I've been homeless since March. I abandoned my faith in the Sky Queen and my entire world went down the drain. Now I'm inexplicably sick, too weak too work, living in the streets and hope it's nowhere sight. I wonder if the same would have happened if I had remained faithful to almighty Cracky.
Suppressed my mental illness and most things with crackyverse, living life, having fun. I'm offered a bunch of opportunities from different organizations and I'm doing exciting things. Currently preparing to get into my graduate program and still not homeless... if anything I upgraded to a really nice suite. Most of my needs are taken care of, all I want is to be super rich now.
Hope your predicament gets better OP.
>>2058 (OP) Everything in my life seemed to be just on the point of finally falling into place as well. I had just logged in to my final Skype interview for the newly-created Chair for Research into the Intenet as Renascent Locus of Courtly Love at Balliol College, Oxford - a mere formality, I had been privately assured, as the Chair had been created as much with me in mind as the notorious Chair for the History of Systems of Thought had been created specifically for Michel Foucault; RavRav was jiggling up and down in excited anticipation on the seat beside me, knowing that once this mere formality was completed and I had been officially welcomed back into the fold of Academe, we would at last be in a position to announce our engagement. And then, as ill luck would have it, my eye fell on Dolly's contribution to this thread. I was stunned into silence for a moment by the dawning awareness that, yes, there ARE certain (for want of a better term) human beings walking this earth who are capable of this degree of callous narcissism: "oh you're homeless....I'M GOING TO NEW YORK.....I'M GOING TO GET TO SEE GRIMY ELISA or whatever the fuck her name is....I'M SO AWESOME.....I'M SO HAPPY etc etc" Alas, the silence of stunned incredulousness - like the revered Crackyverse intellectual Dana, I often find things that I witness here downright incredulous - lasted only a few seconds. Though driven for my own part, at this point, beyond all direct awareness of what I was doing or saying, it was the rapid accentuation of the pallor of RavRav's already attractively pallid visage that alerted me to the fact that I had already launched into a tirade of misanthropy unheard since the distant heyday of Louis-Ferdinand Celine: "Il y a des jours où je reve d'une gomme pour éffacer l'ordure humaine," I found myself screaming uncontrollably at the Skype screen, "We must kill them; we must exterminate them; pig after pig; village after village..." Professor Cholmondely-Mainwaring, I dimly realized
>>2070 had already logged off in dismay, leaving Professors Williamowitz-Moellendorf and Candelabra-Lampedusa little choice but to follow him. RavRav had fled weeping uncontrollably into the arms of the Eskimo bear-trapper she promised she had left forever on the day that news first came through of the tentative feelers being put out by Balliol College. At a stroke, the dreams of happiness in my declining years had been dispelled and the iron-hard status quo ante re-established: Alexander contra mundum!!! Thankyou, Dolly Whatsyername, for keeping me from straying from what I always knew in my heart was the better, the "less travelled" road.
>>2081 So the three new songs are apparently called "David", "Sleepwalker", and "Go", the last of which was originally written for Riahnna but got turned down. "Go " was definitely my favorite of her new songs. One of them sounded very middle eastern. It was so awesome. I just woke up from a nap and I had a dream about Grimes where she and I became friends and I gave her a joint.
; _ ;
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2082 "Sleepwalker" may also be called "Sleepwalking".
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2084 It is actually Sleepwalking not Sleepwalker.
>>2088 >>2089 I totally agree with some of the people who are saying these remasters sound overproduced, but I'm pretty sure it's deliberate. They sound so much more joyful and celebratory compared to the 'gothic' production and the buried vocals on the LP. I will not be surprised if the next Grimes album is glorious neon pop music.
>>2090 How can you say it's overproduced? She's an electronic artist. Isn't that the whole point? She's a recording artist not really a live act. She's said she only does shows to get more of a fanbase.
The next album won't be too neon I don't think, the songs David and Sleepwalking definitely had substance. And Go was more hardkore than pop music in general.
This grimes stuff is totally right up my alley. But I'm not any kind of music snob (I actually like music) so that might be faint praise...
if this is now the official grimes/strong solo female artist thread then i'm nominating some Grouper i'm pretty sure she's played with grimes in the past >>>/watch?v=sb5ZCr3YkM8
who would be a good comparison, i'm not too into the whole girl-pop thing but grimes has a decent sound
>>2104 comparison to grimes or to grouper? because I don't think either have many really (okay grouper is fairly close to Natural Snow Buildings maybe)
I don't have a problem with Grimes; but I do find intredasting how the same people some months ago used to whine forever and ever about others hijacking their threads, suddenly take a loser hobo thread and transform it into irrelevant cracky stuff topic.
