>>727 (OP) I love it. How much time (either prolonged [span] or actual [hours, minutes]) did it take you to finish it? Also, I'm curious as to what those letters in the signature mean.
Anyway, fantastic drawing. Glad to see the Sky Queen getting proper tributes.
>>733 I didn't make it myself. I found it on the #cracky tag on tumblr.
>>734 That's OK, anon. You've done a great service to the board anyway. If some clueless newfag like you goes around digging up ancient pieces of Cracky artwork and posting them for the thousandth time so equally clueless newfags can come on all oldfag- and connoiseurry and talk about their "curiosity concerning your technique" and their satisfaction at seeing "the SkyQueen" receive "proper" tribute (as if someone who didn't know this drawing was ages old would have any clue what "proper" tribute would be), then the board can carry on, as Crackyhouse did at the end, with the charade that it is about Cracky and is used by people who give something of a shit about Cracky.
As opposed to coming clean with the truth - i.e. that it is a stinking dumpster for little pieces of cowardly viciousness by the lonely fat coon, for example, who certainlt shits out his huge fat black ass on Cracky but thinks he can make online friends for himself by smearing "bad people" as pedophiles, or for Dolly's regular sad same-fagging threads of whorey self-promotion that she beats away relentlessly at on this shitty little board, on Unichan, and on every other lousy little corner of the Internet where she thinks one or two idiots might be bored or stupid enough to give her some attention.
So keep up the "Oh look what I posted about Cracky" bullshit. The shits who use this place are far too demoralized by having been abandoned and rejected by anyone of any interest or attractiveness to muster even the will to post the crappy little cartoons of them and their "Cracky-chummies" that they used to shit the board up with back in the days of Liahouse. So five-year-old "original content", and the "oohs" and "aahs" of "oldfags" who have been here five weeks, are about all you are going to have to throw a bit of a veil over the pus and bile that this board is really "about".
>>735 Sorry, but we don't take judgement from blatant pedophiles. Go back to ooze over 10 year old girls and leave us alone. Now here wants you here.
>>736 Well. That has dealt with that, then. Five years of rational, articulate criticism - invariably proven justified, as in the case of the demise of Crackyhouse, which I repeatedly argued ought to be closed down because it had become a travesty and which was.....surprise, surprise....closed down because it had become a travesty - has now been rendered 100 per cent invalid because I passed the remark a few weeks ago that I happened to find one entirely fictional fantasy character more attractive than various other entirely fictional fantasy characters.
"Ho ho, STRUCK A NERVE, have we?"......Yes, you have. You've struck the nerve which tells me that, when the nasty little rump of an always rather nasty little community sinks as abysmally low into lies, hypocrisy and cheap, cowardly mob idiocy as you people have, the time has finally come to recognize that certain waters are just too poisoned with filth to swim in, however lonely or naturally optimistic a person one happens to be.
I've said now, repeatedly, all I have to say about you. I won't be posting on this pathetic shit-wall again, or visiting your sad deserted Tinychat. The only outstanding business I have with you is a certain obligation I feel to kick the living shit out of this sad cunt Ely for providing a board where this nasty slanderous crap has been posted about me, but as it is extremely unlikely that we will ever encounter each other, that is probably nothing that is ever going to actually happen. You might like to file it away in the back of your mind, though, Ely, that there IS at least one person out there who, if he ever sees you, is going to put you in hospital for a few weeks. One doesn't, I'm afraid, run a board where lying vicious shit like this is thrown about under people's real names without running the risk of getting one's teeth knocked out for it. Still; as I say, all you have to remember is: be careful never to be where I can get at you.
