Please tell me theres more like this. I can almost imagine myself laying next to them smelling their hair.
>>838 I can almost imagine myself INSIDE DOLLY'S BODY.....I can imagine feeling what she feels as Camel lies next to her, two beautiful, sensual, admirable, courageous, terribly terribly INTERESTING young proud feminist women....
It's as if I AM's as if it is me, Dolly, actually WRITING these posts going on endlessly about how interesting and desirable and fascinating I am. It's as if I am some skanky, boring, attention-needy little whore who is samefagging up this board the way I samefag up....oh shi......!
hey alex I'm kind of a little too busy having lesbian sex to praise myself on this board, just letting you know.
>>845 I doubt very much whether you are 'just letting me know". I'm sure the information is more intended as some kind of "hit" against me and that you have the idea that your mentioning it over and over sends me repeatedly into some impotent, foot-trampling rage about how "I can't have Camel but you can". You're right to the extent that I AM, as I have been for two or three years now, of the opinion that Camel is a real Alpha-grade young woman, powerfully sexually appealing and still (just about) recognizable as highly intelligent even after the pitiable and tragic intellectual suicide she has committed by buying into this awful, stupidity-glorifying "Tumblr feminism" cult that you too - more forgivably, because you are in fact personally pretty stupid - have bought into. But unlike the majority of the users of this board I am not mentally ill and really never seriously waste any time pining or torturing myself over young women I can recognize from the very first glance at them to be women who are constitutionally incapable of ever reciprocating my desire or my feelings. (RavRav hurt, admittedly, and still does, and always will, because there WAS the potential of reciprocity there, which was never realized. My guess about RavRav's sexuality is that it is very, very far from "healthy" and "normal" and that it was not, therefore, necessarily completely excluded from the start that she MIGHT have found love with a maladjusted, genitally challenged, pariah-like individual thirty years her senior. But Camel's "rejection" has never hurt because it was patently obvious from the very first information that I ever received about her that she is Pure Woman - a type of entity I have never had any even partial hope of success with. These repeated boastful announcements of yours that you are having "Lesbian sex" with her do, however, give rise , if not to jealousy, then at least to certain interesting questions in my mind. If spending a few nights in Camel's bed has had the
result of suspending the campaign of tireless and relentless samefagging self-promotion that you demonstrably HAVE been engaging in on this board, Unichan, and God knows where else for years now, then that would suggest that you have found some sort of "meaningful, life-changing emotional experience" with Camel. In which case I ask myself: I wonder what is going to stop her chopping you up emotionally and leaving you on the sidewalk with your heart looking like six tins of catfood the way she's done to at least a dozen MEN since she was big enough to lift an XBox console? It's a serious question, even if it's one that I'm really only addressing to myself, since, to be honest, I don't know very much about how Lesbian sexual relationships or indeed sexual relationships of any variety work in real life. But for any MAN, certainly, the best advice as regards Camel is "Don't get involved sexually with her in any way, unless you're prepared to stay cold as ice throughout all the ensuing sexual shennanigans, because if you're not, you'd better also be prepared to have your heart put through a meat-grinder". I really wonder whether it is different for a WOMAN, and how and by what means it could be. The only ways I could believe it might be different would be EITHER by accepting the unacceptably naive Big Rock Candy Mountain feminist fairy tale about how Lesbian sex is so much "sweeter" and more "gentle" and more "humanly safe and caring" than heterosexual sex, so that it would give Camel no REASON to turn into a Praying Mantis and bite your fucking head off, as she surely has with all her BOYfriends OR by assuming that when women say "we had sex with each other" they don't actually MEAN "we had sex" but are actually talking about some much more guarded and superficial and consequently infinitely less emotionally risky practice.