>>2106 Grimes was once homeless, either that or she just looks it with her hipster hobo style.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2097 WOW thanks for the recommendation I will check her out more for sure!
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2106 Nobody is preventing discussion. It's possible for multiple people to carry conversations about different things in threads. Don't be so narrow-minded.
I can do it too there, you
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2112 COOL Why don't we chat in real time make a post and just don't FINE THEN
>>2117 You can buy it online too. I've never bought music in my entire life, but I plan to buy all of her albums when I can. Also, I refuse to pirate her album that's coming out in September, I will only buy it.
>>2118 Why not do both? Buy the album, buy a couple tickets to a show, buy the t-shirt. Then torrent the album to share it with as many people as possible.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2119 Because I want those people to buy the album too, so that Grimes can make more money, so that she can make more awesome music.
I find Swedish artist iamwhoiamwhoami to have a similar style in that ethereal dreamy way.
Also here's Gavlyn rapping over a Grimes remix, which I like.
>>2124 What will you do for me if I buy the album?
>>2125 >>/watch?v etc etc why do u do this? y break usability on purpose
>>2127 >usability implying crackyverse is not deliberately esoterick
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2126 I will discuss it and our love of The One True Pop-Princess together with you.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2125 I've heard of IamIamIwhoamI before, but their music has never really stuck with me. I suppose I like it, but I just don't consider it particularly memorable. I checked out the rest of Grouper's music on youtube and was similarly unimpressed. But it is good music, I suppose.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2130 Also that rap totally doesn't go with that remix at all.
>>2130 >>2131 Our Dolly is hard to please, since she's grown up within the unfiltered light of our queen, which casts every other earthly thing into deepest shade.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2132 I only liked two out of god knows how many bands at the music festival I saw Grimes at.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2133 Although there were a lot of bands that I wanted to see that were playing too early in the day for us to get to them, since we were staying all the way in Queens.
>>2167 I just don't understand not being into Grimes. To me it's sacrilegious, like not thinking Cracky's photos are great works of art.
I'm really glad you found a house! I'm sure you' ll get some furniture soon, just buy one of those air mattresses to sleep on, I think those are pretty cheap, but I'm not sure.
pic related, it's >mfw somebody doesn't like Grimes
>>2216 Nice to see that Dolly has a sense of humour about her face and its tendency to look like a "Know Your Feminazis" training poster in certain moments of extreme provocation
>>2216 I like the melodies, I guess, but I'm not much into whatever that type of music is called, it's too shoegaze-y for me. I like or am more inclined towards the colder, more mechanized sound of electro-industrial. I guess I'm just no very happy a lot of the time, so music like Grimes' gives me nothing.
>>2167 This is a good illustration of why one should never believe anything one reads on a board like this. You were homeless a fortnight ago and you have gone directly from that to being a tenant of a whole HOUSE, with a signed contract and everything? I son't think I've ever heard of an actually HOMELESS person making so rapid and so total a transition before. People sleeping on the street usually need to climb back up into accommodational normalcy by several arduous and protracted stages: hostel; shared accommodation; rented single room etc. Could it be that your declaration of "homelessness" was just another case of the narcissistic self-dramatization so typical of Crackyfags? So maybe Dolly's original ostentatious ignoring of your "plight" wasn't so callous at all. Excuse the acerbity but I have been teetering on the edge of homelessness myself for about three years now, well, for about twelve if one is a bit liberal in marking out just where the "edge" of homelessness lies. I'm not quite on the street yet but the distance between where I am now and the point where I could start signing contracts for the tenancy of entire houses is definitely not one that could possibly be covered in two weeks.
>>2219 I live in Germany, since you have lived there I will avoid explaining you the basics of this country's social system, so I will just summarize. I had a 6-month warning of eviction on an apartment, I was not able to find ---anything--- in that time, and I got evicted, the real estate company was kind enough to provide me with a 1-month storage of all my furniture, after which I would lose everything inside. That was March 13th, I had to give away my cat on Saturday, the 15th, which turned to be an unexpectedly painful experience, and after living on the street for 16 days, a good samaritan took me to a service that helped homeless. I was enrolled in hartz IV (welfera) and placed in a hotel of sorts where I could sleep / lay from 22:00 to 08:00 of the next day, it was not bad, but it was crap anyway in comparison to a real bed and having the company of a pet. Finally after 3 months, I found a house, which is of the kind built with state money (government funded) in which I can use a sort of voucher thingy called Wohnberechtigungschein, which according to its degree of urgency, mine been 2 (from a scale from 1-13, 1 being the worst and most urgent), I got the house from a list of 27 applicants.
