The past colors the present. How and one simply say "tyhe past is the past" and move on?
>Asking this question on a board dedicated to an
>>2170 10 year old (almost) meme about a 15 year old girl. yeah, WE KNOW the answer, lol
>>2169 (OP) but seriously, random bitterness aside, your question is a thoughtful one.If I knew the answer I wouldn't be here.It seems you learn more about yourself through things like this. Why did I like her? What did I see in olivia? What did she represent? What was the need? It's more about finding out who YOU are than anything I think. Olivia the person and olivia the fantasy. However I don't think things are accidental as weird as it sounds. There's a reason you're cracky obsessed, and you have to find out why, to do that, you need to learn about yourself. I think that's the answer, either that or dicks, lol. just kidding OP. Know thyself etc.
>>2172 Oh please, fuck off back to Bounceme with your tired narcissistic platitudes, will you? The "reason" you are "Cracky-obsessed", you boring asshole, is that you are a sad little man with no imagination and marked paedophilic tendencies who is desperate to make himself look "special" and "interesting".
>>2174 And startingly effective debating powers, I forgot to mention
>>2175 not a man, not a pedo either, find a new insult asap
>>2176 Whether male or female, you remain a boring person who, as previous commenters in this thread have pointed out, are bringing nothing to this board but just regurgitating the same old tem-year-old memes, which were always only about as profound as the little sayings on the inside of Hallmark birthday cards even when they were new. "The past is not past because it leaves its mark on the present"......"Every good deed is a little ray of sunshine that God sheds on a dancing lamb bla bla bla" Really, there is Bounceme for that infantile narcissistic shit. If you are a fourteen-year-old girl who wants a few people to stand around and admire you for being so "deep" as to love Cracky, go there. I'm sure the little frissons of self-satisfaction you will get from being told you are part of the "mystical siblinghood of the elite" will outweigh the uncomfortable feeling that the other "mystics" are jerking off to you and wishing you were ten instead of fourteen.
>>2177 cool story bro, u mad? there's just one commenter here (first three replies are same)
good trolling. I was the one being bitter....but you're on another tangent random anon. i wish you joy in life and rares.
>>2177 the present is a gift, that's why it's called the PRESENT lol ^_^ :PPPPP
>>2177 how did u know iw was 14 looool ??? :P :P ;p i luvv cracky, she is da besttt
Why is there so much obsession about narcissism around here? It it just a generic insult like a pretentious version of "you faggot" or is it a complaint about actual perceived traits of personality? If the latter how are those traits so contemptible and what associated statements or actions are you complaining about?
>>2177 Bounceme is closed. So where should I go to fap to "deep" 14 year old girls? I'm not asking because my friend wants to know, I'm asking because admiration is a worthy price for sufficient interaction with a 14 year old female Cracky worshiper.
>>2185 I'm going to pretend this post was made by Olivia. Then I'm going to pretend some of my random statements made her think I was worthy of pointing toward her. Then I'm going to fantasize about actually speaking with her. This will satisfy my mental illness for at least a year.