As to the rest of you: well, I'm sure the
small group of drug-dependent whores, actual pedophiles with police records to that effect, flabby friendless hate-swollen bullies and so on who now make up this "community" will be much much happier together now that "Alex the blackmailing lying stalking pedophile" won't be around. You'll all have the company you deserve now. My hope would be that the one or two individuals of some degree of decency and intelligence - such as Buck, or Faith (who seems a basically decent and discerning fellow, whatever the truth may be about all that ugly, disappointing Lily / Pedrobear / Whoeverthefuck hide-and-seek crap a few months back) - will finally have the good taste to say to everyone involved in this latest, particularly shameful and disgusting outburst of bilious mob fury that they have disqualified themselves as people that decent or intelligent people would want to interact with. I'm sure that a shameless, principle-less, irremediably psychologically damaged whore like Dolly, an actual practicing child-molestor and pervert predator like Suede, a cowardly drug-dependent parasite on the material and moral resources of an otherwise brave and admirable body of men like Schwill can form a marvelously harmonious little cess-pool of despicable degenerates on their own, where everyone's stench will cover everyone else's. Please, leave them to it, those of you who still have some decency and honesty in you. Let the "Cracky community" now finally - I mean, now that it has ceased to have anything at all to do with Cracky - achieve the harmony and unity it never had: the harmony and unity of a group composed entirely and exclusively of the very lowest human shit.
welcome back alex <3
and then I was like, Alex, WHY are you so OBSESSED with me? I mean, he's a PEDOPHILE! There were going to be CHILDREN there! I can't invite a PEDOPHILE to my pool party!
>>737 don't worry, this board isn't indexed by google and only the people who already know about it visit it, and they already know your name. I have never been a proponent of censoring and i will never be one. I believe people are smart enough to figure out the truth for themselves if they care enough about it, and those who don't care, why does it matter what they think. And now tell me alex, what's the easiest way for someone to make their minds up on something, a persisting one sided rumour or an exposition and discussion involving all parties? If your side has the logical high ground, then people who read the thread will agree with you, so where's the problem?
About you wanting to beat me up: that's just silly, if -- , violence is not a good way to change people's opinions, it will only make them lie to you. If you think you want to extract some sort of 'revenge' or you just want to redirect your anger my way, where do you think we are, a highschool playground filled with roid-raging children from a poor upbringing who have never learned yet how to handle their emotions or have never heard about civilized discussions, so their primal adolescent animalistic irrational minds can only think in the language of violence? Or you're some kind of sadist? (in another way than your usual masochism) Interesting how you're now the internet tough guy "if i ever see you irl", but in the past whenever the possibility of meeting irl was brought up you always came up with a bunch of excuses so you could keep living in your safe, not scary little world without internet-people. To continue a bit on the previous point, so what you're saying is that your hurt feelings, brought on as -- by you allowing yourself to feel hurt after you read something posted by other people who replied to something you said, warrants putting somebody in the hospital, somebody who's role is barely 'the messenger'; thats some crazy talk yo
>>742 Well, my last post was written in the conviction that further pseudo-"dialogue" here, with people like Dolly and Camel who quite obviously have not the slightest interest in dialogue with anyone who would actually be in a position to dialogue with them (as opposed to just kissing their asses and making them feel superior and smart) was completely pointless. But now we have "another party heard from" - or rather another variety of the two or three different varieties of shit that currently make up the Cracky "community". If this is Ely, then you represent, I suppose, the same kind of person as is represented by Science and Schwill. You can kid yourself that you are a fair and decent person because there's clearly a difference between you and the clearly recognizable members of an active and determined hate-mob like Dolly, Camel and the fat nigger. You're plainly not eagerly waiting, every waking second, for someone to come up with some absurd lie about me that you can then spread as far as possible around the Internet - but you're also perfectly cool and fine with people who do that sort of thing, because you're a "nice guy". You get on well with me, but you also get on well with people who actively want to see me harmed and humiliated, and you really can't see why I shouldn't be fine with such an arrangement and be grateful for the "friendship" you show me while you're also chatting and buddying up and putting your board at the disposal of people who are seething with hatred for me and inventing and spreading every filthy lie about me that they or anyone else can invent.
Maybe you genuinely won't understand what I mean when I say that, from my point of view, THAT's "some crazy talk yo". Being on good, friendly terms with someone involves, necessarily in my opinion, a certain minimal degree of actual loyalty and solidarity with that person. Behaviour of the sort that, say, Science has been demonstrating in this "community" for years now - whereby he has a f
friendly, intelligent, respectful conversation with someone at six o'clock and is then to be found, at seven o'clock, concurring in the opinion of another group of people that the person he's just been apparently friendly and respectful with is "a pathetic, stupid old man" or something of that sort - would not be considered normal or acceptable behaviour in any real human community. It would be considered the behaviour of a dirty, despicable shit. Maybe different rules apply online, and online "communities" have a different "morality", where just about "anything goes" - in which case, well, what is the point of the pretence of "discussion" in these posts anyway?
