Why didn't she kill herself yet, when everything pointed towards that one and only exit from all this pain?
On a side note, how do you feel considering Olivia isn't anywhere near anything Cracky ever was and that we are the only ones allowing Cracky's spirit to live on and prosper, to love it, to get lost in it, to have any recognition for it.
If the artist herself kills her character, should we be allowed to keep it alive because she meant so much to us, or accept the fate from its creator?
How can you claim "everything" pointed toward suicide? That makes no sense in the context of her art, life as known, or the few actual words we have from her. Wait, character? Cracky was a solid representation of (if you're not religious about it, and I am) Olivia's thoughts. She put her soul into her work. To call Cracky a character is to seriously misrepresent Olivia.
She was an artist. She had this character, that represented herself, all that she was, sure. But the moment she changed, just like the moment any of us changes, whatever we were only become merely a past figure, a character that we had, and that we decided (or just happened) to change. its creator?
Get over it, Cracky is dead, Olivia went on, and killed her, and at that very moment, either we had to choose to keep her alive and intact as the Cracky that we admired, or move on to admiring a girl that really didn't have anything special but her past, but a character (or a person if you prefer) that she used to be.
And no, I'm not religious about it, just really touched, and kinda emotional about it.
Also, ya, everything pointed towards suicide when you consider Cracky as a human being, as a being itself at the time she was posting, sure she was an artist, but a way too troubled one to keep a stable life and live amongst "normal" (pleb) people. Obviously, depression had to follow and a lot of instabilities, anyone that looked at that person could've called a suicide, especially after freaks freaked her out, kinda but still she wasn't too harsh with this, just firm.
>>2747 Firstly, no one changes in a moment. Secondly, many philosophies espoused in her work represent change itself and/or changes she was experiencing. Thirdly, if her art, as you admit, represented all of herself then it WAS her -- not a character. Fourthly, past you WAS you in a way every bit as real as present you is you. There's no rational way to separate past you as if it were a different entity. Fifthly, Olivia herself always recognized her past self as part of herself. From the first picture she posted to the last that was stolen they included her past development -- each one did. Sixthly,
>>2748 It didn't take her a moment to change. It took her months, years to get over Cracky, and I really do mean, "to get over Cracky" because between her messages and pictures in the beginning, and the very sober demands for boards dedicated to her to close, there was a significant change in the tone, in the seriousness of the words, she became an adult, killed whatever Cracky was in her, whether you realize it or not. And at the very moment she did that, all of her previous work, I don't deny it was totally her at the moment she created it, but once she changed, it all became merely a character of her past, her self as a past, that it would be flawed to still say is Olivia. Yes, people change, and they change a whole fucking lot.
I don't deny it was her, once again to make it clear, simply state that once she got over her, we couldn't consider Cracky a person anymore, merely a character, as the person she was is now dead. Especially considering how she seems to be living a normal and happy life now (that I don't really know about, it's been a while since I didn't follow-up on her life, I find it kind of intrusive and rude to do that at all to be honest, even though I'd care about how she's doing), it's a major change from her previous self.
To this point, it doesn't matters that much whether Lia recognizes her past as herself or her work or whatever, because no matter what you might imply, she did become different, and much less of a person, much less of an artist, of a goddess than she used to be, and her words now are much less relevant than whatever we have from when Cracky was talking to us.
>>2748 both dead and a character. If you (sadly for you) choose to see her only as a character developed by an ordinary human then you must recognize at least that
>>2750 I choose to recognize her art beyong idealizing her as a goddess, and seeing it for what it is, I don't find it sad.
You misunderstand, I do believe she was all that Cracky was at that point in her life. I simply state that people can, and are sometimes great artists, great inspirations, heck, great everything, and simply end up changing, and that ideolizing them even past their changes is more than reprehensible, it is more of an insult to Cracky to consider her as still being Olivia than to realize that Cracky was something that Olivia decided to kill at some point (someone, actually) in order to be able to live a better life in modern society.
Not that it's something bad, I doubt she would've been able to carry on much longer as being Cracky (hence the suicide part in OP), but it does mean the destruction of something that was... Up to this day I don't even know how to describe it, nor my fascination, or my curiosity towards it, it's just a feeling I have while looking at her art, idk.
>>2756 this board just are three paragraphs of my replies. I'll post them again later when I'm sure they' re really gone. are-->ate Cracky wasn't a performance art. Cracky was, in your point of view, the culmination of the artistic expression in the form of photographs of Olivia.
>>2757 Sorry if this seems like a harsh position or anything, it merely is my opinion, my POV, I'm just here to share thoughts, it's interesting talking to you, and seeing there's still a semi-active Cracky community, when I went on crackyhouse and bouncememe and saw how dead they were I thought people just gave up.
>>2755 re-writing my musings: with the chisel and started sanding? To say Olivia isn't special is to deny that Olivia created the genius work that was Cracky (if you believe Olivia was wholly responsible for those works) Olivia is the person who still has every bit of the abilities required to create such a work as to create at least a personality cult and at most a real cult. She hasn't lost any talent, only hidden it. To say Cracky was the only thing special about Olivia is from your point of view like saying David was the only important thing about Michelangelo. From my point of view it's heresy any foolish on the face of it besides. You are emotional about it. So am I. So is everyone here. Alex is emotional about denying any remaining effects. Jeff, well we all know about him. Each of us has been touched. Will you pretend that great work is dead because the artist stopped wortking on it?
