So, erm, what's this board for nowadays? Why are there 2 other boards, if they are never used? Wouldn't it be better if all the boards were merged? What's the deal with the buggy chat? Where is everyone? Why does no one post here? What content would be welcome? Does this board have any particular rules, besides common-sense ones?
I ran out of questions, tbh.
Nostalgia and slowly dying hope. Do you mean the boards on skyqueen or two other boards? Maybe. The board owner didn't feel like doind all the extra work for a non-buggy chat. Most people still visit occasionally, they just don't post a lot; Nobody ever stops... Any content that's not total shitposting. As far as I know, no.
I meant the other sub-boards: faux and culture. .71 and angels couldn't be able to merge with this one, tbh. Angels is super dead too, though.
TO damn system, I hate you...
Anyway... besides the uncomfortable posting system, I never understood why Ely made this board with the same name as suede's. I think "" would have been an ideal url, since it would have eventually build its own identity instead of trying to copy/revive the former wish's. I also think the other two boards should be merge into this one. Regarding the chat, iirc the was a majority vote on a poll someone posted about moving the chat to another tab/window/link, but Ely decided against it for reasons.
What else... Everyone is pretty much half-gone / half-lurking, with the life forces that kept the board alive pretty much MIA. Usually camel and friends would keep the chat alive, which generated enough drama to warrant others posting about those episodes in the board itself, creating a feeding cycle. Ultimately with these sort of community, the less members there are the better, since it's an unhealthy pursuit; we should be glad for them that they managed to move on.
Finally, no one posts here because there's pretty much nothing left to post.
>>4102 What if I told you... that maybe it's not that we don't want to remember a name, but that rather we purposefuly ........... god damn it, I'm here trying to make a dank meme and this damn comment system doesn't allow me to correct my grammatical mistakes... ffs it's 2015 how in the hell is Ely allowing this blasphemy of a system to remain available.
>>4103 Sigh... anyway... I forgot where I was going where that Morpheus meme.
>>4103 >>4104 >>4105 your posts are weird and not funny, please stop this.
>>4107 Weren't intended to be funny. I was writing something a-la Morpheus and then I made a mistake (one L instead of two in "purposefully"), then the writing got settled and I got frustrated, and then it happened again and I got even more frustrated.
>>4077 people wanted more boards so i made some. I personally would have stuck to 1 board. Wish was the first thing that came to my mind and then it was too much of a hassle to change it. Sorry if it bothers you. I can't really migrate this board to other board software without losing all posts, and that seems like a hassle anyway. I don't know why posting breaks all the time for some people but not for others. Moving tinychat to its own page seems stupid, it's the same as adding another board, no one will visit. If you want a tinychat only page you can just go to If you don't want to see it block it with your adblocker. I don't think naming it wish had the effect of it trying to steal the identity of the old wish. It's just a name, an URL, why would that change anything. Who cares what it's named.
>>4113 The post is lost on focus change for some browsers, I think. For example clicking on another tab. So an extension that momentarily pulls focus will break the present post activity, even if focus is immediately returned.
>>4114 first day i met up with alex, had a beer, walked around in the African district, walked around a bit in another part of the city, went to see some refugee camp along the river, got some food in el cheapo India restaurant. We talked a bit about everything, nothing too special. Then I went to my airbnb host, they were nice, young international girls and friendly. At night I went to that hill where you can look at the city, there was some guy playing guitar pretty well. There were still a lot of tourists there and people trying to sell beer, and you could haggle with them. Next day I visited the orangerie museum and the louvre, and some churches. But by then it was almost 30degrees c, I got tired of looking at buildings and the museum didn't interest me any more as much as 7 years ago. I decided to leave a day early. On the way home, with some rideshare thing, we came across a 1-car accident on the highway as one of the first people, and our driver had been in the red cross so he stopped and did this safety and helping thing. Was interesting. Next time I'll go on holiday I'll go to nature instead, I think. Or just stay at home like the boring person I am. /my blog
>>4118 Sometimes I wonder what it's like to have a life. Then I see a sexy girl on the internet, fap, and get back to TESV.
>>4119 Same, sort of. Every once in a while (maybe once one or two months) I go out, socialize, then get so exhausted by it, I go back to being a recluse.