You appear yourself to apply, Ely, rules and standards that I would recognize as the rules and standards of normal decent human interaction to this issue that we are discussing here. You suggest that it ought to be worked out by "an exposition and discussion" involving all parties. Once again, though, I can't help feeling that there is something sick and hypocritical - I don't know if you know the English word "disingenuous" ; look it up - about appealing to such rules and standards HERE. Surely you've seen how "interaction" in this community operates and is surely going to continue to operate. I must have made a hundred lengthy, articulate posts on this whole silly "Game of thrones / Alex is a pedophile" business since it began a few weeks ago, and made several surely very germane points in them - such as pointing out that, if I am a pedophile then so are the several dozen million people who have read George Martin's books on which Game of Thrones is based, since, quite aside from the Stark girl, one of the main - and extremely sexually active, highly eroticized - female heroines is stated by Martin to be 13 years old. None of the mob-members screeching "pedophile! kill him!" over and over has ever made even an attempt to "expose and discuss" any counter-point or counter-argument here. All we've had from t
that side has just been gleeful childishly vicious repetition of the same fantastic and ridiculous shit. Attempts at "exposition and discussion" in the Tinychat are even more hopeless. I think the video record that started this whole thing shows clearly enough that it's a joke for someone to appeal to rational, human standards of discussion when Dolly and Camel are in a room, and doubly a joke when characters like Suede, Lia and the fat nigger arrive and pile in. You can see the twisted, hate-filled faces on the video, and listen to the growing fascist chant of 'Ban him! Silence him! Nothing the evil one says must be allowed to be heard!" "Nice guys" of your and Schwill's and Science's sort play your role at this point by "keeping peace in accordance with the will of the majority" and "eliminating the disturbing factor" with absolute disregard as to whether the "disturbing factor" is right or wrong. I have been banned from the Tinychat five or six times in succession over the past few weeks. Clearly, no "exposition or discussion" is wished for there. Oh, about SOME things it is, of course. Camel and Dolly MUST be given the opportunity to play the little charade they love so much of the "carefully and subtly sexually-politically analysing participants in intelligent social debate". Just not about the things that they declare outside the bounds of discussion, such as the fact that Alex Reynolds wants to rape little girls, or that Alex Reynolds is carrying out a campaign of evil underhanded persecution against two "little girls" in their mid-20s in London and trying to blackmail their landlord etc.
Yeah but what's the point? I could go on making these reasonable points for hours. No one here cares. It's not about reason, it's about flattery and cliques and mad irrational fury against anyone who doesn't play the game. Think of yourself as a "nice guy" if you wish, Ely, and tell yourself that providing a board for these vicious little fuckers to smear their slanderous
shit all over is "harmless" and "nothing to get offended about" etc. I'm really too tired and disgusted to argue with you or them. I assure you that if I have declined your and Schwill's and Suede's and so on's offers to meet, it has not been because I've been "scared" either of a physical or of an intellectual confrontation with any of you. It has simply been because - even before this latest storm of shit and lies and hatred - you seemed to me to be sad, depressed, distasteful, unattractive and uninspiring people. So, as I say, even if I do remain of the opinion that your leaving this "Alex is a pedophile" shit smeared all over a board that you administer is a piece of nasty behaviour vis-à-vis me that you ought to have a few teeth knocked out for - and I DO remain of that opinion - it's an academic matter, as we will never lmeet. Wallow in your shit with these liars. Good luck to you.
There's some interesting stuff about age in ASoIaF, and this isn't a dig at Alex at all, it's just worth bearing in mind as you read / watch.
George R R Martin, in his muddled quest for historical context (and this doesn't stop him from being a dirty old man) seems to have decided on 3 distinct ages for female characters. They're either a 'girl', a 'maiden flowered' who is ready to be wedded and bedded, or raped according to your fancy, and a 'widow'.
