I find my love for the Queen is changing into a romantic interest. For this reason I am deleting all my pictures of Her, all my original and unoriginal copypasta, all the stalking information and everything else I have relating to Olivia. Thank you for being there with me through this journey.
>>1470 >unoriginal Everybody experiences regret in the same way. Welcome to the binge-purge cycle, gimme a bell when you're ready to try out a geographical cure.
>>1470 Are you trying to prevent it from changing into a romantic interest, or has it already changed and this makes you want to delete everything?
Cracky is fiction. It is a good thing to delete everything that invaded her real life.
>>1470 How about one of these famous Crackyverse "polls"? Do people who use this board really want to have to be witnesses to these ageing sickos vomiting their vile confessions into each other's leering mouths? For the poster who asked about the nature and sequence of the "romantic interest" above, let me say fyi, as a long-time observer of the Crackyverse, that "my love for Cracky is now becoming a romantic one" is to be translated as a (probably involuntary, because these people really are very stupid as well as very evil) confession that "For years I sat in my basement jerking off to fantasies, and toying with actual concrete plans, about kidnapping and raping a rather physically underdeveloped 15-year-old girl....but it's OK, I'm better now." At which point this Father Superior of the Black Monks of Cracky type inevitably chimes in with his : "You cannot escape the Dark Spell my little brother" (these people like to portray their sick compulsions as the efffect of some mystical aura emanating from the schoolchild they were so pathetically grooming before she ran away; most people would prefer to classify the "Dark Spell" in question as the probably therapeutizable "Dark Spell" of simple paedophilia) "Come, return unto my hoary breast, let us embrace our curse and our blessing, together...." So, basically, what we have here now that Bounceme has collapsed is a mutual Agony Aunt forum for would-be child-rapists. I vote we go back to the regular scheduled programme of me throwing shit at Camel: Have you seen her latest blog post? She thinks she's soooo clever and the Tumblrs she admires are soooo original, but clearly she's never even read Derrida's "Spectres de Marx".
Is this your first delete? I went throught 2 before I caved in and accepted that nobody ever stops loving cracky. So the third time I 'stopped' loving her I kept the pictures and just sat still waiting. It just took a week or so and my love for her was as strong as ever. Now I didn't need to download the pics again because I had learned the truth. The experienced mystic knows that he cannot trust his temprary feelings.
>>1476 Yes! Yes! My experience exactly! I too know that my sick pedophilic urges are NOT sick pedophilic urges and that they are really the gentle breeze from angels' wings wafting me toward a being who does, admittedly, strongly resemble a vulnerable, manipulable pre-pubescent girl but who ISN'T, no she ISN'T, and thrice I say she ISN'T... And how do I know this? Why I know it because I am an "experienced mystic" and have been telling myself crap like this for years and years already - and now YOU, my brother, have fallen into my arms and confirned me in my FAITH, my faith in CRACKY, but of course above all in my faith in MYSELF, my faith that I am NOT LIKE OTHER MEN, that I am something SPECIAL AND UNIQUE even when I APPEAR to the profane eyes of the unbeliever to be all too noticeably like the scuzzy character with red-rimmed eyes who spends his sad NEET days sitting quivering and spasming disgustingly on the public bench directly across the road from the junior school playground.....
Alex, imagine if you could go on a walk with olivia, holding hands and talking.
>>1477 Again with the bizarre and unsupported (except by a long debunkedseries of papers based on what sounds like it should be true) belief that loving Cracky is related to narcissism. Those who love the Queen do not secretly love themselves and are not projecting. They love her because of who and what she is. You just sound silly. And your desire to associate the phenomenon with pedophilia is just as truthy and wrong. The only people obsessed with little girls in general (as opposed to someone who is 15 or older in most of the pictures we see) are people like you who try to use the word "pedophile" to disparage anyone who loves the Queen. You are a sad figure even here and that really says something. Give it up: no one believes you and most of us think you're a closet self-hating pedo yourself.
