Please remember you are awesome and it is ok to love yourself. If you think of yourself as a shitty wretch then you are probably gonna end up that way.
But... don't be a dick ok? Okay?
Awesome, thanks. <3
You deserve your kickstarter funding.
You deserve your basic human rights.
You deserve that pit in your stomach.
You deserve no explanation.
>>1583 Well, this is a thread that appears to be going in an intriguing and, let us say, potentially fertilizing direction (inb4 somebody makes the joke "Yeah, it's manure"). Possibly whoever started it is right and the only spirit the whole should and must be taken in is one of derision and hilarity. I'm tired of myself, I suppose, really, and my years-long lingering in the company of a bunch of approximately twenty-year-olds 95% of whom I have absolutely nothing constructive or nutritive to say to. At present, rather tediously, and particularly since I've decided to give up the idea of giving the whole thing a sado-masochistic, menage-a-trois twist, this is solely and entirely a Camel thing for me - and Camel, I think we will all agree (at least until Dolly makes one or her periodic visits) is the girl who probably prompted the goddam invention of that old comic misogynist dictum : "No matter how attractive a girl is - you can be sure that there is someone somewhere who is tired of her shit". The posts that make up the thread so far, however, don't seem to be contributing very much at all to focussing discussion on the central and most important issue of obliging Camel to expand sufficiently on her newly-formed view that the Crackyfags are "all shitty people" to make this view actually MEAN something, concretely and in actuallly morally tangible terms. The two posts above are fairly nifty pieces of japery, I suppose, but there still seem to be a good few handy moral "outs" floating around in there. If we're going to talk SERIOUSLY, of course, it isn't true at all that an awareness of one's own wretchedness is the primary factor in making one more of a wretch. On the contrary, ever since the Lutheran Reformation at least, the awareness of human capacity for evil - and indeed, to recur to Luther's own emphatic neo-Pauline statement of this view, of human near-INcapacity to choose and perform the Good - has been - SHUT UP I'M PONTIFICATING HERE! - a, if not the, main
Can't we all just get along?
I'm not entirely familiar with the rants presently being discussed but this community CAN be mutually enriching if we just try.
>>1584 factor conducive to moral improvement. And as to the second post: a worthy try, but marred by a definite uncertainty of tone and of the level at which the irony is being pitched. The four "you"s addressed are clearly not the same "you" throughout.
Put down your Book of Concord and learn some basic psychology. Attacking oneself AND others is destructive in both directions and for several reasons.
Good evening and welcome to Platitudes FM. Stop thinking very hard about things and try to be nice. Playing you easy listening music right through the night.
>>1587 Pose ye these challenges and issue ye these declamations rather unto she who formerly sojourned in that state whose name is bruited about amongst the Gentiles as the State of Beauteous Gardens, yea unto the Pale Native of that kingdom, I say, of whose shit, passing beauteous and fair as she may be, someone somewhere is surely weary with a weariness that is like unto the weariness that presages death itself.....Yea, pose ye them unto her, I say, and not unto me, hopeless faggots that ye be
>>1589 dammit I was promised, and I quote, "easy listening" not hard rock
Floor poop. Soul poop.
>>1588 All night. Because we know you aren't sleeping very well and you need a distraction. Why don't you fix yourself a nice drink, and don't look in the back of the cupboard, kettle, teabag, in, out. There, that was ok wasn't it?
>>1593 You can normalize Don't it make you feel alive?
Cracky, we need moar. I'm sorry but it's what we need. Forgive us all, excuse our greed. Although we actually feel mostly ok about ourselves these days and we kinda hope you are in that kind of a place too cos we'd be so upset and ashamed if it was otherwise and we don't really want to be either one of those things because we are trying to be good I promise.
>>1602 Oh yes II do hope they make a 3D printed object store. Hadn't thought of that bit.
>>1603 It needs to happen. I wonder how difficult it would be to set up a project
>>1604 I wonder what the legal implications of printing replicas of museum objects are. It's not fraud or art theft or intellectual property theft... but I bet it'd piss some interesting segment of society off.
>>1605 legally fair use but by the time the lawyers are finished anyone copying museum property will be a felon
>>1607 disagree, if you intend to disparage capitalism
>>1608 Not entirely. I just think museums inhabit an interesting gray-area of that ownership paradigm. Look at the fuss over the Elgin Marbles. 3D printing the things will possibly put spanners in an interesting piece of the machinery. But as you say, the lawyers will surely dampen any potentially damaging resonance effect.
For the last 5 years or so the Cracky "community" has been downsize to single statement: "By all means, feed the trolls".
That's basically what 99% of the userbase does.
Props to those who still keep the ideal alive, but the other mongrels are just too many and too dumb.