Arya, incidentally, seems to have been a girl at one point but has now gone off of the rails altogether and switches between being a boy, a cat, and an amorphous blob. She's barely eroticized at all, and I'd be willing to bet that she is what Martin fears the most, the one who isn't really a girl at all who is going to creep into his chamber and gut him with a dirk while he looks on in horror.
>>747 Well, the problem with a rare intelligent and non-hysterical contribution to the "discussion" like this one is that it will be USED - by the deaf, determined haters like Dolly, Camel and co; - as a "dig
at Alex" (yes, this is Alex), since, despite the justice it does to the exceptional, rather complicated status of any "people" involved here (i.e. making the important point that, in distinction, say, to the 15-year-old girl that one of the loudest shouters of "pedophile" actually really fucked, THEY ARE NOT PEOPLE), it includes a little piece of nonsense like "George R;R. Martin is a dirty old man".
It is certainly not part of my agenda to defend George R. R. Martin. I have never read his books, don't intend to, and wasn't impressed enough by the first two seasons of his TV show to bother to watch the third. (It's not bad....very little that HBO does is positively bad...but I get much more enjoyment out of a 30-minute episode of "The Office", even though that show has seriously declined°). My point in referring to ASoIaF in previous posts was that, given that it reached almost Harry Potter heights on the best-seller lists all around the world, it's ridiculous for people to be doing what people have been doing on this board in recent weeks and shouting about how anyone who finds that some of the pubescent female characters who play a role in Martin's fantasy world strike a faint erotic chord in them ought to be driven out of decent company into the " Deep Web" where they can whisper about their vile sick perversions with other pus-oozing Lovecraftian monsters.
I really don't want to get into some stupid year- and month-splitiing argument about 15-year-olds playing 11-year-olds, 26-year-olds playing 13-year-olds, which episode in which season made me hot for Arya etc. As I think is clear from the clearly well-informed post by the previous poster, there is some sort of vague but extensive thing going on with the "eroticism of early adolescence" in all of Martin's novels and, by extension, implicitly or explicitly in the TV series. Together, the two of those must have an audience that runs into the hundreds of millions and every single member of that audience makes
>>749 hi alex you faggot I can see you typing kill yourself you're going to die alone anyway don't you have anything better to do with your time? no, you don't
themselves somehow complicit with Martin's "dirty-old-man"-ness - if one really must call it that - by consuming his product with enjoyment. I very much doubt whether the "pedophile"-screechers are going to try to reply to that point at all, but if they do, then I'm sure that it will only be with the sort of stupidity- and shallowness-glorifying moralistic ranting that a certain sort of pseudo-feminism has been setting Western culture back with for several decades now. Freud was wrong because his insights into the existence of sexuality before pubescence "encouraged child abuse". Huge swathes of Western literature are "evil" and "must be burnt" because they encourage "hatred of women" etc.
I am not prepared to deny the complexity - or even the ugliness and fearsomeness - of my own emotional and sexual reactions for fear of having these idiots' labels - "pedophile", "misogynist" etc - imposed on me. The playground-level intelligence of the "responses" that one of these nasty stupid vicious little cunts is able constantly to interrupt this post with thanks to Ely's brilliant posting system is a pretty fair indication of the chances that "exposition and discussion" of complex ideas and issues have in this milieu. None at all.
Take a look at this sequence of posts, Ely. Take a look at it and try to form an objective opinion of the kind of people you are allowing to use your board - which is allegedly about Cracky but is clearly as muc about her as Crackyhouse was at the end - to smear their nasty cowardly lying infantile shit on. And then see if you can still muster the cheek to talk about how I should engage in rational and respectful discussion and not behave like an "adolescent in a high school playground" or whatever it was you were on about.
Choose your side, if you are the decent, gentle, reasonable person that you imply you are, and that you surely pretended to be and were accepted as when you went round and had tea with Stephanie and Kimi. Choose between
>>751 I thought I fucking told you not to talk shit about my fucking animes.
rational, reasoned, articulate respectful discussion like I offer here - and have always offered - and the idiot threats and jeerings of a mindless vicious bully such as the one who is spitting and spewing hate at me as I write.
