Tried several related words and word combinations, but most of the neat ones are already take, so I went with Urban Siren
As usual, please don't nude up and then run to /b/ to link to here or they will ban it, same as they have the other 10+ chats.
what's wrong with /crackyhouse? or whatever the current one is called
>>2241 as far as i can tell from accessing outside the embedding it's deleted, I guess they want to make sure there is a chat where there is a bit more of moderation (ehem, to keep the unwanted out of it, so that people that actually belong in this corner of the internet can mingle without disturbance).
>>2242 still servers the flash applet, only some error at the top isn't it being "deleted" a good thing, that way people can't come in from the tinychat frontpage?
>>2243 Op here, you can disable that in the options.
>>2241 Obviously the pseudo-religious "Cracky-chanters" have felt themselves provoked by my earlier remarks into setting up some sort of "either you're with us or against us" chat. The "bit more moderation" referred to above - along with the "unwanted" and the "people who belong in this corner of the Internet" and so on - are, I would assume, to be interpreted as meaning "No Alex Reynolds", or possibly even worse: "Nobody who is not going to join us in our tedious morbid mantra-drooling and stick to that and that alone". The old chat embedded in this board has been pretty much dead of late, but it might be an appropriate time to revive it just as a way of showing that there IS an alternative to the drear idiocy these assholes intend to set up. There were a good few evenings of sustained witty repartee and intelligent discussion - OK, also, to my (our?) shame, kinky sex-rituals and ensuing bitterness and recrimination - in the old chat last summer and autumn. Maybe those - or different - times will roll around again.
>>2245 > kinky sex-rituals and ensuing bitterness and recrimination Where do I sign up?
>>2245 Or, you know, maybe they (or us) would like to chat in peace without an angry old man berating us 24/7 for every little difference in opinions.
>>2255 Or, also, objectifying any women (or even anyone pretending to be one) while insulting them to their faces and denigrating them in a twisted attempt to gain their attention.
>>2257 Women, like men, are (among other things) objects - objects in the physical world; objects in the philosophical sense of entities perceived and related to by subjects - so I really don't know what to make of your term "objectifying". It seems to me to be just another vague, indeterminable component of the mulch of contemporary PC rhetoric, like "inappropriate" and other such terms. As anyone who knows ne will confirm, my preferred method of gaining women's attention is in fact denigrating MYSELF, not them. It seldom works, because women are not, as a rule, attracted to the denigrated (although a lot of them ARE attracted to negroes). If I insult someone to their face, this is invariably because I have no desire for their attention and just don't find them attractive (This was the case with Dolly for several years, although she - for obvious reasons - preferred to interpret my insults in just your convoluted manner of "reverse psychology"). And finally: anyone who goes around pretending to be a woman on the Internet if they are not one DESERVES to be insulted.
>>2258 TL;DR "I'm a sado-masochist pervert who should be allowed to insult people and harass women (and men) because I say so".
>>2260 Oh Dolly, Dolly. You are never going to change, are you? You will always be the incurably validation-needy little victim of inadequate parenting )or whatever, I don't know enough about your past to speculate why you are so ravenously hungry for admiration and male attention; I only know that six years' experience of you has taught me that you sadly are). A couple of weeks ago you requested once again to be my "friend" on Skype. In the few days I've been chatting to you I've been treated to a running commentary on the current state of your campaign of online self-publicization, including what you allege has been the resounding succees of your self-initiated thread on 4chan ("they love me! 4chan has always loved me!") and the announcement of the details of your "cam-girl"-ing strategy for the coming months. I suppose I can't lay claim to being the most diplomatic person in the world but I am, after all, an Englishman, so is it not at least conceivable to you that my reactions to all this may have been dictated in part by that fabled British POLITENESS that is really, I assure you, not entirely a fable. You were reeling off a series of plans for the near future many of which I felt I could say little to beyond "really?" and "mm" because they looked to me to be likely to be fiascos or disasters for all concerned. (But as we are on the topic, I beg you, PLEASE don't entertain the ridiculous idea of doing two-girl cam-shows with a certain person of our mutual acquaintance. Her viewer figures on Chaturbate were astronomical compared to yours on MFC, as were her earnings, for the simple reason that she is extremely attractive and you are just not. I think it unlikely that she would even accept such a proposal - but if she did it would be once again a case of someone being KIND and POLITE to you, and that would work out to her great cost, much as my kindness and politeness to you has always worked out to mine. This is a case in point. The one plan of yours that I felt
>>2274 might not work out disastrously for all concerned was your plan to do couple shows on Chaturbate with your boyfriend. Given my tastes, it goes without saying that I enjoy couple shows (although, of course, it very much depends on the couple) so my response to this was rather more substantial and positive than my very lukewarm responses to your other plans, namely (and I quote from the chat-log)
I think it'd be kind of hot to see you with a man
I now find you putting your usual inevitable self-promoting, "tables-turning" twist on a remark made out of kindness and so as to encourage
>>2275 rather sad and sordid profession that you nonetheless appear to invest a lot of your self-esteem in. Anyone reading YOUR account of this exchange, i.e.
you told me a few days ago that you'd give me vast sums of money if you could watch me cam with my boyfriend
immediately envisages a chat-log that would rather run something like this:
Alex: Dolly! Dolly! Please speak to me! I want you so much, oh God I need you and desire you so much, please answer me! Dolly: What is it? I'm busy!! Alex: Oh Dolly, I need so much to see you have sex with your boyfriend on cam! Oh please, I will die if you don't say you'll let me! Dolly: No, Never, Alex: Oh please! I will give anything, anythig! I will give all I have! I will give VAST sums of money! Dolly: Well, I'll consider it. But the sums must really be vast. Alex: Oh yes, oh yes etc.
This kind of utterly fictional tosh is of course especiially likely to be believed on a board like this, where there is already general hostility toward me and anything that makes Alex look contemptible and ridiculous is warmly welcomed.
>>2276 Just as an instructive example, then, of how far claim and reality tend to diverge in most statements made about Alex Reynolds, here is the portion of Skype chat from which Dolly has derived her claim that I "told her I would give her vast sums of money if I could watch her cam with her boyfriend"
[27.06.2014 20:36:57] alexander.reynolds1959: I think it'd be kind of hot to see you with a man [27.06.2014 20:37:16] Dolores: Would you give me tokens, bb [27.06.2014 20:37:36] alexander.reynolds1959: you know me....I hate tokens [27.06.2014 20:37:53] alexander.reynolds1959: I'd probably give you a substantial sum of money [27.06.2014 20:38:05] Dolores: I agreex paypal is much more cost efficient [27.06.2014 20:38:27] Dolores: Cool! [27.06.2014 20:38:29] alexander.reynolds1959: I honestly consider the token thing demeaning [27.06.2014 20:38:43] Dolores: Why? [27.06.2014 20:39:41] alexander.reynolds1959: even 100 tokens is like, what, ten dollars? For the mystical, potent experience of female sexual being? [27.06.2014 20:40:33] alexander.reynolds1959: I felt bad about giving you fifty dollars..It would never enter my head to give Steph less than a hundred [27.06.2014 20:40:38] Dolores: Well, people can always tip in large increments [27.06.2014 20:41:12] alexander.reynolds1959: well, all this "bing bing bing" seems like people chucking nickels at a dancing bear [27.06.2014 20:41:54] Dolores: I suppose it could be seen in that light [27.06.2014 20:42:32] alexander.reynolds1959: The one thing I banned people in Emily's show for was throwing her 1-token tips [27.06.2014 20:42:58] alexander.reynolds1959: and then Chaturbate banned all of us anyway [27.06.2014 20:42:58] Dolores: Emily? [27.06.2014 20:43:14] alexander.reynolds1959: oh sorry, Edith...I always call her Hannah [27.06.2014 20:43:52] alexander.reynolds1959: "Her name was McGill, And she called herself Lil, Though everyone knew her as nancy [27.06.2014 20:44:22] Dolores: I'm afraid of getting banned
>>2277 I think that it is pretty plain from all this that you are doing here, Dolly, on a somewhat smaller scale exactly what you did on the one occasion when I DID actually give you a little money (it's referred to in the chat-log above) The idea, I know, is likely to elicit the same "lolol snigger-macro" reaction as you try to put across above in any chatroom or image-board where it is mentioned - and you sure as hell made sure it was mentioned in enough of them - but the simple, true fact is that, if I did a "private" and played a little sex-game with you, it was motivated by THE SAME IMPULSE OF POLITENESS AND THE SAME WISH TO CHEER YOU UP AND ENCOURAGE YOU A BIT as motivated me to respond positively to your news that you were going to cam with your boyfriend. And what did this impulse of kindness and encouragement get me? You seized desperately and ruthlessly on that little kindness shown to you as you are seizing desperately and ruthlessly on this one, filming everything I did, plastering it all over your blog and then going on to spread it to every other conceivable corner of the Internet, screeching and yammering on endlessly about the "vast sum of money" Alex gave you on that occasion (50 dollars, Dolly; I gave RavRav 650 just last month; try to get some perspective) and marching about telling everyone about how you have enlisted the irresistible force of your sexual attraction into the struggle against the "objectification of women" evoked by some equally idiotic and insecure individual above. Dolly, please, just get it through your head once and for all, will you, that I JUST DO NOT FIND YOU ATTRACTIVE. Put your head together with your good friend Camel - whom I decidedly DO find attractive - and just take stock for a moment of all the documentary evidence SHE could cite, if she had a mind to, of my aching, undignified longing for her. Now compare it to YOUR evidence. The conclusion you will be forced to come to is: people whom I DO find attractive do not
>>2278 have to distort or inflate or exaggerate statements that I have made to them in order to "show the world" that I do. There really is no hope for you, Dolly. Acts of goodness and kindness just vanish into the bottomlese maw of your vanity and insecurity. Still, you can take comfort in the fact that HERE, at least, you will surely find a few twisted, stunted little souls like yourself to huddle together with you and snicker and grunt about how "Alex begged on his knees to watch you fucking your boyfriend lolol hes a pedo hes a nasty pathetic old man" etc etc ad nauseam
>>2277 hi there, now i'm curious, can you post a picture of this Hanna/Edith/Emily?
