Like one broken toilet overflowing into the next and carrying its ugly indistinguishable turds and piss-yellow stagnant water with it, this long-dead shithole is now becoming a receptacle for the even longer-dead shit of Bounceme and its "creative geniuses". I think we have now reached the "optimum point" for a "Cracky community". Ely's deserted cess-pit of a board will clearly henceforth be graced with the "here is a photo of Cracky" / "and here is another photo of Cracky" / "and here is the same photo of Cracky with a bit cut off - aren't we interesting and creative people?" tedium as collapsed under the weight of its own narcissistic flab over on .71. While the imbedded chat will henceforth consist solely and exclusively of Marshall and Schwill sleeping side by side beside their user-names, occasionally announcing "I'm shit, you know, I'm worthless. I'm going to kill myself." but - oddly and regrettably - somehow never getting around to DOING it. Oh but silly me, I am, of course, forgetting the cool and normal Crackyfags, like Camel and Science, who, as he is stated - and Science is an honourable man - is "always in the chat"......just not, apparently in any form visible or audible to normal mortals. Thank God, then. The "community" is intact and nobody EVER said to themselves: "Fuck it, these sad, autistic, flabby, pointless human wrecks are making me nauseous. I'm off to be with people who stink rather less strongly of vain, narciissistic failure and terminal depression." No, old acquaintance shall ne'er be forgot, and we can have a group hug - if two ugly stupid manic depressives can be considered to form a "group" - and take comfort in that.