crackyhouse is back up (but not the board), so the person that wanted the archive can look at it over there.
My heart leaped for a second before I got to the parentheses :(
Okay, maybe it wasn't my heart, but some small festering part of me leapt, or sloshed around a bit or something.
>>464 Congrats on the wry, dry, self-ironical, Internet cool-cat tone and all that but may I ask just WHY any part of an individual such as yourself would leap or slosh or whatever at the news of the return of Crackyhouse? If you're a Crackyfag, you'll know that it generated no Cracky-related material to speak of durng the last two years of its existence:The material it did generate was infantile, vicious and largely Lia- and Lia-Gang-related. One of the few morally defensible moves that Jeff made during the just-named period was shutting it down: If the attempt were made to bring it back to life we'd probably see the same sort of result as "bring-the-dead-back-to-life2 attempts usually yield in intelligent fantasy fiction, like that excellent episode in one of the later seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where she tries to resurrect her Mum. You'd have some putrescent and most likely deeply malevolent being coming knocking at your door demanding admittance. I'm glad to see that whoever started this thread built a warning of exactly this possibility - or rather near-certainty - into it by illustrating it with a photo of Dolly: a nasty, skanky, doomed and fetid slut of a cheap whore who, these days, is to Cracky pretty much what a shambling, decomposig, dead-eyed zombie would have been to the charming, drily witty, subtly affectionate late Mrs Summers.
>>465 Quite true, the only thing that Crackyhouse truly generated was that hypocritical, delusional, retard we all know as Dr. Alex Reynolds... oh, wait...
But you're right, a sequel would probably be no good, the continuity of consciousness is too far gone to revive as it was. This is the best we'll get! Entropy must increase!
anybody else miss stickam? just some chilling in ravrav's room, no people hiding, no tokens, just hanging out, trying to get random girls don cracky makeup
Crackyhouse was down? I did not notice.
Did anything change?
>>468 Anybody else hate smug lying hypocrite Crackycunts like this guy? Anybody else feel there is something vile and despicable the way he makes ostentatious show of his ostensibly asexual intentions and preens and puffs himself up about how infinitely preferable it is for a person to be obsessed with getting a girl to "don" Cracky make-up (is he a non-native writer of English or just a pretentious asshole?) than for someone to suffer from the usual vulgar obsessions with naked tits, wide-open cunts etc.?. Were you ever actually IN one of RavRav's Stickam lives, idiot? There were just as many "people hiding" in them as there are in her MFC shows. The lives of such pretty young girls on Stickam were ALWAYSswarming with anonzmous lurkers. But zes, thez were most of them certainlz guzs with far less @classz@ sexual fetishes than zours......oh Jesus, I see Elz|s site fucks up one|s keyboard after a line or two.....Well, point made....PLEASE stop boasting about how fine and admirable thing your obsession with making girls dress up like a fifteen/year/old masquerading as a twelve/year/old is.....It\s actually as sick and sad a distortion of normal healthy sexual impulses as Jeff\s disgusting fetish for dead bodies was / and tokens and wide/open beaver are infinitely to be preferred to it.
>>470 And then you wonder why no one believes you, or thinks you are delusional, when you claim to be decent.
