If you people hadn't just proven that you are uninterested in / incapable of (probably the latter) carrying on a serious discussion about anything, I'd say that this post was actually a possible starting point for some "real talk" on the board. Contemporary music is not one of my main interests but I have been observing Einaudi's rise to fame with interest and not a little disgust. Professed liking for his tinkly, lush instrumental pop - and the ignorant, pretentious, laughable parading of it as "real music" - is exactly what I would have expected from the Crackyfag mentality. Einaudi isn't a composer in the tradition of serious music, despite having studied with Luciano Berio. I doubt if it was his talent or his hard work that earned him that studentship, given that he is the son of one of Italy's most eminent and culturally revered publishers and pretty much born to cultural privilege, regardless of how stupid or lazy he personally turned out. But if he ever did have any talent as a student in the 70s it is perfectly clear that he chose to sell that talent out in favour of a lucrative career as a composer of syrupy film music with a veneer of arty mysticism and exoticism. Einaudi is to the 2010s what Michael Nyman was to the 1980s and 1990s - a "thinking man for the unthinking man". Nyman too, thanks to his awful repetitive formulaic film-scores for the art-snob director to end all art-snob directors, Peter Greenaway, was a de rigeur "fave rave" if you happened to be some pretentious little prat who wanted to sound "deep" circa 1985. The ancestor of both is the cloyingly whimsical Erik Satie - a key point of reference throughout most of the 20th Century for people who know nothing about serious music but desperately want to make their ignorance sound like "maverick" good taste.
>>2485 >>watch?v=4fWyzwo1xg0 So anyone who likes music insufficiently varied, complex, and in agreement with your own tastes is a plebian idiot, that's what you're saying right? Descend from your ivory tower and learn that your favored flavors aren't the alpha and omega of asthetics. Not in music, philosophy, or religion you snob.
As for the specific artists you're complaining about I have little comment: My point is that there are many, MANY enjoyable types of music... A point I was making to the metal-and-stoner crowd but one which you missed as well. I believe your real complaint with the listed pieces of music has nothing to do with qualitty. Rather it's that the pieces are contemporary, a sin you can't get past long enough to enjoy them. So you have to invent reasons they're not good enough.
>>2486 Once again I'll say it (though without much hope of there being any point): Stop and look at what you are saying.
The OP in the thread I am commenting on does exactly what you are claiming is wrong and objectionable in this post of yours. He entitles his thread "Try some real music" - a title which can hardly be taken to imply anything else than: "Nothing except this is really music at all; only my tastes are valid".
But do you attack the OP for that? No. Because he is not Alex Reynolds.
Once again, the way things work on this board becomes very obvious.
We both enjoy throwing about arbitrary insults but only you seem to take them as dead serious. That frightens and saddens me because it implies the savagery with which you've addressed this board since I'
ve been visiting it isn't banter or even close but your honest opinions. It's sad because it means the world has failed you to such an extent as to leave you THIS bitter and disenfranchised in even your chosen social group (and yes it is, don't even try to pretend it's not) It's scary because a man this... injured is unpredictable and dangerous to all around him.
I am OP and the point of the title, which you missed due to your determination to find something, anything to complain about was meant as "Here's some other music which I challenge you to confess is of superior quality to that which you repeatedly propose". You know, banter. So much more fun when one has to lay it out word for word. Intervention? I'm taking pity on you not defending myself.
>>2488 Yes, it's "sad"....Yes, it's "ironical"......And yes, once again, as was only to be expected, you are avoiding addressing the point I just made. If your beef is with the belief that only one specific taste is valid and legitimate, then why did you not object to this thread yourself? The title "Try some real music" clearly implies that the OP holds just that view.
Why did you wait until I ATTACKED that very view before coming in with your own intervention?
WHAAT? You are the OP? Well then this is getting absolutely ridiculous.
The phrase Here's some other music which I challenge you to confess is of superior quality to that which you repeatedly propose is quite plainly just a rather long-winded way of stating the very position you attack in your second post: namely, "My tastes are superior to yours and you must accept this".
As far as I can see, the only way you even ATTEMPT to differentiate your own position from the position you attack me for holding is by saying "Ah but I am (sort of) joking but you are SERIOUS". >>2490 >>2490
>>2489 It's different in a very real and important way: The point of view you claim was espoused is a hardheaded and snobbish claim that only ony kind of music is good. That's your point of view and no one else's. And I am indeed joking and you are indeed serious.
And you're wrong about mankind's views of what is good as well. I'll address that at a later point in its thread.
As I say, this is just getting ridiculous.
It is logically impossible for you to write on the one hand
"That is yoiur point of view and no one else's"
and ALSO to write
"Try some real music".
If you believe that Einaudi's music is "real" in some sense that other people's music isn't, then you hold the very view that you claim NOBODY ELSE but me holds. The only difference is that you elect different composers to your pantheon of the "real true musicians" than I do.
