switched allegiances from 'the Lia Gang' to 'the Camel Gang', for example, when the deep yellowish-greenish colour that spreads over the faces of Lia and her dogs when you mention his name proves clearly enough that THEY are aware that he's ditched them in the most contemptuous manner; or equally blithely ("nonsense; I'm always here, <3") denying th
that he no longer has anything to say to the heap of sad, pathetic losers who now gather in the chatroom sans Camel AND sans Lia and that he prefers to hang out somewhere where he doesn't have to look at your sad, silent user-names.
"Not gonna proof things cause I tell tha truth. Trust ma words."
Are you really suggesting that there is any way I could "proof" what I have said above that you would not want to - and be able to, given that the Internet is famous for having no memory - wriggle out of? What exactly would constitute "proof" that Science and Camel, say - who a month ago were on cam in the Tinychat almost every night for hours at a time, or if not on cam engaged there in lively conversation and interaction - no longer go there at all any more?
I can write down the evidence of my own eyes and say that I am looking at the Tinychat as I write and see the same thing that I have seen for the last fifteen or twenty nights that I have looked in on this site and its imbedded Tinychat: lonely depressed repulsive saddo Marshall sitting on cam, or running his cam without his being visible on it, with three or four user-names underneath him, all silent, just sitting there....
That IS a real chalk-and-cheese difference from a month ago. Clearly, SOMEONE has made some decisions of SOME sort about who they do and do not want to interact socially with.
But nobody, as I say, wants to talk about that. The "cool kids" who have decided that they don't want to hang out with the saddos any more don't want to talk about it because "cool kids" can only be REALLY "cool" if they have teh reputation of being "kind" and "nice" as well - and not the reputation of being the arrogant snobby cliquey cunts that they actually are. And the saddos that the "cool kids" don't want to hang around with don't want to talk about it either - because it makes them feel like saddos.
So when I state the simple and obvious facts yes, of course, there is ALWAYS going to be this resentful infantile whine of "prove it!" And also of course: there is NO WAY of proving it because it can always be claimed
the "cool kids" who don't want to look like arrogant cunts, or the losers who don't want it to look as though people have been arrogant WITH them - that the half-hour in which I observed events in the Tinychat was exceptional and untypical, that, as soon as I looked away, Camel and Dolly and Science and, who knows, gosh, Kimi and Lia and Cracky and Justin Bieber all turned up and started chatting merrily away with Marshall and the two other sad silent psychos.
But I can only say what I see when I am NOT looking away. I have been typing this post for maybe fifteen minutes. I have seen not a sign of Camel, or Dollly, or Science, or anyone who made the chat a lively place a month ago, I have seen no one speak or type or appear on cam. I have seen only a room of depressed, silent mental cases huddling together without relating to one another.
That, to me,is "proof". But not to YOU, of course. Because YOU will be lucky enough to experience this huge warm friendly influx of all the old crowd as soon as I turn away and do something else. Either becauae of that, or because you're a fucking liar.
For someone who despises this place and its "inhabitants" you sure spend a lot of time and energy hanging around and writing testaments of posts. Why is that? I always wanted to ask you that, but I never got the chance / cared enough before.
You see, you confirm exactly what I said above about how insincere and hypocritical it is for you people to ask for "proof" of the things I say. The structure of the Internet, and of sad little cliques like yours, is such that nothing CAN EVER POSSIBLY be "proven" against them.
Your impenetrable "logic" - an impervious shield to your pathetic vanity - goes like this:
If you are hee to SEE what we do and what condition we find ourselves in, you have no right to criticize it, because then, clearly, you are doing it too and are in the same condition.
But if you earn yourself the right to criticize us and our actions and our condition by going away......well, then you don't have the right to criticize us EITHER, because then you can offer no "proof" for what you are saying, and we can always, without you being able to contradict us - because you weren't there - say that the Tinychat is just as lively as it was a month ago, that nobody has left, that Alex's impression of a sad, silent lunatic asylum with Marshall sitting stubbornly alone on cam and no one speaking is just one of Alex's "malevolent lies and fantasies".
In other words: WE CAN NEVER BE CRITICIZED EVER - because if you are here to see how we are, you are "one of us", and if you are not here, then nothing that you say can ever be relevant to us.
It's the reason that I don't just pity Marshall and Schwill and the four or five sad lonely perverts who huddle around them in your silent room now that Camel and Science have finally said to themselves "Well, Alex was the only one worth showing off to, so now Leyla has driven him away, there's really no need to put up with the depressing company of these human abortions any more", but actually actively dislike them. Marshall and Schwill ARE pitiable, of course: useless parasites weighing on a world they are too weak to handle. But like the obese couch potatoes on their "Rascals" or whatever they are called who were satirized in a recent episode of South Park
they also have a definite streak of arrogance and vanity in them. They LOVE the flaccid, stagnant, purposeless lives they lead and LOVE the idea of showing these lives to everybody on cam and setting things up in just the way that I have described: a way that means that if you are part of it, you can't criticize it, and that if you are not part of it you can't criticize it either.
This makes no sense. You are implying that since you are criticizing, you are not part of the problem, yet having bored lowlifes like you around is precisely what has been destroying the Cracky community site by site. Way back, scourge like you and Libertine would just get banned for their crap and the day would be called. Now, mods just don't give a shit. They are amused by your antics, nothing more.

You claim the Cracky "denizens" are flaccid, stagnant and purposeless, yet you sit in your pc and spend hours a day spewing garbage in a community board you have relentlessly claimed not only to despise, but only to not belong. So tell me, please, what are you doing with your life, besides fantasizing about little girls and unrequited (psychologically perverted) loves? What have you ever done in your life that could be ever considered by anyone a contribution to mankind? And please, don't you dare mention that "financially supporting talented whatevers like Stephanie" is an achievement or any sort of accomplishment.
Your remarks are based on so many questionable assumptions and obvious hypocrisies I hardly know where to start. You sound like you might be one of the carrion-eating vultures who have congregated on this stretch of desert now that Bounceme has slipped completely out of existence, which suggests that there is no point in talking to you anyway. You are just one of these narcissists who have nailed their own little egos to the "Cracky community" mast and will ALWAYS, therefore, refuse to accept that there JUST IS NO COMMUNITY NOW, if there ever was one. Get over it.
As to what it might or might not have been about when it DID exist: once again, is there really any point in pointing out yet again how screamingly hypocritical it is for one of you guys who have been drooling and obsessing over a 15-year-old for seven years now to drag out this whole "Alex fantasizes about young girls" bullshit for the umpteenth time?
Oh OK, I see the "counter-typing" has started. I'll leave you to it. "Crackydom".....Jesus....what hopeless delusive nonsense....
You just don't can't drag down "Crackydom" to "only" pedo fantasies. That's the thing you don't "get"...
You're just so amusing, Alex.
Do you have a cunt? Maybe we can flirt a little....
You must be over 8, though
Women are just cunts in your reality, aren't they? That must be the reason for your hate parade.
alex is dr. magnusson
excuse me if I'm interrupting teatime.
i think you or someone else crashed the site lol, still have an idea what you tried to post/upload?
Haven't tried posting/uploading anything since that post, I was surprised when I saw the site was down.

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