I haven't been here for a while, I guess like everyone else I take breaks from this weird sub-subculture of sorts. How is everyone doing? I wonder what brings me back to this place. I begin to understand how Alex is how he is, I have more empathy now. I have become everything I thought I'd never be: permanently unemployed, morbidly obese, lonely and afraid. Has my faith for the Sky Queen brought nothing but misery?
If any of you find yourselves here in a moment of weakness or loneliness, do yourself a favour and close the tab / window. This space in the Wired will bring you nothing but disease. You already now this, don't delude yourself anymore. Don't be like me.
One respect in which people should be very careful to avoid becoming like you is your apparent habit of projecting your own despicable and pathetic personal characteristics onto people who don't actually display any sign of them. Of the four qualities you list as yours, the only one I can own to in any degree at all is loneliness. YOU may be 'permanently unemployed' - but I have been earning my living (albeit as a freelancer, so necessarily with ups and downs) continuously since I finished my studies over twenty years ago. YOU may be morbidly obese - but I have done five circuits of the Parc George Brassens in the 15th arrondissement of Paris every day this week and count myself pretty trim for a man approaching his 56th birthday. YOU may be afraid - but I take on the world every day armed with nothing but the three weapons I allow myself: silence, exile, and cunning - oh no, hold on, that was the other feller, I meant verbal diarrhea, exile and unassailable childlike innocence. In other words, you understand a hell of a lot less than you delude yourself you do, in your smug complacent narcissistic arrogance - and maybe that is the ultimate reason for what I do not doubt has indeed been your abject and utter defeat.
>>3952 Not cecil. I'm at bad place, but not that bad. >>3951 Easier said than done. >>3949 Why are you attacking me? I didn't imply you were unemployed, obese or afraid. I meant that I had more empathy to you because of how age changes the perspective of life, something I hadn't experienced before, for obvious reasons. The only characteristic I would admit of projecting is what it seems to be an unrealistic hope that somehow the crackyverse will make me a happier person.
I have never claimed to understand anything with smugness, again you are taking it personal, probably because you are used to. I wouldn't call myself arrogant, much less narcissitc, at least not to a degree where it affects others. My problems are my own and I don't blame anyone for them.
>>3953 To elaborate, I get your constant vitriol now. I feel sad all the time, to the point that despite avoiding confrontational sites (like other imageboards, forums, etc.) I find myself getting angry over things that definitely have no value. Maybe anger is the only recourse to push down sadness.
this thread is a minimally subtle attack on alex, blaming his anger on loneliness, emotional issues and wobbly self-worth yadda yadda. alex, my good friend, don't let yourself be tarnished, no one here doubts that your behaviour is 100% healthy.
>>3955 that was one cruel jab to him 10/10 at least op wasnt mocking him
>>3955 I didn't actually interpret it as a deliberate attack on me. It was something worse, I think. The guy DOES, as you say, blame my anger on all the usual subjective crap that 'positive-thinking', snake-oil-selling therapists and such people tend to blame all 'anger' on - and he really does BELIEVE that. He honestly is too dumb or too scared to see that there are very good reasons to be constantly angry about the world and very good reasons for someone's never having been able to come to compromises and agreements with any of the world's institutions. His 'I haven't got a job and that makes me tetchy.....now I know how Alex feels!' is laughable and contemptible, of course. It's as dumb and despicable as some idiot drawing Cracky ears on a perfume advert and exclaiming, in stupid delusional vanity: 'Ah! So this is how Michelangelo felt! Now at last I understand all!' But yes, he really is that stupid and delusional. He honestly doesn't know any better and thinks that he is granting me a boon of some sort by embracing me as his 'brother'. And by the way, I am not so delusional myself as to have failed to notice the strong tincture of irony in the contributions of my 'supporters' to this thread. Of course no one - including me - believes that my behaviour is '100% healthy'. I do, it is true, indulge from time to time in orgies of self-righteous self-idealization and watch over and over again the final scene of Rostand's 'Cyrano de Bergerac' where the dying Cyrano hallucinates a last battle with all his 'old enemies' Lies, Compromises, Cowardice and Stupidity, crying out: 'I know that in the end you will lay me low, But it is most beautiful to fight when there is no use and no hope of winning. At other times, though - in my moments of real need when I experience a sense of "defeat" that the moron OP will never and can never understand - it is the beautiful 69th Psalm of David that I turn to for comfort, which slips between many bombastic, defiant, heroic lines that
could have been from Rostand - "mine adversaries are all before me; pour out Thy indignation upon them, and let Thy wrathful anger take hold of them" - the still braver words in an infinitely quieter tone: "O God, Thou knowest my foolishness; And my sins are not hid from Thee." And - on an entirely unrelated note - I add this recent photo of myself and RavRav, who finally met when she was sent, last week, to the conference of European heads of state on the Greek debt crisis as an observer and adviser on behalf of the Association of Californian Hippy-Dippy Ex-Cam-Whore Pseudo-Spiritual-Types Association.