>>2280 Oh please no------Let's not drag her into this
>>2278 I've never bragged about the amount of money you gave me. I bragged about recording you doing humiliating things. I don't give a shit how much money you've given other people.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2281 >not dragging her into this >posting her real name Oh, you. >>2279 I never said you begged me for anything, every bit of what I said is true. Why would you want to watch a couple show where you don't find the couple attractive?
>>2285 Dolly, you silly stupid little egomaniac. YOU introduced the topic of couple shows. All I did waa politely express a POSSIBLE interest in DOING YOU THE FAVOUR of watching you and maybe slipping you a tiny bit of money, as I have in the past. Out of this you have made some ridiculous myth about me giving you "vast sums of money" for something I allegedly desperately want. My interest in watching you and Loie was mild at best. Your manic self-publicization and your demonstration once again of what a liar and egomaniac you are has reduced that mild interest to none at all.
>>2281 nvm, a quick google returned
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2287 >maybe slipping you a tiny bit of money >>2277 [27.06.2014 20:37:53] alexander.reynolds1959: I'd probably give you a substantial sum of money Okay, so you didn't use the exact words "vast amounts", but now substantial means "tiny", apparently.
And because of you people here now know who Edith is, congratufuckinglations, I hope you're proud of yourself.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Also, Edith does not approve of your sexual attraction to 15 year olds.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
[6/24/2014 1:19:53 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I actually have been writing some utterly undisciplined e-mails to a 15 year old recently [6/24/2014 1:20:10 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: this could be the end of Rocco [6/24/2014 1:20:29 PM] Dolores: a 15 year old? alex c'mon
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2292 [6/26/2014 4:43:25 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: Suitable paid employment, however, had not been quite so easy for Helen to find. [6/26/2014 4:43:30 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: oh sorry [6/26/2014 4:43:43 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: >>>/watch?v=B_exvKnrK6g [6/26/2014 4:43:51 AM] Dolores: I got a "real" job the other day actually [6/26/2014 4:44:08 AM] Dolores: desk job at a storage facility, I start either friday or monday, I'm not sure [6/26/2014 4:44:22 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: that was just a line from what I was writing that was left over in "copy" [6/26/2014 4:44:41 AM] Dolores: oh, you changed her name to Helen? [6/26/2014 4:44:42 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: thahk God it wasnt a line from my letters to the 15-year-old [6/26/2014 4:44:55 AM] Dolores: what are you doing sending letters to a 15 year old anyway [6/26/2014 4:45:01 AM] Dolores: that girl chou on tinychat is 16 too [6/26/2014 4:45:05 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: Hellen is my mother...the protagonist's mother [6/26/2014 4:45:07 AM] Dolores: oh [6/26/2014 4:45:09 AM] Dolores: right [6/26/2014 4:45:13 AM] Dolores: I assumed it was ravrav [6/26/2014 4:45:19 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: oh, did you meet Chou [6/26/2014 4:45:36 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: yeah, i had a bit of a "thing" with her [6/26/2014 4:45:44 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: although I am quite proud of my behaviour there [6/26/2014 4:45:52 AM] Dolores: yes she showed me her boobs and I showed her my boobs and then she told me she was 16 and I was all LOLBYE [6/26/2014 4:46:15 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: I did some homework for her once and she came right out and offered to get naked for me as a "reward" [6/26/2014 4:46:29 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: I refused the offer with outraged dignity [6/26/2014 4:46:42 AM] Dolores: well that's good [6/26/2014 4:46:50 AM] Dolores: did you get the 15 year old naked too? [6/26/2014 4:46:57 AM] Dolores: err, almost naked [6/26/2014 4:47:17 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: TOO? [6/26/2014 4:47:17
>>2293 >>2287 no one cares about your little feuds
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2293 [6/26/2014 4:52:18 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: you've seen "American Beauty", I suppose [6/26/2014 4:52:23 AM] Dolores: yeah [6/26/2014 4:52:41 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: it's not a great movie but the final scenario gets it about right [6/26/2014 4:53:06 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: almost all middle-aged men fantasize about gorgeous fresh sixteen-year-olds [6/26/2014 4:53:22 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: some of who might "accidentally" happen to be 15 [6/26/2014 4:54:00 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: but any basically decent man - like the Kevin Spacey character - will stop as soon as it begins to move out of the realm of fantasy [6/26/2014 4:54:20 AM] Dolores: his death was really tragic in that movie [6/26/2014 4:54:34 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: you suddenly find yourself confronted by a real human being, who is obviously very vulnerable [6/26/2014 4:54:48 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: yes, the ending was generally pretty well done [6/26/2014 4:55:11 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: he was a victim of the huge sexual pile-up of American society [6/26/2014 4:55:34 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: repressed homosexuality, repressed ephebophilic fantasy [6/26/2014 4:55:46 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: generally just a huge mess [6/26/2014 4:56:14 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: I dunno, I can sort of understand Rob's feelings and decisions [6/26/2014 4:56:29 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: after all, it is not as if he was 60 and the girl was 8 [6/26/2014 4:56:55 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: a sexual encounter between a 23-year-old and a 15-year-old is kind of ugly [6/26/2014 4:57:25 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: but after all, I think, still within the bounds of normality as I understand it [6/26/2014 4:57:52 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: I just generally don't like the guy [6/26/2014 4:58:19 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: he was pretty overtly physically threatening when I had a drink with him Lia and Lia's bf [6/26/2014 4:59:23 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: I felt it would be undignified f
[5:58:02 PM] Dolores: If you don't find me attractive, then for fuck's sake, stop acting like you are. My ego doesn't need your soothing. My success as a camgirl isn't tied to my self esteem. Furthermore, just because you don't find me attractive doesn't mean that nobody else does. I don't need your pity or your "kindness" or whatever you want to call your unwarranted condescension. [6:03:17 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I get the impression that you do, Dolly [6:03:58 PM] Dolores: I don't care about your impression [6:04:10 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: In any case, clearly the safest policy for me from now on when you start telling me about your future cam shows is to say quite clearly : NOT INTERESTED [6:04:26 PM] Dolores: I wasn't trying to get money out of you, I was making conversation [6:04:27 PM] Dolores: you dolt [6:05:01 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: your post on that board gave everyone the impression that I had ASKED you or BEGGED you for such a cam shoiw [6:05:13 PM] Dolores: I did not [6:05:17 PM] Dolores: Read the post again [6:05:29 PM] Dolores: I said you offered vast sums of money to me [6:05:32 PM] Dolores: Was that a lie? [6:05:39 PM] Dolores: You proved it yourself with the chatlogs [6:05:46 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: well, how the hell does that sound? [6:05:55 PM] Dolores: I made no erroneous statements [6:05:58 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: "vast suns"...what nonsesne [6:06:05 PM] Dolores: you used the words vast sums [6:06:15 PM] Dolores: read your own chatlog posts wow holy shit [6:06:27 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I said I would give you the minimum sum that I would give to ANY girl [6:06:40 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: anyway, this is ridiculous [6:06:57 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: you are too insecure and egomaniacal to be friends with me sorry [6:07:35 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: every time I have tried to help you you have tried to "make capital" out of it [6:07:43 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: goodbye [6:08:05 PM] Dolores: trying to help me? by
lol alex you make friends everywhere girl seems to have a more fun personality than whomever visits this site, and she's reasonably cute too
>>2298 Thanks. And having taken a look at the current state of this thread, I only have this to say:
If you guys have any decency or sense of moral hygiene, it surely is time that you chased this worthless whore out of this "community" altogether. I see she has descended into this "paedophile! paedophile!" bullshit again. And why? For the same reason that everything in the end boils down to with Dolly: ravenous, petulant, infantile vanity. I do not find her sexually attractive, so she is going to rampage off on another one of her "by any means necessary" personal vendettas, trying to get me thrown into prison, flinging videos of me to the four winds regardless of whether thex destroy my meand of livelihood or not. For Dolly, I have committed the ultimate crime: I have found her ugly hanging dugs to be unattractive. For this, I must be imprisoned, crucified, ostracized, annihilated.