>>1476 I've deleted my files twice before, and I never got some of them back. I don't think I'll ever stop loving her, I'm just going to try not to think about it. It's inappropriate for me to start wanting her romantically. I dreamed about kidding <-typo kissing her and that's
>>1480 Not being personally accustomed to your arrogantly idiosyncratic usage of the term "the Queen" - as I said, you Bounceme sickos and pedants tended to stick to a board I was banned from before it collapsed under the weight of its own shit and its only now, since you've started swarming in here like a small plague of rats, that I've had to accustom myself to this particular sort of mumbo-jumbo again - I understood you, on first reading, to be talking about Queen Elizabeth the Second. And I was about to say that the psychological mechanisms linking the populace of Britain - oh Jesus Christ, typical pedantic idiot's behaviour, can't wait for someone to finish before you start droning on with your counter-lecture - that the psychological mechanisms linking the populace of Britain to its monarchy, and keeping the former under the latter's thumb are actually an excellent example of what Freud - as I've pointed out, the inventor of the term "narcissism" - describes in his papers "Mass Psychology and the Super-Ego" and "Ego and Ego Ideal". But I suppose that would have been a pointless thing to say to someone like you anyway, since you are obviously one of these sad "self-educated" vain semi-illiterates who goes around proclaiming senseless things like "Freud has been debunked!" I don't really think that there is much that can be said in response to blank and bland assertions, that don't even bother trying to support themselves with any argument, like "People who love Cracky love her because of who and what she is." We all know it's just "Cracky = Cracky = Cracky = Cracky" on and on ad nausaeam, and that is as impossible to engage with critically, and as infinitely boring, as your recently-collapsed shitheap of a board. As to my alleged "pedophilia", I think it's also fairly common knowledge here that this slur is only repeatedly cast on me because it is the handiest and most cheaply effective of all Internet slurs. Most of you have known me for six or seven years
>>1483 I'm sorry for your inability to contextualize -- I really am but if you would take just a little longer to think about what you're reading I'm sure you can get it. And no one is being pedantic here. and what the hell does Queen Elizabeth II have to do with Cracky anyway? I'm not even British and I love her.
oooh the inventor of the word. That just means he knows everything about everything doesn't it? ot maybe, just maybe, the field has advances in the last 70 years you obsessive twit.
by the way nice ad-hominem on the way to completely avoiding my point.
>>1483 The Queen is a beautiful woman and was a beautiful girl who showed through her art her strength of character and her ideas. If you cant see that you're deliberately avoiding it.
>>1483 now. You have all seen that I have had plenty of opportunity to go sniffing around on these boards after underage girls (Dolly, Camel and Lia were all underage during the early years of my contact with you people). Much as all of these girls hate me, none of them can truthfully claim that I paid any sexual attention to them when they were 15, 16 or whatever. And as to my "main squeeze", RavRav, she was 18 when I "met" her and the greater part by far of my contact with her has been contact with a sex-worker in her 20s. So PLEASE, be aware of how ridiculous it is for people who are publicly proclaiming and re-proclaiming their obsession with an unequivocally under-legal-age girl - who, in my opinion (a not very attentive, because Cracky-uninterested one, I'll admit) looks considerably younger than her actual age - to be casting these aspersions and engaging in these speculations abiout ME. My sexual situation and my sexual choices are pretty grotesque and undignified, I'll freely admit. There is nothing very admirable about a flabby 54-year-old guy carrying on a verbally masochistic and sadly entirely one-sided "love affair" with girls like RavRav or Camel, aged 20 or 25. But grotesque and undignified as that is, it is really just a case of a perfectly normal sexuality backed into a perverting and degrading corner by various factors, extreme social maladjustment foremost among them. YOUR sexuality - with its thinly-disguised rape-fantasies directed toward a vulnerable girl five or ten years younger than the above-mentioned individuals - is certainly NOT to be described as normal, or as acceptable even among people who don't place such high value on "normality" (but do believe in decency). Which is why I wish you would open up a cesspit of your own to go and swap stories about it in.