I incline more, needless to say, to the latter reading of this whole matter. I seriously doubt whether you are "having sex" in any way even distantly comparable, in terms of intensity and actual personal self-exposure, to the sex with MEN that Camel is plainly physically and emotionally constructed and destined to have, when all the Tumblr posing and attitude-striking is over. But if you ARE - I mean if you are opening yourself sexually to Camel, and she herself to you, in anything like the way that several MEN have - then I say not only "God bless you" but, much more importantly, "God HELP you" "She'll rip your lungs out, Jim, Doing the werewolves of London" oh no hold on that's the other two (currently featured on Motherless;com, by the way, now THAT's what I call Sapphism); And all that said, of course, I still volunteer my services, as an older man seasoned and toughened enough to bear Camel's ineradicable Mantis-like aggression against sexual partners: contact me any time under [email protected]
wow I wasn't even talking about camel you dunce
and stop posting cp on .71 you sick fuck alex reynolds phd
>>851 If you really feel you'd like to discuss my attitude to child pornography, the likelihood or (extreme) unlikelihood of my posting it on .71 or anywhere, or related matters, I think I've given you ample opportunity to do so in this thread and in the thread a few threads below it. But thanks for providing us once again with proof that Ely's hypocritical crap about matters like this being sorted out by 'rational discussion" is indeed hypocritical crap from a cowardly lying little cunt. .71 has at least had the "left-handed" decency to delete anything posted by me or even distantly related to me, so I really don't waste my time posting ANYTHING there these days, let alone "cp", which I've never posted anywhere in my life, or even looked at if I could avoid it. This shithole, however, looks like it has now established the "board identity" that it deserves, which consists in a tedious rhythmic alternation between: post a photo of a girl who looks about 12 in a vaguely lascivious posture
scream and spit about someone who corrected your grammar three years ago 's being a pedophile
post ANOTHER photo of a girl who looks about 12 in a vaguely lascivious posture
scream and spit again about someone who corrected your grammar three years ago 's being a pedophile
and so on and so on
Get cancer and die, you sad sick nasty little pack of liars and sad mediocrities
>>852 oh boy you're just making up the wildest lies in a sad desperate attempt to save face
stop posting porn of arya stark
stop typing out weird rants about camel
you ruin everything
>>853 I presume this is somebody's idea of self-satire.
Rants about Camel I suppose I have to plead guilty to.
"Porn of Arya Stark", though, I would hope is the poster's attempt at holding him/herself up to public mockery, as I doubt if any such thing even exists.
I missed Arya Stark and RavRav making out?
Don't worry, I got an eyeful of RavRav and that OTHER maddeningly beautiful, excitingly aggressive tomboy Kimi Lawrie making out, on Motherless the other day.
I'd bet the Cambridge-and-Bethnal-Green Internet Mafia have had it deleted by now but AY CARAMBA! ten minutes of that is enough to cure one for life of any slight impulse one might once have had to watch the flabby Dolly and the even flabbier "Jaqlyn" or whatever the fuck her name is flopping all over each other.
>>856 I don't actually give money to RavRav or Kimi any longer. I think about doing so sometimes, but both of them live so entirely outside any spher i could ever gain access to nowadays that the "game" just doesn't have even the weird, masochistic charm it once had any longer. RavRav, I suppose, has now become entirely and completely the thing that she excited me for years by ALMOST being. Kimi always was that thing. What is it? Proust captures the truth of it, as he does of most things. I suppose this long quote from him belongs on the "Culture" board, but I doubt if anyone will ever use that or read it. So I'll post the description here of "la petite bande" - some translators render it as "the little gang!" - that the narrator Marcel falls collectively in love with, just because he has a heart, a soul and a mind and the girls of the "bande" are so spectacularly devoid of all three of these things:
Just as if, in the heart of their band, which progressed along the ‘front’ like a luminous comet, they had decided that the surrounding crowd was composed of creatures of another race whose sufferings could not awaken in them any sense of fellowship, they appeared not to see them, forced those who had stopped to talk to step aside, as though from the path of a machine that had been set going by itself, so that it was no good waiting for it to get out of their way, their utmost sign of consciousness being when, if some old gentleman of whom they did not admit the existence and thrust from them the contact, had fled with a frightened or furious, but a headlong or ludicrous motion, they looked at one another and smiled. They had, for whatever did not form part of their group, no affectation of contempt; their genuine contempt was sufficient. But they could not set eyes on an obstacle without amusing themselves by crossing it, either in a running jump or with both feet together, because they were all filled to the brim, exuberant with that youth which we need so urgently to spend that even when we are unhappy or unwell, obedient rather to the necessities of our age than to the mood of the day, we can never pass anything that can be jumped over or slid down without indulging ourselves conscientiously, interrupting, interspersing our slow progress — as Chopin his most melancholy phrase — with graceful deviations in which caprice is blended with virtuosity.
