>>3496 (OP) I don't get the issue since I don't live in a place that uses a boiler nor have I ever. Is the boiler too far from the thermostat to be a considerable inconvenience?
>>3500 People misusing the word "incredulous", when they want to say "incredible". Meh
>>3501 Further context for >>3500: Colourwatch misused it whilst talkin to Alex, phd
>>3502 No, actually, the issue strikes much closer to the whole "Cracky Myth" and all that goes with it. The confusion of "incredible" with "incredulous" was actually first made - I mean, first made in a Cracky-relevant context - in an e-mail from Dana - Cracky's early admirer and, so it is said, eventual irl lover - to Cracky, which accompanied the sending of some book of towering pretentiousness ("James Joyce: The Critical Heritage", if I remember rightly. I don't know who Colourwatch is but I certainly made the remark to someone that it is highly indicative of the depllorable character of the "Cracky community" - which seems to swing wildly back and forth between denunciations of "pseudo-intellectualism" and indulgence in particularly egregious varieties of same - that one of its first, and most generally admired and envied, members should have committed such a revealing solecism as this clumsy and elementary misuse of the English language in a letter, above all places, that accompanied the gift of a book of essays about one of the greatest masters of English to have ever lived. For me, this goes a long way toward exploding BOTH of the dual and interlocking myths that (a) Cracky herself was some prodigy of intellectual precocity and (b) her admirers were anything much more or different than common-or-garden older groomers of a disturbingly young , impressionable and vulnerable girl. I'm glad, however, at least to see that the "incredulous/incredible" confusion has become a Crackyverse meme of sorts - even if one that most of you misremember or misinterpret. It is certainly more salutary - dare I say "cathartic"? - that you commemorate your real defeats, errors and misdeeds than that you commemorate your entirely imaginary glories, sacrifices and triumphs.
>>3503 Yeah, Dana is just Colourwatch's IRL name. I guess when you read the correspondence he was going by Daren Floen or something? I'm out of the loop if there is still any loop, anyhow.
anyway, pic semi related, it's one of Cracky, CW, and Mero's cohorts
>>3503 Never in the history of the Crackvers has been someone who had glory, triumphs or sacrifices, and you are no exception. Also, I never recall any threads or common conceptions that Cracky was particularly smart, even worse a genius, but feel free to correct me.
>>3506 Well, whether he deserves "credit" - or rather contempt - is precisely the issue here - and part of a larger issue, because whether Crackyfags accord him the former or the latter is highly indicative of the kind of values and perceptions and attitudes to life and other people that bound this "community" together, back in the days when one could still just about speak of a "community". I never had any contact, to my knowledge, with Dana / Colourwatch. That was all way before my time. But yes, I read the e-mail exchange that the previous poster links to many years ago and my strong impression back then was the saddening, disgusting one of some sleazy conman groomer inventing a whole uncheckable but impressive persona for an impressionable, rather gullible pubescent girl. I really don't know much at all about the actual facts of Colourwatch's / Dana's profession, condition in life etc. but this e-mail of his reminds me so strongly of the sort of hokey details about themselves and their lives that just about every would-be Internet bigshot - and who, on image-boards and in chatrooms DOESN'T want to be one or another sort of "big noise"? - "lets slip just in passing". Everyone one meets on the Internet is a freelance web designer / doge-coin trader / drug dealer who is flown around by clients and associates from capital city to capital city i.e. pretty much a junior James Bond. When I, at least, take a rather closer look at the documents and communications in which they "involuntarily let slip" these exciting pieces of information about themselves and their jet-set lifestyles, I find myself asking myself: do CEOs of large rich multi-national companies REALLY entrust important international missions to guys who struggle with basic English? I think if I were whatever prospective client Dana's "boss" was supposedly sending him to London to bag and Dana's reply to the question: "Did you enjoy your dinner at the hotel last night?" was "Yes! It was incredulous!" that
would pretty much end the negotiations right there. Cracky, for her part, I have to admit, sounds like the Real Deal. She was a Rothschild and unmistakably "came from money", so I am not in the least inclined to dismiss as bullshit her talk of Switzerland and Guernsey the way I am inclined to dismiss Dana's talk of London and international travel as just that. But she was extremely youn g and extremely needy, and thereby easy prey for any plebby Flash Harry (Daddish and even super-Daddish reference to the ORIGINAL 1950s St Trinians movies) who happened to wander virtually along. I'm sure that she has long since left such people far far behind her and lives her life these days amongst people who actually DO fly around from continent to continent - and DON'T confuse "incredible" and "incredulous" - instead of just fantasize about doing so while sweatily anticipating trysts with girls half their age.
>>3507 >>3508 How do you feel about people with less graps (typo: grasp) of English (i.d. non-native English speakers)? I don't post much nor have an attention span big enough to remember such detail. I actually had to have the point of the thread explained to me.
>>3507 >>3507 >>3508 Well, in fact, that exchange is not between Dana and Cracky, but instead: Corben and Cracky. There is absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that Corben is a serial statutory rapist (if I get flamed for this, I'm just gonna bounce) and a crazy liar and not very smart.