>>1486 then what are you doing calling everyone else a pedo? In the unlikely event you're not actually obsessed with that mindset because you hate yourself what's the reason to say that word every other post?
>>1486 On what basis do you claim my love for the Queen involves rape fantasies? That's a bizarre charge.
>>1488 This. Do your research, Alex. Encyclopedia Dramatica is not enough and mainly "for the laughs"... I think you take this position because Camel remarked something like this in this """interview""" of Dolly.
>>1487 Far more interesting than your skinny little fixation-object, I find, is the observation of analysis of the sort of dizzying Kuwaiti skyscrapers of hypocrisy, disingenuousness and downright barefaced lies you people - who can't shut up about the "loooooooooove" you feel for some poor little bitch you've never met - construct and tirelessly reconstruct every day over and over again. Try comparing, for example, this latest piece of acute speculative psychological insight of yours with the actual documented facts - and I mean documented still, despite my repeated requests to Ely to delete them, on this very board. If you find it so "unlikely" that there could be any other reason why my "dialogue" with the "Cracky community" turns so frequently around the theme of paedophilia than that I am personally obsessed with this theme and bring it up spontaneously at every opportunity, let me point you in the direction of a few other "likelihoods". I think if you scroll back ten or fifteen pages through this board - if there are that many - you will find at least 50 posts in which one or the other of you is screeching and sneering about me being a "pedophile", including of course the great Dolly- and Camel-led Witch Craze of about a year back, complete with contorted grimaces on cam and long Daily-Mail-editorial style disquisitions on how Thought-Police levels of surveillance and censorship need to be introduced "for the sake of the children". Indeed, I suspect that just about the only actual irl meeting that has occurred between me and any group of "Crackyfags" - dinner with Lia, Rob and her boyfriend a couple of months ago in a very sub-standard pseudo-Chinese cafe opposite Goldsmiths College - was set up solely in order to give Rob a chance to prove what a man he is by persisting in sniggering out repeated "pedo pedo" slurs through his ugly nerdy beard (a provocation which I only refrained from reacting to because it really is difficult to get seriously riled up about
a police-documented statutory rapist, of all people, waxing righteous and indignant about "pedophilia". Do YOUR research, son, and you'll find that "pedophilia" is YOUR obsession, not mine. Although, of course, quite aside from "who started it", there's no denying either that the whole Cracky thing just IS pedophilic in nature in a way that none of my (as I've freely admitted) rather sordid and pathetic Internet involvements have never been.
And oh a double negative. About the sum total, in fact, of all the sins of mine that any nymph - in the NON-Nabokovian sense in which the word was applied to an "Ophelia" you buggers are too ignorant to know the first thing about, really - might have legitimate reason, in her orisons, to remember.
Who in their right mind would meet Alex irl? This is confusing, sad and really makes me feel ill (this whole thread).
