white? Is it makeup? Is it lighting or post-processing? I can't quite put my finger on it.
>>4286 i was rather disappointed in it in any case. There are some very touching moments, like the scene with the Downs Syndrome children from which the film takes its title. But generally speaking it seemed a very diluted rehash of "Songs From the Second Floor". I think Andersson is one of those rare precious cases like the comic artist Jack Kirby. His creativity stayed dammed up for about twenty years, working in advertising - as Kirby's did when he was confined to drawing Lee's characters at Marvel - and was then released in a wondeful magnificent splurge - like the ejaculation I never got to let loose over RavRav's perfect little California apples of breasts - with "Songs From the Second Floor". The other two movies of his "trilogy" have really only been trickles. The built-up force of truth is no longer really there behind them.