>>2182 Oh, look at this guy. The ability he seems somewhere to have fortuitously acquired to form a halfway-respectable English sentence appears to have misled him into thinking that he actually has something of substance to say. No, "narcissism" is not a "generic insult". I think it's almost exclusively me who throws the term at Crackyfags (mostly at the Bounceme, "we-must-bring-sacrifices-for-our-redemption-does-this-sound-sufficiently-pseudo-religious" variety of Crackyfags) and it is a denomination which aims at drawing attention to some very specific, very characteristic and very deplorable qualities that are maybe not peculiar to the "Cracky-worshippers" but are certainly rife among them. "Narcissism", as you know, was a term coined by Freud in allusion to the Greek myth of Narcissus. Narcissus's key experience was enamourment with his own reflection when he glimpsed it for the first time in a forest pool. I call the Crackyfags - above all the Bounceme variety - "narcissists" because after about seven years' experience of them I am convinced that this is indeed the basic psychological and emotional structure of the experience that you cannot help endlessly posting bad prose and worse poetry about. You make an endless enormous hoo-ha about devoting and dedicating yourselves to some "Higher Power" in the form of Cracky, the Sky Queen, whateverthefuck, whereas it is quite plain to everyone but yourselves that the only thing that you are "devoted to" is the idea of being a "devotee", that is to say, to YOURSELVES. The only thing you have in common with one another, it seems to me, is the same inner void and lack of real personal substance that one sees in just about all "cultists" from the Moonies to the Scientologists to the psychotic disciples of Jim Jones. Narcissus too, I am sure, presented to himself the "beautiful perfect boy in the pool" as a separate being who was high, high above him and would "redeem" him. But he was just the reflection of Narcissus's
>>2195 >very characteristic and very deplorable qualities (of people who have a particular mindset about Cracky-chan) It's amusing that you want to ascribe certain personality traits to every person who holds a particular belief.... or even generalize them to the extent of "rife among them". It's irony that someone so focused on what other people feel about a third party would see that feeling as narcissism, or whilst being so upset about these other people's feelings and using such psychology-inherent terminology to describe them prefer to ignore the things Freud would obviously say about your own focus.
You say that I am enamored with only the idea of being a devotee. It's a curious claim given 1: the complete lack of evidence behind it. 2: The slight degree to which it actually matches the diagnoses of narcissism. 3: Your utter unfamiliarity with the mindset and 4: your unfamiliarity with more modern diagnoses involving worship and manias.
In short there's simply no grounds to claim that my obsession with someone else is a reflection of an obsession with myself.
>>2197 In the same rant you accuse me of narcissism and say I should stop focusing on someone else. That's not even self-consistent.
>>2198 >one can legitimately "generalize" yeah no. Firstly every mania in general is not born of the same causes. Secondly every person exhibiting a mania does not have the same process of emoting behind it. May I suggest you pick up a psychology textbook newer than 1990?
Even a group of people obsessing about the same subject will exhibit entirely different reasons for their obsessions. Only the obvious external social functions are an exception to this,
I'm not begging the question, you are. Without any real foundation you declare the mindset behind every worshiper of Cracky isn't only the same, it's a narcissism. Begging the question repeatedly doesn't constitute more evidence. What do I mean by "diagnosis of narcissism? I mean "I am convinced that this
>>2195 emptiness and vanity. So with the "Sky Queen". For God's sake lay her to rest and set about trying to build some sort of identity of your own - not that I hold out much hope of many of you pieces of drug-dependent human flotsam being able to manage that.
>>2196 None of this "it's amusing" or "it's ironical" stuff is anything other than hot air. of course one can legitimately "generalize" about the psychology of cultists. Freud did so in his essay on "The Ego-Ideal", indeed he extended the argument to all senses of "mass identity". One can perhaps argue with Freud about an application SO wide but I don't think any sensible or educated person will want to contest that all the disciples of Jim Jones or L. Ron Hubbard tend to suffer from one similar, or at least largely overlapping, set of neuroses and psychological deformations. This obviously applies all the more plausibly to a minuscule group of highly specifically focussed obsessives like the Bounceme-style Crackyfags
>>2196 Just take a look at this guy's (1) (2) (3) (4)'s and see how the facade of intelligence and articulateness that he puts up crumbles.