>>1503 Don't worry, Cunt No. 1. Cunts Nos. 2, 3 and 4 - namely, Lia, her boyfriend (whose name keeps slipping my mind), and Rob - didn't actually, as I now realize with a few weeks/months hindsight, want to meet me - or at least not to meet me in the same spirit of pleasant human warmth and curiosity as I wanted to meet them. What exactly Laura had in her vain, cold, narcissistic-schizophrenic mind on the two occasions when we met I really do flinch from imagining in too much detail. On the first occasion, possibly, financial gain from some sort of s/m ritual which - despite the actual physical proximity in this case, would, as I'm sure she was aware, would have required of her that she compromise her own physical integrity to no greater degree than RavRav or Kimi had (i.e. not at all). Nothing of that sort came to pass, in fact - but you can rest assured that she and her boyfriend behaved with the rudeness and inhumanity that I'm sure you feel is requisite in the case of any dealings with me. The second meeting, I feel even surer, was one that will be entirely to your satisfaction inasmuch as it was motivated - as I now realize - purely and entirely by a desire to afford Rob an opportunity to behave like an aggressive, insulting, petulant, infantile asshole all evening and thereby to regain the "honour" that I'm sure he felt he might have lost during our encounters online. I suppose the way that evening went wasn't 100% to Rob's and Lia's satisfaction, as I happen to be a person of the same type as Edgar in "King Lear", someone "whose nature is so far from doing wrongs that I supect none", and I showed none of the irritation or resentment that Rob and Lia were doubtless hoping to provoke in me that evening because I honestly didn't feel irritation or resentment. I thought Rob's behaviour was odd and extremely childish - but the idea of someone's arranging a purportedly social encounter with the underhand intention of inflicting harm and insult on the invited party
is an idea so far beneath me, personally, that it took me weeks and weeks to slowly realize that that must indeed have been what was going on that night. The clarifying factor for me here, I suppose, has been the simple fact that, despite Lia's living only about half an hour's walk from me now, she has not shown for several months now - apart from on that one occasion of her arranging a meeting with Rob - any desire to meet for a tea or a chat or a walk, and simply does not reply to any invitations of this sort that I may extend to her (no "stalking", don't worry about that either; I'm talking simply about three or four brief SMS's). She has, I assure you, no sincere or non-ulteriorly.motivated desire to have anything to do with Alex Reynolds at all - and can, in that respect, hold her head up as a nasty mean-minded little cunts among nasty mean-minded little cunts anywhere she goes in your darling "Crackyverse".
Alex you are an intellectual snob with a persecution complex who seems to stay in this community for the sole reason of getting attention from young women whilst accusing anyone else who wants such attention of being a pedophile. You once called your behaviour masochistic. I didn't realize how spot-on that characterization is until now.
My question for you is, how can you see your way toward putting down everyone else on this board on a consistent basis whilst exhibiting no better behaviour yourself? And while I'm asking questions what's your REAL reason for your disdain of all forms of cracky worship? And don't go off on a tangent: answer directly.
>>1507 You seem to be pretty confused and unclear in your thinking.
Your first question -
how can you see your way toward putting down everyone else on this board on a consistent basis whilst exhibiting no better behaviour yourself?
is, as I think you will see if you stop and think about, premissed on a simple mis-statement of the facts.
I'm not exactly sure what aspect of my behaviour you are referring to specifically when you talk about it being "no better" than the Crackyfags' behaviour. But if you are referring there to the same aspect as you refer to in your first paragraph - namely, my interest in contact of one sort or another from "young women" - then my behaviour clearly IS better....or let's just say, in order not to get into the vexed question of value judgments, unmistakably different from the behaviour of the Crackyfags. Above all in the key respect that the attention that I seek is indeed from YOUNG WOMEN, and not, as was the case with the Crackyfags, from a
>>1509 >I'm not exactly sure what aspect ...different from the behaviour of Crackyfags. Fair enough... but you're making a mistake. you believe those attracted to Cracky are all living in the past and worshiping pictures of a 15 year old girl who never even really existed. In fact I believe most Crackyfags, such as myself, are well in tough with reality even if we are a little religious.
>>1503 I think we all just wanted to give him a chance and see if it was his online persona that was the cunt and not his actual self. Obviously that was a huge waste of time. I don't even post here that much or even visit but everytime i do i see alex reference the few times I tried to really be nice to him on a human level with utter vitriol and i just feel sad for the guy. I've never seen someone obsess over spending a few hours with people this badly.