Hm, [10:18 PM] merokins: gimme dana's phone number [10:18 PM] suede: nope [10:18 PM] liar: do you have the tape of cracky having sex with her cat (cfr .71) [10:18 PM] suede: yes [10:18 PM] merokins: someone needs to provide him with styling advice [10:18 PM] merokins: the pubes on his neck have to go [10:19 PM] science: neck beards ftw man [10:19 PM] merokins left the room. [10:19 PM] suede: link to picture of him? [10:19 PM] science: I have a pretty great neckbeard going on right now [10:19 PM] merokins entered the room. [10:19 PM] guest-220336 changed nickname to merokins [10:19 PM] suede: I have a wispy elderly asian gentleman beard going on [10:19 PM] merokins: dude [10:19 PM] science: I want one of those [10:20 PM] science: shit, I want all the beards [10:20 PM] alex entered the room. [10:20 PM] science: or well, most of them [10:20 PM] ghast: +1 617 913 0992 [10:20 PM] merokins: you have a marxist revolutionist beard going on [10:20 PM] suede: ghast, that is incorrect [10:20 PM] guest-220348 changed nickname to victorbaton [10:21 PM] merokins: TO CALL OR NOT TO CALL [10:21 PM] suede: (though the number I have is from 2008 so it could have changed) [10:21 PM] alex: oh God, the Internet Hate Machine [10:21 PM] suede: no but seriously, dana's a pretty cool guy [10:22 PM] alex: I have suffered from it in all the cities of Europe
[10:22 PM] science: better get yourself a dog and some curtains vic [10:22 PM] suede: I'd like to politely request that you don't harass him [10:22 PM] alex: he's a pompous stupid ass [10:22 PM] suede: have you ever met him [10:22 PM] alex: but I agree he should not be harassed [10:22 PM] merokins: he seemed cool enough [10:23 PM] merokins: before the pussy whipping [10:23 PM] ghast: he stole our cracky [10:23 PM] alex: no, I'm basing my opinion on evidence I've often cited [10:23 PM] suede: you never had cracky in the first place, she can't have been stolen from you [10:23 PM] alex: he sent Cracky books about James Joyce [10:23 PM] alex: implyng he cared about the English language [10:23 PM] suede: victor, I stayed at his house for three days and met his parents, he's cool [10:24 PM] suede: granted his lifestyle has left him not very well adjusted to the real world [10:24 PM] alex: and then he wrote an e-mail to her beginning wth the words: "It's incredulous that [10:24 PM] suede: but that's not really his fault [10:24 PM] merokins: in other words [10:24 PM] merokins: SOCIALLY RETARDED [10:24 PM] alex: you should have written to me just now"
(was looking for background information and found this)
>I'm basing my opinion on evidence I've often cited
Corben is in his mid 30ies and lives with a certain crackyfag-associate that is more then a decade his junior. He is also from Albania or something.
than than than than
Dana was a nice guy, if he had not stolen our
>>3503 That's the most pretentious idiocy I've ever seen in a post about pretentious idiocy. Was the irony intentional or are you just a pretentious idiot?
>>3519 Have you ever noticed the essential difference between my posts and almost everyone else's? Mine actually say something. Other posts tend to consist, as yours does, of the repeated tautological pseudo-contention: "This is crap because this is crap because this is crap because this is crap" on and on ad infinitum and ad nauseam
>>3520 I mean, none of my posts were saying anything was crap. Whatever.
"such a revealing solecism as this clumsy and elementary misuse of the English language in a letter"
Alex can you not see the pretentiousness of this??
Sigh... sadness ensues once again. This board was quiet and tranquil, and suddenly someone attempts to revive it a bit and it doesn't even take a single day for you people to create drama. Seriously, what is wrong with you all?
>>3523 The point here has always been whether YOU can see the pretentiousness of someone trying to impress a 15-year-old girl by using a four-syllable word and risibly confusing it with another, similar four-syllable word. That is pretty much the EPITOME of pretentiousness. And yet you can't seem to recognize it. And even more significantly, deaf and blind to THAT, you continue to rave on about the alleged "pretentiousness" contained in what is, after all, really only an example of the competent use of English.
The drama revived the board. Cause and causation...
>>3526 No, desire to contribute revived the board. Drama came on its own and devoured any and all good intentions. Now these thread will last for days with a hundred post spewing hatred and tl;drs and when it's over the "board will die" again.
Just start your own thread and do not engage in drama. How was this thread _not_ started to incite discord?
>>3528 You make a good point. I'll just keep to my own threads, thanks.
>>3525 I said nothing about someone else's pretentiousness, only your own. Multiple people can, after all, be pretentious. But in discussing that one should keep in mind parables about glass houses...
>>3530 No need to, they don't apply here. As I say, we have here a case of (i) absolute paradigm instance of failed pretentiousness - which is held up by Crackyfags as an object of admiration, or, at most, as you claim, allowed to pass without comment and (ii) perfectly normal and unobjectionable use of some admittedly rather educated-sounding English - which is pilloried as "pretentious" for no other demonstrable reason than that it was written by me.
The reason wasn't that you said it, Alex. The reason was its haughty, arrogant, unkind snobbishness.