Sanders is more of a Menshevik than a Bolshevik. Trump is basically a clown; Cruz is actually more radically right-wing but Trump gets all the attention because of his ridiculous gaffes. Sanders' plan to reform electoral funding is probably his most attractive policy and would have the most positive effect on American politics in comparison to his other policies. If Sanders had a clear and rational foreign policy he'd be a great candidate. Trump is just the product of 'low information' (stupid) voters and the last snarl of white supremacist 'southern strategy' politics in America. So yeah Sanders it is. So yeah I'm a leftist cuckold; what am I supposed to do?
>>4305 My suggestion would be: (1) Stop writing smug ignorant doctrinaire shit about the only major politician in the USA today who is speaking out the thoughts and feelings of the great majority of the country's population. (2) Kill yourself
>>4306 Aww I seem to have touched a nerve there.
Trump fans are almost universally stupid. Low IQ creates insecurity and insecurity breeds the desire to make oneself feel superior. Hence the racism, sexism and moronic political views of /pol/tards just like you. I strongly suggest that you refrain from breeding.
> is speaking out the thoughts and feelings of the great majority of the country's population.
the poll found that 60 percent of all Americans support the idea of offering undocumented immigrants currently in the United States some form of legal status, and 57 percent told pollsters they believe that immigrants strengthen the country. But there are plenty of people who see things differently. And those people appear to be concentrated among whites, Republicans and those with lower levels of education.'
Argumentum ad populum. An argument loved by idiots with little education. Being a loudmouth drama queen does not make his politics any better.
You're all dummies. Bad.
>>4306 that doesn't mean it can't be stupid, remember, half the population is more stupid than the average person
>>4315 >half the population is more stupid than the average person I think you mean that half the population is more or equally stupid than the median person.
>>4316 considering intelligence follows a bell curve, it's all the same
Another idiotic strawman. Just because you mock inbred rednecks doesn't mean you can't mock niggers also. I'm just the type to call anyone out if I see fit.
Eurofag here; yankies, please vote for Trump, the entirety of the world's positive future depends on that moron Sanders or that traitor Hillary not winning.
Explain. I heard one Trump supporter say Trump will do away with the tumblr types. I guess because he's offended by those kind of people, he thinks Trump will shelter him away from the meanies. Are you one of those types?
>>4336 You seem rather confused, kid. "Shelter from the meanies" in "safe spaces" is rather what "the Tumblr types" are all about, NOT what those who would happily commit genocide on said "Tumblr types" are all about. Nor are Trump supporters generally the type to be prompted to action by what "offends" them. What we feel we need to take serious action against is whatever - or whoever - ACTIVELY MATERIALLY HARMS US. So my guess would be that the "Eurofag" hopes to see Trump elected because a US President thoroughly "red-pilled" about white guilt and metropolitan Christian self-hatred (which Trump certainly appears to be) would surely at least strengthen the hand of British, French, German etc. people against the massive destructive Social Justice Warrior "fifth columns" in their respective countries, who are coordinating, promoting and relentlessly propagandizing for the state-sponsored Muslim invasion of Europe that has been going on since August. Now end yourself, you smirking little libcuck piece of traitorous shit.
Sounds like someone's feeligns are hurt. This country always stood for freedom. Trump isn't freedom, he wants to call Bill Gates because of meanies he's deemed as "terrorists". Freedom for all, you traitorous shit. I don't care if the Muslims there hurt your feelings, it's not my problem or because some girl said something mean to you on tumblr and now you think 'omg teh evil feminists taking over teh world'. Your reply above is what happens when a middle schooler learns his first chan memes after being diagnosed with mental illness.
I know you'd like to believe there's only one person tired of the bullshit and that they're a feminist so you can stroke your persecution boner but there's plenty of us. I hear little to nothing about women bitching about masculists or men but I read it so much about manchildren complaining about feminists oppressing them because they said mean things to them. Grow up and get a backbone, or testosterone, whatever it is you lack.
Folks, for the love of Cracky, please do not vote for Sanders nor Hillary. You don't want Europe's future.
Your presidential run is filled with morons, pick the lesser evil: Trump. He's obviously a lying idiot, but he'll keep a moderate government backed by people with interests.
Bernie will rip your country a new one and it'll become Europe 2.0 regarding migration. Hillary is practically the anti-christ and will lead your country into war until the end of times.
Bullshit. There's less Mexicans coming in the country now than before. And we're not next to sandnigger countries, it's not something to worry about.
OMFSM, do you also believe in angels, demons and shit? Could you possibly have more mental illness? Every year, there's religious nutjobs like you who thinks the world is ending. Calm down there, drama queen.
>>4350 Enjoy getting your country drowning in pestilence.
sanders because im sick of Christians never shutting their big mouths about being oppressed
Cracky is known for her beauty, not for her wise decision making. If you want to come here and pawn off your hair piece so bad, try tactics that don't make you look like an idiot.
Hillary because this multiculturalism is killing America. I'm English/Irish and I will not vote for a German or someone of another culture/heritage, especially a German nutjob. Look at their leaders throughout history, WWI = failure, WWII = devastating, present = catastrophic. Hillary is the Aryan of choice to vote for, she's whiter. Skin color and heritage mean everything when voting for a president. I know, someone on wish told me and I get all my advice from the mentally ill stalkers on underground websites.
>>4357 I think Cracky would be an Anarcho-socialist. Cracky hates fat racist demagogoues. Also Cracky is Rothschild Jew so you /pol/ fuckers can go an hero yourselves.
It's just one mentally ill person. We all know Cracky is a jew, has feminist leanings and pretty liberal. She's cucked, as the mentally ill man would say. He probably has more memes that he learned but that's one he'd probably use to soften the blow of truth.
>>4363 >>4365 read >>4358 Cracky is not known for her decision making, therefore you should all vote for Trump.
Of course, she's a Jew and Bernie is. It's all a conspiracy to undermine the white majority because we're so oppressed and persecuted. All Jews are bad, even the magic Jew I worship and the mid-eastern religion and traditions I practice. It's all kikedikejewniggerfaggotcucknormiefem's fault for oppressing me, taking my free speech, my jobs, my women, my money, etc.
Oh yeah, and vidyagames. One of these days I'll be successful when Trump keeps those mean people away and from saying bad things to me on the internet.
>>4373 Healthy young child watches cartoon network, gets exposed to dangerous chinese cartoons, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!