How does 4-5-6 (friday-sunday) april sound for a meeting in London, and for those who want, a trip to oxford? Does this date work for the largest amount of people who would consider showing up? Meeting is a no-punching edition. If you're still on this board after all these years I'll probably have no problem meeting you, so I make this public thread instead of pm-ing everyone, thread stays visible so more mind-space. Multiple days so people can pick there favourite one, and possible evade fellow human beings that they rather avoid.
If you rather not say publicly who you want to avoid or if you even want to meet, you can all mail or something and i'll work out a schedule.
Any other ideas and input are appreciated.
Bonus points if you avoid all possible humans.
Idea 1: replace strategically important graffitis and implement additional mixed media arts.
>>1739 (OP) are appreciated. transportation is worse on Sunday, so if you want to go to Oxford it'll probably be easier on Saturday.
Let's take a quick tally on who wants to go to Oxford: vote here!:
>>1742 to avoid confusing with the multiple choices allowed, and to get a vague idea in how many people are interested, here's a new poll:
Just make a Doodle, silly limeys
>>1744 To avoid further confusion I have created a poll to decide whether this new poll thing was a wise idea
>>1744 sorry for all the confusion, the link to the poll is obviously wrong, remove the trailing /r in the link
>>1739 (OP) >no punching edition here some rationale:
If I lived anywhere in your hemisphere I would attend.
Holy fuck, it's a brilliant idea except I don't really feel a need to meet any fellow crackyfags. If you will visit cracky-related places in Oxford, please make a Oxford cracky tour guide. I'll make this trip one day when I have money.
>>1787 "Stare rape" is really a thing now? Jesus Christ, what are we to expect next from the Feminazis? "Rape by distant physical proximity"? "Rape perpetrated in and by the act of existing on the same planet as a woman"?
That's what they call a "straw feminist" (when they get called on their bullshit)
You have to recognize that feminists are precisely as irrational and extreist as they can get away with in a given forum. It's "stare rape" in one conference and "ens rights is really about feminism" in another. The only way to call them on it is to gather sexist quotes from mainstream feminists who are widely published (oh there are a shitload of such quotes)
>>1787 life issues. I don't think I'll be able to do it
Nobody seems interested in meeting me. I cant blame people; I wouldn't meet myself either
>>1825 where will you be staying and for how long? I still have to book my airbnb, saturday is still free in my schedule, wanna do something then? Give some sort of mail or message service so i can send chats plox.