Do your worst, you sad pathetic drug-dependent If people here cannot see how pathetically destructive a slight to your vanity makes you are immediately willing to betray all the people you claim you want to be friends with - me, Hannah, God knows who else - well then, you deserve each other
>>2299 wtf is with the beeping in all of this girl's videos? is it her alarm to remind her to keep on breathing or something?
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2300 That sound means somebody tipped her. Also:
[6/13/2014 6:06:59 PM] Dolores: ahahaha [6/13/2014 6:07:07 PM] Dolores: that video has brought me so much enjoyment [6/13/2014 6:07:39 PM] Dolores: I first shared it with the Crackyverse because he would always insult everybody there and act like he was better than us all [6/13/2014 6:07:46 PM] e____________: I know [6/13/2014 6:07:52 PM] e____________: Ha! [6/13/2014 6:10:16 PM] e____________: He is a snob. We became friends after he insulted me and my chat room in all caps for ten minutes [6/13/2014 6:10:29 PM] Dolores: hahaha [6/13/2014 6:10:37 PM] Dolores: what did he say about you? [6/13/2014 6:10:48 PM] e____________: [6/13/2014 6:11:05 PM] Dolores: and what made you want to be his friend? [6/13/2014 6:12:32 PM] e____________: He's hilarious! [6/13/2014 6:13:35 PM] Dolores: lol [6/13/2014 6:15:16 PM] e____________: Look at that image! [6/13/2014 6:15:27 PM] Dolores: it's hilarious [6/13/2014 6:15:33 PM] Dolores: there need to be more alex reynolds macros [6/13/2014 6:16:16 PM] Dolores: some crackyperson made one of him from the video I took that said "alexander reynolds, phd" over it but I don't have it saved [6/13/2014 6:16:26 PM] Dolores: that's why I made that the subject of my first email to you [6/13/2014 6:22:44 PM] e____________: Haaahahaha [6/13/2014 6:23:36 PM] Dolores: you know he lied to everybody and said he went to oxford [6/13/2014 6:23:55 PM] Dolores: and then people found his resume online and he went to some polytechnical school or something [6/13/2014 6:29:31 PM] e____________: Aaaawww. That's kind of sad [6/13/2014 6:30:11 PM] Dolores: He's pretty pathetic [6/13/2014 6:30:44 PM] Dolores: I used to feel sorry for him but when I tried to be his friend he just insulted me publically on the cracky boards [6/13/2014 6:31:14 PM] Dolores: he'd oscillate between love and hate and it culminated with him coming into my mfc room and begging me to humiliate hi
>>2301 [6/13/2014 6:31:14 PM] Dolores: he'd oscillate between love and hate and it culminated with him coming into my mfc room and begging me to humiliate him [6/13/2014 6:31:42 PM] Dolores: since then he claims he only gave me money and asked me to humiliate him so that I would feel better about myself [6/13/2014 6:31:47 PM] e____________: Awwwe! [6/13/2014 6:32:52 PM] Dolores: I asked him today if he wanted to be skype friends and he was like "we were already skype friends, you betrayed me" [6/13/2014 6:32:57 PM] Dolores: poor guy [6/13/2014 6:33:06 PM] e____________: He is a disgusting broken old man
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2303 Furthermore, [6/13/2014 6:33:06 PM] e____________: He is a disgusting broken old man [6/13/2014 6:33:27 PM] e____________: You really shouldn't have indulged him [6/13/2014 6:33:38 PM] Dolores: I wanted the money [6/13/2014 6:33:42 PM] e____________: Oh. [6/13/2014 6:33:53 PM] Dolores: It was only $50, but I'm greedy. [6/13/2014 6:34:02 PM] e____________: I can't say I really understand the relationship you guys have [6/13/2014 6:34:10 PM] Dolores: We don't really have a relationship [6/13/2014 6:34:27 PM] Dolores: I just run into him at the places I like to hang out on the internet [6/13/2014 6:34:55 PM] Dolores: What made you want to be friends with him despite him insulting you in all caps for ten minutes? [6/13/2014 6:35:52 PM] e____________: It was well written! and behind it I could see a wretched complicated soul [6/13/2014 6:36:42 PM] e____________: He spiced up the room. His silencing of tippers may have lead to my downfall. [6/13/2014 6:37:19 PM] e____________: Also, on a day I asked for selfies from my viewers he sent in several sweet photographs [6/13/2014 6:37:19 PM] Dolores: yeah he mentioned he was a mod and would ban people for "degradingly low" tips [6/13/2014 6:37:25 PM] Dolores: awwwe [6/13/2014 6:38:03 PM] e____________: They sent me low tips for the privilege of that tip note. A message only I could see [6/13/2014 6:38:10 PM] e____________: He didn't understand or care [6/13/2014 6:38:26 PM] Dolores: Did you tell him to stop? [6/13/2014 6:38:36 PM] e____________: Nah. [6/13/2014 6:39:07 PM] e____________: I let the drama happen. The social climate amongst the viewers was interesting to me
>>2304 I was actually meaning to make a new thread about this, as it is a rather important issue, but I don't seem to be technically up to it. So I will add it to this one, distasteful as I find it to even touch a thread that has descended into the filthy depths of underhandedness that this one has descended into. I have spent years
>>2305 Nah, actually forget it, what's the fucking point?
>>2303 >>2304 You're making yourself look pretty bad here. I think you would be wise to let it drop.
>>2305 >it is a rather important issue No. It's not. And that's one thing neither of you get. It's a petty drama between a self important female douche and a self important male asshole. The asshole keeps accepting the douche and the douche does what it does but no one wants to watch unless they're into scat.
>>2309 The "important issue" that I wanted to address last night was in fact Dolly's typically fascist practice "redacting" of these chat logs. The presence of someone whose ethics, or lack thereof, are actually tantamount to fascistic or Stalinistic - indeed, the DOMINATION of this board by someone of this sort - IS an important issue, I think, insofar as this board has any importance at all.
I do understand, actually, the utter uninterest of the genuine Crackyfag in all this. But given that Dolly has constantly pushed herself into the position of some sort of key figure in the "Cracky community", I think maybe it is indeed relevant even to YOUR interests for it to be established once and for all what an irremediably damaged and dangerous person she is.
I'm sure you believe that you have other reasons for thinking I am "an asshole" but I honestly don't think that my repeatedly "accepting" Dolly is typical "asshole" behaviour. Cackle and snigger as all Dolly's little trolling and baiting friends on various websites tend to do over the idea, the fact is that I respond to Dolly's repeated requests to be friends with her because I am basically a kind person and because we have "known" each other for a loooooong time now and I am inclined, until I am forced to realize otherwise, to consider her a friend, of sorts.
Unfortunately, her insane, insatiable need for all forms of validation and for the artificial generation of a sense of worth and power that the poor rock-bottom girl just doesn't have in her life kicks in immediately as soon as one agrees to have anything at all to do with her - and then, as this thread demonstrates, there is NOTHING she willl not descend to to prove to herself and her perceived "fan base" that she "came out on top in the end".
