Not Cracky-related, but I bought this phone off a sketchy vendor in Chinatown back in September or so. The guy who sold it off didn't bother to erase anything on it, and neither did the guy who then resold it. From what I could gather from SMS correspondences, the photo gallery, and non-erasable (password-protected) contacts, previous owner was about my age and basically the exact kind of person who might get sucked into the juggalo subculture or something. I stopped snooping around when I found this awful SMS about his brother having died or something. Anyway, today, months later of course, I found a bunch of other shit when moving stuff from the phone to my PC. More photos (one taken off facebook with the URL bits in tact, so I found him), and some other stuff, like this text file...
pic related. This is all to say that it's surreal to have this sort of point of contact to another person's private world completely by accident. To have it happen all over again is just bananas actually. It reminds me of this time Gackto went digging in the files of some guy connected to some network at a hotel or something and there was a really funny series of letters he sent off to people (e.g. a spider complaint to his landlord) as well as diary entries, photos of his daughter's birthday party.
This guy, phone guy, he seems to be doing okay. Has a unionized job and stuff.
>>1892 That's cool. I poisoned the ARP cache of the building I lived in a few years back, before https was a thing, and got a few email passwords etc. out of that. But I was disappointed to find everything so straight. No weird secrets, no hidden mythologies etc. I'm happy to hear that phone guy has a good job and keeps semi-poetry in text files on his phone.