Sex privilege should be a thing as important as male privilege or thin privilege. Or even more. Male privilege doesn't pay.
>tfw privileged male who will never know the oppression of being able to make a comfortable living by sitting in front of a webcam for a few hours a week
>>689 Don't buy into Kathy's nasty little fantasy world under the guise of "critiquing" it from a "male rights" point of view. If you feel like some ethical grappling with women who ARE using "sex privilege" to exploit men and make comfy lives for themselves, there are certainly a few around for you to grapple with. A couple of them you may even know personally from the "'verse" from which this nasty shitty little board is descended. But then again, I think you'll find that the real "sex-privileged" young women I'm talking about won't bother to spend time debating you about it. They don't ideologize what they do. They don't drone and screech and boast and bellow about it endlessly on blogs and in chatrooms. They just take the very substantial sums of money they make from their activities and keep shtum about them. Rather than building their sleazy, ugly but profitable livelihoods up into a "persona" of some sort, as Kathy does, they do their best to avoid even mentioning what they do to anyone in their lives that they have any respect or liking for, and they actively and assiduously minimize the number of people among their "significant others" who even know about it. Kathy is an entirely different case from these REAL "sex-privileged" females in both these regards. Her "sex" doesn't actually secure her very much "privilege" because she"s a pretty shabby, inferior example of her "sex" (or of "sexiness", if that is the sense the term is being used in). She's flabby and pock-marked. Her face is sharp and nasty and is being made sharper and nastier year by year by this poison of resentment that is constantly churning inside her. And she utterly lacks anything that could legitimately be described as charm or personality, the void of which she fills with boring dogma and aggressive, stubborn, blind; deaf self-promotion. The upshot of this is that she surely DOESN'T make anything even faintly resembling a "comfortable living" sticking objects up her cunt for her fanbase
of pedophiles who would, ideally, be jerking off to the 13-year-old Kathy but have seized on the opportunity of making do with an ageing, flabby travesty of her on MFC.. She makes a pittance from it - and her posting photos of herself holding up fans of dollar bills is no more effective a covering-up of that sad truth than her endlessly posting photos of her awful ugly pendulous tits is an effective covering-up of the sad truth that....well, that she has awful ugly pendulous tits. As I've said, the girls who DO make wads of bills on MFC or by other methods of semi-prostitution - and you know who I am talking about here - are precisely the ones who say LEAST about it. Kathy's turning her sad ugly self-degradation into some kind of heroic crusade in the service of "social justice" is the proof that this self-degradation is, in her case, obviously FAILING in its primary, and sole legitimate, purpose: i.e. providing her with a comfortable income . So please, don't buy into her bullshit even to the extent of seeing her as some kind of serious and effective promoter of "female privilege". She is a scared little girl teetering on the brink of suicide and nervous breakdown casting desperately around for anything - a little bit of money, the feigned or genuine love or friendship or admiration of just about ANYONE, however distasteful or ill concording with her proclaimed "principles" (so, as I say, her pedophile "fanbase", consisting of sickos who shamelessly declare on the MFC comments page of a 20-year-old camwhore that they have "loved her for ten years", or statutory rapists with documented criminal records) - that she feels she might be able to use to tape the pieces of her swiftly disintegrating personality together. Which is not to say that she is not also swiftly developing into a fine representative example of the "fascist
character type". Her blog is profoundly unpleasant and tedious to wade through, but instructive nonetheless, even if in ways it doesn't mean to be. When I last glanced at it I was struck by how Kathy and her type are leading - or, given their stupidity and insecurity, more likely following in - a rapid transformation of the image macro from a sometimes witty form of online self-expression and communication into something that much more closely resembles the sort of thing that used to be plastered up on the walls and alleys of Berlin and Nuremberg in the 1920s and 30s. Dolly's homemade image macros differ from the traditional image macro in having dispensed entirely with anything resembling even an attempt at wit or humour. They are basicaly just "Wanted: Dead or Alive" posters, or rather, as I've just saif, contemporary, pro-"social justice" versions of the kind of poster proclaiming "Look at the evil Jew! He is sapping the lifeblood of our nation! Kill him! Eradicate the vermin!" that turned up in German cities around the time of Hitler's drive for power. The image macro I show here is a good example. "Pseudo-image-macros" with this guy's face in the middle appear maybe twelve or fifteen times in a row during a two- or three-day period on Kathy's blog. The text which she has added to them - or which one of her fascisto-feminist "sisters" has - contains in no case anything remotely funny or witty. All twelve or fifteen images just consist of the guy's face surrounded by some loud, po-faced denunciation of an opinion he holds : "Claims he cherishes freedom but defends rape!" "Talks about respect but insults women!" etc. As I say, basically just "See the ugly evil Jew! See how evil he is!' for oute "post-modern age". Kathy is a pathetic, mentally ill individual who - like many such individuals - is slowly metamorphosing into a noxious and repellent political fascist. Please recognize the truth about her and treat her accordingly.