Anyway, I take the trouble to expose my situation, to remark how you constantly think of others the way you project yourself to every person you end up meeting. You are the only true narcissist here. And ultimately, you are undoublty the most cruel individual I have ever met in the internet; I should be upset about it, but now that I have reached rock bottom, I realized that there are others that have, are and will be forever worse that I have ever, and you are one of them. I'm happy that at least through this weird ordeal I was able to keep a shred of my kindness towards others and that this suffering has caused me to be more empathetic towards others.
You, on the other hand, will never learn. You are too old, obtuse and self-involved to see the world from another view
>>2220 Well, partly it was just the inadequacy of your English that caused the problem, then - although you seem to be writing it fairly fluently now. You wrote about a HOUSE, which to an English speaker suggests a building of several rooms, possibly several stories. You clearly meant just a "Wohnung", though, which in British English would be "flat", in American Englsih "apartment", since I assume it is a case of a place with just one or two rooms. Still, from the point of view of someone who has also lived in London and Paris, this story of an episode of homelessness that arrived at a "happy ending" in only three months does come across as idyllic to the point of fictivity. I am in fact living in Germany again now precisely because I was aware that the housing crisis here is one of a much milder form and degree than it is, and has been for years, in London or Paris. In London, even when I was a young man, it took YEARS to get a council apartment, even if one was homeless. Given that 90% of London's council flats are now privately owned and on the market for about 300 pound a week at least, I think it is safe to say that homeless people waiting for council flats in London are now likely to wait not just years but decades. If you fall into homelessness in London - which I was on the point of doing last Christmas - you can be pretty damn sure you are going to stay that way for more than three months. In both London and Paris, you willl face precisely the scenario I outlined: weeks on the street, months in a shelter, years maybe in makeshift shared accommodation, before you can claw your way back to an individual tenancy again. Are things different in Germany? As I say, it was precisely my hope that they are. But I never envisaged them as being THAT different. I have lived in Berlin for the last six months and here at least I'm sure a Wohnung is nowhere near as easy to secure as you describe it as being. Rents have quadrupled here in a few years due to the huge influx
>>2219 I guess I should clarify, though, was that I found an apartment, not a full house, like with garden and everything. The apartment does have a nice balcony though.
>>2221 of (largely American( hipsters (RavRav paid a visit, needless to say) and a decent apartment is now almost as much golddust as it has been in London or Paris for decades. Maybe you are elsewhere in Germany, where different standards apply, so that I was wrong to poo-poo your story outright. But believe me, anon, as tough a few months as you may just have spent, in wider European terms you had it very easy.
This is progress, at least now he's acknowledging that he was to harsh and decided to ignore the derision. Alex, are you seeing a shrink?
>>2221 a capital, and certainly a huge city like london is a lot different than your average [german] city
>>2227 >>2236 I tried, but I didn't like any of the tracks. I found several lacking structural harmony, so they became for me even annoying, eventually.
Isnt that just for babbies to scared of Throbbing Gristle and real industrial? ;) I jest, but so what if they don't like a certain genre, i doubt you like Drone but i wouldn't call you narrow minded for it.
grimes likes industrial, you can hear it in a lot of her music plus shes the love child of jhonn balance (even tho hes gay)
http://technoccult.net/archives/2012/07/11/genesis-breyer-p-orridge-interviews-grimes/ interdasting, shame they never made anything together
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2388 Yeah, well Grimes also likes Taylor Swift and you don't see me dancing to that shit.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
I actually don't like most of the songs she posts on her blog. It sometimes baffles me how my favorite musician can like music that I don't like, but whatever man. I'd still marry her.
>>2406 that's because you're closed minded and only like your 80s synth with female vocals and don't know shit about music
Has she finally gotten over that phase where she was wearing a fucking bindi on her head 24/7? Typical white kid.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2432 Fuck you, Taylor Swift sucks. BTW most of what she posts IS 80s STYLE synth with female vocals and I still don 't like it. Shove your shit industrial music right up your ass.
>>2437 Hey, I didnt write that... I should use a name tag thingym.. Frgot its name
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2445 tripcode. name#password or if you want a secure tripcode: name##password
Also here is some good music that isn't 80s synth with female vocals:
I was shroud btw, if it wasn't obvious. It's just I keep forgetting that the tripcodes is put aaaaall the way on top of the page and sometimes I dumb out and forget that. I'll listen to all in a bit.