If you choose the side of hate and idiocy - or if you just sit and smile and say "hate and idiocy has as much right to use my board as intelligence, gentleness and reason do" - then don't expect protection by the standards and principles of intelligence, gentleness and reason. Expect me to apply to you the same standards and mores as you come down on the side of by putting an Internet website at the disposal of these lying, threatening, bullying, mob-gathering cowards and haters - and to knock you to the ground and give you a good kicking if ever we should come face to face with each other.
I treat human beings like human beings - and shit like shit.
>>756 don't tell me what to do sides are for extremists who can't view each situation in its own context and instead rely on vague simplifications to they wouldn't have to actually think and why are you still thinking that any amount of words that never made any real difference anywhere warrants the use of violence? You already take me to the same standards , you can say whatever you want to me, as anyone else can say anything to anyone here >>744 >one of the mob-members screeching "pedophile! kill him!" over and over has ever made even an attempt to "expose and discuss" any counter-point or counter-argument here. Yes, but as we can conclude from this they won't change their opinion in any way, so removing that thread will not change that. On the off-chance there ever comes a new person here, he will most likely be introduced to the topics of that thread by other members, or because it spilled over in other threads (such as this one), and if that thread still exists, he will be able to read your responses and maybe be able to change his opinion since he's not yet accustomed to alex-hate. If the thread is gone, he will only see one side, with predictable results. >>767 i only slept 4 hours and i sometimes stop to think about what and how to say stuff, you know, thinking before speaking
>>752 Alex will pay dearly for taking shit about the animes. He doesn't understand the deep and meaningful content of Chinese cartoons.
>>762 We will both make certain of that. His time is nigh.
>>763 The most masochistic thing Alex does to himself, aside from shoving salad forks up his anus, is coming to this site day in day out to just tell us all how 'shit' we are. He probably jacks off to this shit, at least he's getting some excitement before he dies alone in a bedsit.
>>764 Don't forget, you don't really care about Cracky, either. All those hours spent staring at her, years spent loving her? Those didn't happen. You made them up so you could have this board, so that Alex Reynolds could argue with you and be right.
>>761 Well, you want to be careful, you don't want to sound like a dumbass.
>>768 There's thinking before speaking and then there's being incapable of typing a paragraph in half an hour.
>>769 Well maybe he was doing something else or had multiple tabs open? I know I'm personally f5ing and jerking off right now. To this conversation, I mean.
Alex, please respond.
I can't come until you post again, Alex.
Feminists are horrible. They’re bigoted sexists, they hate men and they can’t accept human nature. They’re stuck up bitches, violent thugs, and they’re all idiots.
They even stoop so low as to make jokes about people they disagree with? Really? Just resorting to cheap insults instead of making a concrete argument? That really shows your true colours, feminists.
>>773 Once again, Kathy - currently a dime-an-hour, shit-tier sex-worker but soon (so we are assured) to make a second start on an academic career that will surely put all other academic careers in the shade - bedazzles us with her Swiftian irony.. Much like the reader of that masterpiece of humorous and subtle systematic misdirection, "A Modest Proposal", the reader of this post is initially lulled into concurral with the author. Are these criticisms of feminism not entirely justified and cogent? Does the post not express the common sense of any reasonable and fair-minded individual?
But wait.....Could it be that it is THEREIN, precisely THEREIN that the genius and subtlety of Kathy's finely-honed, dare I say REVOLUTIONARY young mind consists? Could the argument against feminism be just a little bit OVER-stated here - so that the reader begins to rub from his or her eyes the beclouding mists of patriarchal ideology and ask him- or herself: "Hmmm....could the arguments opposed to feminism sometimes tend a little too much to GENERALIZATION? Could it maybe not be so illegitimate at all to make jokes about people you disagree with (particularly when they are such baaaaaaaaad people as this naaaaaaaaaasty naaaaaaaaaasty Alex Reynolds?"
Your attempts at sparkling, light-footed irony flop as heavily to earth as your grotesque pendulous old woman's tits, you stupid, vain, grotesquely self-overestimating bitch. You identify absolutely NOTHING in the arguments of those who criticize and despise you when you start stomping heavy-footedly around with one of your idiotic "I think feminists are idiots - NOT!" routines.
I couldn't give a shit about people "making jokes" about me. In fact, if I ever saw any evidence of humour - be it directed at me or otherwise - on this shitheap of a board, I'd be delighted, since humour is usually an indication of intelligence. What is striking about your 'feminism" is that, in it, every last trace of humour, wit or intelligence has plainly
All Crackyhouse and Wish threads that take longer than 50 posts turn into a study of morals.