i would drop mad dolla bills to be able to snatch her head full plum and launch knees @ dat chin of her's. I'd settle for a single collar tie and dirty boxe her till dat jaw was smashed. come on trick... i'd pay fo that shit son! don't just shove random shit up yo cooch, let me shove my knees bitch! come on baby! how much you axin? 2 bitcoins? a peanut butter and cum sammich? ima catch ya slippin one of these days :)
Kill yourself, you pathetic old man. LET'S ALL SEIZE UPON AND MOCK SOMEONE'S MENTAL ILLNESS, HOORAY I SURE AM GLAD I NEVER CONTEMPLATE SUICIDE!! You sad, isolated, worthless piece of shit. I haven't put anything up my cunt for the public at large in weeks, but if I chose to do it right now, it still wouldn't make me any less of a person.
The many pictures of me, holding up all my cash, bragging about how comfortably I live? That was one photo, posted in an angry rant on my blog that was about this exact shit, people telling me I'm desperate and pathetic for doing what I do when I made much, much less in the unskilled labor market. Are you going to mock me for having to drop out of college and being unable to "get" "skilled" work? Will it make you feel like a big boy? I'm continuing my education in the fall. Still wouldn't be a lesser person if I wasn't. I am fucking PRIVILEGED. To be able to go back to school at all.
If I'M THE ONE who clings to my job for a sense of identity, for some kind of affirmation of my worth, THEN WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS THE ONE to frame it in those terms, to attempt to say that I'm worth less than other sex workers because you personally don't find me attractive, or because you think I make a certain amount of money which you deem "unacceptable" and "pathetic". Why are YOUR terms the important ones? Why is your whole post written as though pussy were a commodity whose value degrades with repeated use? There is grade A meat, and Dolores is on the marketplace, HOW DARE SHE, SHE'S GRADE F NOT GRADE A GRRR HOW DARE SHE MAKE EVEN A TINY SUM OF MONEY
I get that you're butthurt (lol) that everyone saw you fuck your butt, but really, maybe you should've thought twice about coming to my MFC room and begging me to be your dom? You know I hate your fucking guts, you knew I'd see it as an opportunity to embarrass you. Oh, wait, right, I forgot the narrative. You just had thaaaat much pity for me. My bad.
Let's all join in comparing feminists to Nazis,
>>695 humorous image macros to anti-Semitic propaganda (when will that Male Holocaust come, I wonder?), pointing and laughing at mental illness, and then congratulating ourselves for our superb moral character and exceptional taste in fine sexually mature women like Arya Stark.
Alternatively, we can discuss how perfect my blog is and how RavRav reblogged something of mine and it is in fact still her latest post.