(1) complete lack of evidence behind it: this is clearly a case of "petitio principii" or "begging the question". Whether there is evidence behind it or not is exactly what we are arguing about here. You attempt to invalidate anything I say even before I say it. I think the "evidence" is there in any one of 1000 posts on Bounceme. (2) the slight degree to which it actually matches the diagnoses of narcissism: well, a claim so vague that it is impossible to establish whether it is sound or not. What do you mean by "the diagnoses of narcissism"? Every diagnosis of a narciissistic neurosis ever made by a psychoanalyst ever? Very difficult to collate enough documentation to say whether the psychosis of Crackyism matches up against "the majority" of these or not. But I think it is a fair bet to say that many psychoanalysts would recognize a Crackyfag under their care to suffer from, among other things, narcissistic personality disorder. (3) my utter unfamiliarity with the mindset. Again, a "petitio principii", or rather a sort of vicious circle you are trying to impose on me. I certainly consider myself "familair with the mindset" snce I have been one of the most regular posters on the Cracky boards for about seven years now. But what you mean, of course, is that I cannot be FAMILIAR with the mindset unless I see it from THE INSIDE OUT, that is, unless I share it and agree with it. A fairly typical narciissistic-psychotic trait you display here, by the way: you armour-proof your own psychosis against any rational objective criticism by saying that "no one can understand what I feel unless they feel it too; and if they feel it too they will be just like me and agree with me; ergo, I am inassailable". (4) my unfamiliarity with more modrn diagnoses involving worship and manias: again, worthlessly vague, since you don't specify what
>>2196 >>2199 is indeed the basic psychological and emotional structure of the experience". You can try working out of calling that a diagnosis but you will be hedging until your tongue falls out. Obsession with personal adequacy is the ONLY part of narcissism common to Cracky worshipers in general. prestige? In that case anyone interacing with a group is a narcissist. And I don't mean you need to share the mindset to be familiar with it, I mean you need to objectively consider it. You clearly have not. Your claim that I'm armoring myself against criticism alone is strong evidence that you don't understand the mind behind my worship in particular.
>>2201 fact: Freud isn't just an old dead white guy, he's one whose writings on just about everything have been widely and popularly debunked. Yes he was the founder of modern psychology. That doesn't make him any more right about this than Aristotle would be adequite in an argument with a modern chemist. Proven themselves to be accurate? HA! they've been debunked. In fact name me a basic theory by Freud and tomorrow I'll list the articles debunking it.
"ass wrecked"?? seriously? wow. I was under the impression I was arguing against... someone who wouldn't actually use that phrase. But I'll put that aside and note that you're unwilling to put my proposed test of Freud's remaining relevancy into action.
Cry me a river you outdated shrink, Freud's theorys are dead and irrelevant and your arguments just don't reflect what you want them to. Put aside your truthy, wrong ideas and try some real science. It's not as pleasurable as your intellectual masturbation but your world-view will be healthier for it.
>>2199 these are, but clearly, at bottom, just a warming-over of the tired old ignorant "Freud is a dead old white guy" nonsense. Psychoanalysis, for all its faults, was and remains a massively impressive body of carefully and systematically worked-out ideas which may not have all, but have certainly in large part, proven themselves to be accurate and fruitful reflections of psychological reality. You, as I say, do not go so far as to specify what you propose to put in the place of these ideas - but judging by the quality of all these pseudo-arguments of yours in respect of which you have just gotten thoroughly ass-wrecked, I have no doubt that they are worthless laughable mumbo-jumbo that isnt even fit to be included on the same syllabus as Freud.
>>2200 OK, now you are descending into typical basement-dweller crankery. "I have refuted Freud! I have refuted Marx! I have composed the new Gospels! I am Alspha and Omega, come to judge the earth!"
Please. Try to get yourself enrolled at some institute of higher education somewhere.
Or failing that - and I suspect that you are indeed most probably too old, insane and too far up your own loony asshole for that - fuck off back to your "Temple" and stay there.
>>2202 If you're as confident as you claim all you have to do is prove that I'm wrong. Name one theory original to Freud. Any theory original to Freud. If I fail to find peer reviewed papers debunking it I'll confess to being a narcissist and you'll have an ally.
>>2204 So what I'm reading is that you're unwilling to let your theories be challenged.
You're not even wrong.