Scott Moncrief's translation is really terrible, but the "little band", in whom the sufferings of others awaken no tiniest trace of fellowship, are RavRav's and Kimi's beautiful hipster household to a tee, in all their horror and all their irresistible fascination. When I was still in their thrall, I felt often that I resembled, for my own part, to a tee, the "elderly banker" in the following passage:
The wife of an elderly banker, after hesitating between various possible exposures for her husband, had settled him on a folding chair, facing the ‘front,’ sheltered from wind and sun by the band-stand. Having seen him comfortably installed there, she had gone to buy a newspaper which she would read aloud to him, to distract him — one of her little absences which she never prolonged for more than five minutes, which seemed long enough to him but which she repeated at frequent intervals so that this old husband on whom she lavished an attention that she took care to conceal, should have the impression that he was still quite alive and like other people and was in no need of protection. The platform of the band-stand provided, above his head, a natural and tempting springboard, across which, without a moment’s hesitation, the eldest of the little band began to run; she jumped over the terrified old man, whose yachting cap was brushed by the nimble feet, to the great delight of the other girls. “Oh, the poor old man; he makes me sick; he looks half dead;” said a girl with a croaking voice, but with more sarcasm than sympathy. They walked on a little way, then stopped for a moment in the middle of the road, with no thought whether they were impeding the passage of other people, and held a council, a solid body of irregular shape, compact, unusual and shrill, like birds that gather on the ground at the moment of flight; then they resumed their leisurely stroll along the ‘front,’ against a background of sea.
alex, my hatred for you is as deep as the ocean, and as seething with righteous anger as an active volcano. I hate you, kill yourself. xoxo
You stupid, stupid fools. When are you going to finally understand that it's all of you mongrels that keep feeding the troll. You have been told not to do it, you know what happens if you do, then you all whine and bitch about the consequences. If this old retard that has been infesting this poor forsaken universe for so long would go a single month without been ever replied to, he would live to seek his sustenance of affection somewhere else.
Please, stop feeding the troll.
wow rene delete the thread ely delete the picture or I'll report you for child pornography
>>869 it's obviously dolores who else would in their right mind call a picture of a 16 year old girl a "child" Couldn't you hear the screeching coming through the wired, instilled into the bits by shouting at her screen while she's typing?
>>876 You're clearly underestimating the lengths of nonsese and mendacity that the group of shits, cowards, bullies and degenerates who make up the Crackyfag above's beloved "universe" will allow themselves to be driven to by their petty resentments and butthurtednesses. Dolly indulges daily in ridiculous lies and misrepresentations, of course, and, like all "Tumblr feminists", is of the view that truth and reason are of absolutely no importance when it comes to doing the maximum amount of rhetorical harm to someone she has identified as "the Enemy". But the fact is - and I would have thought that this would be undeniably obvious by now - just about anyone here is willing to say absolutely anything about anything - no matter how obviously at odds with the possession of a "right mind" - if they think it will give their one or two equally shitty little bffs the impression that they've scored a point and "owned" someone who, say, pointed out that they can't spell once in 2009. Statutory rapists will climb on their soapbox and start screaming and preaching about respect for women and the protection of underage girls from unhealthy fantasies, and "feminists" will snuggle up to them and offer them their condolences and unconditional support, then go back to calling for people to be hanged and castrated for making jokes about sexual violence. This place, and the present ugly stinking rump of the "Crackverse" in general, is somewhere that only a crazy person would try to apply "logic" to. There were NEVER any decent or rational people associated with it - except me - but now even the indecent, irrational BUT ATTRACTIVE people have abandoned it for the shitpile of ugly losers that it is. Ely's cesspool of a dump-board is a fitting monument to what's left.
