Periodic IMPoll time! today's poll: do you have any pets. Vote here!: And discuss below!: what kind of pet would you like? What is the relation between your pet and a cracky? Is a loli to be considerd a pet or something else? Do you only love your pet in a silly nonsexual way? Share this and more, with your favourite community, the crackyfags and other societies rejects!
Oh, a throwback?
I would like a cat. There is some ancient semiosis between a cat and a cracky, but it has been lost to time. I love everyone and everything in a silly, mostly nonsexual way. A loli is something else, I think.
I voted yes. My cat pretty much looks like the one in the picture. I wouldn't say there is any true relation between my cat and Cracky. Why would there be? I do only love my pet in a silly nonsexual way; any other way would be silly and Cracky would not approve.
Time for a new poll: Do you like the anime? Vote here: Now with the long time favourite WIPO (write in poll option) option.
>>290 WIPO: I generally do, in the sense of "I like animation", but I find most modern anime too self-serving and silly.
>>290 I only like moe animu of the self-serving kind mentioned above.
>>290 Yes but only a few animu and mangoes and none were mentioned by you so
I like seeing polls once again, wish. I don't see the purpose in having companionship animals and would much rather prefer that my domestic animals have a job to keep themselves busy with. I would like to have a retreiver for hunting. Also, animu is for weaboos, but I do like me some DBZ. Nostalgia, etc.
Time for a new periodic IMPoll! Which do you like most?