Is Camel feeling broody again, or is there just a much more limited supply of memes and .jpg's on the Internet than I imagined?>>2434
>>2431 (OP) A novice chessplayer will always lose to the grandmaster, even though he tries his best. Does that make him a shit? Or just a novice at chess.
>>2434 Another possibility is: someone who has cultivated a refined taste for the delights of losing.
>>2549 It's impossible to know what her true intent was, whether there was some well thought out deeper meaning to it or whether she was just trying to make something that looked good.
I was merely commenting on the fact that my toilet is broken. It has been broken for months and it seems will remain broken for the foreseeable future.
Coincidence? I think not!
>>2550 Either my twisted little mind is somehow MUCH more creative and helpful when considering her pictures or there's actually a deeper meaning there. I can't look at a Rembrandt and garner the same depth of expression. I'll concede that I look deeper into her work but I can't believe certain insights came from within.
>>2554 Well, I was talking about the toilet set specifically. How likely is it that she purposely made it look like her toilet was broken, as opposed to it having coincidentally been broken? I think it's more likely that it was a coincidence, because "7 days" and The Ring have nothing to do with the supposed meaning of the set.
Some of her pictures obviously mean more, like the one that I just posted.
>>2611 by "there" I meant her pictures in general, not the toilet in particular. But Olivia is a genius as a photographer whatever you think of her as an entity. I can't believe she accidentally included such a thing into a basic theme of one of her sets.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2613 How is it a basic theme? There's like, one, maybe two pictures with the toilet in it. Explain what "7 days" has to do with it, then.
>>2617 Are you kidding? "seven days" ties smoothly into this picture, and it's kind of hard to miss the MENSTRUAL BLOOD. There are an infinite number of objects she could have used. The owl, the toilet, the wings, and the blood are central themes exploring the meanings of femininity and humanity and if you disagree you're wrong.
>>2617 didn't i read somewhere recently some speculation about the meaning of it somewheer? people were saying her period
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2618 What does the menstrual blood have to do with the toilet being broken? You say it ties in smoothly, yet fail to explain how. You're grasping at straws.
>>2622 Broken objects represent conflict. Cracky was making a statement, rather continuing her statement about these things.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2625 Again, you simply assure us that it's all related and that there's a deeper meaning to it, but fail to tell us what that meaning is or how the different elements of the photographs make that statement.
I'm not saying none of her pictures have a deeper meaning, but I do not think she taped down the toilet seat on purpose before she took these photos
>>2628 This picture explores the enjoyment of a moment derived from circumstances less than pleasant. One of the things it says is: A person doesn't need perfect surroundings to live as she should.
>>2629 Cracky identified with the bird, or at least was making a point about similarities. She was talking about taking flight and thinking about leaving the nest. It's about becoming a woman.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2630 Circumstances less than pleasant? She's in a fucking bathroom. She doesn't emphasize the blue tape on the toilet at all, even partially blurs the visible part of it. To me it looks like she was emulating some sort of drug trip.
>>2632 Only a druggie would see it that way. Cracky's other pictures have many of the same contrasting dark-theme-with-joy. There's no reason to think any of that picture was about drugs. >>2636 I only try to learn from her pictures, I've presumed too much already. I'm going to stop talking now before I expose myself for an even greater fool.
i got myself a beer mateys, desperados
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2634 Typical response. How do you know she wasn't interested in altered states of consciousness? How do you know she wouldn't want to explore her interest through photography? She looks happy while her surroundings are warped around her.
>>2632 wut i'm pretty sure cracky had no exposure to drugs or, i would conclude that from nothing
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2637 I don't know, whether she did drugs or not is irrelevant to what I'm saying.
>>2638 to be into drugs when you are 15 and a lonely internet recluse your irl friends must be extremely bad influence onyou
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2639 Or she could have become interested in the subject after reading about it on the internet, wondered what it must be like, and decided to imagine it through photography.
>>2645 I will try to but I also have to study in the car for the math test I'm sure to fail tomorrow so I will just settle for trying not to cry instead of trying to have fun.