>>774 been driven out and eradicated by blind, seething hate and resentment. Take a look at your own face in that "Ayra or whateverthefuck Stark" video, and at Camel's face. Do you see any trace of humour, or any "joke", there? Do any of the screeching, bile-dripping, soapbox-bellowing posts that have appeared in these anti-Alex threads contain anything resembling humour or a "joke" - I mean, if you don't count as a joke or as laughter the sort of mirthless monkey screeches of anticipated triumph that semi-animals like the last hate-spitter in this thread farted out of his twisted lips for half an hour there: "I gonna fuck you in the ass bitch lolololololo u gonna die bitch lololololo"?
No, you don't. So please fuck off with these unbelievably clumsily constructed "straw men", or rather "straw women" that you cobble together so you and your know-nothing fascist "sisters" can then come in and "reply" with head-shaking regret that us "sexists" have such a false and simplified idea of you.
My objection to you is not that you are light-hearted jesters but that you are hate-choked mob-handed pitiless and self-righteous fascists. Try your cack-handed irony on THAT. Or rather no, let me do it for you, because I think I have a pretty good idea already how far your skills in this area stretch:
"Oh yeah, like Camel and I are like REALLY REALLY fascist, like we REALLY REALLY are, like everyone REALLY REALLY knows that, like we REALLY REALLY believe you Alex, like we REALLY REALLY believe some PEDO who says we are fascists like we REALLY REALLY do...."
Ah if only Jonathan Swift had lived to be 400. To think of the fine points of technique he could have learned from such a WIT and an INTELLECT as yours.....you stupid, self-deluding little whore.
>>773 There is no universal 'human nature' you fucking simpleton.
>>777 You're the simpleton, you poor sad simpleton - and also the reason why young women of mediocre intelligence like Camel and Dolly are able to effortlessly impose their fascist wills on this shit-dump. As I think I pointed out - but of course, you can't manage to read anything more than five sentences long, can you? - this post is surely immediately recognizable as one of Dolly's elephant-footed attempts to caricature those who criticize her. She does it on a pretty regular basis - you know, the whole "Everyone knows bitches belong in the kitchen" thing - and sets the bar for "feminist" / "anti-feminist" debate so pitifully low with this 'dumb sexist idiot" act that when she and Camel chime in with some shallow childish platitudes they sound oh-so-deep and oh-so-intellectually-superior.
It's an infantile, obvious set-up by a couple of rather dim girls - who can, unfortunately, always count on a sufficient number of even DIMMER people being around this board for it to actually work.
Or possibly, I suppose, a man of truly towering stupidity really did write that silly post - and the level of utter fucking brainlessness on this board is something even I underestimated.
>>781 is that even an actual quote? how does one quantify human stupidity?
So Camel is also just another dim camgirl now? Interesting. They say us dim people have more fun, maybe tomorrow will be really great.
It’s disgusting how women think they can go around hating men and no one even says anything. I mean, yeah, they’re fine with other men. They date other men. They hang out with other men and even like to be around other men. But if it’s not that they hate men, what possible reason could they have for not wanting to date me?!?
After spending a few minutes here I can easily say that all of are lacking of any wit or intelligence whatsoever. You all believe yourselves to be better than everyone else, and I can tell you right now, that that is not the case in the slightest, you pseudo-intellectuals. I am much better than all of you. Clearly I am because I am neither pretentious, long-winded, asinine, discourteous, nor are my tastes quite as bland as yours. No, I am quite concise, and I would never stretch beyond that of my means or what I am designated to.
I'd have to say that this board is full of anonymous lurkers, attackers, and trolls, who have nothing better to do than throw their elitist opinions around in an attempt at misguided show-boating with people they'd never ever meet.
None of you build any persona or stand by anything remotely attached that I can feel some sort of personal connection to. You lack any sort of direction and I can't have that. You're analogies are far too complicated, linear, and they're rather contradictory. Why, there's never even any variety here!
can a nigga get a copy of that pic -->OP
The person to even pretend to care about cracky at least had the decency to an