>>4229 Thank God.....a voice from the upper world at last....I and my laptop have been trapped under rubble for days.....There was a bang, then darkness.....If there is anyone there please lower me down some croissants and Arya Stark on a rope.
>>4232 Gimme a few minutes, just gotta sing La Marseillaise one more time first.
Obviously, but some people also run BBS style servers you can access via telnet. That's why I was wondering if someone knew the address.
>>4236 No blog to follow, though I keep meaning to get around to it. My pearls of wisdom were often to be found in The Guardian's "Comments" section until I became too rabidly right-wing and was "pre-moderated" (Guardianspeak for banned). Nowadays my tl;dr's grace the 4chan /pol/ board.
>>4241 century depressive man post-modernist novels that it's awkward. He sounds like any shitty hipster "The
>>4242 has dramatically failed but the people are innocent" journalist out there.
Haha Alex, do you relate with "La possibilité
>>4244 d'une Ïle"'s display of midlife crisis? This was cut in 5 posts, Jesus Christ this site isn't getting better.
>>4244 The only works of Houellebecq's that I've read and re-read are the first three or four. By "Possibility of an Island" I'd pretty much lost interest. And I half-agree with you about this article. I'd prefer it if he hadn't put part of the blame for what was done by these barbarians in Paris on "criminal actions" by the US and various European allies. Personally, I lean to the Christopher Hitchens line that if we don't go and get these people they are going to come and get us sooner or later, so better confront them in the deserts of Syria than on the streets of London and Paris. I think it's an unappealing delusion of liberal Americans that they and other "imperialist" powers are "responsible" for resurgent psychopathic Islam. Houellebecq, sadly, seems to share this delusion with respect to France. Charlie Hebdo shoud have taught him better. That massacre - which, admittedly, seems a "bagatelle" next to this one - was not provoked by a military intervention. It was provoked by cartoons and by Europe's omitting to observe Islamic laws on blasphemy. The story that it WAS somehow a response to Western imperialism and interventionism was thought up AFTERWARD, by the liberal left and eagerly seized on by Muslims
But it's the Jewish woman the BBC journalist insults who sees clearly here. Like Hitler in the 30s, Islamic fundamentalist jihadism is NOT going to leave us in peace if we leave it in peace. At least I fear it isn't. So I wonder whether that one, at least, of the "crimes" that Houellebecq accuses his government of is not a false accusation. He's certainly right about the "moral left" and the crazy idea that we don't need borders, though.
>>4246 it's stupid to dismiss that as a "delusion" here's some arguments https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10651504