>>2151 I can't get over how shitfast tinyboard is. Feels like it's written in assembler or something... ... but it's still an imageboard and I'm dissatisfied with imageboards.
I'd love something else with non-trivial traversal, like the wall but more versatile.
An imageboard seems the ideal way to discuss a person most known and powerful due to her pictures... >>2158 >pretending Cracky isn't the reason some of us are still alive, let alone here.
>>2157 Pretending cracky has anything to do with this.
>>2158 because "Cracky board" clearly means "a board that has nothing to do with Cracky"
Does admin have second thoughts about .71 whenever this happens? I mean Jeff deleted his stuff just now...
Maybe because if he namefagged, people would never pay any attention to him. Being anonymous is optimal from his point of view... he just doesn't like thinking about the truth of it all.
When I visit a cracky-related site, I want to lurk and/or post cracky-related things.
Fuck off, namefag. This board's where the hipsters go because they think it's le cool/edgy to like cracky and be mentally ill. It was a phenomenon, now on this board it seems it's fashionable being a crackyfag and revelling in namefaggotry.
>>2539 >fashionable to be a crackyfag Yeah, that's why we all tell everyone we know in real life about Cracky. That's why all the posts here are about how much we individually love Cracky, all of us namefags.
It seems to me that you have failed to move on, and think that everyone else has too. I haven't seen anybody even mention mental illness here, but there was an entire thread on .71 asking people about their mental illnesses. Idiot.
>>2551 "We're here, we're queer....." Why doesn't somebody just kill this bitch? With one grubby druggy little hand she is grabbing day and night for validation from hungry desperate heterosexuals in chat-rooms and on whore-sites, while with the other she is preenng over her reflection in the mirror waving the "LGBT" flag because she doesn't want to miss out on the "coolness premium" offered by being "queer" either. You're not "queer", bitch, and I doubt whether you can even be said to have a "normal" heterosexiality. What you have is a gaping starving wound of personal vacancy and abysmally low self-esteem - and all your "sexual politics" are just attempts to stuff something - anything! - in there to ease the pain and humiliation of that utter vacancy.
>>3114 I thought he managed to split his board at the end so that plebs like myself got automatically directed to a site especially for "shit posters" and "the temple" was kept "pure". If that was the case, isn't it more likely that the "purity" of dim little narcissists posting "I love Cracky" "I love Cracky" "I love Cracky" over and over week after week just became too tedious even for him and his two friends and that he closed the board for that reason?
I love Cracky
>>The faggot; Yes Gayry had the old ..8181 trick going there but he's closed shop. The last two posts were by him- The King of the Faggots. Your king, it would seem.