If you think crackyfags are obsessed and have autism, check out this fag. Just read what he wrote about some tripfag on /sp/ http://www.docdroid.net/4wdl/everything.pdf.html
Cracky is holy though, that tripfag isn't
How I cope without himI stare at an empty volumeIt stares back at me, blue as the sea and drowning me as the sea would if I were to fall inAnd also had never learnt to swimI wonder where he is. Why has he left.I stare wide mouthed as though I suffer with a cleft.But I know that he will eventually returnBecause he wouldn’t betray me like this, as likely that isAs a Beneke miss. But its OK, I have my memories of PhilI have everything we’ve been through togetherAnd everything we will. I think back to when he hated me and was appalled by my existenceAnd I know things are better now. Now he loves meNow he caresSo I wait. I write I sit and I watchFor another berustled bearIf I drank I would do this,While sipping a ScotchAnd there he is, he just made a post, I am glad he is backI will cap every post I love him.
>>1465 (OP) if you're here, you probably don't have the kind of full-retard autism. Maybe you have hidden autism, and don't even know it yourself! Here's a blog post you can read and see if you can relate: http://www.aspiestrategy.com/2012/05/hidden-autistics-aspergers-in-adults.html
ps does the first frame of this gif look slightly like cracky to you?