>>472 Your problem is that you don't appear to be able to recognize insults or bad manners towards others except when these manifest themselves in the most direct and obvious forms. The bad manners and contemptuous attitude toward other people that I was pointing up in this guy's post was not a matter of direct confrontation: Direct confrontation is not typical of the Crackyfag, since most of you are arrant cowards. What I was objecting to was the snide, smug implied put-down of anyone who admits to, or reveals through their behaviour, something like normal sexual feelings for a physically-developed, sensual, flirtatious young woman. The post expresses prudish disapproval of sexualized interaction with girls on cam without actually coming right out and explicitly condemning it - by waxing all nostalgic about the practice of "just chilling" and so on: This is an attitude I have always despised and hated, online or irl: this "let#s-just-all-be-lads" together attitude that tries to play down sexual need and desire as if they were annoying, marginal bad habits like biting one's fingernals or picking one's nose. Sexuality, and the aching, complelling need to woo and to seduce and to feel the bliss of being seduced, are ANSOLUTELY CENTRAL AND ESSENTIAL components of the constitution of all human beings. Those who affect to deny that this applies to themselves, and who call themselves "asexual" and lay claim to other forms of interest in the girls they interact with online or irl, invariably secretly suffer from far viler and less humanly acceptable forms of sexual compulsion than the relatively healthy desire to see the "rude parts" of grown, living women that drives the admittedly sad MFC users or the Stickam lurkers in rooms such as RavRav's was five or six years ago. I can think of two prominent examples of people who allude or alluded to their "asexuality" and the desirability of a "chilled", "friendly" relation to girls at every opportunity: Gackto and Suede. One is
>>473 a necrophiliac, the other is a pedophile. The point I am making is that "sexuality will out" one way or the other, however much more dignified and convenient we might find it to be to simply "chill" with the opposite sex. I wish people would cut the nursery-school strory-time crap about the obsession with a 15-year-old girl in cat ears being an "asexual", "religious" obsession. It's a SEXUAL obsession - assuming one believes it is an obsession at all, and not - as in the cases of many pseudo-Crackyfags - just a 2look at me" arent I interesting" affectation - and, as such, it is perverse and pedophilic and a fuck sight more creepy and disgusting than the desire of all the sweaty, lonely - but basically entrely normal and healthy - guys on MFC to see RavRav's beautiful normal 24-year-old cunt and tits.
Let's go old school... Let's hide the hate.
I wonder why Jeff brought it back up. Maybe due to Dear Olivia.
I always liked the fake "In japan" articles. Creepy, but cool.
I wish the tinychat would be in a separate "window" like it was originally in CH, so that it doesn''t detract people from posting in the board.
I'm hungry
>>478 When was it ever in a separate window? You mean when it was not integrated into the site?
>>481 That was somewhat better. A temporary and personal solution would be to block the embedded chat via adblock.
easy, lets make an impoll about it: i have no idea what you mean though with separate window, so i list the only options i remember from crackyhouse
Can we all get back to the real topic at hand, namely how cute I look in the OP? ~*~^_^~*~
>>484 The hyper-rare occurence when you actually don't look like an uggo. Props, I guess.
>>486 Ha, good one. Let's score you: Personality 3/10 Looks 5/10 (-2 depending on if the viewer likes saggy tits or not) Intellect 6/10 Charisma 4/10 Demeanor 2/10
Total Score:4/10. Sorry, you are a below average lamer. Be gone.
>>487 Average for what or where? As far as I'm aware we only have three girls currently using this board / chatroom / universe across whom an "average" could be worked out. One of these displays the marked disadvantage of very likely not actually being a girl, and another one is Lia, who has a tendency to attract gangs and also bad-mouths her friends, like Dolly, at every really she does, don't trust her, Dolly, she'll stab you in the back, female friendships never work out anyway, they always end up in vicious bitch-fights over the love of older men with cute Bacchus-lke paunches and penes of almost negligible proportions. Dolly is the third, so there is almost no one to average her out against. Although she IS a sack of shit, of course...
>>488 Wow, I'd never thought I would end up agreeing with one of your posts Alex, at least not the whole post. Anyway, I agree. It's sad seeing how at one moment she gigles and makes faces with rob and sci and later she talks shit about them. Must be that cracky affects more the ladies, making them vicious... who knows.
