Good, good. Looks like a nice bit of coding too, good job.
So... if being crackyfag is suffering... and being meguca is also suffering... does that at least imply that we know how Magical Girls feel, inside? Have we achieved the seemingly impossible and somehow actually penetrated the 14 year old girl of our own imaginations? Is that why we crave cocks to suck? Watch Twilight unironically? *Enjoy shopping for shoes*?
>>184 They are from: a surprisingly unique highschool comedy in that the mc isn't totally clueless that all the girls want to have sex with him, and may indeed end up impregnating some if not all of them.
PB you should come to the tinychat. It's quite active sometimes in the evening.
Unless you are someones sockpuppet, but in that case you are most likely already there.
>>215 Me? I type a lot of lies into the internet, some of them even true.
I've told four jokes in five years that have set the web laughing. Along the way I have helped change the way social protest is organised. I have tricked over thirty people back from the edge of killing themselves, I have closed exactly fourteen malignant websites merely by posting on them. I have tripped up a lot of internet addicts into pausing at their keyboards and feeling their addiction, and I sparked the fire that would turn into the Brony inferno.
I've learned that we can achieve a lot if we don't expect to get paid or take direct credit for it.
In real life I've gained stability in where I live for the first time ever, I've balanced my budget, I've ditched all of my debt, I've controlled my fluctuating moods to the point where I can now plan months ahead instead of days, and drugs have finally given me up to the point where I'm confident without them. I've become active in the no-strings scene, and also seen it for what it is rather than pinning it onto my forehead as if it is somehow part of my personality. What else? The flat's still a tip, but the kitchen is consistently clean?
Essentially, I'm doing very well if I was ten years younger, which these days means I'm practically ahead of the curve. Still have absolutely no career ambition, and almost certainly never will, but who cares?
TL;DR? I didn't die, and I'm actually okay with this.
And how are you, my dears?
>>225 if you like the board software and animu pictures, you may also like the original board, on
>>227 to be clear, that's somebody else and he just open sourced the board software
>>226 What's the no-strings scene? Is that like hippy love like in the good olden days, but with sex instead of love? How do you come in contact with so many "about to kill theirself" people? Don't these people have any resolve and determination, easily tricked, or are you just an expert rusemaster? How do you close websites by posting on them, when they are already malignant? Isn't that like pissing in a sea of piss? Or do you -- What exactly do you define as malignant anyway? Boards dedicated to some teenage girl from nearly a decade ago filled with mentally diseased manchildren flailing around, together with some girls, i don't even know why they're here, that have an insatisfiable need for attention. I don't even know any more where I'm going with this. I'm not even sure if it's even true, I love you all, after all. Do you have any plants, or small animals in your flat?
How am I, your dear? I'm feeling especially fine since monday, I hope it lasts for a while. I too, have no career ambition, and the only time I came into contact with the results of this choice was on there "dating sites" where every other girl wants "a man with a passion" or whatever. Why is this post so negative? I'm not feeling negative at all? What's going on? It's ok
>>229 >Mentally diseased manchildren flailing Ely, I think we have a new contender for a board subtitle.
>>236 Yes, IIRC there's a board on iichan for that, I can't find it now but there is a sleepy board and pointy ears and stuff on also ribbons and stuff.
Shit, I used to love that kinda crap, still sorta do.
>>229 Glad to read it. 2013 for all the snow may be a good year all round for once.
>how Plenty of lost souls on this Lost Internet Highway. It's not what we post, but how we do so, and how this can be mis/interpreted. Which is good, because these days I don't even have to type much to achieve what I'm after. Transference is a curious thing, wish I'd have read up about it five years ago, could have saved myself a lot of trial and error.
We're not allowed pets or children in this towerblock, which makes for the nicest place I've ever lived in. I do have cactii on the windowsills, and occasionally mushrooms grown in tanks.
>hippies More like yuppies, tbh, but without the ostentation.
>>240 what and where do you go between your visits of the cracky sites? I have to admit I had/have a slight internet-infatuation with you. Obviously the whole mystery surrounding you plays a part in that but still.
>>241 the wikipedia page on that is kinda weird, it only explains is in the sadist way. For me, i like it because it makes my protection instincts kick in.
>>246 Agreed, it only gives the western BDSM interpretation, rather than the Moe one.