>>1610 I don't think you have a sufficient number of people to work with any more, son, for calculations by percentage points to have much application here. "99% of the userbase" would probably be identical, in practice, to, say, "80% of the userbase" or "70% of the userbase", since we are talking about 8 or 9 people in total. Maybe 4 or 5 people have shuffled over to this board now that their "temple" has died, I suppose, and that brings the total to about 12. And yes, those 4 or 5 - if there are even that many - are surely going to "keep the ideal alive" (the ideal of their own stubborn narcissistic vanity, that is) by posting eight and nine year old photos of Cracky over and over again with an implicit "Fuck you you didnt stop me I aint gonna do what you tell me" so yeah, "props" to them. As to the "trolls", I don't really understand who you think these "trolls" are and who you think is "feeding" them. The present thread is a "troll thread", certainly, since it clearly consists of a couple of these "oh-I'm-so-far-above-it-all" Pedrobear /b/board oldfag types taking a topic that was of actual personal concern to someone and leading it off harmlessly and pointlessly into the realm of oh-so-cool irony and emotional detachment and general Internet-bully edginess - or more likely of just ONE such "oh-I'm-so-far-above-it-all" /b/board bigshot samefagging a conversation that demonstrates to "the world" what a clever clever fellow he is, as such assholes are wont to do. But I suppose, in the spirit of the usual Crackyfag disregard for truth and the actual meanings of words (although: does "troll" even HAVE a meaning? I doubt it. I hold with Catie Wayne, God bless her, on this one, and consider "troll" to be used just as a term for "someone doing something that upsets you for any reason") it is ME above all that you are referring to when you use the word "troll". I'm the absolute opposite of a "troll", of course - if the term "troll" is taken to mean anything even
remotely like: "someone deliberately expressing opinions and emotions they don't actually hold or feel just to 'press people's buttons'" The things I say in my posts on this board do, I assure you (and just in case this isn't obvious) come directly and absolutely from the heart and refer to matters of genuine and profound concern to me. The very last thing I am doing is preening and posing and having wry, ironical conversations with myself in ultra-contemporary hipster-speak like the guys or (more probably) guy who posted just before you. It's unfortunate, I suppose, that these matters of genuine and profound concern to me do not include Cracky. But sorry, I just can't seem to muster much passion for an early-teenage girl who has not been seen nor heard of - at least by anyone of the ilk and quality typical of the people who hang around these parts - for years and years now and who was too young and skinny and shallowly adolescently pretentious to have interested me much anyway, even if I had been involved in that whole thing seven or eight years back. What I post about and always have posted about are things and people that have life and meaning for me. And I'm also sane enough - in contrast here to the Crackyfags of the sort that you, particularly, have referred to - to know when something or someone has drifted too far and too completely away from me for my love and my interest to have to just cease and accept defeat. That has happened with RavRav, who brought me "here" years ago - and very definitely with Kimi, who formed a sort of little reflected sideshow of love and preoccupation while RavRav was living with her. They have moved on - from me, from you, from everyone who is part of this pseudo-world (probably only into another, differently constituted and hardly better pseudo-world, but "on", very definitely, nonetheless). And it's happened in another way with Camel, who has been all that has held me here these past few months. Camel is the only incarnation of
Goethe's exalting and redeeming "Eternal Feminine" that still sojourns amongst us (I don't count the flabby little shell of a bile-spewing infant that poor Dolly is increasingly becoming). Why she chooses to continue to hang out here talking baby talk to a rapist and swapping snippets of demi- and quarter-culture with a smug little dropout from Manchester when she could be out walking the streets of Laredo - I believe it's the famous University of Laredo she's currently studying at - and possibly spy a young cowboy as cold as the clay and sit down beside HIM and hear HIS sad story, well, that really really does beat me. But she does, and given that she does I think that the rest of Camel's story - which is, as things stand, the ONLY story now, and the only game in town - is foreseeable in rich and exact enough detail for me to be leave the picture-house early without having to worry that I'll miss much. As she's done a few times before already, she'll zero in - poor little Jersey Shore girl with garishly manicured fingernails that she is, at bottom, under all the apparent (or well, to be fair, much more than just apparent) smarts - on the one guy in the room who appears to come within a feasible number of light years of conforming to the teenie-magazine Romantic Male Ideal of youth and palpable but not egregiously overstated arrogance and smugness and throw herself away on that for a month or two until - surprise! surprise! - she'll be deeply shocked to notice that, like the last four guys before him, he's a shallow, self-centred, fundamentally horrifyingly misogynistic and indeed cynically misanthropic son-of-a-bitch - and will end the relationship with pretty much the same quasi-somnambulistic anaesthesia as she began it. As I say, I've seen this movie. Lucky, then, that I've chosen a seat at the end of the row so I won't disturb anyone "keeping the ideal alive" as I leave in the middle of it. You can rest assured anyway, son, judging by all past experience, that
Camel and her friends won't be doing any "feeding of the troll" as long as it's ME who is considered the "troll" in the matter (and when it is ever anyone else?). They are keeping very quiet about all this and will, on past experience, continue to so. It all comes too close to home, you see. The smug, Smithsonian-citing samefagging of the /b/board cool-guys and the dogged analphabetic "keeping of the flame" by you sad little refugees from "the temple" suits Camel's and her chums' purposes SO much better.