3/10. Death is looking pretty great lately, as usual.
>>4298 It's okay, Alex. I'm sure ravrav likes you deep zithin her heart. She'll come back guaranteed.
4sin(x)+4 / 10
Given that approximately 50% of the human population is malnourished, I'd say that my life is pretty darn good. However, given that despite the advantages life has given I have still continually managed to fuck up everything, my life is not that great. 6/10.
>>4302 I think that what nearly all of you whingeing little weaklings find hard to believe is that even one person here DOES feel great about life, because I don't feel that I have given anyone who knows me from here any reason to believe that I am depressive, suicidal, or anything less than evervescently eager to greet each new day and its adventures.
I didn't say depressive, suicidal, etc. You try to kidnap the word weakling but strength is admitting truth sometimes, even if you're bored of life. That's not weakness, that's truth. Anyone that's been here long enough and sufficient intelligence gets bored of it sometimes. Go feel faux-superiority somewhere else. There's plenty of places where they love lying douchebags.
things are pretty good right now, 7/10. i could use some lovin' tho
i'm with a beautiful girl, working on a beautiful garden, i believe this is what i wanted, but i find myself still sad. something is the matter with me.
sometimes i feel as though i do not want things, i only want to want the things, and so when i get things i want i manipulate the definition of things until it is no longer things i have, so that i may continue wanting the things. wish.
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2013070002332.
I write in connection with your request for information which was received by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 22/07/2013. I note you seek access to the following information:
>>4483 [7:16 AM] colacat: have you brought any presents? [12:10 AM] masterd: no [3:36 PM] colacat: are you a friend from school? [11:37 AM] colacat: a would-be suitor, perhaps? [3:03 AM] masterd: school? [7:50 PM] masterd: friend? [7:05 AM] colacat: yes [9:14 AM] masterd: i forgot [10:31 AM] colacat: she'll be home soon [8:38 PM] masterd: i've always been bad with presents [3:13 AM] masterd: what should i get [9:37 AM] colacat: a nice embroidered blouse [6:21 PM] masterd: how do i know it'll fit? [3:14 AM] colacat: oh, she won't wear it [9:14 AM] colacat: don't worry about that [9:41 AM] colacat: but she'll accept it gracefully [3:54 AM] colacat: it's more about the ritual [3:41 PM] masterd: ok [5:27 PM] masterd: maybe i can find something like that in my grandmothers closet [1:16 PM] colacat: i've been charting her menstrual cycle lately [7:00 AM] masterd: gross [5:00 AM] masterd: by devining it from the stars? [6:40 PM] colacat: no, something decidedly more down to earth [8:01 PM] colacat: by examining her rubbish [7:04 PM] colacat: she's especially coquettish when ovulating [2:30 PM] colacat: it's not a prurient interest, you understand [6:21 AM] masterd: so what rubbish do you find then, used dildos? [6:45 AM] masterd: heaps of makeup and parfum?[9:07 PM] colacat: she'll be sad she
>Session Start ([other]:[liv]): Sat Aug 18 10:14:34 2007 >... >[10:14] [liv]: i have just been Out on quite an adventure myself. >[10:58] [other]: Did you slay anything? >[10:58] [liv]: No. I met Denis. The slovenian guy. >[10:59] [liv]: It went well. >[10:59] [liv]: It was raining really hard the whole day. >[10:59] [liv]: He bought me flowers. >[11:00] [liv]: Like. I was buying a drink from a stall in the high street and he disappeared for like a minute and when he came back he had a bouquet. >[11:00] [liv]: And he blushed like hell.
>[11:03] [liv]: Nope. He was wearing a sweater, a GPS navigator and a backpack. >[11:04] [liv]: Anyway it was raining really, really hard the whole time but we walked around the whole town and through Oxford park. Sometimes we talked a lot and then sometimes we walked in silence. >[11:04] [liv]: We tried an umbrella but the wind kept blowing it inside out so...just thought what the hell and got utterly soaked.
>[11:07] [liv]: Like, it wasnt just shyness, there was something a little awkward and sorta, i dunno, autistic about him at times.
>[11:10] [liv]: I gave him a hug. >[11:10] [liv]: To say goodbye. >[11:10] [liv]: Partly it was because I think he needed one. I don't think anyone is gonna hug him for a really long time.
aaa a a aaa a a a a aaaaaa aaaa a aaa aa aa a a a a a a a
>>4566 Thank you for this. I had some of this info but not full details. This gives me a little more closure than I had before. Even though he still won't speak to me. (for the record, I would hug him.)
She told me in 2008 that she had met him twice so the second must have been after
btw no homo
also to answer the original question: 3/10
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