>>2646 don't be such a downer, when you start out with that mindset you're much more likely to fail. always think stuff will be fun and easy
>>2647 It amazes me that this goes on still and that this is yet another one of those places on the Internet where this nasty skanky vicious stupid little prostitute can come and play out her little "nice, intelligent girl" act and actually have people do something other than spit in her face or vomit over her.>>2649
>>2648 i'm just not a hateful person, i can't keep disliking someone for a day or something. well. except maybe some people, but i still try to be nice around them, because that's the optimal game theory and these people that i keep disliking, it's because they alway affirm their dislikeable ways every time i interact with them
>>2649 Yes, but she plainly IS. You have just had extremely ample evidence of that on this board within the past THREE DAYS for God's sake. I don't consider myself a vindictive person or a person who bears grudges either actually. I have responded to Dolly's requests to "make up and be freinds again" on, I think, three or four occasions over the years now but this time - when the refusal to massage her insatiable narcissistic insecurities and to help her shore up this untenable pathetic fantasy belief of hers that I find her sexy and attractive resulted YET AGAIN in a vicious avalanche of character assassination and every sort of shitty underhand smear tactic - I am FINISHED. And yet there always seems to be an endless supply of people who are willing to take on the role of supporting players in this awful transparent lying charade with which she covers up the sordid psychopathological horror of her miserable existence. People who will wish her luck in her repeatedly grinningly announced "progress reports" on academic projects that everyone - herself included - knows are going nowhere. ("I'm going to be a psychiatrist!" Bitch, you can barely keep it together sufficiently to be a mental patient). People who are willing to feed her cues which will allow her to come on like she is capable of applying reason and analytical thinking - albeit only to some trivial piece of puerile nothing like the selfies of a 15-year-old girl - to topics of interest, when you only have to cast a glance once again over the last THREE DAYS of this board to see that she is the sort of vapid idiot who challenges someone to engage in discussion and when the challenge is taken up does nothing but write "tee hee I made you type" and run away. I suppose Dolly's almost infinite number of years' experience on the Internet has drilled into her the lesson that the Internet has no memory, not even a short-term one, and that one can therefore make any kind of fool or shit or whore of oneself and turn
online next day as pure and pristine as a newborn baby. Everybody in the "Crackyverse" - and many people beyond its narrow confines - have seen over and over again that Dolly is stupid, ignorant, nasty, dishonest and repellently, repulsively vindictive. Everybody knows that she will never complete a course of higher education in anything and that she and her co-dependent sex-worker "boyfriend" will most likely spend the next five or ten years as they have the last: sobbing and weeping in each other's flabby spotty little arms about having been dismissed from yet another lousy minimum-wage MacJob or about having not yet received their latest welfare cheque. Everyone knows that she is just an ugly skanky cam-whore whose pathetic need to be constantly stoned, drunk, or inebriated with the cheap shallow thrill of being admired and superficially flattered in sleazy chatrooms means that she will never scrabble together enough concentration to read a book from beginning to end. let alone complete an education in anything, even a nugatory, specious non-subject like Women's Studies. And yet you go on feeding her, go on shoring her up in her pathetic delusion that she has "something to say". Well, birds of a feather, I suppose. Oh here she iis again, I see.....alone on cam in an empty chatroom.....pleading "loooove me" "loooove me" one minute and bursting out into fits of pseudo-euphoric, pseudo-confident self-promotion and self-affirmation the next. Time to rally round and "help" her, guys....Only a year or two to go until you help the poor wreck of a bitch right into the morgue
>>2690 I Can bench 100 lbs but I can't do a push up. Wat do. :(
>>2695 The physics of this indicate you're not actually benching 100 lbs, you're doing pushups REALLY differently, or you weigh way too much.
Anonymous you're lifting about 50% of your body weight when you do a pushup properly. Judging by your pictures you do not weigh 200 pounds. Something is inaccurate in your claim.
Idk I use a smith machine and I was including the approximate weight of the bar so maybe those two things cancel out? I haven't really had much time to work out this semester. I can do a few push ups if I kneel instead of doing full plank position
>>2699 7/10 would fuck If you're actually pushing 100 pounds up on a bench press you should be able to do several pushups too much fabric and where can I go to pay you to do naughty things?
>>2701 Oh look Dolly VALIDATION! Go you! Or maybe not quite.... Because I think the question you need to ask yourself here is: Why am I the only Cracky girl who is constanly posting selfies in bathing suits and would-be-sexy lingerie and distributing unsolicited bulletins about all the most trivial details of your oh-so-exciting oh-so-lucrative life? Does Camel do it? Did Kimi or RavRav do it when they were part of this "community"? No they did not. Sometimes people posted ABOUT them, because they were and are - for all their flaws and shortcomings - fascinating and delightful women whom people love to look at and learn about. But for their own part, they shut up about themselves and just got on with their lives. Because they HAD and HAVE lives - as opposed to you, who have nothing except the sad sordid shabby mirror of the Internet, where bored, basement-dwelling creeps - who were in all likelihood already jerking off over you when you were 13 (take THAT back to your lonely little bedroom and try to warm and comfort yourself with it) - come and tell you that you are a "7/10 and they would fuck you" and offer you much-needed encouragement in your "career" as a performing cunt.