I won't bother the board users further with it, but I assure you - just in case you need to be assured of it - that these chat-logs Dolly has posted have been carefully edited and redacted to put me in the worst
>>2311 possible light. The passages that suggest that I have "grooming" intentions toward 15- and 16-year-old girls, for example, are cut off at key points so as to make me look like a much more successful and unrepentant "groomer" than I have ever actually been. Basic decency has always prevented me from ever actually exploiting any mid-teenage girl - some of whom, yes, I do find sexually attractive - in any sense of the term "exploitation" that a reasonable person would acknowledge as valid. Here, for example, the unbowlderized version of one passage, which clearly indicates how careful one has to be even in "friendly chat" with Dolores: [26.06.2014 10:45:21] alexander.reynolds1959: oh, did you meet Chou [26.06.2014 10:45:37] alexander.reynolds1959: yeah, i had a bit of a "thing" with her [26.06.2014 10:45:48] alexander.reynolds1959: although I am quite proud of my behaviour there [26.06.2014 10:45:55] Dolores: yes she showed me her boobs and I showed her my boobs and then she told me she was 16 and I was all LOLBYE [26.06.2014 10:46:18] alexander.reynolds1959: I did some homework for her once and she came right out and offered to get naked for me as a "reward" [26.06.2014 10:46:32] alexander.reynolds1959: I refused the offer with outraged dignity [26.06.2014 10:46:45] Dolores: well that's good [26.06.2014 10:46:53] Dolores: did you get the 15 year old naked too? [26.06.2014 10:47:01] Dolores: err, almost naked [26.06.2014 10:47:20] alexander.reynolds1959: TOO? I just said I DIDNT get Chou naked! [26.06.2014 10:47:43] alexander.reynolds1959: I get the impression you are putting the worst interpretation on everfything [26.06.2014 10:48:05] alexander.reynolds1959: I never "get" ANYONE naked.....not even RavRav [26.06.2014 10:48:30] alexander.reynolds1959: my relations with these girls are sometimes verbally extremely "steamy" [26.06.2014 10:48:48] alexander.reynolds1959: but bodily exposure really doesnt interest me much [26.06.2014 10:49:05] alexander.reynolds1959:
>>2312 [26.06.2014 10:49:05] alexander.reynolds1959: and actual sexual intercourse CERTAINLY doesnt [26.06.2014 10:49:35] Dolores: it's still wrong to get involved with such young girls [26.06.2014 10:49:44] alexander.reynolds1959: I suppose part of the "frisson" with the 15-year-old is the extremely sick and perilous "edge" to it [26.06.2014 10:49:46] Dolores: and I agree with you, I was being a hypocrite about Rob [26.06.2014 10:50:03] alexander.reynolds1959: but I get a kick from being the potential victim rather than the predator [26.06.2014 10:50:23] alexander.reynolds1959: I just dislike Rob intensely [26.06.2014 10:50:57] alexander.reynolds1959: although the one time I met him irl I could see that his main problem is not "evil", just extreme insecurity [26.06.2014 10:51:05] alexander.reynolds1959: combined with vanity and arrogance [26.06.2014 10:51:06] Dolores: well I don't mind his personality but he slept with a 15 year old and while he claims he thought she was older it's like... how much older did he really think she was, all her friends were in highschool too [26.06.2014 10:51:30] Dolores: I did really like that he mailed you a card that said "don't talk shit about my animes" though [26.06.2014 10:52:04] alexander.reynolds1959: well, I can assure you Dolly that, if it ever came right down to it, I COULD never physicaly molest a girl of 15 or 16 [26.06.2014 10:52:18] Dolores: I believe you I think [26.06.2014 10:52:21] alexander.reynolds1959: you've seen "American Beauty", I suppose
>>2313 As you will see if you look at this thread, Dolly carefully cut out all the middle part of this dialogue, where I make it clear - and where she says that she believes me - that the full sum of my sins in these matters consists in no more than a few e-mails à la Ravrav. She seemed to have the fantasy stuck in her head even during the conversation that I "got 15- and 16-year-old girls naked" and once the thing that REALLY matterd to Dolly - namely the fact that I don't find HER sexually attractive - became an issue, this false idea that I "groom and manipulate" young girls mushroomed into one of her full-blown kill-the-pedo witchhunts.
As another poster has pointed out, Dolly really has made HERSELF look bad with this latest hate-binge prompted by wounded vanity and narcissism. The posting of redacted and distorted versions of private Skype conversations - particularly as I had, myself, only posted a (non-redacted) version of one of our conversations to correct her ridiculous "paraphrasing" of it, where the "substantial sums of money" which I believe are owed to ANY girl doing sex-work miraculously became "vast" sums of money due to HER ALONE - really is a descent into the pits of sordid, underhand tactics and a testimony to how desperately, dangerously vain this poor girl is.
By the chat-logs she posted that were NOT chatlogs between she and I but rather between she and "Edith" I have to admit that I was genuinely hurt and shocked. I suppose I knew from past experience that Dolly, like Camel, is a deeply duplicitous and two-faced person who will say one thing about you to your face while saying something completely different about you behind your back. But "Edith" I had esteemed and liked precisely for what I took to be her forthrightness and honesty. To find that a girl whose honour and dignity I had defended on Chaturbate and who was calling me a "dear friend" in our own Skype chats and e-mails, was dismissing me as a "disgusting broken old man" in chats
with someone else at the same time - well, this was a painful awakening for me.
Because,, you see, acerbic as I can be, I really am NOT a "male asshole". I actually like and love women and can find no contempt in myself - as so many men can and do - for "cam-whores". I am invariably the one who pays them by far the most and "gets" by far the least - and this really isn't just kinkiness; it's tender respect for girls like Edith and Dolly, who bring a sort of beauty and warmth into a cold world and should, I believe, be rewarded for it.
In the face of a document like the Dollly-Edith chat-log, though, I DO feel very tempted to fall into the "male asshole" way of thinking and feeling that has really never ever been mine: i.e. "a whore is a whore is a whore; never expect honesty or decency or any kind of humanity from these poor self-hating creatures; they won't give it and can't give it; if you're going to use them, use them as they are accustomed to being used, as meat; if you haven't got the heart to do that, just move on - because there is nothing else here but that."
Fuck this pedo hysteria. Until about the 1920s throughout history any pubescent girl was perfecly natural to want. It's hating an outgroup at its worst complete with witch-hunts and irrational laws.
>>2316 Well, once again, I'm tempted to say "With friends like you, who needs enemies?" Your historical point is not entirely invalid but there clearly IS a moral and political issue as regards sexual relations between mid-teenage girls and much older men such as myself. My objection to Dolly's tactics in this thread is of another nature. In the first place I don't think she really, fundamentally, gives a shit about the sexualization of children. Highest on her agenda now as always is the cultivation of the "huge fan-base" she believes she has as a former minor 4Chan celebrity. And since, at the time she was such a minor 4Chan celebrity, she was pretty much a child herself, it's obvious that a large proportion of her "die-hard" fans even on MyFreeCams will be men who, at one time at least, were attracted to 13-year-olds. I remember that in 2012, at age 19, she had "testimonials" on her MFC page from guys saying they had "loved her for eight years" or something to that effect. Loli's whole persona and - God help her - "career" is FOUNDED on paedophilia. With the "Loli" angle she is a barely successful cam-whore. Without it she would be a pretty much entirely unsuccessful one: just a flabby, drug-addled girl with a sour nasty face and pendulous ugly tits. And in the second place, Dolly tends - in this anti-Alex thread as in the last big such thread (the "Arya Stark" witch-hunt - to resort to the sort of Stalinist-fascist rhetorical tricks that declare their own bankruptcy by running roughshod over all standadrs of truth and logic
>>2317 I'm happy you see me, to whatever extent, as a friend. That said please don't assume I'm taking sides. I see thise whole battle as unnecessary division and both unethical and illogical on all sides. There's no reason all of us can't enjoy our interactions without such strife.
I hope you and Dolly can call a truce.
On a related topic you're upset that not enough variety exists in conversation yet your rants are consistently on the same topic: your history and current relationship with female Cracky fans, especially Dolly. It's ironic that you complain about narcissism. Perhaps we could widen the discussion to other topics?