>>695 >Implying sex workers are worth anything. >Implying anyone cares about useless basket cases >Implying anyone here cares about your useless rant >Implying anyone here actually beliefs that feminism is useful for anything >Implying, Implying, Implying
>>700 dolores here dude that's gross they sell a bunch of bacon shit at denny's that they're promoting really hard right now like bacon ice cream you sick fuck
>>710 Actually, it looks like Kathy and you both favour pretty much the same methods for dealing with rational human criticisms of your behaviour and your views: namely, the typical fascist ones. Cover them up, hide them, ban and silence and slander and shout down and otherwise attempt to crush and destroy anyone who says anything that you find worryingly cogent and "close to home". It's OK. It's just about what I expect by now. And actually it doesn't reduce, but rather enhances, my amusement at observing you shameless lying little shits in your chatroom - because, unfortunately, even the fascist tactic of banning anyone who tells the truth about you, doesn't, in Tinychat, stop you from being observed and laughed at - gathered in a little circle around Kathy or Camel watching them put on their pathetically see-through "we are reasonable and articulate people who have thought these things through and come to a coherent position" act. Kathy and Leila are fascists: Kathy a screeching, obviously wrecked and drug-addled variety of fascist, Leila a variety of fascist who is obviously resolved to do a better job of keeping her whoring and serious mental health problems a little more out of people's faces - but both of them are mentally ill and morally bankrupt fascist personality types just the same. The fact that the rest of you agree to play along with their little charade of being "reasonable, friendly people who just want to chill out" - cross either of them once in any mtter and you'll find out just how "chill" these lying vicious vindictive psycho bitches are - just shows you up for the shameful bunch of losers and sad wrecks you are. Still, as I say, keep it up, please. I suppose I am the "heartless" person the drugged whore reproaches me with being, because it DOES amuse me on a lazy Sunday afternoon to see that Schwill is STILL there 24/7 in the chatroom, even after having announced his imminent suicide once a month for about four years now, STILL drawing a hefty
salary from the US Treasury to have himself pumped full of drugs by his unit medic and sit slumped in front of a computer screen 24 hours a day while his buddies are ought fighting and dying in the field, and that he is STILL shamelessly presiding, on US taxpayers' money, over a sad little assembly of child rapists, shit-tier sex-workers, depressed crypto-pedophilic Dutchmen etc etc who are all desperate to kid each other along that they are decent, friendly, "chill" people and willing to hold their noses against the shit-stench of each others' rotten twisted souls provided the other person does the same favour for them. Even Jeff; Kimi and RavRav can't stand the stench of you any longer and a bunch of neurotic sickos and cynical, self-involved conwomen like them hardly occupy any position very high up the tree of basic human decency. Doesn't that tell you anything? Kill yourselves, you wretched little rump of an already wretched pseudo-"community" - so that Bill's fellow "fighting men" are not further burdened and annoyed by the sight of a vain, selfish, cowardly little parasite growing ever fatter and ever more uselessly and pathetically depressed in their midst, and the already put-upon US taxpayer is relieved of the weight of at least one dirty scrounging little welfare witch (or maybe even of two, if her submissive little shit of a "trophy boyfriend" also gives up his vain and hopeless search for menial manual employment and joins the flabby whore in a suicide pact). Or don't, and afford me the pleasure of laughing at your sad hypocritical antics for another year, and another, and another, ad nauseam.
>>712 I'm offended that you would compare me to a sex worker of any sort. Who is Leila? What do you care that Schwill likes to go afk in a chatroom? Why are you not using line breaks between the paragraphs? Why were you banned from the chatroom? Who's your daddy, and what does he do?
Alex Reynolds, honest and decent human being, at your service.
>>711 the two never touched and i waited 10 min before getting into the ice cream doesn't that make it any better?
>>716 You ruined it the moment you included an image / drawing of yourself or dolly.
You are a failure and I'm ashamed of even trying to teach you.
How embarrassing (for you).
You are hopeless.
Perform honorable suicide.