>>1515 The conclusion here "Obviously that was a huge waste of time" is very expressive of the sort of profound dishonesty and cowardly underhandedness of expression that you find me reproaching you with the few times that you visit here. What exactly do you mean by it? Are you trying to say that the "persona" I presented to you on the two occasions that we did meet DID turn out to be the persona of a "cunt"? If so, it would certainly interest me to know how even YOU could successfully twist my actions on those two evenings into anything other than entirely decent, friendly, patient and generous behaviour under circumstances that did not make such behaviour easy. On both occasions I came to you and did not put you to the trouble of travelling any distance to our appointments. On both occasions I showed great generosity, bringing you wine and gifts and paying for your and your friends' food and drink - none of which was reciprocated from your side. .And on both occasions I was actively reconciliatory, going out of my way to be polite and pleasant to you, to sympathize with and praise you wherever I could, and generally to behave in a way that would lay to rest any antagonsim that there had been in the past between us. The result of all that, however, has been that, between the beginning of July and the present middle of November, you have not been able to find another spare hour or two to sit down for a drink or a chat, despite our now living within easy walking distance of one another. With the exception, as I say, of the one meeting you arranged - in the face of my understandable reservations about it - between Rob and I. As I also stated, it seems to me sadly very probable that that meeting was not arranged with any intention of the four of us enjoying a pleasant hour or two together but rather with the intention of giving your sycophant and current bff Rob the chance to carry on in person the provocative swaggering and "trolling" that he has engaged in online
me for years. I think any objective third-party observer - even your boyfriend - would be forced to admit that he behaved like an irksome, petulant five-year-old with me that whole evening, constantly harping back on subjects that he knew were a potential sore point, such as the ludicrous Game of Thrones nonsense that is well documented on the major "let's-get-Alex-mad" thread on this board, and suggesting, every five minutes, infantile little demonstrations of his manhood and supposed fearsomeness, such as arm-wrestling contests. Despite all that, though, because I am in fact very far removed from being anything even resembling a "cunt" and would sincerely like to have made friends of all of you, I remained pleasant, amusing and generous with you all evening. The result, as I say, has been that you no longer even bother to respond to a friendly SMS I send you now and again inviting you out for a cup of coffee. I gave you every chance, Laura - short, admittedly, of agreeing never to tell the simple truth about such deceitful, dishonest habits of yours as boycotting the Tinychat and then denying that you ever boycotted it. But that, sadly, is exactly the sort of complicity in deceit and dishonesty that you, in your narcissism and petty megalomania, obviously make the CONDITION of any social interaction with you. I very much doubt if you have any friends in real life. You only have sycophantic lapdogs like Rob - people who, ridiculously, are willing to throw up their whole life to be around you and are "rewarded" for that by being drawn into such little staged "vengeance scenarios" as you tried to arrange for him last time the three of us met. I'll say no more on the matter. It's a pity, though, that you can't stand to be in the same real or online space as any other female. If you could just over come your "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" mania, I think you'd find that you and Camel have a lot in common.
Please stop. Deep down, you're all shitty people. If we're really frank, it's not even necessary to dig deep at all. I'm also realizing that I'm no better than most of you. Yes, Alex, you were right all those times you called me a cunt, a narcissist, etc. The reasons don't matter so much but suffice it to say you were wrong on them.
If we could sort of agree on this idea - that there's an undercurrent of unchecked aggression and egregious self-obsession in the degenerate pseudoculture of the Crackyverse and probably the internet and people without meaning in their lives in general, living in the parts of the world where we do - we could probably overcome it. Is anyone with me?
>>1519 Well, speak for yourself and all your Crackyfriends if you wish - but I still fail to see how Lia or anyone else, on the basis of their irl or online experience of me, has any legitimate reason to call
>>1519 I, for one, am not self-obsessed. Not Alex here by the way
Our Goddess is one of both creation and destruction. She renders unto the faithful peace in a world of discord. She is both armor and sword in a world that destroys through apathy and animosity. The Flower of Destruction also blossoms in the heart of the Sky Queen. She seeks to temper us through despair, turning the lust of the neophyte upon him. Only when the student embraces sorrow in the surety that he will never be worthy of Her avatar, is he able to cast away his childish passion and see with eyes unclouded the majesty of Cracky Chan.
>>1555 OK, so, translated for anyone who hasn't crawled in here from the wreck of Bounceme, that's : "This thread contained too many posts expressing living and interesting views on things that might be of some actual interest. Here's a big fat steaming turd of Cracky copypasta I've done just to establish that this is MY pissing ground...."
>>1556 No one actually believes in crackypasta. It's like a mantra that shields off reality.