Well. let me interrupt my post above and reply to this. I don't think it is fair to describe what this thread has turned into as "one of my rants". It began as a discussion on whether there was a need for a new Cracky chat. I made a contribution to that debate that didn't allude to my relations to female Crackyfags. Someone else came in then and started casting all sorts of aspersions on my relations with women (I "objectify" them; I insult them in the hope of gaining their attention etc.) In replying to THAT, I happened to mention in passing that I was pretty used to hearing this convoluted "reverse psychologiy" thing from Dolly ("he criticizes me because he really loves me; he is so tsundere for me") THAT was when things began to degenerate into a situation where Dolly was shovelling maximum amounts of the most hurtful imaginable shit over me - because the one thing that Dolly can NEVER tolerate is the implication that someone might just not care too much about her flabby spotty cam-whore ass - and I felt it necessary to defend myself. First she offfered this ridiculously distorted account of how I was begging to pay to see her and her bf make love and then - when I showed that up for what it was - she launched into a no-holds-barred character assassination with doctored - as well as, sadly, undoctored and extremely hurtful - chatlogs.
>>2319 >flabby spotty cam-whore ass See this is what I'm talking about. Not only are you continuing the hostilities, you're not doing it intelligently. If you want a battle that's the surest way to both start and lose it.
I don't like being manipulated. I also don't like character assassinations But you're doing both as much as Dolly is, only not as skillfully.
Let's all beat our swords into plows, eh? For you the alternative is to continue to be reviled by anyone who has been manipulated. For Dolly the alternative is to continue to be seen as a manipulator.
It's not good for you. It's not good for Dolly. It's not good for this community. and it sure as hell isn't good for Cracky or her image.
>>2320 So what exactly is your proposal for "peace in our time", then?
I use that phrase because your attitude really does strongly remind me of Chamberlain's at Munich. The analogy of Dolly with Hitler is - given her tactics in this thread - really not inappropriate, extreme as it is. As far as I am aware, I have not posted libellous, distorting, hateful or damaging remarks about anyone. I have simply stated the truth as I see it, indeed as I know it - because I know my own feelings - to be the case: I do not find Dolly sexually appealing and did not offer her "vast sums of money" to watch her have sex with her scuzzy boyfriend on some sleazy website.
Do you think it is "good for your community" for this kind of deeply mendacious, vicious, unfair behaviour - driven by insatiable vanity - to go uncorrected? I think that sort of "peace" is indeed about as salutary and honourable as Chamberlain's peace at Munich in 1938.
In fact, considering the whole tone and logic of your post, I think it very likely that I was wrong to consider you a "friend" - if I did at all; did I? - just as I was wrong to consider Edith one. What do your last sentences even mean?
For you the alternative is to continue to be reviled by anyone who has been manipulated.
What DOES that mean? It appears to assume that I have "manipulated" someone, or many people - i.e. it makes exactly the assumption that Dolly wanted to mislead people into making with her doctored and redacted chatl-logs.
But WHOM have I manipulated? The "15- adn 16-year-olds" referred to above? But my point was exactly that I haven't: I have never elicited any sexual service from anyone of that description, online or off. The most that I can be "reproached" with in that respect is having paid for specific sexual services young women, like Dolly, who legally advertise such services as up for sale to anybody who has the money.
I'm afraid that once again your familiar "reasonable" tone - because I see that you are the "it's
>>2321 >As far as I am aware, I have not posted libellous, distorting, hateful or damaging remarks about anyone. Then you're uncursed with introspective capacity. I think someone needs to take a couple of blows without answering in kind before this can end. As the losing side of the war that role is best given to you. I don't like what Dolly does but you're not helping anyone.
>>2321 >What DOES that mean? Dolly is making excellent use of group dynamics to turn you into a useful object of ridicule and you're playing right into her hand. And you have been doing so, as far as I can tell, from the beginning. If you don't want to be the butt of every joke you'll need to fold
>>2321 > WHOM have I manipulated? You are playing the part of the helpless victim, a tactic fully as manipulative as Dolly's accusations of pedophilia. Tghe fact that you're less capable of manipulating people doesn't prove you're not trying.
>>2321 ironic....." guy from a few days ago - just masks a fundamental hostility to Alex Reynolds not much less virulent than Dolly's.
And that, I'm afraid, makes a Chamberlinian nonsense of your desire for "peace in our time".
>>2325 This is another example of the very same mistake -- Everything isn't about making you a victim Alex. What I really want and hope to see is you not fighting, Dolly continuing and then being shamed for it, and then for hostilities to cease, whereupon this community can grow and prosper.
>>2322 Again, the thousand "petitio principiis" of youir speciously rational and friendly discourse betray you
I think someone needs to take a couple of blows without answering in kind before this can end. As the losing side of the war that role is best given to you.
What the hell does THAT mean? What prompts you to characterize me as the LOSING side here when the rights and wrongs of the matter are precisely what we are discussing?
Again, I can only interpret this as meaning that, for you, Alex Reynolds's side is ALWAYS by definition "the losing side" - "because he is an asshole".
And again - so much for your impartial Chamberlinian concern for a "just peace"
>>2327 You have been widely ridiculed by people other than Dolly and you have had few supporters. It's obvious and simple group dynamics and politics. Why do I say you're losing? because you are. Stop playing the victim. No one is buying it, not even yourself. The ONLY way you can win this game is to stop playing it.
>>2329 Not agreeing with you on every point is ethical self-delusion? I'm pretty sure that's the underlying premise of your claim. Let me put this another way. Maybe you're truly just a victim. Maybe you're not. Maybe your feelings and comments are justified. But whether or not you're the victim of an unjust and cruel world the action that will best help you is the same.
You're missing my argument completely due to your unrelenting focus on victimhood. Your comparison to nazis is self defeating, surely you realize this. No one has beaten you, starved you, shot you, interned you, gassed you, or enslaved you. Hyperbole isn't making your arguments look any better. And your comparison between justifying murder on one hand with claims of manipulative behavior on the other is prima facia preposterous. Dolly is trying to gain allies by manipulating people. Whether or not you're doing the same thing you've lost the war. Lay down your arms now or continue to resist until there's nothing left of you.
>>2324 My God, you people's capacity for ethical self-delusion amazes me
You are playing the part of the helpless victim, a tactic fully as manipulative as Dolly's accusations of pedophilia.
I AM the victim here, you asshole, although I hope I am not to be described as entirely helpless. Dolly, as some people have recognized, is conducting a campaign of vicious humiliation and character defamation, using tactics as low as her spreading the video she secretly made of me all over the Internet. How on earth is SUFFERING that kind of shit "just as manipulative" as DOING it?
You seem to be the kind of criminally stupid idiot who says things like:
"Well the Nazis did some terrible things between 1933 and 1945......But the Jews were just as bad of course because they 'played the victim' the end just as manipulative a thing to do as herd millions of people into concentration camps and burn them to death."
>>2328 Actually, posting doctored and redacted Skype chats on the Internet that make it look as though I have "gotten 15- and 16-year-old girls naked" when the full text of the chats show that I denied precisely that and actually HADN'T is, in the present climate of "moral panic" in Europe and elsewhere, not so very distant from "interning me" etc. I really wouldn't put ANYTHING past Dolly if she feels that insufficient appreciation has been shown of her flabby spotty prematurely aged body. She would very happily see me "punished" for my lack of desire for her by a long period in jail and would equally happily fabricate evidence to put me there.
Your perception that I have "lost the battle" here, my "friend", is clearly the skewed perception of someone who is still holding a grudge against me from five or six or seven years ago, when I may have corrected your grammar on .71. If people really want to do what you SAY you want them to do and let Dolly continue with this shameful vicious shit until she is publicly shamed for it, then fine, I am happy to shut up and let OTHERS do what is only right. But I hope that you can understand that I am sceptical about whether HERE - where, as you say, I am almost universally disliked or even hated - anyone will actuallly DO the right thing and tell Dolly that she is only degrading HERSELF with these lies and distortions. Admittedly, ONE person has had the decency to do that "right thing" above. I will be silent, then, and just HOPE that more will follow
>>2330 >Dolly is an evil amnipulative camwhore who abuses me because she wants me >what me play the victim?
>>2330 If you stop publicly denigrating Dolly I am confident that she'll soon run out of ammunition and supporters of the "lat's hate on Alex" brigade. Furthermore I actually believe you two can becoem real friends.
>>2331 OK, thsi final piece of illogic I just cannot let pas.
Can you think logically AT ALL?
The statement you quote is just a STATEMENT OF FACT, and in no way a "playing of the victim".
I''m sorry but once again the Holocausrt analogy more or less forces itself on me.
"The Germans dragged me out of my home, killed my family and forced me to bury corpses in filth and mud for three years while almost starving me"
Playing the victim much?
Uh......NO......Not if those things actually HAPPENED, as they did to millions of people.