>>717 yes that makes it completely non gross, anon. IMO
im meeting camel in a few days oh my godddd
>>729 Christ, how much more pathetic can this sad lonely, love- and attention-hungry little bitch get? As with all such cases, you imagine people like this might be tolerable if they just admitted how desperate for external self-validation they are and humbly and gratefully accepted the little bits of tenderness and generosity shown to them. But of course, real human psychology works by laws that are a lot uglier and nastier than that. Dolly is friendless, self-hating and constantly pathetically trembling with the need for human attention and affection, yes. But inside her, as I think we must all have witnessed sufficiently often by now, there is an utterly loveless and affectionless fascist maniac waiting and struggling to get out. Anyone who shows her the kindness she obviously hungers for so desperately is pretty much bound, sooner or later, to become the victim of this screeching, vengeful, hate-filled fury and be made to "pay", as a scapegoat and proxy, for all the love and admiration that the world hasn't given to poor flabby, abused, neglected Kathy all these years. I wonder how long it's going to take before the condescending hospitality of the More Attractive Friend brings the monster of narcissistic egomania galloping out of the secret chamber in her withered and twisted heart where Kathy keeps it? Or will it be Alpha Girl Camel - who's a few things that dumpy, desperate Dolly would like to be but never will be - who won't be able to help but bring the laws of the real world to light here (as opposed to the fantasy laws of Kathy's hippy-dippy fantasy world where everyone just wuviie-duvvie-WUVs each other, even if one of you is a tight-bodied, granite-hard future millionaire and the other is a directionless, pathetically emotionally crippled dropout and slacker) and will make her distaste and embarrassment over this needy, spotty whore in her home so obvious that Kathy will begin already on the first day to spew out the vicious, poisonous bile at her "bff"
and "sister" that the ruined and evil bitch has spewed out at everyone else she feels has not sufficiently recompensed her for the love that Daddy didn't give her.
>>730 tl;dr alex is butthurt he will never breathe the same oxygen as camel dolly: 2 reynolds: 0
>>1077 You are a sad, lonely little person, aren't you.
>>1076 Why did you have to bump this thread? it was 2 months old. Whoever you are, please take your attention whoring or white-knighting far away from here. It is not appropiatte at all. Damn typos.
Anyway, now that the beast is gone, we are in a process of purging and healing. Stomp bumping threats with irrelevant content and let the past die so we can move on back to the Sky Queen. That also goes to all of you attention whores, males or females. This is about Cracky, not your egos.
time only moves forward faggot. cracky is dead. leave this place and her behind if you can.
>>1426 I was also horrified to encounter her in another chatroom yesterday - somewhere where I have been trying to rebuild my shattered life (and my shattered grooming of teenage girls on the Internet) after my terrible, disheartening experiences with The Much Better-Looking Friend, and where, I think, COMMON DECENCY REQUIRES that I be left in peace to seek a little joy and personal self-development. I mean, the bitch seems to be EVERYWHERE AT ONCE. She's like Agent fucking Whatsisname from the Matrix movies - there's a more appropriate analogy I could use from A La Recherche du Temps Perdu, but it'd be OVER YOUR FUCKING HEADS - and I feel like Neon or Bill or whatever the Keanu Reeves character was called: sole hope for Humanity in an ever-darkening universe and PERSECUTED BY THIS WHORE IN HER MILLIONS. Where, oh where is my Trinity, I wonder? (She looked in those movies like she'd make one hell of a financial dominatrix). Still, it has to be said that I'd rather see this board full of photos of this chubby little mental case than of photos of bleedin' Cracky. Come on guys, let's defend the long-established culture of this board against the pseudo-religious corpse-sniffing dogs from Bouncene and make this all about loud and vicious mockery of Dolly.
>>1426 But as to the article linked to, which I just read.....yeah, as a previous poster began to point out: it displays about the same level of awareness of moral inconsistencies and involuntary double standards as does Kickass 2. We get a lot of sentimental deploring of the sordid world to which - it is suggested - "society" and "men" and "the Internet" have consigned poor Loli on the one hand. And on the other hand we are provided with LINKS to her nudes, the Amazon Wish-List that we can use to REWARD her for objectifying HERSELF on cam etc. I suppose it makes "sense" by the twisted, tangled standards of "sense" that apply in "third wave feminism", but I can't make head nor tail of it.
