anyone in Germany or around there who wants to meet up in the following 2 weeks? I'll come to your city! Reply here or give me a mail at [email protected]
Montana, USA?
Montana seems to be just out of range for hitchhiking in Germany. Maybe there can be a U.S. meetup sometime though. I vote Denver, CO around New Year's
I just changed my vote to Saturday, January 17th, as I will be in town that day anyways.
buckkake !99MsBYnuYc
How's the hitchhiking trip, ely?
didn't get very lucky the first day so i decided to cut it short. The couchsurfing thing was fun though. Sometimes I wonder if visiting cities , especially alone, is worth it these days, can't i just look at photographs of it on the internet?
>>3353 But a place has feelings that you can't read in the pixels.
>>3340 >U.S. meetup sometime though. Yes, colorado is actually a good spot since it's sorta close to the middle of the US, although east coast people would be left out i guess