The only person who talks about "playing the victim" there are Holocaust-deniers, who DON'T believe that any of that happened at all.
Similarly, your talking about my "playing the victim" by saying that Dolly wants to do maximum harm to me because I don't desire her clearly indicates that you don't believe a word that I myself am saying and most likely believe, instead, what SHE is saying ("Alex has always lusted after Dolly; he goes to MFC every week and offers her 'vast sums of money' for private shows etc.)
Please, drop the charade of "impartiality". It just doesn't convince.
>>2333 I don't give two shits whether you like her, want her, or offered to buy her. I don't give two shits whether she's posting half-truths because she's skillfully building a dynasty or because she's myopic and desperate. It doesn't matter in the end at all.
>>2335 The reason I don't care is because none of the above would influence the way I think about either of you. If you offered to pay to see her tits? Fine with me. If she offered to expose them for cash? fine with me. I'm sorry, it's like two four-year olds arguing about who got on whose side of the car seat first.
>>2334 OK then. So to paraphrase that: you don't give two shits about the TRUTH. Any vicious lying whore can make up any shit she wants about anyone on this site, but as long as people keep posting the same old pictures of Cracky and writing "love" next to them everything is hunky-dory.
If you are allowed to love Cracky in peace, whores can destroy people's lives right next to you and you will blissfully smile and contemplate the Sky Queem.
And you REALLY don't understand why I despise you?
Clearly you are veering wildly back and forth between "She didn't do anything harmful" and "Oh? Sje did do something harmful? Don't care anyway......"
I cannot talk to you. You are obviously so fucked by your own obsession that you just have no identifiable sense of right and wrong.
Let's just leave it at that
>>2338 >Clearly you are veering wildly back and forth between "She didn't do anything harmful" and "Oh? Sje did do something harmful? Don't care anyway......" >Let's just leave it at that
You really think I'll be willing to just leave it at that? Let's not leave it at that. I'm well aware that Dolly has been manipulating people. I'[ve seen it and been disgusted. But none of this has ruined your life. The worst harm I can see is you not getting the show you pay for, or getting banned from a chatroom. Real life is the stuff that happens to you when you stand up and leave your desk. Has someone called your school's board and accused of pedophilia? That's life ruining and totally unacceptable. But I don't believe something like that happened. So 1: Dolly's actions aren't nearly as bad as you believe AND 2: I don't really know the extent of them AND 3: you're fighting back, unskillfully, and losing, and have been for years AND 4: if you don't stop fighting back you're going to lose the support that deep down you really care about on this board.
>>2336 Cracky is a real force for good by the way. If you'll stop fighting your feelings about her I do believe you'll find peace quickly.
>>2295 I don't really like Rob / Suede very much, I don't dislike him, but he'd be the kind of person I'd never want to hang around with, but I have to step up to defend him this time...
[6/26/2014 4:56:14 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: I dunno, I can sort of understand Rob's feelings and decisions [6/26/2014 4:56:29 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: after all, it is not as if he was 60 and the girl was 8 [6/26/2014 4:56:55 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: a sexual encounter between a 23-year-old and a 15-year-old is kind of ugly [6/26/2014 4:57:25 AM] alexander.reynolds1959: but after all, I think, still within the bounds of normality as I understand it
Suede's situation was ENTIRELY different to yours, that (now) woman he was having sex with would have fooled anyone of any age group about her being of legal age, and while I don't have a particular interest for younger women due to childish shenanigans, I would have easily fallen the same way he did. On the other hand, you are just a normal pedophiliac (or ephebophiliac, so you don't start using ad hominems to ignore the topic), which unlike Rob (at least in this particular subject), makes you an top-tier pervert.
>>2299 Who are you to talk about moral hygiene? You sad degenerate, do yourself and everyone else a favor and unplug yourself from the internet until the second coming of Christ.
>>2316 It's not really about what he likes or not. It's not even about he chooses to blatantly and obscenely make everyone else know about it. It's about the fact that his presence is and incredibly, and apparently never-ending source of drama and toxicity, and that pretty much every woman (and some men) in this circle has been harassed by him in or from a sexual perspective.
Hello Dolly and Alex. I have supported you individually in your hatred
>>2347 I agreed with each of you on at least on occasion about some negative trait of the other or something. not because I really believe it or anything. I just felt the need to assure each of you that I was on your side. The truth is, I think you're both great! Alex, I said that you are a broken old man. You are. You are spending too much time on this internet stuff. and also you are a sexual deviant. I still love you. I think it adds to your charm. Dolly I think you like to be right a lot. I think that is okay. I love you. Stop being mad at me and each other you are my dearest pals bye
>>2343 Please, would you people just stop this endless spewing of ignorant idiocy? I mean, for Christ's sake, what befuddled 14-year-old could possibly have written THIS and thought it was a "contribution to the debate"
Suede's situation was ENTIRELY different to yours, that (now) woman he was having sex with would have fooled anyone of any age group about her being of legal age, and while I don't have a particular interest for younger women due to childish shenanigans, I would have easily fallen the same way he did. On the other hand, you are just a normal pedophiliac (or ephebophiliac, so you don't start using ad hominems to ignore the topic), which unlike Rob (at least in this particular subject), makes you an top-tier pervert.
It is lacking in even the semblance of logic or consequence. In the first place it entirely ignores - much as Dolly's vicious idiocy does - the one absolutely essential distinction here: that Rob ACTUALLY FUCKED an underage girl while all that I stand "accused" of here is having written a few e-mails to one (e-mails which no one has seen but me and her and that - as anyone whio has seen my communications with RavRav for example, will possibly already suspect, have absolutely NOTHING in common with even the sort of semi-grooming, semi-"intellectual" communications sent by that guy Dana to a certain other 15-year-old). How the author of this nonsense gets from absolving Rob of all culpability for an act of statutory rape to classifying me as a "normal pedophiliac" I have to say beats me entirely. The "author" has absolutely NO idea what "my" 15-year-old may or may not have looked like and yet he blunders on with blithe self-assurance in his claim that "my situation was ENTIRELY different". As I say it was provenly "entirely different" only in the rspect that I NEVER TOUCHED HER AND NEVER WILL. Whether it was "different" in any other respect - whether, for example, the particular mid-teenage girl whom I mentioned to Dolly looked like she
I would also like to say that this is absolutely ridiculous.
>>2349 I see you typing i think how does this work
>>2349 was 20 or 25 or 87 is something the poster of this rot does not know and cannot possibly know. And yet somehow I end up for this guy - because it's surely not a girl? or is it? - "unlike Rob, a top-tier pervert". I mean please guys, if this is all just about "I hate Alex because he corrected my grammar in 2008" and "I like Rob because he said 'hi m8 how u doing?' to me in a chatroom last week" just come out and SAY so. Don't couch your "yay yay our team" bullshit in a pathetically transparent cloak of "arguing logically".
>>2348 Yeah thanks Hannah but if you ever expect me to consider you a friend again, you can forget it. I was shocked and hurt enough by the fact that you even LISTENED to the shit that Dolly was saying about me in your Skype chats. If you had been a real friend to me, it occurs to me now, you would have just told her "Hey fuck you, he's a good kind decent man" and logged off. That is how freinds behave irl. I am fully aware that I can't walk up to someone else's genuine freind in real life and start saying "he is a sick pathetic fool and I despise him" and not expect to be get a sock on the jaw for it. I don't see why inter-relations online should be essentially different. Just because we CAN, so much more easily be two-faced cowards here doesn't mean we HAVE to be. Now, however, I see why you didn't tell her to fuck off and log out when she was calling me a despicable piece of shit. The reason is you were too busy doing the same thing yourself. Hannah, I have praised you and spoken fond and affectionate words to your face. And no word I have ever spoken about you behind your back has been different. Dolly can scour through her chatlogs with me and never find a single word that contradicts that. That makes me a VERY different person from both of YOU. It turns out that not just she but you as well were using a DIAMETRICALLY opposite language about me to my face and behind my back. To my face, I was "handsome", "inteligent", "interesting" and a "dear friend." Behind my back I was "a pathetic ruined piece of old shit", Sorry, but there is no getting around THAT difference in our moral characters. Hurtful as well are smaller details such as the way you totally misrepresent in your convo with Dolly what I was trying to do foir you when I was mod in your Chaturbate room. The problem was clearly NOT that I - being a "broken-down pathetic old piece of shit" - just didnt understand that users were throwing single tokens - 5 cents - at you because they wanted to PM you.