>>2203 Ask any inteligent or educated person if there is any point in getting involved in a "bibliography contest" with some ranting crank you meet on the Web or in a bar. As you well know, we would still be here in three days, with you desperately citing the 999th self-published monograph by some bearded lunatic living in a hut in Alaska. Kant has not been "debunked". Hegel has not been "debunked". Nietzsche has not been "debunked" even though in his dumber moments he did rave on himself about having "debunked" Kant and Hegel. Marx has not been "debunked" and Freud has not been "debunked". Anybody who thinks they can talk about ANY of these rich and complex authors in the blustering, dismissive tone that you have been talking about Freud only reveals themselves as the sadly educationally underprivileged dolt that they are. Goodnight.
>>2204 Get your mouth off Freud's necrodick long enough to build a real argument. We're all narcissists? Define narcissism and then show that we exhibit most of the complexities of that diagnosis. But you can't. And the reason you can't is twofold: You want to believe there's somethign severely wrong with worshiping Cracky as opposed to, say, Jesus and you want that diagnosis to fit comfortably into a pidgeonhole of your own devising. This isn't about Freud at all and Cracky worshipers aren't narcissistic: you are.
>>2206 Hurrah! Another glorious victory for the "Knights Templar"! The attempt was made to show that we exist in an hermetically-sealed sphere of narcissistic self-admiration immune to all criticism or reason. But behold! The spears and arrows of our enemy proved themselves to be but "narcissistic"! They sprang harmlessly off and away from the shield and shelter, more impervious than titanium, that protects us and will forever protect us from any aspersion cast upon us that we feel ourselves to be protected and forever protected by a shield and shelter more impervious to have gotten a little mixed up here......wasn't quite what I meant to say.....can I delete well.....onward and upward! per ardua ad Cracky.....
Ave Cracky
>>2195 How can you claim we have empty personalities on the basis that we discuss Cracky on a Cracky board? That's like saying anyone who visits Reddit's politics board has no thoughts but their chosen party, or that anyone who can be found in a church is nothing but a mindless God drone. You want discussion? Fine, answer the conspiracy, futurism, or AI threads on the front page right now. But don't answer them and then complain about lack of content without proposing any new topics yourself.
Alex, are you telling people there's a reason they are here? Are you telling them the reason is they're pedos? Not everyone is like you.
>>2209 I'm not saying you have empty personalities "on the basis" that you discuss Cracky on a Cracky board. I suppose there are still intelligent, substantial things to say about Cracky after nine years - although it surely isn't easy to find them. All I am objecting to in calling you "narciissists" is the same thing someone else objected to before me in this thread, namely: the trundling out of seven- and eight-year-old platitudes and catchphrases - "the past afffects the present", "Cracky's appearance had a mystic significance" etc - in that tedious and pointless way that people even complained about on Bounceme, for God's sake (I believe it was there, not here or in Crackyhouse, that the phrase "Cracky-spamming" first came into currency). The other threads you mention - conspiracy,.futurism etc - bear the plain marks of exactly the sort of narcissism I complained about in certain Cracky threads. The "conspiracy" thread bears, indeed, every sign of its having just been one guy, drunken on the imagined importance of his own ideas, talking to himself. Doesn't it end with "to argue now against my own arguments" or something? It's a textbook case of narcissism : one guy staring at his own reflection trying to persuade himself that it is someone else (without actually reallly, in his heart, wanting it to be). The actual fact is that, if we really attempted to define this board now, or the chat attached to it, the only accurate definition or description of it would be as a sort of social club for people who met each other through the Cracky thing. That includes me just as much as it does Dolly or Camel, because "Cracky" per se doesn't really matter any more. Dolly and Camel came to the Crackyverse through Cracky. I came because, six or seven years ago, Jeff and some of his frriends befriended a girl on Stickam - known, if I remember rightly, at that time by the appelation of That Girl - who happened also, entirely unconnectedly, to be the recipient of a mass of verbose
>>2214 obscene e-mails from me. However it came about, by Cracky means or foul, the six- or seven-year relationship that has now elapsed does necessarily mean something. Camel, as we all know, is now actually my girlfriend, for God's sake. So let's be reasonable and keep some perspective here, eh guys?