>>489 Actually, the bit "warning" Dolly about Lia was self-ironical: I'm sure whatever feminazi website Kimi takes Dolly and Camel to has a whole substantial sub-site to it outlining the strategies used by "patriarchs" like me in our attempts to "divide and conquer" women by sowing distrust and rivalry between them. And maybe that isn't 100 % false and paranoid: Men who actually regularly get to "make use" of women in one way or another probably ARE disturbed by any friendships that might grow up between them. That doesn't really apply to me, of course, because I am in no credible shape or form to be described as a "patriarch" and have never "gotten anything" from any woman or girl in all my fifty-three years on this earth. If Lia and Dolly have made up and become friends, good luck to them, I say. But as to Lia's general character...well, yes, the statement that she "tends to attract gangs" WASN'T so entirely self-ironical as the statement about her and Dolly. Rob and Sci are pathetic, disgusting people who - despite being both of them, to all appearances, fairly intelligent young men - suffer from this (to me) incomprehensible compulsion to make themselves the lapdog bff's of a younger girl of really not particularly remarkable looks and not particularly remarkable intelligence. (I do the same myself, of course, in far more egregious form - but only for twenty minutes at a time. The rest of the time I recognize and treat Lia as what she is.) The fact that Lia seems to thrive on their tedious, dog-like sycophancy and adulation - I mean Rob, for Christ's sake, has even decided to GOAND STUDY THE SAME SUBJECT AT THE SAME UNIVERSITY AS HER; doesn't the poor fuck have ANY other source of inspiration and personal motivation in his life? - doesn't bespeak anything very good of HER character either. Dolly's saving grace is that she is too fat, thank God, to exert THAT sort of stultifying appeal vis-à-vis weak-minded men.
>>490 Yeah, Rob is being a bit of a retard by wasting his time (and the state's money) to study a relatively useless career for him. It's not like his going to make significant advancements in anthropological theories.
>>491 What's wrong with learning a few things? Not every study has to pay out.
>>492 You basically have to do the 10-Year test: Where do you see yourself in 10 years with that career. Will that proffession grow or diminish, considering the growing technology? Do you have room for growth in that field? Will you enjoy working in that area for the, theoretically, rest of your life? Do you have an intrinsic fascination for mankind and it's culture.
It's my own, relatively ignorant, opinion, but I honestly don't see how either Rob nor Lia are appropiate candidates to work in that field. Still, to each his own.
>>493 Can he not just study something he has an interest in, for the sake of studying it? Does it have to result in a career? If he isn't doing anything with his ife at the moment, I don't see how it is a bad decision to go and stdy something at university.
>>495 are off anon. Participation on message boards is usual very unequal, so it would make sense if there were a lot more members of the Cracky "community" than it appears. I know at least one other girl who is actively into Cracky.
>>494 Except it's not just like taking a hobby. Isn't he making a student loan, that he's going have to pay? If he's really interested in anthropology (which I doubt, at least not anywhere in the same level as other things like anime), then maybe just buy some books or read stuff in the internet. Not need to spend such a huge amount of money (because unis in UK are quite expensive, unlike in other parts of Europe, like Spain).
>>493 What are you even talking about? Have you ever met an anthropologists? All of them are nutty or excentric to a degree, you don't even know what me and Rob have planned for our lives, don't be so pathetic that you have to discuss peoples lives in the way you do. Wtf do people getting an education have to do with you? For all you know they might make , we even ffs this site, great anthropologists. I don't even want to be an academic anyway, who the fuck even becomes an academic these days?
>>498 I god damn hate this posting system I could correct a single thing.
OH and I personally love the 'DON'T BE FRIENDS WITH HER' stuff. Sure is typical 'YOU GIRLS HAVE TO HATE EACH OTHER' behavior. Why doesn't everyone try being friends instead? You'll find it's much more fun, I don't have any actualy negative feelings for any of you. I've been shitty in the past kind of but not to the degree a few men like to bitch about. If
>>502 I wrote, left, and just now realize that the message bug. Damn Ely, lol.
Anway, what I meant is thar Rob has said or written that he did want to be an academic. So, yes, those questions I wrote before are quite applicab le. Now, regarding you, Lia, nobody here really gives two shits what you do with your life, except, of course, eat a sandwich already.
>>503 >eat a sandwich already. obviously you do not follow her blog.
>>504 No, but I have I came around yesterday and saw her bony face on cam. Is she gaining weight in an uneven way that she gains mass in her tights / chest / arms but not in her face?
