Alex can be used to better memmorize the characteristics of Scleroderma:
-His fingers get "puffy" when he is on the Internet, but later they atrophy to the bone because he hits the keys too many times. To prevent finger atrophy give him the BOSENTAN (the BAN). -HIs fingers first get white, then he remembers to post and they get blue and finally he gets angry and they get red. (Reynaulds) -He has a calcium node in his skin for every post he has made. -Look at his fingers early, and you'll discover what lies behind them (capilaroscopy aids in early diagnosis). -The association of systemic sclerosis and Primary Biliar Cirrhosis is called Reynolds Syndrome. (When he's in "out-of-home" mode or skin mode, he's known by MR Reynolds). As he doesn't pay his fine, the T CD8 (policeman lymphocite) is always in his portal, along with judge secretaries telling him to go to the court (plasmatic cells) and red-number letters from the treasury-bank (eosinophils). Later (state II) foamy macrophages (police vans) will come out of his portal saying he's left and they look for him in Paris. As he has left for GErmany, (state III) the police looking transfers to other cities (fibrous walls between portals). Keep in mind as the lymphocites look at him (hepatocite) from the portal space, he looks as if he was an alcoholic (he has so much hialine inside the cell); and note he stores cupper (small coins) which is correlated with the bilirrubin (the debt-fine). Regarding the police event (primary biliar cirrhosis) we should note his skin was so greasy as he talked to the policeman (lipids are so high, even 1k) and with lot of hate (hypergammablogulin), specially Against Males Alpha (AMA+); and note the association with dry-syndrome (he has not shed a single tear because of this event). -Kidney crisis: It's like when he get's angry, which is preceded by microangio(penis)pathy and hearth surrounded by bad fluid: headache, convulsions, retinopathy, hearth insufficiency. Down to the detail you
- The BOSENTAN (BAN) makes him breath and sigh and treats his lung hypertension. He also breaths and sighs after taking Sildenafil, I(nhalation)prost.
When he's out * of home
When he's not out of home (not skin-mode) he shows signs of SCL-70 (inside home). * COrrection.
I think the content has been cropped. Here I continue:
-Kidney crisis: It's like when he get's angry, which is preceded by microangio(penis)pathy and hearth surrounded by bad fluid: headache, convulsions, retinopathy, hearth insufficiency. Down to the detail you can see the INTIMAL HYPERPLASIA of INTER(personal problems)LOBULAR artheries and the Fibrinoid necrosis (~abscense) of the arriving artheries (arriving friends). -His muscles ache and become rigid. Initially they screek as you move them (because they have califications and they are becoming rigid) but as time passes they become flexed (in the gollum-like position he's next to his keyboard). -Alex Bowels: Colon shows chronic constipation and sometimes anal prolapse. Small bowels exhibit lot of bacteries, slower digestions , and bloated belly and tiny air bubbles on the walls (so empty inside). -His hearth is not sick, but sometimes it gets the vessels constricted and suffers. -As he shouts, his jaw hurts (trigeminal neuralgia). -He talks and reads a lot, so his tongue and eyes are dry (Sjögrenn) -Now that he has found a treatment for his kidney tantrums, he faces lung trouble: His breath is bad from the start (even before other tests, functional tests (blow, etc) are pathologic; specially when it's in his "outer" mode (skin modality of the disease) as 20% of the time when he's not at home he experiences a Hypertension (sexual tension when looking at Lungs). -Chronic ACID reflux goes through his aesophagus (to his mouth), but never dies of cancer. He "gets in" ideas, (aesophagus relaxes well) but doesn't make very easy for you to push ideas (food) inside him (doesn't propulse; his (ideological) sphincter's tone is lower but relaxes well). Unlike Acrackylasian (girls) who don't get in ideas (their feminism doesn't let them eat it when you feed them reality or specially meta-information - their aesophagus sphincter doesn't relax), and sometimes contracts a lot (which correlates with Botulinum toxin; they are di
-Chronic ACID reflux goes through his aesophagus (to his mouth), but never dies of cancer. He "gets in" ideas, (aesophagus relaxes well) but doesn't make very easy for you to push ideas (food) inside him (doesn't propulse; his (ideological) sphincter's tone is lower but relaxes well). Unlike Acrackylasian (girls) who don't get in ideas (their feminism doesn't let them eat it when you feed them reality or specially meta-information - their aesophagus sphincter doesn't relax), and sometimes contracts a lot (which correlates with Botulinum toxin; they are diagnosed by the CHECK y.p. (manometry) and, on a side note, the solution for Acrackylasian girls when they are young or very insistent or very anal-retentive (short aesophagus) is the MEAT (the surgery). If they have been previously dilated, the MEAT (surgery) will not be so effective. On a side note {Dolores - Secondary Acrackylasia (Achalasia) girl: Bolivian (Chagas), Milady boyfriend (Amiloid), Cancer...} If you give them the MEAT remember To Up the Door (associate Toupet or Dor antireflux surgical techniques, or else they will vomit acid through their mouth after the event; it's not uncommon for these persons after MEAT (surgery) to cough pus (pneumonia)).
-There's a lot of antibodies in his blood (a lot of hate towards many things); this also applies to AIDS sufferers and Liashmaniosisfags. Note ANTICENTERMERE (anti center of the city, the antibody of when he's out of his home). Out of his home he seems THe RaNdom Person (anti RNP). Antifibrilarin (antibody related to bowel, lungs and muscle pains) is fibrilary like a whip; he might suffer her whip on his bowel, lungs and muscles). When he's not out home, he can show signs of SoCalled70year old man (anti SCL70). - Remember to differentiate him from Mere (Escleredema, kid with after sore throat) or from Pedro (skin browned like sclermixedem) - The BOSENTAN (BAN) makes him breath and sigh and treats his lung hypertension. He also breaths and sighs after taking Sildenafil, I(nhalation)prost.
This medicine he can't take it as he takes nitrites, but as he doesn't have Acrackylasia he doesn't need those
Heh this is pretty great
>>3591 Well, it's LONG. But as we're on the subject of pathologies, I also feel that it definitely confirms that this board does suffer from the sort of psychological pathology I have often commented on, that one might designate either as autism, or as narcissism or - if one is as long-winded as I am - as the "Zen ballerina" sydrome of being utterly unable EVER to conduct an actual CONVERSATION and of being stuck in this mode of revolving endlessly on one's own little solitary stage going through one's own little solitary self-regarding motions in the delusion that others will regard one as much as one regards oneself.
There have been several openings in recent threads for actual DISCUSSION - about feminism, about Crackyverse personalities, not about Cracky, admittedly, but there is nothing left to say about HER anyway.
But no one has chosen to take those chances up. Instead we have THIS: a solitary would-be verbal ballerina revolving and revolving on his lonely little monologic stage...