Many of her pictures were dark -- very dark. But they weren't about Olivia dying and they were'nt about Cracky dying. They were about change and improving oneself and learning and growing up. They were about beauty and humanity. These things are inseperable from the pain of the human condition but Olivia's photographs captured that relationship. To look at the cutting pictures and presume them to be about death would be like listening to Nocturn and declaring Chopin to have only spoken of peaceful waters.
It's beyond short-sighted.
>>2759 I'm not arguing against your position because it's harsh, I'm arguing because it's wrong. Olivia decided to move away from those attracted to Cracky. You're trying to use that fact to support the idea that Cracky is a character and a dead one. There's no support for your position.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Cracky never existed. She was given that name by 4chan, and turned into a collective fantasy character by the people there. She was always, and will always be, Olivia. To say that she became less of a person for not wanting to be stalked is shallow and self- centered beyond belief. She did need to get over Cracky, that is, to get over being dehumanized by people like us.
>>2763 Cracky most certainly did exist. What you mean to say is that she was misnamed. >To say that she became less of a person for not wanting to be stalked is shallow and self- centered beyond belief I couldn't agree more.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2764 It's not that she was misnamed, it's the fact that Cracky has only ever existed in the imagination of the imaginers.
>>2763 dehumanized? I disagree in the strongest terms. I couldn't celebrate her more. I elevate her above humanity. To call that dehumanizing misses the point entirely.
I strongly feel Olivia isn't anywhere (anymore) near what we have made Cracky to be, and we are indeed the only ones allowing this warping of her identity to thrive somewhat. I'd say many of us see this devotion of sorts mostly as an interesting oddity we feel connected to, but the plain truth is that there is nothing there, just fiction and idealization.
The question is: Why can't we move on?
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2766 Uh, that is dehumanizing. You literally just said you don't see her as human. You see her as an object of worship, which invalidates any feelings she has on the matter.
>>2767 >Why can't we move on? you didn't like the real answer, shall I invent a comforting lie?
>>2768 It's the difference between inhuman and superhuman.
>>2768 I have no context with regard to her feelings on being worshiped except that she doesn't want to be stalked As far as I know she never said not to worship her, just to leave her alone.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2771 She literally said she did not want to have a cult.
>>2773 It was the last message posted to her scarecrowmaiden LiveJournal. I don't have a screencap.
>>2774 I read "I don't know whether to be flattered or scared"
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2775 You know what, I think it might have been in the first post she made on 420chan, I can't remember, but I'm sure she said it.
>>2776 I read that post. My laptop died and I haven't found the cable yet to retrieve my Cracky folder (curse my not-backing-up ways) but I have a screenshot. It was the only time I read her use of the word cult and it did NOT say she didn't want one.
Looks like some people in the thread need to look up theseus' ship Cracky's picture can be different for different people. Some say they reflect a part of yourself. If you chose to see suicide in it, maybe it's because you want to. Same for the change thing >>2781 those 2 sentences stand on their own and are not related, dummy the theseus ship is about the "character of cracky is dead, olivia is alive" thing,
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2777 She did too. I even remember part of the way she phrased it, she said something about not expecting to have her own cult, and then I specifically remember her saying "nor do I want one."
>>2778 >some people in the thread need to look up theseus' ship That's ironic
>>2780 because Theseus's ship has nothing to do with seeing what one wants to see.
>>2779 then I may be referring to an entirely different 420 post. Someone here must have the screenshots of the post you're talking about
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2782 I could've sworn it was the last message posted on scarecrowmaiden.
>>2778 >the theseus ship is about the "character of cracky is dead, olivia is alive" thing, That's retarded. It's nothing to do with continuing one life or the question of where one ends and the other begins. It's the question of whether they're one or two entities.
>>2784 wtf do you think is theseus' ship about? It's almost literally "is the ship still the same ship, or another ship" 1 or 2 is olivia from cracky times still the same olivia or has her personality changed so much she's not cracky any more
>>2786 that's right. Is the ship STILL the same. The argument here about Cracky is whether it was always two entities or one. Stop using that invalid reference. you're humiliating yourself.
>>2794 Clearly asks why she hasn't killed herself over all this drama.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2791 I mean, she may now be indifferent? Corben said she used to
>>2787 >solid representation of Olivia's thoughts. >represented herself the argument was always wether cracky still existed in olivia. cracky was obviously olivia back in her cracky days
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2797 Religious rants about her. But Corben is a compulsive liar.
>>2799 she used to what religious rants?????? I must know. And can I have a percentag chance it's the truth
>>2797 do you see the color difference in typed text? the grey text is not yet "sent" to the server. press enter or something for them to be sent
Sometimes I become so detached from society that I feel like an outsider who studies interaction with other humans. I act, I observe the immediate reaction.
But then I get confused when there is action from the other side - let it be delayed reaction.
Why? I did not instigate it? It's out of my control.
>>2823 I would sell my balls for some of those. Is anyone buying testicles?
Camel has some rarez she didn't share. Just thought you wanted to know.
>>2745 (OP) when olivia was REALLY young she mentioned how her "cracky" character had gotten out of control. I think she was just nervous about how the reaction to her photos were. Otherwise, nothing OP said makes sense. Olivia is cracky, cracky is olivia etc. There hasn't been any suicidal looking photos IMO. So....projection? you're seeing what you want to see OP
As for not getting over it. Olivia/Cracky fantasy projection provides a deeper need I think. Finding out what she represented to you is worth some time in therapy I think (for me I think it was a friend who would understand me and what i've been through etc.)
>>2842 Is it time to blackmail her? Or should we wait until she's trying to get a job.