[wish / faux / culture ]
Thread #3373
almost dead
Not synched.
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Anonymous 2014/10/13 (月) 18:13 No. 3373
anyone here played this game? I haven't laughed so hard at a game ever.
Anonymous 2014/10/13 (月) 18:35 No. 3376
what the fuck is that? looks terrible
Anonymous 2014/10/13 (月) 19:36 No. 3377
it's a game made by krautchan, download here chose english in the menu. It's satire
Anonymous 2014/10/14 (火) 14:36 No. 3379
Looks amusing
Anonymous 2014/10/17 (金) 23:56 No. 3380
Image 1413590181108.jpg (119 KB, 645x406, unnamed.jpg )
I recommend Digital: A Love Story to anyone looking for a Cracky/Lain esque experience. I found out stuck with me for a while afterwards. It involves the kind of information hunting and sharing/hording of the crackyverse uses it as gameplay.
Anonymous 2014/10/17 (金) 23:56 No. 3381
Anonymous 2014/10/18 (土) 00:05 No. 3382
>>3380 sounds legit relavant
Anonymous 2014/10/18 (土) 00:06 No. 3383
>>3382 *relevant thanks
Anonymous 2014/10/18 (土) 03:48 No. 3384
>>3380 I like how "Don't take it personally babe" ties in to
Anonymous 2014/10/18 (土) 03:48 No. 3385
>>3380 ahem ties in to Digital
Anonymous 2014/10/19 (日) 04:32 No. 3386
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There was aa ggrill called
Anonymous 2014/10/19 (日) 04:32 No. 3387
Image 1413693407344.jpg (24 KB, 711x273, 1410003244725.jpg )
And another one called KKira, bbut II tthink tthey are not sstalked aas mmuch bby iint versus other KKC bboards Also nasheeds
Anonymous 2014/10/19 (日) 22:37 No. 3388
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