>>2353 I TOLD you that I said mean things about you to her! I just left out the worst one! I never said that I despise you, you dramatic fool. I hate this ego-fueled internet drama. You're sick. goodbye guys.
>>2353 uh, typical alex "it's them or me" false dichotomy people are complicated and so are their thoughts and relationships, isn't it time for you to accept that? >>2354 where will you be hanging out in the future? i'm not really into this whole cam world like alex is >>2353 i don't see why you can't be both of those good and bad things at the same time you can't see people as either black or white, good or bad! You should think of people more like a prism, it changes from the angle where you look at it.
>>2353 I know these "shows" and how they work pretty well by now. The guys I kicked were guys who TIPPED YOU ONE TOKEN 100 TIMES IN SUCCESSION, which clearly was not an attempt to gain the right to send you a Pm, since one token would have sufficed for that. My reasoning here was the same as the reasoning that I appled in such situations with Dolly and with Stephanie. No action performed by any cam-girl is worth JUST A PENNY. To think so is by definition to demean her. If you want to give her 10 dollars, go ahead, give her 10 dollars. But don't give it to her in nickels. That woukd be an insult irl and it is still an
>>2356 shut up shut up shut up. You are a wonderful person with character flaws. If you didn't make a big dfnudfbguixfgujcgyhij look, shut up. You have character flaws. I can't just pretend they do not exist because we are pals or whatever. Being a good nice friend doesnt make those things any less true. Dolly has character flaws but is also a good nice person and friend, really. why do you have to believe you are so right all the time? You were mean to me once, you know?
>>2356 insult online. You have done me wrong in so many ways, Hannah, and my respect for you and affection for you were very real. There is no coming back from that. Sorry.
>>2357 don't worry to mucuh about it, alex is just in a "raging" mood right now and nothing you'll say will come through. Just wait a couple days and be your usual cute self in some shows and he'll probably show up again, just like he's still showing up with dolly even though they berate each other all the time. if you want to keep him as friend, you'll sadly have to take these periods of time where he's like that also. I haven't seen him change in 6 years, yeah he's cool to chat with often, and after a while you get used to the rage and if you're somewhat smart you can avoid his triggers like the here demonstrated "not 100% dedicated to 1 opinion thing" >>2360 i love you alex you're always welcome here in this community of Mentally diseased manchildren flailing
>>2357 No, Hannah. Dolly is NOT a "good, nice person and friend". I have been firmly opposed to this big moral / amoral mulch full of "prisms" all those "six years" the poster above talks about. I despise a community - ha! "community"! - where a bunch of people get together to kick the shit out of someone on a Monday and expect everybody to be slobbering all over each other like "bros" on the Wednesday.
Dolly is a nasty pitiless selfish cunt. I don't care what an "awful childhood" she may have had to make her that way. Behaviour like hers should not be overlooked just "to keep the peace".
>>2360 If anyone judged either of your "moral integrity" by the way you interact with one another, they'd think you didn't have any!
>>2362 i think i can answer that you fling shit at each other all the time, doesn't seem very morally integer?
>>2363 I see. So your idea is that I stand here and just HAVE shit flung at me 24/7 and 365 days a year
>>2363 (that was not your edith piaf waifu, it was me) >>2364 aren't their other ways to deal with shit flinging than simple minded shit flinging back? You're a smart man, surely you can read some psychology or some bullshit and find a more effective and less poisonous for the environment way of handling your differnces and personal attacks on you? as you can see, the shit flinging never stops, it just makes everything worse, everybody starts to dislike everyone and relations are worsened.
>>2365 what? paying a hit man? I'm open to suggestions
This thread is hilarious. It's like you guys love the drama surrounding Dr. Reynolds (I'm tired of saying "Alex", he needs a nickname, so I'll go with "Doc" and see how it goes). >>2320 Don't bother, man, you can't stop his rantings, you just have to out-wait them.
>>2367 The Ph D is one of his lies. We found his CV online!
>>2368 Seriously? Doc, why would you lie about having a Ph.D. For the sake of just judgement, I'll refrain from berating you about it until proof is shown, lol.
>>2361 hey edith have you ever seen his old messages to ravrav? they're a masterpiece alex do you mind if that is spread around? the one that start with "Grotesque as it is....
I find myself driven to my knees, trembling, [...]" surely you remember
So, let me get this straight. I've hit rock bottom, my ass is spotted, my tits hang below my knees, I'm fat, prematurely aged, and oh yeah, I'm also Hitler.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Oh, I forgot. I'm simultaneously both Hitler and Stalin.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
[6/25/2014 5:34:49 PM] Dolores: I deleted your video btw I felt too bad about it [6/25/2014 5:34:59 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: you are actually helping me a bit, Dolly, by showing interest and appreciation of my "stories" [6/25/2014 5:35:17 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: writing things down may well be the only way forward for me [6/25/2014 5:35:37 PM] Dolores: I think everyone on wish really liked that last story about your virginity [6/25/2014 5:35:49 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: well, thanks....but don't feel too bad.....I set myself up for this stuf [6/25/2014 5:36:10 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: yes, I should expand that [6/25/2014 5:36:14 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: it was basically true [6/25/2014 5:36:30 PM] Dolores: yeah I mean I initially told you I was going to post it and you didn't tell me not to so I thought it was fine to do >secretly recording >telling you I'm recording you as I'm recording you >telling you I'm going to post it as I'm recording you kek
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Tell me, which of us has hit rock bottom again?
[6/25/2014 4:56:27 PM] Dolores: hello [6/25/2014 4:56:45 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: Hi Dolly [6/25/2014 4:56:55 PM] Dolores: how goes it? [6/25/2014 4:57:13 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: not too well this evening, actually [6/25/2014 4:57:29 PM] Dolores: what's the trouble? [6/25/2014 4:57:49 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: oh, too many things to explain [6/25/2014 4:58:37 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I think, basicaly, just that I have let myself drift too far these past few years from all the structures that protect and support people [6/25/2014 4:58:57 PM] Dolores: Yeah, I can't imagine not having anybody to talk to in real life [6/25/2014 4:59:31 PM] Dolores: Maybe there's some way you can fix things [6/25/2014 5:00:12 PM] Dolores: You could look up some group activites and try to meet people that way [6/25/2014 5:00:21 PM] Dolores: You know, join a book club or something [6/25/2014 5:01:24 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I'm sure you mean well, Dolly, but I hope you realize that all that sounds a bit.....inadequate to the problem [6/25/2014 5:02:33 PM] Dolores: Well I just don't know how to help you is the problem [6/25/2014 5:02:50 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: it's OK....don't try [6/25/2014 5:02:58 PM] Dolores: well I just feel bad for you [6/25/2014 5:03:11 PM] Dolores: do you want me to delete that video? [6/25/2014 5:03:39 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I'm still wondering what repercussions it might have had [6/25/2014 5:04:17 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: there is really no way to tell, but that chatroom WAS full of about 1000 4channers [6/25/2014 5:04:25 PM] Dolores: I don't think any of them know your full name [6/25/2014 5:04:33 PM] Dolores: I don't think you have anything to worry about because of that [6/25/2014 5:04:56 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: when the video was put on YouTube it was put on with my full name [6/25/2014 5:05:14 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: as I say, I really have bigger problems
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2381 [6/25/2014 5:05:16 PM] Dolores: I should think YouTube would delete it because it contains nudity [6/25/2014 5:05:41 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: it appears to have been deleted after a few weeks [6/25/2014 5:06:12 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: but if someone had the "trolling energy" to post it on YouTube with my full name [6/25/2014 5:06:33 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: they may well also have had the trolling energy to send it to a few of my clients [6/25/2014 5:08:52 PM] Dolores: I'm sorry [6/25/2014 5:09:42 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: Well, I suppose my letting it happen is just one symptom of my "losing my grip" recently [6/25/2014 5:10:20 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I just don't seem to care too much any more.....about lösing income, losing my home etc [6/25/2014 5:11:04 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I give up a home voluntarily about once every two months [6/25/2014 5:12:07 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I think I'm detecting a definite self-destructive urge that wasn't noticeable - to me, at least - three or four years ago [6/25/2014 5:13:23 PM] Dolores: Where do you think this path will lead you [6/25/2014 5:14:08 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I don't know...I suppose the comforting thing is that there isn't much road left ahead of me anyway [6/25/2014 5:14:19 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I'm only 5 years away from 60 [6/25/2014 5:14:32 PM] Dolores: Some people live to be like 90 [6/25/2014 5:15:07 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I can imagine that old age is pleasant enough if you have had a "life" [6/25/2014 5:15:17 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I mean family, a career and so on [6/25/2014 5:15:37 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: but my living to 90 would be worse than pointless [6/25/2014 5:16:10 PM] Dolores: are you suicidal? [6/25/2014 5:16:32 PM] alexander.reynolds1959: I can feel quite proud that I got through what most people would consider the "main part" of life without being committed to prison, a mental home or whatever [6/25/2014 5:16:48 PM] alexander.reynolds
>>2382 Look, please, will somebody apart from me inform this bitch that she is completely out of order with her desperate character-smearing and is only making HERSELF look bad? Let us look for example at the OBVIOUS AND SCREAMING DISHONESTY of the remark about the "secret recording". She appears to base her "conclusion" in greentext at the bottom of the pasted chatlog on one single very general remark of mine, namely, that
"I set myself up for this stuff"
Now it is clear to any reasonable person, I think, that all I meant by THAT remark was
"Well Dolly, I consent to have social, sporadically friendly contact with mentally unstable, provenly vicious individuals like you, so I suppose I set myself up for this kind of mad vindictive lowdown behaviour".
