>>4159 (OP) It's good to see dolly getting involved in a thing burt I am literally allergic to student films. Ick
>>4165 Second. Student films are / tend to be so bad. But hey, they have to learn somehow.
>>4159 (OP) Good for her. She doesn't camwhore anymore and apparently she has eased on the feminazism, since I see she's wearing a bra.
Anyway, everyone should feel happy people move on away from here. It's been long enough, it's time for all this to fade away and our obsessions to die.
>>4170 >apparently she has eased on the feminazism clearly you have not been following her tumblr
she's been doing the anti-sex positive, anti-BDSM thing lately, alongside the more typical tumblr social justice stuff that I find more palatable she also appears to be studying again, which is nice and that's as much presuming to know anything about her life that I'm going to attempt, it's a strange and slightly creepy world in which we absent-mindedly keep tabs on people who have no further wish to interact with us, but the same goes for all the elementary school friends on facebook as much as it does for yesterday's internet pseudo-celebrities
>>4171 I feel a certain urge to defer from the collective self-denigration expressed by the last two posters - although it has to be admitted that I am the one, among all the former 'Crackyfags', whom the 'sad and creepy no-lifer' cap fits the best. Most of the rest of you can look forward to dismissing this lingering in graveyards, one day, as part of a misspent youth - or, at the very worst, as an understandable hearkening back to a misspent youth from early adulthood. But the days of my daily contact with the Cracky Girls lay, in my case, in my mid- to late forties and I hearken back to them today from my mid-fifties. Still, I'm not ashamed to say that I cherish, somehow, the awareness that all these people - none of whom, indeed, any longer wish to interact with him and most of whom I despised when they still did - are forging on through life somehow. The mere passage of time, as Proust said, somehow succeeds in making 'giants' - and thereby objects of endless fascination - of us all.
>>4171 My bad. I can't be bothered to find her tumblr and check it; I never found dolly interesting beyond her sharing of music in the tinychat. The only "cracky-girl" I ever had any desire to remotely stalk was space cadet, but she probably moved on years ago.
The rest are equally boring as dolly, i.e. camel, ophelia, that anorexic british girl with gorgeous blue eyes, lavagel, the didn't-get-enough-attention-fast-enough type (none of which I can remember their names) and even Kimi, the would-be acolyte, became nothing more than a novelty that never delivered. Nonetheless, that's all on me, for expecting anything from people that owe me nothing. I'm glad, though, that most (at least apparently) of them moved on from these creepy boards, and I do not wish them ill. I wish I had the determination or final lack of interest to close the tabs and never open them again.
What is her current Tumblr, if someone doesnt mind posting it? I stopped following a while back when her intersectional feminism started to look awfully like fetishization.
i could have sworn she deleted her tumblr. shes back again? neat i guess.