>>2701 It must be way less then that then. Posting nudes here doesn't seem appropriate
>>2708 It submitted my post before I was fone with it... I was thinking of switching from MFC to Chaturbate but I've only had the time to cam once this semester, and it was only for an hour since I've been going to sleep pretty early. My MFC name gets spread around a lot, I'd rather keep my CB name private for as long as I can. >>2702 Other girls don't post because they don't consider these people to be friends. I come here for social interaction, same as you. I've only been posting pictures of myself because I keep forgetting my tripcode when I post from my phone. It really doesn't make me uncomfortable that people jerked off to me when I was 13, it only makes me uncomfortable to think about the pedophiles that I developed close relationships with. I have more of a life than you, who has nothing better to do than write paragraph upon paragraph about a person you don't even like. What does your life consist of? Writing erotic letters to underaged girls, following me around the internet, and occasionally translating unimportant things so that you barely scrape by. You know, the way you follow me around, talking to everyone about me, it's almost like you're obsessed with me. Now that, truly, is not having a life.
Btw I passed my test. ;)
Furthermore, this is now a book thread. ITT we discuss the book(s) we are reading or have read.
Right now I'm reading God Bless You Mr. Rosewater, which is about
GOD DOMMOT. who devotes all his time snd resources to helping the poor and downtrodden in an unconventional way. I'm also reading Dune, which is basically a way cooler, more interesting, sci-fi version of Game of Thrones. The last book I read was Psychomagic, which is great but he kind of lost me a bit at the end where he talked about manipulating reality with your imagination. Does anybody have
>>2714 spoilers are broken atm, don't click spoiler image button
>>2716 There will always be some incorrigible spineless lapdog, won't there? No matter how lonely and desperate her life gets, this awful skank will always be able to scrape up SOME piece of human dogshit like you from the floor of the Internet to provide her with her little quantum of flattery and validation. But honestly, just what odd species of pervert are you that chooses THIS obvious mess and ruin of a girl as someone to fixate on sexually? Take a look at that photo the poor bitch has been so blinded by vanity and stupidity as to post. What is she, twenty-one? I'd say that the average guess that most people would make as to the age of the person in the photo would be late 30s, early 40s - albeit a woman of around 40 heavily plastered with "little-girly" make-up. Just LOOK at that sour, wrinkled, embittered, nasty face. THAT is the girl you so admire and want to "pay to do naughty things". You poor sad fuck....
>>2719 You see, Dolly, you won't succeed in getting anyone to talk about books with you - because the only people who will talk to you are sneering, nasty, stupid, vicious "slut-shaming" morons like yourself. So you can drop the "nice, educated, friendly, normal middle-class girl" act. You've chosen your miliieu of "friends and supporters" by behaving like a cruel, unprincipled, insatiable narcissist and terrorist in the shallow, self-seeking cause of your own self-aggrandizement. And I think you will find that no one in that miliieu can read.
>>2720 Although I may be an ignorant American graduate student; something akin to a primary shooler in merry ole england, no doubt, it doesn't mean that I can't not read bad. Just the other day, I read FIVE tweets and a handful of SMS text messages, depending upon not only the size of your hands but the size of your smart phone screen. Formulify thoughts completely before you type, you pommy cunt.
>>2699 On a serious note, ditch the smith machine. It is a tool of the devil. It is only useful for soothing egos and destroying joints. No one who knows anything about weight training would condone it's usage by people they care about.
I doubt you want to chat about Economics, 6th Edition and the other books I read are all science fiction. Want to talk about Ender's Game or Battlefield Earth?
>>2714 recommendations... What kind of thing are you into? mindbending? escapist? philosophical?
I'm a terrorist, I'm Stalin, I'm Hitler. You have so many pet names for me <3
>>2722 It destroys your joints? How so? I would think it would prevent damage...
>>2723 >Economics PLS NO >>2723 I haven't read those, but Dune is science fiction! I'm also planning on reading Childhood's End soon, once I'm done with Dune. >>2724 Why not all of those things?
>>2726 Because of Hubbard's wicked ways it's popular to discount Battlefield Earth. The movie was total shite but the book makes a lot of interesting points. Much of the first section of the book involves an alien using observation and scientific analysis to coem to all the wrong conclusions about how humans think and what they like. It's kind of cool that a line can be drawn between that and Hubbard's hatred for psychology written into the religion he started. And it's a fun story. Well worth all the pages.
IU also highly recommend another long story: King Rat. As an ass burger I learned more about humans from that than any story I read before it.
I'm shocked you haven't read Ender's Game. It's one of those everyone should read like Animal Farm or 1000 nights. must;. read. capiche?
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2727 I'll make sure to read Ender's Game then. The other two sound interesting as well. >>2731 My boyfriend said that Starship Troopers is a good book, I had seen the movie and didn't even know there was a book which apparently is disgraceful because the movie totally shits all over a serious book.
>>2730 I love the movie and the book. The book isn't super serious but it does glorify war quite a bit and makes some totally decent points on that front.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2732 Well I meant it was serious compared to the movie.
I should read that too. I have no idea how I'll read all these books, I'm taking Calculus and Physics next semester x_x