2. to set in the pillory. 3. to expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse: The candidate mercilessly pilloried his opponent.
pre·ten·tious *adjective
: having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are
* The houses in the neighborhood are large and pretentious.
* That pretentious poster returned to the image board.
>>3540 These posts would be a little wittier - and let's face it, they could hardly be LESS witty - if you made an effort to dig out ACTUAL dictionary definitions of words instead of just writing them yourself to suit your Alex-baiting purposes. "Pretentious" is actually a rather morally problematical - I would go so far as to say even "dialectical" - term and idea. It is not inherently and necessarily an entirely "unpleasant" quality as your clumsily cobbled-together fictional definiton claims. Etymologically speaking, it is pretty much synonymous with "aspirant / having aspirations". (The French verb "pretendre à quelque chose" - often mistaken for a word meaning "pretend" by high-school-level French speakers - simply means to "aim at" or "aspire to" do something). And I think we can all agree that there is nothing wrong with having aspirations. The point where "pretension" in the French sense becomes "pretention" or "pretentiousness" in the English is actually very difficult to pin down exactly. I suppose it is something to do with the moment or point at which the will to SET a high goal for oneself begins to diverge from the will to PUT IN THE ARDUOUS AND TEDIOUS HOURS OF WORK that are required to realize that goal. There is nothing inherently reprehensible, in other words, in Dana's / Corben's / whoever's wanting to read and understand James Joyce and wanting Cracky to share that with him. Nor would there have been anything inherently reprehensible in Dana's / Corben's having opened "Ulysses" and having realized that the book was just too fucking demanding for someone of his talents and condition in life to try to tackle. The moment of reprehensibility came only when Dana / Corben / whoever decided that his coming to the latter resignation was not, for him, a reason to give up the former aspiration, i.e. when he formed the idea that it was OK for him to keep trying to garner the kudos of being associated - in the mind of a 15-year-old girl - with
virtuosic mastery of the English language such as Joyce had acquired without ACTUALLY himself having acquired sufficient mastery of the language to be able to distinguish "incredulous" from "incredible".
di·a·lec·ti·cal *adjective*
1 a : of, relating to, or in accordance with dialectic <dialectical method>
b : practicing, devoted to, or employing dialectic <a dialectical philosopher>
I'm taking a class at the local Mental Wellness Center, they talk about a treatment called Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
>>3543 Well, I can only hope to dear Christ that THAT one isnt taken from any real dictionary. That's supposed to be an EXAMPLE? It has about as much explanatory value as the sentence: "I saw a man walking past my laundromat window this evening who was wearing a shirt with the word "dialectical" written on it". Oh Bartleby, oh humanity......
—used for a place that has machines for washing and drying clothes, towels, sheets, etc.
>>3545 an institution known in Paris as a "Lavage" - a term derived from a certain "Lavagel" (pic related) whom urban-exploratory brain-scans have confirmed to have been the girl most intensely and hopelessly thought upon throughout all the winding hilly streets of the Latin Quarter (saved from the urban-planning depradations of Baron Hausmann by the legal ownership of most of the 5th arrondissement by the Church and the parish of Saint Geneviève) during the years 2011 and 2012.
>>3572 She had a whole number of them between around 2009 and the middle of last year but I think all that is behind her now. What I find most moving, though, is that the comic weeaboo nickname "Lavagel" is still something she carries with her even as a fully-grown woman. She called herself "Ravager Reynolds" back on Stickam in 2007-2008, a name apparently derived from some comic book that a highschool buddy of hers had drawn and tried to make a "thing". "Lavagel" was the wry 4Channy Nipponization of "Ravager", on the lines of "so ronery" etc. Jeff's coinage, I believe. Even more poignantly antediluvian seems the name that Jeff and Rentun used to refer to her by back in the days of "irc" chats, if I am using the right terminology: "That Chick......" "That Chick....."
Never such innocence, Never before or since, As changed itself to past Without a word--the men Leaving the gardens tidy, The thousands of marriages, Lasting a little while longer: Never such innocence again.
Philip Larkin
>>3577 I would like to know her mfc so I can search for vids. btw how did she react people thinking she was zoey deschanel? I guess she became pretty famous. there must be recorded shows of her out there.
>>3578 The videos - which are around, despite RavRav's making every possible effort to have them annihilated - are indeed, pretty much without exception, quite astonishingly good artefacts of their kind. In terms of sheer sex appeal, RavRav leaves both of the other "Cracky girls" who went into that line of work almost immeasurably far behind her. People used to talk about "having it" or not. I'm not sure what "it" is, but whatever it is, if video recordings are anything to go by, RavRav has "it" to an exceptional and almost accursed degree. Her body is quite breathtakingly lovely - athletic but, particularly from about age 21 on, casting an almost primordial spell of unmistakable womanliness - and her acting out of sexual desire and pleasure is - even though there can be rational doubt that it IS just acting out, just pretence and play-acting - phenomenally, almost supernaturally convincing. For RavRav, though, it seems, her phenomenal gift is indeed something "accursed", which she appears to have made a form and irreversible decision never again to make use of. For me, the post-2013 Lavagel - the no-poo quoter of Seneca and the Lotus Sutra who hangs around the bazaars of Marrakech in a pith-helmet and granny specs trying to look like a cross between Jane Bowles and Virgina Woolf - is a sad case of someone trying stubbornly to plane and craft their own personality entirely against the grain. Such has indeed been her decision, though, and she remains the love of my life, so I won't be helping anyone track down any of her still-extant videos from MFC days which - though they put every other such video in the shade - are a light she wishes to remain under a bushel.
Oh and by way of an "erratum", the formulation even though there can be rational doubt that it IS just acting out, just pretence and play-acting should, of course, have read even though there can be NO rational doubt etc. Let the Freudo-feminists make what they will of my having omitted the "no". But what am I saying? None of the feminists who come here have any time at all for Freud, so I'm in the clear...