>>503 The thread seems to have entirely missed the main point that I made: namely, that there is something pretty odd, and sad, and VERY indicative, about the fact that, of all the subjects that Rob COULD have chosen to study at university, and all the places he COULD have chosen to study it, he ended up choosing exactly the study, and exactly the uni, that Lia chose. (Although, just in passing and to be fair, congrats on getting into Goldsmith's: It's a pretty good school.) It's indicative of this weird, Svengali-like influence that Lia appears to be able to acquire very quickly over people - mostly men - who stray into her circle of friends and acquaintances. It really doesn't make for good human interaction - in the Tinychat or irl either, I would imagine. Healthy human relations are relations conducted from positions of relative mutual autonomy - not from a position of someone beinf sucked into someone else's world and becoming one of a dozen little satellites orbiting around ther social, sexual and intellectual sun.
>>506 Well, I'm not really following your point into what Lia is or isn't but rather that she's not enough of a good friend to make his buddy realize the mistake he's most likely making.
>>503 Nobody gives 2 shits about you either, son. Think about your own sad life, I'm improving my own.
>>508 What kind of butthurt reply is that. The point of the arguement was Rob's investment of time and money, not yours. Everyone knows you'll just end up being a wifey who gets to do whatever she wants because her husband pays for it.
>>509 1) Rob is improving himself, get over it, that's his choice, idk why you're so bitter about him going to school. 2) I may well be a wifey to an investment banker, u mad bro?
>>510 Oh and I think this arguing is lame, let people do their own shit ffs, nobody comments on your life.
>>512 1) That's your sole opinion, and we all know you are basket case. 2) Why would I be mad about your worth being reduced to your looks?
>>512 It's actually pretty much impossible toget you people to DEALWITH THE POINT AT ISSUE, isn't it?
The worrying thing is not whether "anthropology is a good choice for Suede" or not. I don't know him and I don't know much about anthropology, so I really can't judge. The worrying thing is that someone makes friends with Lia and six months later they have become some sort of weird spooky carbon copy of her (only with whiskers), imitating her life-choices and even her facial expressions down to the last detail.
I can see you typing you are a stupid jerk and I hate you die in a fire Hi alex
omg ophelia you were so right this thread is fucking hilarious DON'T BE HER FRIEND SHE WILL BETRAY YOU WOMEN ALWAYS TURN ON OTHER WOMEN YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING OTHER THAN COMPETING WITH EACH OTHER FOR MALE ATTENTION also lol omg kimi turned us all into feminists with her dyke powers omg lol xD!!!111
>>516 I don't know about "hilarious", but certain posts on it certainly help one to form a pretty clear picture of the level of intelligence that is most likely displayed in the chats that go on on these marches of yours as you "slut-walk" along. "Ohmigod that Will Ferrell is such a SEXIST, we ought to go and demonstrate in front of hs house. I saw this documentary about him that shows how he was a TV news anchorman before he became a comedian and you see him talking with his buddies about women's booobies and titties and so on and its really SEXIST....It made me so ANGRY:..." I'm sure that both you and Ophelia, Dolly, swaeat blood trying to prove on your blogs what mistresses of dry irony and tongue-in-cheek discourse you both are. That is all sort of wasted effort if you instantly lose all sense or perception of irony in what other s write the moment you happen not to agree with it. You are pathetic and screamingly immature even for your tender ages. PLEASE stay WELL clear of ALL political activity - be it public demonstrations or re-bloggng of sexual-political manifestoes - until you have grown up JUST A LITTLE.....say to the mental-political age of about 15.
>>521 alex your eyes aren't facing in the same direction
are you even capable of them facing in the same direction
>>522 The term "capable" cannot be used with a substantive as an indirect object that refers to anything else than the thing or person that the term itself refers to. That is to say, it is grammatcally impermissible to talk about me being "capable" or "incapable" of objects that are not myself in my ontological entirety (so, not "my eyes" either) doing or performing something (so, not even "facing in the same direction"): Your witticisms would most probably be extremely weak and silly even were they to be delivered under conditions optimally advantageous for you: But if you are not a native speaker of English and it's a lack of English skills that is making them just that bit MORE inane and pathetic, please feel free to cast them at me in French, German, Italian, or Mandarin Chinese, if you can manage any of those better than you can English. As I say, I doubt very much whether it will make you significantly wittier, but anything that spares the English language yet MORE of the mangling that it so often suffers on here is at least worth a try.
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