>>1431 Also note the arrogance and clumsiness - so typical of the new "p.c. dictatorship" that has replaced in recent years the conservative dictatorship of classical capitalism - of the throwaway exegesis of Nabokov's "Lolita" casually interpolated into the article. I'd be willing to bet that the author(ess) hasn't actually ever opened a copy of Nabokov's novel and that (s)he is just winging it on "third-wave feminist" hearsay about the book. Nobody who has actually read the book could possibly really feel inclined to reduce Humbert's "desires" to the simply and merely "monstrous" - or at least, no intelligent reader would feel inclined to do that in any other language than the subtle, nuanced and beautiful one in which Humbert does it to himself. And as to the "deeper sub-text" about Humbert "using his position of superior power to blah blah blah", that is quite clearly just a lot of typically 21st-Century post-Foucauldean verbiage violently rammed over a novel written in the 1950s by a man whose ethical and political views about the world were clearly diametrically at odds with all this post-feminist, post-modern "slave morality" which sees people "imposing their power" on other people everywhere and in every situation. If "Lolita" is worth reading at all, it is worth reading as a book about complex, ambiguous human interaction in which there is no place at all for the scarecrows and boogymen of Dolly's own picturebook style of "four legs good, two legs bad" feminism and "progressivism". The way Nabokove is reduced in this silly article to the level of a policy document issued by Child Protection Services is sadly indicative of the sort of swampland (on every side) that Dolly's misfortune - AND her vanity - have led the poor girl into: sleazy, real-life pedophiles (with none of Humbert's saving graces) on the one hand, and almost equally repellent, knee-jerk, no-brain pseudo-crusaders against "pedophilia" on the other. Oh Bartleby, oh humanity.
>>1434 By the way, this as well, in passing, to Dolly's Considerably More Attractive Friend, the Pale New Jersey Native - is the author(ess) fucking blind, the girl's a cunt-hair's breadth from being a nigger : I miss you darling, more and more every day, as Heaven would miss the stars above. Do you REALLY prefer to be with some curly-headed demi-banausic who doesn't even appreciate the genius of Patsy Cline when you could be with someone who can use (correctly!) terms like "post-Foucauldean" and make effortless, casual references to the works of Herman Melville, impeded though he is by the great thumping pendulum swings of his own jowls? I cede to old Joe Jackson the right and privilege of putting the question that MUST be put here, and do not allow myself to be affrighted from posting this doubtless best of the three YouTube versions available even by the circumstance that it is introduced, let's not get into THAT again
the girl's a cunt-hair's breadth from being a nigger
I lol'd,
>>1436 This is really done without any intention of attacking - or aggrandizing - Dolly but just because I appear to lack the technical ability to start a new thread on here. In fact - after a surprisingly civil and constructive discussion with Camel yesterday - I'm in a mood to try to put an end to the acrimony and am - perhaps over-optimistically - opening what I hope might be an equally civil and constructive general discussion about feminism (yes, AGAIN). I've been prompted to it by the items that appeared in a few English-language newspapers today about Miley Cyrus's latest declaration of herself to be "the biggest feminist" and, yes, I suppose these remarks COULD, with a certain degree of interpretative ill will, be seen as a sort of very oblique and many-places-removed "attack" on Dolly and her expressed sexual-political positions, since Cyrus's amorphous burblings of the past few days - quite rightly attacked as "stupid fucking shit" by Sinead O'Connor - do indeed seem to me to be a pretty clear indication of where the sort of massively diversified and expanded "third-wave" feminism that not just Dolly advocates must lead. I could honestly hardly believe the things the poor girl was reported as having said in the name of "feminism". At one point she appeared to lose the plot altogether and sum up her "feminism" in the following terms:
"For me it's not even that I'm a feminist. I'm for everybody for anything. As long as you're breathing you should just find the best in everything." Anybody reading that, I suppose, is left in no doubt any longer that we are dealing with a poor lost ignorant child here and not with anybody who possesses sufficient power of reflection or (self-)analysis to seriously declare themselves an adherent to any "-ism". But Miley - unrepresentative as I hope to Heaven she is, poor kid - does nonetheless point up where a certain "third-wave feminist" logic could potentially go, if it isn't seriously reflected on by its proponents. I doubt if Miley has read much Hegel, but she'd only need to open up the first page of Hegel's smaller "Logic" to be informed that "being for everybody for anything" is