When I was 13 (I'm 14 now, and a boy btw) I invited my friend Alex over to my house to play Nintendo Wii, as well as he needed a place to sleep because his parents went out of town and couldn't find a babysitter. Well, after my parents left for a party, I told Alex that there was Vodka in the fridge which my dad bought. He said he would never do alcohol. I kept pressuring him however to try some by telling him it tasted good. Afterwords he had grown accustomed to Vodka and couldn't stop. Now you see, Alex is a bit small for his age, and so some could mistake him for a 10-11 year old. Since he's small, he gets drunk more quicker then others. Soon we were both pretty tipsy, but since Alex was more tipsy he got a little out of control. It was a hot day too, so I wasn't wearing a shirt and was just in my shorts. Alex started feeling my leg.
"What are you doing?" I asked uncomfortably.
Alex just kept giggling as he continued to feel me, but started spreading around my body, feeling my chest, my back and before long he moved his hands towards my pubic area. Before he made contact though, I quickly stopped his hand.
"C'mon," Alex said. "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like know..." "If what?" I said, knowing perfectly what he was talking about "Well we've been friends for awhile now, and over the years I've kinda...gotten more and more attached to I like you more then a friend." "Oh..." I said sounding surprised, even though I already knew it. "I'm sorry Alex, but I kinda like girls, you know? And its kinda wrong, if we did it...." "Yeah, but we're like best friends, so it'd be different. Don't you love me?" "Yeah, I do but not in that way...."
Alex then got out of control and starting rubbing himself up against me, licking my body as he did. He tried pulling my shorts off but I held them up. I knew I could easily throw him off of me, but I didn't want to, because it felt kinda right......
Before I knew it we were kissing, and not just cr
>>894 "kissing and not just cr.....iminally libellous?"
Although actually, I would have expected a much less sweet and harmless piece of "fan fiction" on THIS board (something along the lines of : "I was 13. Alex is small for his age but he was 47 at the time...."
So, that was kind of touching.
But please, let's just wrap it all up now, eh?
This "community", the "Cracky thing", our interaction, it's all long since turned to shit. The girls are gone except for one skanky whore. No one of any interest is here to speak to any more.
>>847 ah alex, you have finally showed your true feelings in this subtle way! Everybody of course is well aware that no mere girl could simply lift an XBOX, those are hueg! But you must have also known that when you were writing that, and so you reveal that everything you said in that post was said in a facetious manner! Oh you! You secretly love camel after all!
camel is dead i killed her
>>917 It's true that I have no very clear idea of what an XBox is. The phrase was in use in my day, but only as a designation for a small cardboard container used by bakeries in great quantities on Shrove Tuesday and designed to contain four hot-cross-buns. It's rather ironical, then, I suppose, that I can also report that I was one among the "team" actually employed to TEST one version of the XBox before its release. It was about twelve years ago, before I left England, so I don't know what version of the XBox that was . Actually, I knew NOTHING about the bloody thing, because I'd never played a computer game in my life, but I as out of work and lied to the London agency that was gathering a lot of people together for the pre-release test. They gave me the job because I spoke several languages and it looked like I could test the German, French, Italian and Chinese versions of the games. We just omitted to discuss the fact that I wasn't a gamer. Anyway, the job was hellish. Whatever American company markets the bloody thing had had the fascistic management idea of assembling the whole "team" of about 200 testers in a huge factory building in Slough, just outside London, which it took me about an hour to get to, from Brixton, every day. Slough realy was just it what it sounds like: an absolute wasteland of a shithole. Poignantly, the original BBC version of The Office - which is set in Slough - was just being broadcast that year, so I had "Tim' Canterbury"'s misery to bear on my back every morning as I arrived at Slough Bus Station as well as my own. Plus, the beautiful, melancholy "Handbags and Gladrags" in my head all the time. Slough did have its advantages, though. I became close friends with a young Goth guy and we used to go down to the town for lunch together. The reaction of the local girls to him - and even to me, his soberly-dressed, pot-bellied forty-year-old companion - was a delightful revelation to me. Attractive young girls actuallly CAME UP AND SPOKE
