it's not safe at all, though.
Antonym for solitude: Companionship, friendship, and togetherness.
>>1616 Synonym for avoiding addressing concrete questions about human interaction: blithely and smugly begin another thread where sonorous vocables like "solitude", "togetherness" etc. are complacently evoked, and wallowed in, while the things that are signified by them, and that would concretely be required in order to make them a reality, are discreetly and dishonestly looked away from.
>>1617 This is my turf, woof woof. I'll piss on this thread so it will be my turf as well, woof woof.
>>1618 I think "pissing on your thread" is actually an entirely legitimate way of proceeding when I have been raising concrete questions and problems about precisely such issues as "companionship, friendship and togetherness" over the space of maybe three thousand words on this board in the past couple of days and NOBODY, clearly yourself included, has felt the least bit inclined to take any of these questions and problems up. You'd clearly rather watch YouTube videos and get dem squishy feels about how cold a place the world is and then give a little sigh and say to yourself "Ho hum, well, I guess I'll get back to making it even colder...." I fucking despise the pretence of emotion and concern when it is not accompanied by any serious intent to change the things that the concern is purportedly ABOUT. But hey, it's OK. That just means that you'll fit in all the better here. Camel's one contribution to the board in the past few days is of an exactly similar structure of hypocrisy: "We're pretty bad people and if we realize that then maybe we have a chance of changing that a little and of relieving somewhat the loneliness and sense of pessimism about the possibility of human companionship that we all feel so deep inside ourselves. Is anyone with me on this?....And I hope you don't mind if, while I'm waiting for you all to rally to my side in this noblest of all endeavours, I go on talking baby-talk to a rapist". Be happy together, you deep, sweet, sensitive, well-meaning people.
>>1611 (OP) Thanks OP. I enjoyed that. There's a certain distance to be covered between alone and aloof.
>>1620 Oh, the old familiar Crackyverse gesture of "Come here to me, my 'brother', and let me embrace you and show my 'empathy' and my deep appreciation of you. It will prove to us ourselves and all the other lying vicious cunts who frequent this place what good and warm and loving and fair and tender people we are, but most of all it will build the poison-spike-tipped wall against those we FUCKING HATE - it is the one exception, honest, to our otherwise honey-drippingly sweet personality structures - a foot or two higher." And let me also say that I rilly rilly RILLY admire the tone and the whole semantic pitch of this latest contribution to the thread. Is it one of yours, Sasha? I seem to detect in it that quality of your thought and self-expression that certain people are so VERY deeply impressed by: a knack of stringing together vaguely distinguished-sounding words and ideas that makes the reader pause and think: 'hmmm....THAT sounds like the kind of thing a real Thinking Man would say", before, after having completed the dictum a few seconds longer, he finds himself thinking also: "Hold on a second....Does this actually MEAN anything?"
>>1621 Yes it's me, and yes it probably is Fridge Logic, as is most of what I type out.
>>1622 Yeah. Thought so. How about just fucking killing yourself then, you vapid pretentious mediocrity?
>>1623 Nah. I don't think I'll ever do that. As for why, it's hard to prove a negative statement, I just don't think I'm ever going to be in a position where that sounds like the best course of action. Would rather live another 30 years in disgrace and enjoy some hot meals than fall on my imageboard sword when I fail to make sense.
>>1626 Don't be so hard on your dear darling chums. I'd say they are doing pretty well at the "weave a circle round him thrice, and close your eyes with holy dread" game. Sasha really is a quite especially and outstandingly pompous little cunt who suffers from the sad delusion that he honestly is the absolute bee's knees, so it would be a bit much to ask of HIM that he refrain from doing the "oh yes, I really am very stupid and very inadequate and a thoroughly inferior person but haha here I am ADMITTING to it haha so look at who came out on top here in the end ME that's who smirk smirk simper simper" trick. But most of his friends have got a pretty much entirely unblemished record in the way of crouching trembling under whatever rocks these vermin crawl back to and ignoring COMPLETELY all the extremely relevant questions I've raised on the board in the past few days. But if you DO happen to catch one of them finding a particle of guts or honesty in themselves somewhere and actually trying to REPLY to any of the lengthy substantial and highly specific criticisms I've made of them, yes, for GOD's sake, DO start screeching "Don't reply to the shitpost! Don't reply to the shitpost! Run and hide! Just keep running and hiding!" If somebody starts, God forbid, engaging in rational discussion, then who knows WHERE it might lead.....Some of you might actually begin looking like the nasty stupid little idiots that you are.