>>3958 "I am weak, so I'm appealing to a supernatural entity"... is heroic?
>>3959 Yes. 'God', in His better hours, has functioned as a metaphor for human beings' consciousness of our own limitations - that is to say, for our ability to exert resistance against our own inherent psychological tendency toward an infantile-narcissistic sense of omnipotence and total self-sufficiency. And this ability is a form of courage, of 'heroism', if you like.
It sound to me like you're saying "weakness is strength... slavery is freedom". And nothing is more infantile than appealing to a parent for help... little anyway.
>>3957 did you just compare yourself to Michaelangelo? also he / she didnt say that because he / she didnt have a job is why he understood your idiotic, childish, arrogant behavior, but rather that being hostile was a way of coping with sadness
op's fault for being a faggot though, idk why people keep mentioning you in their posts, as if you had any importance in this circle
>>3965 How can one be "important in this circle" if there functionally is no circle? It's just the same tired faces playing out the same old charade. Pic related: >>3965 and >>3963 are this gay.
>>3967 But there is, this board is a testimony to it. "this gay"? I'm sorry, but I only associate with and date people who have a small round mark on their upper arm.
>>3989 >>3990 >>3990 >>3991 >>3992 >>3993 Thanks, these have been great for relaxing. A while ago I started having trouble sleeping and only ASMR (don't judge me, it works for me) has helped me so far.
>>3993 I (same as previous post) was about to check this one but it says "This video is not available", now I'm curious. What was it?
>>3996 Thanks, but not that fond of visual/personal attention asmr videos. I usually just make the video into an mp3 and listen to it while doing other things or while I'm already lying in bed.
>>3997 Nvm, kept watching, it does have pretty good moments. Sorta worth it.
>>4512 I'm trying but I enter the captcha but I can't click enter.
>>4514 I can only join anonymously. I am crackaddict in the chat room.
>>4515 yeah i don't know if the embedded chat still works.
>>4516 I don't think it does. at least not for me. This site was down for ages. What made you bring it back?
i managed to join https://tinychat.com/crackyiscatharsis by going to their site .71 was back up, people were asking when this site was going to come back up, i figured why not. tbh i wish it all had kept ded
>>4518 >tbh i wish it all had kept ded Why? How old are you? Have you ever been
>>4519 almost 30 because i'm not really comfortable with the whole cracky aspect any more and from a distance it seems kinda sad.
>>4520 I wonder if Olivia ever frequented this website. She probably still went on bounceme just to see what everyone was up to. She'll always have that memory. When a bunch of weirdos from 4chan fell in love/lust with her. I wonder what she thinks of 4chan's recent reincarnation as the centre of modern western white nationalism. >>4522 >>4522
i'm not even sure if there ever was any love/lust for a lot of us, could have been simple mindless obsession
>>4522 Obsessions will make you mindless. Were you on 4chan when she posted back in 04/05? When did you first get into her? Still fairly OG tbh 22 Young I know for a crackyfag. Came to 4chan in about 2013/14, Got interested in the culture and history. Started reading lurkmore. Found out about cracky. Became fascinated. 4chan today seems pretty different to what it was back in the day. 4chan is basically the hub of the alt-right and their cultural centre. It's become a lot more serious. The racism of early 4chan seemed pretty ironic and non-serious. These days people become literal nazis from it. Also you probably changed as a person to be fair. Ok trying now
no, i started visiting 4chan in late 2006, and cracky a couple months later how old are you? how come you are interested in this weird shit? i mean cracky faggotry yeah. I don't visit 4chan much any more, it's become pretty stale. Wether that's because it always was the same content repeated and i picked up the patterns, or because it changed, i'm not sure. yeah. >>4518 can you try that link there?