Now somehow Dolly makes out of THIS the following description of what we were both aware of that day on Skyoe
>telling you I'm recording you as I'm recording you >telling you I'm going to post it as I'm recording you
Dolly knows very well that NEITHER of these things are true. She neither told me she was recording me nor did she tell me that if she did record me she would post it everywhere under the sun. In other words, these are just downright lies. The only way she can present them as anything like truth is by interpreting my - decidedly ex post facto - comment that "Well, I ask for it; I hang around with whores, drug addicts and mental patients and actually put my trust in them" as meaning: "I give written permission beforehand to all drug addicts, whores and mental patients to do what they want to me".
The fact is I look fro and hope for the best in people. I am usually disappointed and, by
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Ely what the fuck I keep trying to post and it won't let me I think the key is you have to type something before copying and pasting? I tried to type my last response and the "done" button wasn't there.
Now PLEASE, will those of you who claim to be so concerned that "everyone just get along" and that "peace and harmony reign" just DO THE RIGHT THING HERE and say to this mad vindictive principle-less desperate cam-whore:
STOP fucking atttempting to "slut-shame" and "weakling-shame" this guy by posting huge chunks of private Skype conversations where he says - on a good-hearted, trusting basis of assumed friendship (a reasonable one in this case since Dolly had sent me a "friend request" just a few days before) - things that might possibly provide fodder for the jeering and cackling of viciosu vindictive heartless vengeful morons.("Im lonely" -haHA lololol an hero u fucker let us watch you DIE on cam, "I'm depressed" - lololol fucking weakling gomout and fuk sum bitches o wait YOU CANT)
Or okay, if Dolly's and your attitude is: Alex Reynolds deserves everything and anything he gets and there are absolutely no holds barred when dealing with him then fine, I suppose we can play it that way too.
I've tried to make some positive and friendly contributions to the board recently - Dolly mentions some of them in the last chatlogs posted - but if this really is just an extension of the lowest sewers of the 4Chan /b/biard and it's all about "pwning and baiting" as viciously and ruthlessly as possible, then sure, we can go back to "Camel's cunt" threads and endless mocking threads about Dolly's drug problems, mental breakdowns and awful pendulous tits.
I have no desire to drag this out on an alleged Cracky board but as far as I can see, with one or two small laudable exceptions, absolutely nobody is raising any objection to this vicious bitch using the board as a forum for "slut-shaming" / "old man shaming" / "lonely weakling shaming" on a scale that bears NO RELATION to anything I can be accued of doing in that line.
Could somebody other than me PLEASE tell this bitch where to get off?
Walking up to someone who is pounding someone else to death with a sledgehammer on the street and saying "stop it, both of you" is no sort of moral intervention.
Look at the thread before you start with "Now now, you are both of you behaving badly" bullshit.
The massive campaign of lies and character assassination and mocking, cruel public posting of private Skype conversations began when Dolly got profoundly butthurt by a remark of mine - made entirely in passing, with reference to the more general theme of "insulting people in order to attract them" - that I happened not to find her attractive. From then on it was "kill him" "laugh at the lonely old man" "report the pedophile" all the way.
Shrugging one's shoulders and inviting "dear old Dolly" back into the chat again tomorrow - for her to suck up some more energy that she can use the next to slut-shame, lie and run roughshod over people in her lifelonjg campaign of pathetic desperate ruthless self-aggrandizement - is not any adequate response to these occurences.
>>2382 >>2383 One of you is clearly lying. I don't know who it is. I dno't care who it is. In this case a full investigation isn't only impossible, but would do more harm than good if it were possible. I can't see how aught but (pic related) is appropriate,
>>2390 Oh look, someone who can construct a sentence with "aught but......" Obviously an educated gentleman of the old school. "Ironic though isn't it" - since I assume, yes, it's YOU again with your oldey.worldey charm and your specious pretence of benevolence toward all concerned - that you come down on exactly the same spot in this matter as even the most ignorant and adolescent of the other posters. Namely : if someone launches into a crazy flood of vicious hateful lies about someone on this board we not only CAN'T tell wheher they are telling the truth or not but actually THINK IT BETTER NOT TO TRY.
This is why a drug-addicted, mentally-disturbed, fundamentally deeply vicious and nasty whore like Dolly will be able to go on for years and years reaping her hollow empty sordid little pleasures on the Internet. It is, as is well-known, a zone free of morals and even of memory. Dolly will go on for four or five years yet, no doubt, sitting through her desperate directionless days fucking herself for nickels on sleazy websites and making threads about herself on websites where, long ago, she once enjoyed what she believes was a degree of "coolness" and personal importance.Her particular contribution to the lies and vindictive destructiveness of the Internet will only end when, in 2020 or 2021 maybe, she and her unemployed co-whore of a co-dependent boyfriend graduate from massive doses of weed and booze to heroin and the bodies of two more feckless, smug social parasites are found dead in a ditch.
I agree with the hot blonde, stop posting about your unrelated crap, nobody does, has nor will ever care about your silly feuds.
omg... Edith seems to be a fitting addition to the crackyverse. Now where is her cracky make-up?
>>2395 Once again, the blithe, stupid, self-involved arrogance of you people.
Do you really believe for one moment that, after Dolly's decision to breach the trust of a girl who had been trying to befriend her for just a few days in order to acquire another stick to beat me with, "Edith", as you call her, will ever show her face here again?
Believe me, she was wary enough of this bolthole for creeps and degenerates even before Dolly starting slapping their private Skype conversations up all over it. But after the vicious and treacherous behaviour of this worthless butthurt whore your chances of winning "Edith" as an "addition" to your little social circle have dropped to less than zero.
If she's worth half her tokens, she won't let you talk for her.
>>2399 As I said several times, this is Dolly's world - a world of sneering, hate-slobbering misogynists and misanthropists who despise women and quite particularöy despise female sex-workers - "if she's worth half her tokens....snort snort snigger snigger" - but despise, or blusteringly make great show of despisig, no one and nothing so much as Alex.
I talk for her in the same spirit as I made the post >>2274 that set off all this kerfuffle, namely, the simple spirit of setting the facts straight.
She is not an "addition ro the Crackyverse" and only a narcissist Crackyfag would think she was, She came here because she was dragged into a quarrel between Dolly and I - something, yes, that I have to admit I was partially at fault in, though I showed some scruples in posting logs in which she was referred to, whereas Dolly showed none at all.
She has no interest in Cracky - the girl is not stupid or insane - and will not be back.
>>2400 She seems a bit insane, imho, but I'm not a psychologist, so what do I know.
>>2401 Dorothy Mantooth is a saint, d'you hear me? A saint!!
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
So, you can dish it out, but you can't take it, eh? You see, Alex, your sin was not finding me unattractive, it was your malevolent, unwarranted, and utterly condescending pity. You think you're better than me, and I know I'm better than you. You can play this game with me, but you know you're going to lose. You know the rules, and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of. You wouldn't get this from any other girl. I just want to tell you how I'm feeling, I've got to make you understand....I'm never going to give you up. I'm never going to let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you. We've known each other for so long, your heart's been aching; but you're too shy to say it. Inside, we both know what's been going on. We know the game and we're gonna play it. And if you ask me how I'm feeling, don't tell me you're too blind to see... Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you.
>>2407 Do you want to look vindictive and evil? Because that's how you look vindictive and evil.