tantamount, quite literally and really, to "being for nobody for anything". Pure "Being" = pure "Nothingness". An idea is only ever usefully defined by what it plainly and firmly declares itself to exclude and reject, and poor Miley has clearly got the idea into her head that rejecting ANYTHING AT ALL - except maybe other people's right to suggest to her that she ought to reject a couple of things - would make her "not a feminist". What that means in practice we all know: twerking for the delectation of fifty million jeering and howling frat-boys and high-schoolers, fellating sledge-hammers in viideos filmed by highly-paid quasi-rapists etc. Poor Miley, yes, as I say, is just a Babe in the sexual-political Woods - but the articles I have read today contain also some very troubling information about much older and much, much more educated and intelligent feminists taking this poor lost infant under a very dubious and dangerous wing. Gloria Steinem - once a respected figure in the "second wave" of feminism - came out with one particularly horrifying piece of stupidity: "I wish we didn't have to be nude to be noticed, but that's the way the culture is, so women make decisions. I think we
need to change the culture, not blame the people who are playing the only game that exists." I honestly think I'm losing my mind when I read something like this from the pen of someone who used to have a reputation as a "feminist". Steinem is 79 now, so perhaps it is just Parkinsons or something rather than shameless opportunism and moral bankruptcy - but how can someone so active in the politically highly conscious 60s of the last century divorce in this way "the culture" on the one hand from "people playing the game" on the other? "People playing the game" is what CREATES AND PERPETUATES the "culture". It is disingenuous or idiotic to claim otherwise. Miley Cyrus fellating a sledgehammer dressed in skimpy panties is a much more decisive contribution to the consolidation and reinforcement of a culture that reduces women to mindless sex-toys than any number of domestic wife-beatings or alleyway rapes one may care to cite. And with that last, doubtless deeply offensive and provocative remark, I'll open the floor to deabte - which will doubtless consist, if it consists in anything at all, in a depressing fizzle of "fuck off pedo"s or something of that ilk.
A culture of young women getting naked for my entertainment? I'll support that.
On a more serious note the only reason I take feminism seriously is the plethora of ad statistics and warped ideas tht pour out of the collective mouth of feminism. Our family courts are broken, our young men are alienated and growing up without fathers, our young women are growing up without even knowing what it is to be a woman... our society is in shambles even if crime is falling. It's sad. And I lay most of the blame at the feet of feminists.
>>1531 I don't see it that way. I tend to get demonized as an "anti-feminist" but actually I am deeply saddened by a remark like Steinem's about "the only game that exists" in the same way as I would be saddened to hear Che Guevara or someone of that order, if they had lived, talking about capitalism as "the only game that exists" on the level of the economic organization of society. If the world we live in today is a desert as bleak and horrifying, morally, as "the desert of the real" in that famous scene from "The Matrix", that isn't because feminism "won" in any significant sense but because, maybe around 1980 or 1990 - you know, when Ally McBeal was featured on the cover of Time magazine as the new "icon of feminism" - feminists gradually began to realize what a fearsome and pervasive enemy they were facing and just lost their revolutionary nerve. The slogan of the feminism of the past twenty years or so has been - though no one, or almost no one, admits it - "we can't beat 'em; let's just join 'em" - and that makes me sad and angry at once.
Fuck the feminist revolution. Fuck it with a crowbar. Fuck feminist lies, feminist laws, and people who pretend "feminism" means "egalitarianism". Female supremacism needs to STOP.
>>1547 Jesus....Anyone else smell the smoke of a Reichstag Fire here? "Third wave" feminism clearly has some serious problems of coherence and inadequacy of self-reflection, and should definitely be called out on these. Grotesquely exaggerating and caricaturing every demand that the feminist movement, in any of its historical stages has ever made, though, and dismissing feminism in all its forms and guises as just a hollow cynical scam, doesn't achieve that or anything like it. On the contrary, it makes the Miley Cyruses and Gloria Steinems of this world look much BETTER, indeed look something close to intelligent and even something close to RIGHT - because can someone taking a position on the other side of a divide from a hate-oozing, wildly generalizing Neanderthal ever look entirely and absolutely wrong? Am I a conspiracy theorist if I at least toy with the idea that it's Dolly herself - or someone who shares her way of thinking - who is responsible for the last five or six posts?
