I haven't looked at this shit. But one doesn't need to look at it to know the way things are now going to go on Ely's dirty sleazy shitheap of a board. First the "we love Cracky and we lover her purely and asexually because she is so cute and sweet" shitheads swarm in from Bounceme. And then, curiously closely on their heels, the creepos who feel a constant and intense fascination by the idea of sex with pre-pubescent children. As I've said, this quasi-deserted rubbish-heap of a board might have served some trivially amusing purpose if its main function had remained taking the piss out of ludicrous characters like Dolly or even, yes, if you wish, myself. But now that Bounceme is down it is inevitably going to become a refuge for the significant proportion of actual would-be.child-molesting, deeply ill sexual perverts that were always comprised within the "cute and sweet"-burbling "Cracky community". My advice to you all would be to follow the small semi-normal section of the former "community" - Camel, Science and co. - and just leave. It's going to REALLY begin to stink from here on in.
>>1438 (OP) >look, this is how we track pedos down, pedos
>>1440 Yeah sure, we must all be so grateful that there are people like you around who are so vigorously and courageously opposed to pedophilia, and so absolutely and completely NOT pedophilic yourselves, that you talk about pedophilia ALL THE TIME, and think about pedophilia ALL THE TIME, and fill up image boards with links to campaigns against child prostitution and child porn ALL THE TIME - that is, when you are not filling them with actual CP. Just die, you sick, vicious, boring, incorrigible, unsalvageable animals....
>>1441 I have no idea what your mother did to you.
>>1442 There can be no moral objection, I think, to being extremely rude to people who go around smearing every available surface with crap about fucking children - regardless of whether their motivation in doing so is an actual desire to promote and encourage such atrocities or just an infantile, sniggering delight in how "edgy" that makes them look. Politeness ranks nowhere near the top of the list of human virtues. In fact, where its practical effect turns out to be - as it often does - the defence and encouragement of active evil and mischief, it occupies a place fairly high up in the list of human vices. Ceterum censeo Camel I love you, come back to me for God's sake and let us live to fight another day.
>>1444 Die Azerbaijani mit Eigenschaften: a short extemporized and undignified essay while my hair dries: I dunno, first and foremost, I suppose, she has the most uncontestably impressive verbal ability of all the conspicuously verbally capable late-teens and early-twenties types one tends to encounter on the Internet these days. She extemporizes so brilliantly sometimes in chat, both on cam and over the keyboard, that I often feel that even possessing her heart and her body would not be sufficient balm for the wounds her evident superiority have opened up in my vain old heart. Sorry, "has opened up". Ely's stupid-as-fuck posting system does, it has to be said, have the virtue of separating the boys from the Camels in the matter of ex tempore verbal ability. Oh but who am I kidding, she's verbally hugely impressive, yes, but FIRST AND FOREMOST, of course, speaking from the point of view of the world of objectification and relentless pneumatic sexualization which is the world we all must live in, she has the quality, the primarily and almost solely important quality, of looking like the Virgin Mary, albeit in a somewhat voluptuous and worldly Raphaelesque variation on that perennial iconic "sujet", of looking like Olivia Hussey playing Juliet in that Franco Zefferelli filming of the Shakespeare play that hit the cinemas of London - not yet divided into multiplexes in those days and offering huge dark auditoriums that were nine-tenths empty for the afternoon matinee shows and where an awkward, maladjusted 16-year-old could adore and masturbate undisturbed - in the long hot summer of 1976, or was it 1975.
>>1439 so are you not going to take your own advice and stop hanging around as well?
>>1447 A reprise of the glorious one and only argument the CP-posting, lying, idiotically-sniggering "Crackyfags" have ever managed to muster against anything I have ever said about them:
If you're here and can see what we do, you're automatically "one of us" - and therefore have no right to criticize.
And if you're not here, then you CAN'T see what we do - and therefore have no right to criticize.
Ergo: we can't be criticized.
>>1447 He's pretty much lonely and is ignored everywhere else. Since he's not into women his age but into "legal age" internet webcam girlz he's waiting for his chance here, hoping someone will appear in the tinychat and go on cam. He'll approve of anything except saggy tits I heard. (Don't take it personal, Alex. I like and hate you equally.)
>>1449 It's true that I am a creature of habit and that I prefer to seek my sexual and, more generally speaking, my human interaction online - where one can withdraw from said interaction at the press of a button if - or rather, given the sad state of humanity, when - the person you're interacting with reveals themselves to be a selfish cunt brimming over with love for themselves and hatred for everybody else. It's also true that I find it difficult to work up much enthusiasm for women in their 50s. I don't think that that is fairly to be classified as a sexual perversion or as some sort of deviancy. I can easily imagine being IN love with a woman my age, or within ten years of it - if I had FALLEN in love with her twenty or thirty years before. The difficult thing is the FALLING for a woman who no longer possesses the ineffable charm of fresh nubility. (I was reminded of this when I watched the Coen Brothers "Blood Simple" again a few days ago. Frances MacDormand is an instance of a woman who - though never a "raving beauty" - was still powerfully attractive in her 40s, as the pregnant policewoman in "Fargo", for example, although I suppose she was about 35 there. But the 25-year-old MacDormand of the Coens' very first movie - whom one of the brothers, I forget which, married in the course of making it - hits you with you a visceral force that the 35-year-old just doesn't. I'm sure whichever Coen married her loves her as much now, when she's 50, as he did then. But he FELL in love with the 25-year-old....). And anyway, no one except just ONE girl has been even remotely likely to "appear in the Tinychat and go on cam" here since about 2011 that I would be able to experience that "visceral force" from. Rather than speculating about me and my inadequacies, you would do better to address your own much greater ones and ask yourselves: Why is it that, since Alex has ceased to play a role in the proceedings of the Tinychat, this girl along with anyone else of any interest
I don't get you, Dr. Reynolds: Why are you so angry all the time? What can you possibly gain from coming him and berating us kids. Is it a misplaced sense of parenting that somewhere deep inside you, you have always craved for?