I'm guessing people who aren't very sociable /have an aversion to socialization don't eat with other people that often. Do you have healthy eating habits? Do you eat out much? Three square meals? Compulsive overeating? Starvation? Inquiring minds wanna know
Bare minimum to get all required nutrients but sometimes I go crazy and binge on booze and snack foods.
i eat pretty healthy, part of the "healthy mind in a healthy body" thing. I also don't like the taste of overly fat and processed food or too sugary, and that alone would make someone eat a lot healthier. I don't like cooking since it takes up so much time, so i still go to the university's restaurants even though i haven't been a student in some years. If i couldn't do that i would probably try to create one of those soilent thingys. Sometimes when I wake up i'm too lazy to get food and wait till i'm really hungry. I'm too poor to eat out.
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I fap to you moth and run you grama for pokkit money ok
>>3254 please stop doing this please learn from your mistakes just paste the youtube link
I don't do breakfast often, but otherwise I think I eat quite well.
Lots of fruit and veg, marbled meat, carbs, oily fish. I don't eat much sugary junk or processed food but I don't have any aversion to fast food on the go and good desserts.
Sometimes I skip meals. Sometimes I screw up portion sizes and eat enough for 3 meals in one sitting. But I don't worry about it, I have a good relationship with food and my body is very forgiving. Food is a constant pleasure even when I'm depressed but I'm in control enough to not be eating my feelings all the time.
>>3260 Oh, and dairy, a fair amount of dairy. I don't take milk with my tea or coffee most of the time but yoghurts and cheeses make me happy.
I also like cooking for guests, there's no better show of hospitality.
I eat ramyun and meal replacement shakes, mostly. Occaisionally, I'll host a cookout or a fancy dinner for guests during which real food is served. I have a hard time justifying the expenditure of resources, both time and money, if I'm just doing it for me. So, to answer your question, my eating habits are poor when I'm being antisocial, but I moderate those tendencies with social interaction.
Anyone ever tried soylent or one of their community made alternatives? I would use that if I didn't have cheap access to prepared food.