>>1548 I once wrote a two page post on reddit, wish I had saved it when I deleted my account. It had horribly sexist quotes from about 10 different feminists. Mainstream feminists. Feminists who have published millions of books. Feminists who have given speeches at top schools. Make no mistake, feminists as we see them today -- and I CAN refer to them as sufficiently monolithic to say "them" -- are nothing more than female supremacists foisting off their demands as equality using bad statistics and lies.
>>1548 Show any hate in these statistics. The very fact that you can see them as hateful says something about you.
Furthermore what feminism did or failed to do in the past gives no information about what modern feminists are trying to do today. Talking about the first and second wave only muddies the water. And if you disagree I can pull up sexism spouting from any era of feminism. It wouldn't prove my point, I'm just saying you don't wat to go there.
For the record i'm the guy Allie Conti interviewed for that Miami times article. Allie manipulated everything me and Kathy said to be the worse things possible, the entire artice is bullshit. She flat out lies several times and deliberately tries to make Kathy and me to be horrible people when we are just friends.
Also Allie Contie is a skilled Stalker, she found Loli chan's home addres by going thrugh her collection of hign
>>1567 Scgool year books, aspparantly Allie Cponti has alot
Alloie conti has a collection
>>1569 OK, boring for everyone, I know, but.....this might be cited as today's Example no. 1, surely, of the absolutely dire levels of personal honesty and intellectial hygiene prevalent in the "Crackyverse" (for Example no. 2 see my remarks on Camel below). I just skimmed through the article in question weeks ago, so I'm not very clear any more who "the guy" writing here is supposed to be. But apart from the fact that he seems to be semi-analphabetic, what strikes one most of all about him is this habit he has of screaming "lies! lies! lies!" and then just leaving it at that, without offering a shred of a clue to his readers as to WHY the statements he refers to are "lies". The article is "bullshit". She "manipulated" everything. She "flat out lies several times".....Fine. It's not that I'm not prepared to believe that, in principle. It DID look like a pretty trashy, sensationalist, cheaply emotive piece of journalism, so the strictest standards of truth are surely not to be expected here. But still, the reader of this post WOULD, I think, appreciate some information about just WHAT in this article IS a "flat out lie", if only so that s/he could then deduce from that what there is in it that ISN'T. Because, after all, if the only "critique" of the article offered is "calling bullshit" on it in the most general way, then the impression that could be left on a certain sort of gullible and mentally pliable reader of this board - and there are doubtless a few such individuals from Dolly's former fan-base who might wander in here and look at this post - that it is ALL lies and that not a single statement in it corresponds to the truth about Dolly and her life. That way, knowing the "Crackyverse" and its more-than-occasional memory lapses, we could soon, in a year or so, be in a situation where people are heatedly debating in chatrooms or on boards like these whether Dolly ever worked as a cam-girl on MFC at all, for example, or whether she ever had drug-related or
mental problems. I can very easily imagine a bunch of ignorant white-knight newbies digging out, in a year or so, this "eyewitness testimony" by "some guy" and using it to "prove" that Dolly's past as a low-paid sex-worker is "just an Internet myth" and going on to argue that "as everyone knows" she went straight on to Princeton from high school etc etc. So all I'm saying is: if you are going to accuse someone of telling "flat out lies" about you, you really should specify just which "flat out lies" you are referring to, and detail just where and how they diverge from the truth. After all, the truth about Kathy - and doubtless about "the guy" as well - may not be entirely "horrible". But it certainly isn't - given the facts that we do, thank God, just for the present, continue to be aware ARE facts - so very beautiful either. Is it?
Oh, and as a P.S.: How much cheaper a cheap-shot can you get than calling a journalist a "stalker" for using someone's high-school yearbook to find their home address? What the hell does this guy think journalists DO for a living? The staff of any large daily newspaper in any city will invariably include several dozen people who spend their days sifting through heaps of publicly-accessible documents like high-school yearbooks trying to find out where people lived, who they knew, what they did etc. This silly cow isn't Woodward and Bernstein, I'll grant you that. But trying to smear her as some sort of personally-interested sexual pervert for simply doing her cheap shitty sordid little job, like ten million other working stiffs in America is....well, typical of the stupidity and cheap opportunism of the "Cracky community".