No idea what your'e on about but I did look up today in history. TIL a woman named Fannie Farmer opened a cooking school Her advocacy of precise measurements revolutionized cooking. (take that you cheese eating surrender monkeys)
>>4084 Science, AKA Mixmaster Crackyfag Delta, was born today a long time ago
sOMETIMES I fantasize that someone remembers my birthday.
If only people would be slightly more interested in contributing to the board instead of circlejerking...
On the other hand, I think birthday's are meaningless. Never like getting birthday parties, I just wanted to be alone and fiddle with my electronics. Didn't care for friends to come over more than any other day.
>>4097 I mean, it's not like this "community" is anything but circlejerking, with -perhaps- the exception of schwill, who may be even dead by now.
>>4097 i never got any birthday parties not sure if you should feel lucky or not
>>4108 Never? why? I don't want to pry, but I kinda do.
>>4110 i dunno, maybe it's not the culture here, i only went to maybe 3 in my life. in high school i lived somewhat far from my classmates and didnt have any other friends, in college and later i couldnt be bothered. Maybe i bought my friends a beer in the pub, does that count?
>>4111 >>4108 I think it's 50/50. On one hand, getting people celebrating you its nice and getting free stuff is great. On the other hand, I don't know if never having a birthday party would make me feel the same way I fell now though. I just don't like being the center of attention, I find it exhausting. I'd rather just order some food, watch movies, play some games and if I'm coupled get some booty for my birthday. I don't enjoy celebrating Christmas nor New Year's Eve either (I like fireworks visually, but I hate the noise).