>>2491 If by "logically impossible" you mean "logically inconsistent" you're still wrong. There's nothing wrong with both claiming one's favored music is superior and that there are many possible points of view. I both bow to the belief that I'm not the omnipresent granter of the title of "real music" (even though I joke that I am) and claim my favored brand is better. There's a world of grey between "this is better" and "there is nothing else worth considering".
>>2492 Please, you're getting desperate now with your sad semantic hair-splitting about "impossible" and "inconsistent". Call it by whatever name you wish, it is not logically POSSIBLE to say that several points of view are equally valid but one is SUPERIOR. As I say, the only way you even try to shore up your obviously logically untenable position is by recourse to something that has absolutely nothing to do with logic and simultaneously claims truth-value for what you are saying and no truth-value for it. You say: "I meant it....but I also didn't.....It was a joke....but it also wasn't." Then you try the second cheap rhetorical trick of setting up a "straw man" to attack that you know - or should know - very well wasn't my position at all.
There's a world of grey between "this is better" and "there is nothing else worth considering"
There may well be. But "there is nothing else worth considering" is not anything I said or would want to say.
Of course Nyman or Satie or Einaudi are "worth considering" for certain purposes, as are the Bee-Gees or the symphonies of André Previn. All I was saying was that these composers are seriously over-rated and tend to appeal to a certain superficial, hipsterish mentality. If you want to claim that Einaudi's lush little pieces are excellent "chill-out music" for mobile-pnone-contract salesmen on their days off, i have no objection to that. My only objection was to the use of the word "real music" to describe them - since that implies that they are something different and better than the latest Danny Elfman film score, which they are not.
And I think that's enough arguing with idiots for today. If your butt stings too badly from having lost, just ask Dolly to go around sticking up nudes of me on various websites and writing "lolol fuck him he stupid." That's the time-honoured Crackyverse style of rational debate.
>>2493 I said no such thing as equally valid in the context you're implying. A valid point of view can exist and support inferior music.
because I don't want to read you acting smug when I admit I screwed up, although not as badly as you want to believe. It was indeed inconsistent of me to berate your snobbishness after displaying my own. That said the bit about banter stands perfectly well on its own -- Only you would take it as dead serious and the reason for that is only you actually mean the full weight of its pretentiousness and cruelty. For that you should be ashamed.
looool posting babbies first "real music" and acting a snob
Children, children everywhere. I consider myself a quite immature person, but it always makes me feel better when I come here and see the preposterously petty arguments some of you keep engaging in.
>>2501 I do admire you, sir. You are a person of such gravitas that, when you dismiss a discussion as "preposterously petty", it never occurs to me for a moment to ask just WHY the topic you dismiss with this phrase is a "petty" one. It just IS, because you said it is. And I sit back and sigh with satisfaction about being, just like yourself, one of the people who is so, so, SO far above the discussion being indulged in by "children" here. God, the Cracky boards. I don't think that, in six or seven years coming here, I have ever encountered ANYONE who is able to put up even the semblance of reasoned proposition and counter-proposition on ANY topic. All it EVER is here, year after year, is: "Lololl this is beneath me" or "Lolol this is pretentious crap" or - as in the case of the current asshole who can't even wait for me to finish writing - "Lolol this is unnecessary and you are
^ This is a perfect example of what I mean, you have been writing and thinking about your rant, despite it's not only unnecessary, but also contributes nothing regarding any topic, but also that it provides with and outlook towards the issue: the fact that you can't let go of anything that bothers you, pretty much like a child that whines and cries until mommy or daddy tells them to
What is it with the incessant non-sequiturs on this board right now? I lack the attention span to read all the new posts - are they written by the same person?
>>2504 the board had broken unexplainably so he stopped typing other people are maybe posting from internet explorer 5 and so it breaks for them sometimes or they have bad karma or something
>>2498 because you've never acted like anything but a mature and gentle, worthy companion to everyone else here and have nothing to be ashamed of.
>>2502 So you're calling yourself immature whilst berating everyone ele for being immature? If we're all so unworthy why do you bother?
>>2504 You got me -- I'm using words I don't really understand because deep down I feel inadequate being on the same board as you. As least you grace me with these little nudges toward adulthood. I don't know what I would do without you. Fuck off you sanctimonious prick.
Damn, the one above bugged out.
>>2508 No need to feel inadequate. Most likely you ARE inadequate.
And the bickering continues. Manchildren Flailing unite.
I like some of her songs but when you grow up and grow past the trying to be cool/edgy phase, you'll realize she's not that great. She's mildly original and new which gives you kids something to cling to that seem lost in life but no, she's nowhere near as great as you claim her to be.
Notes drip from this person's music like dew from the first bud of spring. They fall in rivulets of sound tinkling together in peals of color and flow around each-other into streams of notes carving a bed of exquisitely structured emotion. They swirl through rivers of feeling gathering in their paths wisps of humanity. Blossoms fallen and carried in sweeping rivers to reverberating, clashing waves of dynamic depth. They form deep seas of nostalgic yet visionary harmony.