
Thread #3922

almost dead

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「Ophelia thread」

how can she be so pretty? she's supposed to age and things like that. feels.
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She's hot as fuck but do we really need this posted here?
erm, ok, if we don't need I guess ely can delete it
bleh so much responsibility, i never asked for this
if i delete this, Alex his post will also be lost, all those man-minutes of effort gone.
Have no inhibitions, Ely. My life is infinitely empty anyway and, rereading it, I suppose it was all unnecessarily vicious (making fun of the poor little bitch's breasts, Jesus, how low can one sink?)
Maybe a Lia thread shouldn't be deleted, though. It's not as if there is so much else happening in the Crackyverse.
Just delete my unnecessary hate-spewing and leave the whore', sorry, poor girl's photos up for her fans. That would be my advice.
And I tried to re-add you on Skype, by the way but it didnt seem to work.
I hope by now nobody is still taking offense in your writings
Oh I did read it.

Alex should spend his energy on comparing the lifeless bags of skin that the former breast of the females in his peer group have developed into.
Oh shit. Welll sorry Lia, it was unnecessary and at least partially untrue. I become inebriated with the exuberance of my own verbosity.
But as to the lifeless bags of skin of the women belonging to my peer group, well there I am probably much of the same opinion as you. Why do you think I spend my time seeking - through Paypal transfers and self-humiliation on video - a sad substitute for sexual congress with women thirty years my junior?
Fragility, thy name is Woman.
Regarding men however, 'Men Improve With the Years' as Keats or one of the Beats or someone put it
AM worn out with dreams;
A weather-worn, marble triton
Among the streams;
And all day long I look
Upon this lady's beauty
As though I had found in a book
A pictured beauty,
Pleased to have filled the eyes
Or the discerning ears,
Delighted to be but wise,
For men improve with the years;
And yet, and yet,
Is this my dream, or the truth?
O would that we had met
When I had my burning youth!
But I grow old among dreams,
A weather-worn, marble triton
Among the streams.
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her freckles seem to come and go depending on the day...
could be editing? some people dont like having freckles
As an aging man, I refuse to accept or endorse Yeats' melancholy. I'm sure Alex will blame this on pro wrestling and the failures of U.S. culture.

very light freckles are cute.
All freckles are cute.
>>3922 (OP)
She's not even over 25, afaik. She looks her average age, imo.
Her face is getting chubby again, which is nice. She looks like she's enjoying herself lately.
ye, skeletor lia looked like crap, a bit like a crackwhore.
Are these people lords of
>>3974>She's not even over 25, afaik.

I might remember wrong, but aren't Ophelia, Camel and Dolores all representatives of the '93 class?
I was 3974, so I'm positive I didn't write the other comments.
No clue, but that means she's indeed no over 25. Idc enough to be honest.
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Disappointing that Lia never had a scene girl phase.
She made up for it by her schizo phases, her cutting phases, her slut phases (not really) and her convince-a-loser-to-spend-money-on-studying-crap-career phase.

Also, she's too tall to make a good scene / emo girl.

Brain abnormalities in people with schizophrenia identified

Eugenics when?
>schizophrenia identified in people with schizophrenia

schizos are the best
without schizos we'd still be molluscs
Reading comprehension level: Fungi.
Schizophrenics have permanent brain anormalities (abnormalities, sorry) that gets imprinted in DNA, making it a possible trait for offspring. My point was that schizos should get sterilized asap, or we get cuties like dildomaster up there everyone wants to spread their seed to but shouldn't.

Don't decide people's futures. There's plenty of schizos that are productive and serve purpose to the world.
That reminded me, what happened to Schwill?
That article doesn't suggest anything about 'imprinting' on DNA or heritability of these brain abnormalities.
I dont care enough to read the article but isnt dna imprinting the default behavior? as in, if I get like cancer wont my dna be permanently changed and therefore that dna might reach any offspring I had?
Reading comprehension level: Dead.
Some carcinogens will affect gene expression in fetuses.
Mutations from cancer aren't likely to be heritable though.

If by chance your gametes do pick up a mutation
then firstly that cell is most likely to end up sterile. If it doesn't, then if it's one of the 1% of genes that are imprinted that has the mutation then it will be passed on and expressed. Otherwise the standard rules apply.

The schizophrenia article just says they've identified some physical abnormalities in schizophrenics. My point was that this isn't surprising, we know there must be some brain-structural component to the disease. For sure it will be very useful to identify these abnormalities, but their specificity and cause and heritability are not discussed in this article.
>Reading comprehension level: Dead
I just said that I didn't read the article! Thanks for explaining though.
any camgirls here who want to give their feedback on this?
They don't need to, it's super obvious the poster is the common denominator.
>self-obsessed, self-absorbed, general bitches
Post broke before intended:
Also, I dare you to find a camwhore (an official one) who seems to be even remotely an apparently decent human being.

That's the thing, isn't it. your definition of a "decent human being," and so then one who appears that way to you, is probably formulated to exclude someone who got naked for money on the internet in the first place, or at least a woman who has. What's the point of these arguments? We know for certain that a lot of enabling factors of camwhoring are negative, we know also that the environment in which someone is likely to camwhore nowadays is similarly unhealthy, and we know that other types of sex trade people have to depersonalize or whatever it's called just to keep going. Obviously these people won't be "apparently decent human beings" to you. My advice is to masturbate and stop troubling yourself with these zomg deep questions.
I'm going to take a wild guess and assume >>4072 + >>4073 was referring particularly to the reddit post, which makes the former camgirl in question a massive hypocrite. I agree with you, though, zero point in thinking about people's qualities on the internet; if others are giving them money for xyz that's nobody else's business.

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