[wish / faux / culture ]
Thread #2468
almost dead
Not synched.
Image 1404324809887.jpg (995 KB, 1420x1420, baileyjay.jpg )
2014/07/02 (水) 18:13 No. 2468
CBD, the "other" cannabinoid that is fast becoming a household word, is already being given to children with CBD, the "other" cannabinoid that is fast becoming a household word, is already being given to children with severe epilepsy. derp. Also, marijuana has antibiotic properties and is effective against antibiotic resistant strains of MRSA. And it is a safe, biodegradable alternative to preservatives in cosmetics and toiletries which are strongly suspected to be linked to hormonal changes. How soon do you think recreational marijuana use will be Federally legal in the United States? What do you think will happen once it is legalized? Discuss.
Anonymous 2014/07/02 (水) 20:05 No. 2471
As long as i can get some old school moroccan again, that's all i give a toss about as it's bare rare around here.>>>/watch?v=z68k_K3Puxg
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
2014/07/03 (木) 01:57 No. 2472
Image 1404352656283.jpg (247 KB, 630x945, 3.jpg )>>>/watch?v=ScPaXIyb3SA
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
2014/07/03 (木) 14:17 No. 2474
Anonymous 2014/07/03 (木) 15:42 No. 2477
Image 1404402175116.png (253 KB, 400x400, eVudXr1w_400x400.png )
this is now a stoner music thread m8>>>/watch?v=k2KBIs__91s
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
2014/07/03 (木) 18:03 No. 2480
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Anonymous 2014/07/03 (木) 19:35 No. 2481
Image 1404416162512.jpg (24 KB, 355x409, wiley-smoke-355x409.jpg )
>>2480 yeah thats some good shit>>>/watch?v=nROIOfODkFY
Anonymous 2014/07/04 (金) 02:31 No. 2483
Marajuana legalization can't come soon enough. The war on drugs is worse than prohibition ever was
Anonymous 2014/07/04 (金) 13:21 No. 2497
>>2480 Good lord but that's bad. It's formulaic, simple, and boring.
Anonymous 2014/07/04 (金) 14:31 No. 2499
Image 1404484286886.jpg (229 KB, 805x1024, Boris-Wata3.jpg )
>>>/watch?v=kp63Aba-fiQ >>>/watch?v=SBwK2s734DQ >>>/watch?v=Wj3EFzNwhxM boris are (almost) always good value, especially for long smoking sessions
Anonymous 2014/07/04 (金) 22:34 No. 2513
>>2497 like ur mum
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
2014/07/05 (土) 04:10 No. 2516
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>>2497 It's an amateur musician I found on tumblr. That's just like, your opinion man.
Anonymous 2014/07/05 (土) 04:50 No. 2518
>>2516 What is she searching for in there?
Anonymous 2014/07/05 (土) 14:19 No. 2522
I never knew the crackyverse had so many niggers. I was hoping Jeff was the only one.
Anonymous 2014/07/05 (土) 15:14 No. 2527
>>2522 You are a lonely, sad little troll. I would offer to help you but you wouldn't accept it. You have my condolences.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
2014/07/05 (土) 23:01 No. 2532
Image 1404601314686.jpg (164 KB, 600x450, 1396320831571.jpg )
>>2522 You sound like you need to smoke a blunt.>>>/watch?v=MfVDicnvnFc
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
2014/07/05 (土) 23:02 No. 2533
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>>2518 Marijuana.
Anonymous 2014/07/05 (土) 23:16 No. 2537
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Anonymous 2014/07/06 (日) 02:11 No. 2538
>>2532 OMG liek so hip and edgy. You fucking hippies had your time in the 60s and 70s to suck each other's cocks and how'd that go? Now that generation of hippies is today's warmongers because sucking dicks and smoking shit all day gets you nowhere.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
2014/07/06 (日) 06:54 No. 2541
Image 1404629716712.jpg (59 KB, 723x758, 1401308370728.jpg )
>>2538 You sound like you need to smoke a blunt AND suck a dick.
Anonymous 2014/07/06 (日) 08:36 No. 2543
>>2541 u r so rite n so kool n edgy. 420 tok up brah.
Anonymous 2014/07/06 (日) 08:46 No. 2546
>>2538 you're even grumpier than alex, wow. i'm sorry the world was bad for you, but no need to take it out on us ok? make a tulpa or something
Anonymous 2014/07/06 (日) 08:46 No. 2547
>>2546 and at least alex provides clear reasoning for his arguments
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
2014/07/06 (日) 18:31 No. 2553
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>>2543 I'm glad you have seen the error of your ways.