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
ITT: Alex pretends he is a psychiatrist.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Because it's totally possible to diagnose an entire group of people as having the same personality disorder based on the fact that they admire a specific person. We're not a cult. There is no all powerful leader. Cracky doesn't give a shit except for not wanting to be stalked. There is no other figurehead demanding that we all drink poison kool-aid so we can board a spaceship. We're just here because we see something special in Cracky. To me, it seems like you're just angry at us because somebody found an apartment faster than you.
>>2228 You seem to have been becoming a little more reasonable yourself recently, Dollly (i.e. distancing yourself from the insane-snarling-feminazi persona that is so plainly evidenced by the photo you posted above and acknowledging that I have been right about quite a few things that you and the mob that has often gathered around you here have furiously scorned and denounced me for) so I'm surprised to see you lapsing back into this attitude. Firstly: saying that someone is "pretending to be a psychiatrist" simply because he applies certain Freudian concepts to certain social groups is a sign of the same sort of deficit in education that I deplored elsewhere on this page. Plenty of highly respected and worthwhile writers have applied ideas like "narcissism", the "super-ego", "fetishism", "the secondary process" etc. to social phenomena, small and large, without having undergone, or having claimed to have undergone, any psychiatric training. (And psychoanalysis isn't psychiatry anyway; there are no "lay psychiatrists" but there are plenty of non-medically-trained psychoanalysts and Freud himself gave this deviation from traditional medical practice his blessing.) Just about every one of the major texts of the Frankfurt School, for example, constitutes an example of the application of psychoanalytic ideas by someone who had never undergone a course of training as an analyst (and in Adorno's case hadn't even ever been psychoanalyzed). (I'm talking about "The Authoritarian Personality", "One-Dimensional Man", "Eros and Civilization" - all higely influential texts in the US and in Europe and all by non-medically-trained authors). And secondly, you don't seem to have read the thread very carefully and have picked up somehow on the false idea - which I actually declare to be false, and a misunderstanding, in one of the posts somewhere here - that I am denouncing ALL Crackyfags, indiscriminately, as "narcissists". That isn't the case. This latest argument was clearly
>>2234 sparked off by an influx onto this board of a particular sort of Crackyfag - the type that used to hang out at Bounceme and generaly expressed contempt for Crackyhouse-users, some of whom came to this board after CH ended. As you should be aware, I haven't generally experienced Camel 's relation to Cracky, or Ely's, or Science's, or even yours, as particularly strikingly "narcissistic" or even as "cult-like". It wasn't usuual in Crackyhouse circles for people to talk about "losing their faith in the Sky-Queen" and so on. That was never Jeff's language or the language of the people who used his board - and the "Temple"-dwellers over in Bounceme despised him and Crackyhouse for just that reason. The "Cracky community" - as you must surely know even better than me - is not unitary or homogeneous and "narcissism" - the projection of one's own ego into some god-like "ego ideal" - is a marked characteristic above all of the "pseudo-religious", .71 faction. I have always found their cringeworthy poetry and arrogant defacing of fine old texts and images to be stupid and despicable. As far as I could gather, Gary instituted, toward the end, various policies to "keep his board pure" and to allow only the like-minded to post there or even to read it. Now that Bounceme appears to have died, we are naturally seeing an influx of this sort of pompous, pseudo-"monkish" twaddle onto this board. I don't propose that Ely use "Gary methods" to keep it out but I do intend to try to discourage it.
