>>4025 She was a very bright girl. It seems to me the new things in WoW are insufficient to keep her attention for so many years, even with the social aspect. But I don't think a person changes their general preference for game genre. For example I liked RPG's when I was a child and I still like RPG's. If she liked MMORPGs before she'll like them now, but she'll have moved on to seek new challenges in a different specific game.
>>4026 >>4025 It's unlikely she still plays WoW, since it went too long after she quit. If she plays mmorpgs she probably went for
>>4027 a more Asian-aesthetics game like Archage, Guild of Wars 2 or any of those korean mmos. Maybe even FFXIV.
I'd like to think that she found her way into The Secret World, i fucking detest MMOs but that's one that's actually decent.
>>4030 I've recently gotten into The Secret World. I also like Dawn of War 2 and Medieval 2.
>>4030 >>4031 I like science fiction way more than fantasy settings, but someone gave me a trial key and I just couldn't get much into it. Any further opinions about that mmo?
>>4028 Is Archage any good? I keep hearing great things about it, but mostly from weeaboos. I play wow though, so I can't judge.
I like Pac-Man C.E. a lot, it's pretty much what it was used to be called "Coffee Breakers" a decade ago so it's a great way to burn a little time. Otherwise I like cyberpunk games (urban science fiction or not-so-ahead dystopic scifi). I also play unfortunately League of Legends and WoW, but I'm preening both accounts for maximum selling value (getting achievements or going ranked in LoL). Mmos in general are massive life-leechers, and I would advise anyone who asks me never to play them.
>>4037 Restricting content is bullshit. Give me a game like TESV where I can go get myself killed pretty much as soon as I start playing, if I want to stray from the storyline.
>>4038 I enjoy open world exploration, but also a degree of content restriction is fine. In WoW for example, you can go get yourself killed if you want on higher level zones, with the only restriction being the time you need to get there (quite high). I don't want to sell my WoW account, by I feel like it has been weightining be down forever and I need to get rid of it because just unsubscribing won't do.
https://youtu.be/ZmnWF3DkIlU?t=151 You should check this new mmorpg "Skyforge", very science fiction-y.
>>4033 content is somewhat limited compared to everquest or WoW, the graphics are acceptable, but the VERY Korean grind aspect is near evil. They retroactively like to nerf shit and call it a feature. Oh that fully functional ship you had, now every part of it requires upgrades to function the way it did before. ARCHEAGE is evil...don't play it.
>>4041 Thanks, made a Trion account,but a couple of internet-acquaintances also told me something similar to what you did so after watching reviews from the last 2 months, it does seem ArcheAge likes to screw over its non-paying customers. I'll stick to trying Skyforge; so far so good, love the theme.
>>4040 The features he raves about cinematic kill moves, cut scenes same quality as the game, immersive and directly controlled PC movement) are things I thought were a basic standard for any RPG to be called deccent these days.
>>4050 There's a car ad, I can't find it in my extensive and involved 30 second Google session, that says "It has 4 wheels!" "the doors work!" "It's got headlights!". I felt like I was watching that car ad.
>>4050 >>4051 I thought it looked pretty good for a free mmorpg. I like the FF7 look it has, I'm going to try it.
>>4056 >>4057 With the new WoW expansion every character of each class will have the same backstory.
I bet you losers sit here and F5 all day over some random girl that's moved on long ago. I'm so glad I left this place. You're all 20-something or 30-something by now, possibly older. It'd be ok if you guys grew up with everyone else but no, you post immature copypasta, 10 year old memes and ugly camwhores that only have the vaguest relation to the crackyverse. You guys, and suicide-girl wannabes, are pathetic losers.