TO US. Everybody in Slough, it appeared, got all their clothes from Top Shop and Marks and Spencers and listened to Dire Straits and Madonna. The slightest sign of being in any way hip or edgy, or even being in the COMPANY of someone who looked hip or edgy, made you a babe magnet, even made ME a babe magnet. It's very possible that, if I'd held the job for a week or so longer, I might have actually got laid, which would have meant that, over the past couple of years, I would have been in a state of enforced celibacy that had lasted only twelve years and not, as it has in fact done, about sixteen, which might in turn have prevented me from making such a fool, swine and dog of myself with trash like Lia and Dolly. But of course, I couldn't hold the job. Nobody, indeed, seemed to notice that I never lasted more than about thirty seconds on any of the XBox games. But my sweet character and disposition saw to it that I was out before the end of the month. In the third week or thereabouts, someone apparently stole a piece of equipment, or it was suspected that someone had. The Japanese-American management style that was being applied on this secure, privately-policed factory estate isolated from Central London went into full Hitlerite-free-enterprise mode and the Yank in charge of the place decided to literally keep us imprisoned on the premises long; long past clocking-off time until, as he hoped, the culprit would break down and confess. I never found out whether his plan actually succeeded because I got into a fight with two of his security guards after half an hour of that and was physically ejected from the premises, and from the company's employment, after a search of my person and my personal belongings conducted under loud obscene protest from me my amazement (but I hadn't yet seen the Crackyverse) nobody else. So that was the last I saw of Slough. But, remote as it is from the gay and gorgeous world of RavRav's present London, it's still the old Rod
Stewart song that, thanks to Ricky Gervais's "Office", always played in my head as I made my way to work in those few short weeks, that plays in my head now as I think of Stephanie making her way through the streets and bars and kebab joints twenty miles to the East.
What will become of you, my love, The day that they'll have stripped you of All the handbags and the glad rags That your granddad had to sweat so you
Listening to the song again, in fact, I can hardly believe how powerfully it evokes Stephanie for me:
Ever seen a blind man cross the road, trying to get to the other side? Ever seen a young girl growing old, trying to make herself a bride?
I'm sure it would be to her taste, proudly and aggressively "retro" as that taste appears to be. But my only comfort now is leaving all that world to her, all London and all Englishness, as something else that she has taken from me forever.
If there are songs that help me mourn her with a degree of pain that doesn't surpass the limit of what I can bear, these are songs in languages that she hasn't put here "frêle et forte main" on yet:
Ich grolle nicht, Und wenn das Herz auch bricht. Ich sah Dich ja im Traume und sah die Nacht in Deines Herzens Raume und sah die Schlang', die Dir am Herzen frisst, Ich sah, mein Lieb', wie sehr Du elend bist
too bad you're just going to call her a worthless prostitute 5 minutes from now
>>928 wow that's the worst music i have heard today
>>927 Well, again, I find myself baffled by the moral standards that people who use thee boards seem to apply to me and to this case.
The amazing thing is not that I should call her a worthless whore at fairly regular intervals.
It's that I should ever call her anything BUT that and that, despite her almost inconceivably cold, callous and deceitful behaviour toward me, I should still think such tender thoughts about her and feel such feelings..
I know I"m NEVER going to get it in this "community" but I really think that in any sane and decent group of people I would be given credit for that.
To me at least, the only side of herself that RavRav has ever shown IS the "worthless whore" side. She treated me for years with the same inhuman, murderous contempt as she doubtless treats her other johns on MFC; (Some Crackyfags actually got to watch and listen to how unbelievably savage and hurtful she can be with these guys once, in the old Tinychat just before she went to live in London).
And yet I cannot rid myself of the faith that there is something more.....and by "something more" I mean something more in her heart for ALL suffering, needing human beings, and not just for her little circle of aesthetically pleasing, well-heeled, only-recently-acquired "significant others" there in Hipster Central.
Have Humps?
Serious philosophical question.
more pix on tumblr
>>940 Yeah, Jesus, sorry, what was I thinking? Let's get this board back to its proper level....
Their incisive critical minds provide them with no less than THREE shafts to their quiver of decisive arguments:
(i) Alex is decent and honest.....NOT!
(ii) Alex is a good person....NOT!
(iii) Alex expressed appreciation of a character on a fantasy television series full of dragons, dwarves and swordfighting princesses....therefor he molests children.
>>952 Furthermore, you should all be glad I posted Arya Stark nudes!! I mean jeez, I mean I DID censor out her 14 year old vagina!