>>2237 Quod erat demonstrandum.. I just feel we ought to administer a little mild encouragement to go elsewhere to people like this guy - who feel that sticking a Latin word or phrase before or after the word "Cracky" constitutes some sort of "statement" that needs to be communicated to the world - even when it already has been communicated 2500 times before, on Bounceme. As I say, this kind of thing is - besides being stupid and the sort of thing one wouldn't expect from anyone over 14 - is a very representative symptom of narcissistic personality disorder. It presents itself as a statement about a person external to the person making the statement. It is "Cracky", supposedly, that we "hail" here. But a "statement" that has been made in identical form thousands of times before undergoes a radical alteration in meaning with all these repetitions. "Ave Cracky" actually plainly communicates NO NEW INFORMATION NOR EVEN OPINION ABOUT CRACKY. Repeated for the 3000th time, such a statement is ALL AND ONLY ABOUT THE PERSON MAKING IT. It is saying "I love Cracky, I am deep and interesting" or "I love Cracky. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me". I think serious "Crackyfags" above all should take offence at this sort of moronic "We are the Cracky Army" football-chanting. After all, as Freud once said: "Wovon man nicht Cracken kann, davon muss man schweigen".
>. It is saying "I love Cracky, I am deep and interesting" or "I love Cracky. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me" Actually it's saying "I love Cracky and so should you, and so will you.
nar·cis·sism ˈnärsəˌsizəm/Submit noun noun: narcissism excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance. synonyms: vanity, self-love, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-obsession, conceit, self-centeredness, self-regard, egotism, egoism More antonyms: modesty PSYCHOLOGY extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type. PSYCHOANALYSIS self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of mental disorder.
>>2248 The point you're severely mistaking is "self-centeredness". There's no evidence in all of Cracky worship that it's based on each member of the group for that member of the group. Rather it's a group identity and shared love/obsession.
dick slaps
>>2248 You see, kid, this is why I do my best to gently encourage people like you to go away and start your own board for smug 14-year-olds (of all ages) somewhere else. Glowing with self-satisfaction over your image macro you may be, but I'm afraid that googling "Narcissism Free Online Dictionary" and studying, over a period of forty years, the Standard Edition of the works of Sigmund Freud don't quite amount to the same thing. It doesn't much interest me what random supplementary colloquial meanings the Freudian term "narcissism" may have acquired over the past hundred years. (After all, one actually does find the term "literally" these days defined in certain crappy online dictionaries as meaning "metaphorically, which is admittedly increasingly how it is used, God help us all). I'm particularly not interested in the vague, impressionistic, entirely non-scientific meanings that may be ascribed to the term in the academic pseudo-discipline "psychology" - a grab-bag of formless, contradictory, qualitatively utterly incommensurable ideas that I have always strongly discouraged young people to enrol themselves as students of at universities."Defining" narcissism as "extreme selfishness" is worse than worthless but sadly it would not surprise me to hear that hundreds of thousands of students at American universities are today sitting in lectures where one of the million and a half production-line Ph Ds employed in the US higher eduction system offers them just that and no more. What interests me, and what I mean when I use the term "narcissism", is solely and exclusively the term as it was developed in Freudian psychoanalysis. And here it is very important to bear in mind that the idea in question did indeed DEVELOP and has continued to do so since Freud's death. As is the case with any other key concept in psychoanalysis any ten-word "definition" of it is bound to be false or worse. I don't suppose that there is any point in linking you to the several hundred words
>>2251 Laplanche and Pontalis - the authors of standard reference used by people who actually know something about Freudian psychoanalysis when it is a matter of clarifying the psychoanalytical use of a term - use to try to mark out the territory covered by the concept, but here goes anyway
You will certainly give up about three lines into this, as you belong to the "Google generation" that is incapable of handling more than 15 consecutive words in your "quest for knowledge". But Laplanche and Pontalis's summary, and the bibliography at the end of it, are the first steps to understanding what I mean when I use this term.
>>2252 So we've established that your usage of the word is based soley on the debunked writings of a long dead author. That's progress at least... There's no need to continue to pretend its relevancy to actual psychology. Next up: admitting your outrage to be based on people not thinking the way you think and liking things your don't like.
