[wish / faux / culture ]
Thread #3223
almost dead
Not synched.
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Anonymous 2014/07/27 (日) 00:01 No. 3223
You're in solitary confinement for the next year and allowed to put one picture on your wall. Which Cracky picture do you use?
Anonymous 2014/07/27 (日) 03:06 No. 3224
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Anonymous 2014/07/27 (日) 04:28 No. 3225
>>3224 My god I didn't have that. You fucking rock. I mean it, I love you man. Let me know when you're in town and I'll buy you beers whilst kissing your dirty feet
Anonymous 2014/07/27 (日) 04:36 No. 3226
Image 1406435796366.jpg (65 KB, 480x640, 1140993254190.jpg )
this question is too hard
Anonymous 2014/07/27 (日) 06:21 No. 3227
>>3224 This maybe, it's one of my favorites. She emanates absolute grace with her natural beauty in it.
Anonymous 2014/07/27 (日) 06:58 No. 3228
>>3227 majesty
Anonymous 2014/07/27 (日) 20:03 No. 3231
Image 1406491403892.gif (98 KB, 640x480, 1223786014711.gif )
I love this one as well.