>>2376 I like how you used his full name and title to make it more searchable. That's not inappropriate at all. And definitely not vindictive. All things considered I would certainly trust you with my own personal, real-life information after reading that.
>>2391 >searchable have a look in robots.txt, friend
>>2403 Apology accepted. His name is all over this board anyway, it has nothing to do with me. The Dr. part was to mock him, though. Since, apparently, he doesn't even actually have a PhD.
>>2404 would you care to correct my misapprehension? I'm under the impression the whole reason his full name came out was the biitter dispute you and he are involved in.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2409 No, he's always made a big deal about how he refuses to be anonymous and is brave enough to use his real name. Or his real name may have been in the emails to RavRav that got posted, idk I never read them.
>>2411 I see it goes on, day after day, with all the rest of you leaning back and chuckling and sneering in that boring /b/board way while the poor mentally ill drug-addicted prostitute desperately plays the "victor" in her sordid, nasty, lying little vendetta. Look at her, jiggling her poor flabby little body up and down with sad empty joy at being in a position to bully and persecute someone who was kind enough to show her a little trust. If any of you had a sense of shame, I would ask you if you were ashamed of yourselves. But I think that at this point even my capacity for optimism about the people one meets here has been exhausted.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Hey alex I was thinking of changing my tumblr name to RamshackleSkank, but I'm quite fond of InternetPrincess420. Advice?
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2412 BTW Edith finds me attractive and wants to do shows with me lol u mad lol lol lol
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2415 Is it not absolutely "incredulous", to quote one of your "culture heroes", Dana, that there are still people here who express DOUBT that what all this Dolly shit is about is her absolutely KILLING need to feel important and loved and desired - above all by me, apparently - and her furious raging murderous bitterness over the sad fact - that, believe me, even I regret - that I just do not find this sad unstable drug-addled skank attractive in any way at all? I mean honestly Ely and the rest of you, why on earth would you tolerate having your board smeared day after day and night after night with this
"Somebody looooovwes me! Somebody gave me ten dollars to fuck myself in the ass while drinking Coca-Cola throough a bamboo! 4Chan loooooooves me! I'm going to be a doctor! I have a boyfriend! I went to a Grimes concert! Alex begged me to let him watch me have sex!"
Please, try to overcome your hatred of me sufficiently to do what is right even if it's "the Devil" that bids you do it and ban this intolerable loony skank from this board once and for all. Let her howl and bellow her pathetic cries for love and hollow whoops of victory on one of the slezy filthy whore-cam sites that are becoming more and more her native habitat.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2417 >Dana >hero Oh, oh dear. I don't even know where to begin.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2417 You're right, Alex. I want you. I want you so bad. I want you. I want you so bad. It's driving me mad, it's driving me mad.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2417 "oh my life is so terrible i'm so sad and lonely I MEAN- BETTER THAN YOU IN EVERY WAY CONCEIVABLE"
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2417 Yes, I'm going to be a psychiatrist while you slowly slide into homelessness and senility, all the while being completely and utterly alone. Boy, I sure have hit rock bottom, haven't I?
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Also, I saw Grimes live and you didn't. QED
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2417 I can't overcome my hatred for you, Alex. It's the only way I can orgasm now.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2417 >slezy Oh boy, did you type like this for that thesis you did to get your PhD? You know, at Oxford?
>>2414 I just noticed: "Internet Priincess"......I mean, Jesuis, someone really should put the poor bitch out of her misery just for her own good. Five or six years of posting photos of herself for actual medically diagnosable paedophiles followed now by another five or six years, prospectively, of dancing like a trained animal for hordes of hateful sleazeballs on MyFreeCams and Chaturbate and the poor scared, confused, desperate little cow really thinks she is "living the dream". Someone call the mercy killers, PLEASE.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2425 So you favor RamshackleSkank then? Can we compromise and make it RamshackleSkank420?
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2425 You're right Alex, you're the one living the dream. Please, how can I be more like you? I wish to be successful in life, have a career, a family, etc. You know, like you do.